Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Quick check-in then it's time to finish season 2 of True Blood!

    Cals: Under w/exercise = 1364
    Water: 120 oz !!!
    Exercise: 15 min on Arc Trainer, 30 on the treadmill = 459 cals
    Proud: All that water and a trip to the gym. That's a good day in my book!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    WHEW. Caught up on you girls.

    pos_me - you look fantastic! I would never say 203 - more like 153!
    awestfall - I am so happy you've had a great week! You deserve it!
    meokk - welcome back!

    Looks like a lot of us are proud of our exercise today. WTG!!!

    OK I am in for the Halloween challenge but I am NOT weary anything sexy! LOL I'll be glad if the pumpkin trash bag fits, wear an orange cap, and call it a night! :laugh:
    Much like Heather, I will have two goals:
    ambitious goal - do not eat any of the Halloween candy, and if I do, do not lie and tell everyone I had a lot of kids this year and ran out. :tongue:
    minimum goal - do not eat or buy any Snickers, Twizzlers, or GOLDFISH. :ohwell:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    good food day

    calories: good
    water: 100
    exercise: 90 mins at PT - almost killed me
    proud: I made it through PT even though I was bummed at not getting to the three's yet. :cry:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    This is the wagon ::wagon::. This is me ::Teresa::. This is me falling off of the wagon :::ohwell:::

    I went home this weekend for my Little's wedding which was on Sunday. So we had Mom cooking for breakfast (pancakes, french toast, yumm) and went out for lunch, steak for dinner. Oh my! We also made a pit stop at our favorite Columbus breakfast place. It was interesting that I got the same meal I always used to get and was full waaay sooner. But gluttonous me ate everything. I paid dearly for it before we even really got on the road back to Chicago and got sick. Gross.... I don't really want to admit that I had Chic-fil-a and macaroni and cheese and a giant piece of cake.

    Today I will start with drinking an eff ton water (PS eff ton is a metric unit, in case you were wondering :wink:) I have a lot of house-related stuff to do today, so we'll save the getbackontheworkoutwagon part for tomorrow.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Quick check-in then it's time to finish season 2 of True Blood!

    Hope you finished! I LOVE True Blood!!!! And of course I am a sucker for the Twilight movies!! Can't wait to see Eclipse!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    Looks like it will rain all freaking week, and supposed to down by where we are going, i am hoping it lets up before this weekend.

    my little one is been a hand full today, 2 accidents today (when she hasn't had one for quite a while), i am hoping it is all just her being super tired.

    Check in -
    cals - 1664
    Water - 80 oz
    exercise - 25 min ellip + 13 min bike
    calorie burn - 317 cals
    Sodium - 2159 (under woohoo)
    Proud - That i made it to the gym when i had no motivation to go.

    Sorry about Serena. It will get better soon. As for the rain, it is raining here now so hopefully it will all happen early in the week and not be there this weekend when you get there. SO glad that you went to the gym even though you didn't have the mojo you wanted.

    Actually it was abby today ( my 3 yr old), she was very cranky and she noramlly doesn't have accidents but she threw fits 2x today and during that peeing on herself.

    Oops! Sorry that Abby didn't have a good day. Hopefully today both your girls will be little angels for you!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    This morning I am off to a good start. I grabbed a pair of jeans, that fit a few weeks ago but I didn't feel comfortable in them, and put them on and they feel great!! I am understanding how Jess and Julie were feeling on the pants that fit feeling weird. I feel like they are too tight because I am not use to them. Now these pants are still 22's but they are from Old Navy and I am starting to think that their clothes run small. Does anyone else think this or is it just me making something up? Anyways, it made me feel great! The scale might not be moving but something is. I am going to try and measure myself before leaving on Thursday and weigh since I won't be home on Friday. Hopefully I see some loss!!

    Nancy - I will not be wearing anything slutty for Halloween either but hopefully having a goal with everyone will help me. You will see 3##s very soon!!!

    Teresa - You can't fall off the wagon if you weren't on it in the first place!! This isn't a "diet" that we are all on we are all making lifestyle changes. So since we are changing are lives and have no intentions on going back to the way we were before then we don't need to be on the "wagon". Hope that makes sense. The weekend foods happened and now you are back on track. Just forget about them and move on because the more we sit there and feel guilty the more likely we are to do it again. At least that is how I work.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    tstout: Welcome back and welcome aboard the wagon!

    Last night was the most beautiful evening we've had here in a while. It was in the mid-70s and sunny with a slight breeze. Gorgeous! My horse, who usually takes an hour to catch, allowed me to catch her in about 90 seconds yesterday. I was actually afraid there was something wrong with her! Since it took such a small amount of time to catch her, I actually rode her and she was perfectly behaved; I think she was enjoying the weather, too.

