Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Quick check-in then it's time to finish season 2 of True Blood!

    Hope you finished! I LOVE True Blood!!!! And of course I am a sucker for the Twilight movies!! Can't wait to see Eclipse!
    Oh I am a big time sucker for Twilight!!! I can't wait until FRIDAY thats when I am going to see Twilight with my sister,my 16 year old daughter and her best friend we are going to the late showing on Friday so my hubby can watch the babies.So excited and then SATURDAY I am BEACH BOUND!! So excited to get all kinds of walking,shopping and FUN in did I mention shopping.My clothes are fitting too loose and literally falling off of me and they are extra larges so I am thinking maybe I need a large in tops and a large in my strecthy pants.I am just so afraid that when I try them on they are going to look disgusting on me.But I will say my daughter gave me a a large shirt that she didn't want anymore and I tried it on and it didn't look so bad.I don't like my clothes to be clingy so .Anyways I am rambling now.

    I can't wait to see it either! I thought about going to the midnight showing tonight since I'm leaving tomorrow. The last one was insane though. We got there 2 hours before it started and still sat in the very fron row. People had been there since NOON to get seats. That's insane!

    I wish I was going to go see it this week but I will have to wait. I am going to go with my step mom and step sisters. I went to the midnight showing of New Moon and we got there 1 hour before hand but we had our friend's boyfriend stand in line for us so that we had a better spot. He got there around 7 pm and there was already a line but since they were showing so many of them he wasn't that far back. I sure hope this one is better than the last one!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - that is awesome !!! 194.8 !! THat is even past your July 31 goal...you go !!!!

    Scale is gradually coming down for me , it was at 267.8 this morning, so 1 1/2 lb from where i was on friday...I am drowning in water today, hopefully it plus some will come for friday (but not counting on it :sad: but had a good week last week so i may not have much this week (or anything), just hoping to be back down would be good..

    I know it has to be the water weight as I haven't gone over my calories all weekend ....Been peeing like a freaking race horse this morning...

    I think i will go workout today at lunch , i think i will probably do a slower workout today as i am still blah and tired (thanks to abby for waking me up at 12 and 5 this morning)

    Tomorrow is only water aerobics as ai have to take serena back to the doctor , then thursday then i probably won't work out again till next tuesday...ouch...longest since i started at the gym ..
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Quick check-in then it's time to finish season 2 of True Blood!

    Hope you finished! I LOVE True Blood!!!! And of course I am a sucker for the Twilight movies!! Can't wait to see Eclipse!
    Oh I am a big time sucker for Twilight!!! I can't wait until FRIDAY thats when I am going to see Twilight with my sister,my 16 year old daughter and her best friend we are going to the late showing on Friday so my hubby can watch the babies.So excited and then SATURDAY I am BEACH BOUND!! So excited to get all kinds of walking,shopping and FUN in did I mention shopping.My clothes are fitting too loose and literally falling off of me and they are extra larges so I am thinking maybe I need a large in tops and a large in my strecthy pants.I am just so afraid that when I try them on they are going to look disgusting on me.But I will say my daughter gave me a a large shirt that she didn't want anymore and I tried it on and it didn't look so bad.I don't like my clothes to be clingy so .Anyways I am rambling now.

    I can't wait to see it either! I thought about going to the midnight showing tonight since I'm leaving tomorrow. The last one was insane though. We got there 2 hours before it started and still sat in the very fron row. People had been there since NOON to get seats. That's insane!
    I know Jess I went to the midnight showing on the last two movies (Twilight and New Moon) and we were in the front row as well even though we were there early or we thought it was early for us lol.So we decided to pass on the midnight showing this year and besides I wouldn't have anyone to watch my 3 and 5 year old until my hubby gets home from work so we decided Friday night would be best for us. (this is something me and my 16 year old do once a month is try to have a girls night out and I also do it with my 5 and 3 year old just not as often because they don't like to sit still in the movies unless its something they really really like in other words I get to see the toliet alot during the movie:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ) Did I mention to you girls that I really hope TOM doesn't show himself this week but I suppose if it does I will deal with it.Its just hard not to be excited either way even if TOM shows it ugly self.I don't even care if TOM shows up while I'm on vacation I am just super excited to go and getaway from reality for awhile.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks Deb- My original July 31 goal was actually 190....I changed it when I went crazy a couple of weeks ago because I planned on not getting back on track until July. I figured I was going to take the rest of June off and then come back in July to hop back on the wagon. The food I was eating was making me so sick and tired that I decided not to wait until Jul to come back! Yay! So I changed my goals back to what they were before I went nuts.

    I really just want to finish the year at 170lbs. Thats the lowest Ive weighed as an adult plus would put me at 85lbs lost in 1 year!!! I thinks thats great! If I keep at 5lbs per month I should really be at 165lbs by the end of the year but Im trying to be realistic and take into account the holiday season. I dont eat too much extra junk but I do bake cookies, and drink hot chocolate, etc...so my goal is to maintain!

    2011- Goal is to get from 170lbs to 150lbs...if it takes me all year it takes me all year
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awestfall-Let me know how you like it! I wont get to go until next week. That's cool that you do that with your daughters! I bet they really enjoy it! Hope TOM doesn't show up and intrude on your vacation!

    Cris-Congrats on the 194 that's freaking amazing!!