    After playing with my horse, I ate dinner with my mom (hot dogs and mac & cheese), then worked out with Jillian and did a stretching video. After my shower, I went to bed and slept better than I have in a while and I'll credit that to the light, cool breeze coming through the bedroom window. When I woke up this morning, the breeze was still perfect and my cat was snuggled against my leg. It would have been nice to stay there another hour.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 217 calorie deficit
    Sodium: Over by 1195
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: Horseback riding, 30 Day Shred Level 1, Slim & Limber stretching DVD
    Proud: I know I'm back on track because I've lost 2 of those re-gained pounds, bringing me back to 192.4. That means 5.4 lbs. left to meet my July 4th goal BUT we're going camping for three days this weekend, so it will be a challenge yet again.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Heather - That sounds like a great night!! Too bad our "cold front" that came didn't get our temps that low. I guess that is what I get for living in TX. LOL! I am glad that you had a great day last night and a great night sleep!! WTG on the loss of the 2 lbs!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I had 48 ounces of something last night and it wasn't water.
    :embarassed: :drinker: My friend's mom got me a little tipsy and we had so much fun at dinner. :tongue: I haven't seen either of them much in the last 3-4 years so it was really good to catch up.

    So, after logging most of what I ate and drank last night, I think I actually had a calorie deficit yesterday which was surprising. I'm going to be good the rest of the week. I'm going to try to keep my calories between 1500 and 1600 each day regardless of exercise. My BMR is supposedly 1610 and I think eating significantly less than that so often may be stifiling my metabolism. I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm losing really slowly anyway, I may as well play around and try different things.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    This morning I am off to a good start. I grabbed a pair of jeans, that fit a few weeks ago but I didn't feel comfortable in them, and put them on and they feel great!! I am understanding how Jess and Julie were feeling on the pants that fit feeling weird. I feel like they are too tight because I am not use to them. Now these pants are still 22's but they are from Old Navy and I am starting to think that their clothes run small. Does anyone else think this or is it just me making something up?

    Old Navy clothes tend to fit weird for me. Their jeans NEVER fit my calves well. Sometimes even the "flares" are too tight on my calves. :noway: I understand that I have big calves, but sheesh. I feel like their dressier pants run kind of big though, honestly. I haven't comfortably fit into a 12 from anywhere else except Old Navy.

    All that being said, at my heaviest I wasn't able to wear my size 22 Old Navy jeans because they were way too tight. But I was wearing (TIGHT) size 20 Old Navy dress pants to work (though some of my 20s no longer fit at all). Then again, now I'm wearing 12/14 dress pants to work but size 14 jeans of any brand still feel too tight. Maybe I just like my jeans looser than most people. I'm a lot of help.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    This morning I am off to a good start. I grabbed a pair of jeans, that fit a few weeks ago but I didn't feel comfortable in them, and put them on and they feel great!! I am understanding how Jess and Julie were feeling on the pants that fit feeling weird. I feel like they are too tight because I am not use to them. Now these pants are still 22's but they are from Old Navy and I am starting to think that their clothes run small. Does anyone else think this or is it just me making something up?

    Old Navy clothes tend to fit weird for me. Their jeans NEVER fit my calves well. Sometimes even the "flares" are too tight on my calves. :noway: I understand that I have big calves, but sheesh. I feel like their dressier pants run kind of big though, honestly. I haven't comfortably fit into a 12 from anywhere else except Old Navy.

    All that being said, at my heaviest I wasn't able to wear my size 22 Old Navy jeans because they were way too tight. But I was wearing (TIGHT) size 20 Old Navy dress pants to work (though some of my 20s no longer fit at all). Then again, now I'm wearing 12/14 dress pants to work but size 14 jeans of any brand still feel too tight. Maybe I just like my jeans looser than most people. I'm a lot of help.

    Old Navy definitely fits me weird too. However, it's the place I can shop right now and will fit me the best and the cheapest. I have a hard time fitting my thighs into their pants and when I do they are usually kind of big in the waist. I agree with Julie though. I think they run a little big. I can fit into 18's there before I could just about anywhere else. I still can't fit into 18's at some places but I can squeeze into a 16 at old navy and button them, it's just not pretty! As far as dress pants and their jeans...I haven't seen that much of a difference but I just bought my first pair of dress pants from there and they are 18's. However, these sit higher up then the capris I bought from there. I think I got the Diva's or something. Not sure.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    This morning I am off to a good start. I grabbed a pair of jeans, that fit a few weeks ago but I didn't feel comfortable in them, and put them on and they feel great!! I am understanding how Jess and Julie were feeling on the pants that fit feeling weird. I feel like they are too tight because I am not use to them. Now these pants are still 22's but they are from Old Navy and I am starting to think that their clothes run small. Does anyone else think this or is it just me making something up?

    Old Navy clothes tend to fit weird for me. Their jeans NEVER fit my calves well. Sometimes even the "flares" are too tight on my calves. :noway: I understand that I have big calves, but sheesh. I feel like their dressier pants run kind of big though, honestly. I haven't comfortably fit into a 12 from anywhere else except Old Navy.

    All that being said, at my heaviest I wasn't able to wear my size 22 Old Navy jeans because they were way too tight. But I was wearing (TIGHT) size 20 Old Navy dress pants to work (though some of my 20s no longer fit at all). Then again, now I'm wearing 12/14 dress pants to work but size 14 jeans of any brand still feel too tight. Maybe I just like my jeans looser than most people. I'm a lot of help.

    GOod job on the pants !!!

    I am withing probalby 6 or 7 lbs and how i wish i could wear 22's...i cna put them on but not in public :smile:

    I still have 24's that I don't fell comfortable wearing...maybe oneday , maybe i just like them looser i can button them and zip and all and actually pull away from my waist some, but they are tight int he gut part :sad:

    That said, to go Julie's comment...i have never worn jeans from old navy, but , i have some like cargo pants (that are size 22 with tags on them) and i could put them on zip still too tight but much more comfy than the 22 jean shorts i have (not old navy).

    My jeans i wear are from avenue and they are stretchy (of course when i started i was busting out of the 26's and now the 24's fit fine (with some room), so i think i am used to that stretchiness and if i don't have it i think it doesn't fit good..maybe if i loose more of this gut i will feel better in the more fitting clothes.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Interesting .....since we were talking old navy pants, i looked on their size charts

    Their waist measurements sizes, 22 says waist is 43 1/2 and then 24 is 46 1/2...I am a 43 so thinking that is why i barely can button them...you know it has hip measurements and waist , i think thye should really make a "gut" measurement, cause that is where i can't fit into things ...I am sure i am not the only one. Right now my gut is bigger than my hips and much bigger than my waist
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Thanks for all the info. I do have some 22's in Old Navy dress pants and they are actually big on me. I guess the jeans just fit me differently or maybe it is the cut that they are. My jeans that I have been wearing are 22's but they are from Lane Bryant, it is possible that they have a strechiness to them and that is why they seem big. Maybe I should try some 20's and see what happens. I am thinking that they are probably not ready for public viewing but worth a shot.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks for all the info. I do have some 22's in Old Navy dress pants and they are actually big on me. I guess the jeans just fit me differently or maybe it is the cut that they are. My jeans that I have been wearing are 22's but they are from Lane Bryant, it is possible that they have a strechiness to them and that is why they seem big. Maybe I should try some 20's and see what happens. I am thinking that they are probably not ready for public viewing but worth a shot.

    I found some 20's in my closet (didn't kno i had them), of course they were stretchy capri's...but that is in no way for public viewing (i didn't even want to view it in the mirror), one day :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Quick check-in then it's time to finish season 2 of True Blood!

    Hope you finished! I LOVE True Blood!!!! And of course I am a sucker for the Twilight movies!! Can't wait to see Eclipse!
    Oh I am a big time sucker for Twilight!!! I can't wait until FRIDAY thats when I am going to see Twilight with my sister,my 16 year old daughter and her best friend we are going to the late showing on Friday so my hubby can watch the babies.So excited and then SATURDAY I am BEACH BOUND!! So excited to get all kinds of walking,shopping and FUN in did I mention shopping.My clothes are fitting too loose and literally falling off of me and they are extra larges so I am thinking maybe I need a large in tops and a large in my strecthy pants.I am just so afraid that when I try them on they are going to look disgusting on me.But I will say my daughter gave me a a large shirt that she didn't want anymore and I tried it on and it didn't look so bad.I don't like my clothes to be clingy so .Anyways I am rambling now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Quick check-in then it's time to finish season 2 of True Blood!

    Hope you finished! I LOVE True Blood!!!! And of course I am a sucker for the Twilight movies!! Can't wait to see Eclipse!
    Oh I am a big time sucker for Twilight!!! I can't wait until FRIDAY thats when I am going to see Twilight with my sister,my 16 year old daughter and her best friend we are going to the late showing on Friday so my hubby can watch the babies.So excited and then SATURDAY I am BEACH BOUND!! So excited to get all kinds of walking,shopping and FUN in did I mention shopping.My clothes are fitting too loose and literally falling off of me and they are extra larges so I am thinking maybe I need a large in tops and a large in my strecthy pants.I am just so afraid that when I try them on they are going to look disgusting on me.But I will say my daughter gave me a a large shirt that she didn't want anymore and I tried it on and it didn't look so bad.I don't like my clothes to be clingy so .Anyways I am rambling now.

    I can't wait to see it either! I thought about going to the midnight showing tonight since I'm leaving tomorrow. The last one was insane though. We got there 2 hours before it started and still sat in the very fron row. People had been there since NOON to get seats. That's insane!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!!!

    Scale was at 194.8 this morning! I am so excited to actually be able to participate in a weigh in this week! This is my lowest number since starting in January, so I am pretty psyched. My legs are still killing me from the weekend workouts but I am determined to go in today and do some kind of work out. Maybe bike and elliptical so its not as hard on my legs.

    Tstout- Welcome back! Forget the past and move on..thats the best thing to do
    Heather- hooray on your 192! And great job on your water! 64oz!? thats awesome
    Old Navy- I have been told they run big..I cant really compare, thats the only place I buy stuff so I dont know. I am in a loose 16 from ON right now,

    Be back later

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    oh and I decided that I do want to do the 20lbs by Oct 31st...lol

    How are we going to keep ourselves motivated to reach that goal so it doesnt fall through the cracks?? We need to have some kind of thing that will keep us going and make us want to stick to that goal, especially since its so far off....any ideas? lets brain storm
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