    LilDebbie-you know that scale will go back down. Don't stress girl!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    oh and I decided that I do want to do the 20lbs by Oct 31st...lol

    How are we going to keep ourselves motivated to reach that goal so it doesnt fall through the cracks?? We need to have some kind of thing that will keep us going and make us want to stick to that goal, especially since its so far off....any ideas? lets brain storm

    Sounds like a great idea but I don't know of anything at the moment.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    oh and I decided that I do want to do the 20lbs by Oct 31st...lol

    How are we going to keep ourselves motivated to reach that goal so it doesnt fall through the cracks?? We need to have some kind of thing that will keep us going and make us want to stick to that goal, especially since its so far off....any ideas? lets brain storm

    Wooohooo!!! I'm not sure what to do to stay motivated. I know me being in that dress for my sisters wedding is my motivation. I would love to be a size 14 and her wedding. I was a 14 when I was 15....15! That's inasne!! I would love to be that again! I'm almost "high school skinny" again. And in HS I thought I was a cow. Sheesh!

    Cris-I really like your new plan of 5 pounds a month and maintain during the holiday season. I think that's great!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just talked to my Mom. Her and my Dad and my niece are already in Wisconsin. She has already tired my Mom out from bike rides. I heard Jayden in the background going "when's Aunt Jessica gonna get here!? She's gonna ride bikes with me! Grandmas too tired!" :laugh: I love it!! I'm getting anxious about my trip tomorrow. I hate flying and I have to get on 3 planes, all tiny planes. AHHH!!! :sick:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My goal is to do 8 lbs a month ( i got lots to loose hoping i can do it) , that would be about another 50 lbs, that would be 100lbs...I love how that number sounds...I know my goal is very ambitious though , and during the holiday's my goal is to maintain.

    So i think more realistic is probably about 80-90 lbs by the end of the year that would be 30-40 more.

    I am ticked!!!! Got a call from Abby's ENT and he is now not going to be here on Thursday (i had her appt), i had arranged my whole day around it. I was going to work 1/2 day (till 11) , take the dog to the vet (they close at 12), go workout , come home pack a little, take her to the doctor and come home get serena.

    So now i am trying to decide , do i still want to keep it off. I still have to take the dog to the vet, and I STILL have to workout, but just take the afternoon to myself?? I am sure i have last minute things to do anyway before the trip and such...

    her appt is now on tuesday, which i will have to take my workout at lunch ...grrrr to take her.

    I tried to call serena's psyc and change her app to friday but no such luck , they are fully booked,
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My goal is to do 8 lbs a month ( i got lots to loose hoping i can do it) , that would be about another 50 lbs, that would be 100lbs...I love how that number sounds...I know my goal is very ambitious though , and during the holiday's my goal is to maintain.

    So i think more realistic is probably about 80-90 lbs by the end of the year that would be 30-40 more.

    I am ticked!!!! Got a call from Abby's ENT and he is now not going to be here on Thursday (i had her appt), i had arranged my whole day around it. I was going to work 1/2 day (till 11) , take the dog to the vet (they close at 12), go workout , come home pack a little, take her to the doctor and come home get serena.

    So now i am trying to decide , do i still want to keep it off. I still have to take the dog to the vet, and I STILL have to workout, but just take the afternoon to myself?? I am sure i have last minute things to do anyway before the trip and such...

    her appt is now on tuesday, which i will have to take my workout at lunch ...grrrr to take her.

    I tried to call serena's psyc and change her app to friday but no such luck , they are fully booked,

    Wow rough morning!! I would still take the afternoon off. There are always things needed to be done at the last minute. I'm goign to be scrambling around. I'm dropping my dog off at the boarding place on my way to the airport. Hope it goes smoothly! Good luck getting her appointment re schedueled! Hang in there. It's almost vacation time for you! You're going down to the Gulf right?
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    My goal is to do 8 lbs a month ( i got lots to loose hoping i can do it) , that would be about another 50 lbs, that would be 100lbs...I love how that number sounds...I know my goal is very ambitious though , and during the holiday's my goal is to maintain.

    So i think more realistic is probably about 80-90 lbs by the end of the year that would be 30-40 more.

    I am ticked!!!! Got a call from Abby's ENT and he is now not going to be here on Thursday (i had her appt), i had arranged my whole day around it. I was going to work 1/2 day (till 11) , take the dog to the vet (they close at 12), go workout , come home pack a little, take her to the doctor and come home get serena.

    So now i am trying to decide , do i still want to keep it off. I still have to take the dog to the vet, and I STILL have to workout, but just take the afternoon to myself?? I am sure i have last minute things to do anyway before the trip and such...

    her appt is now on tuesday, which i will have to take my workout at lunch ...grrrr to take her.

    I tried to call serena's psyc and change her app to friday but no such luck , they are fully booked,

    I would take the aftenoon off. I know that before we leave for a trip there is always something that needs to be done and if you don't take off you are going to end up thinking of something that you could have done. Plus if you do have everything done then you can let yourself rest before going.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My goal is to do 8 lbs a month ( i got lots to loose hoping i can do it) , that would be about another 50 lbs, that would be 100lbs...I love how that number sounds...I know my goal is very ambitious though , and during the holiday's my goal is to maintain.

    So i think more realistic is probably about 80-90 lbs by the end of the year that would be 30-40 more.

    I am ticked!!!! Got a call from Abby's ENT and he is now not going to be here on Thursday (i had her appt), i had arranged my whole day around it. I was going to work 1/2 day (till 11) , take the dog to the vet (they close at 12), go workout , come home pack a little, take her to the doctor and come home get serena.

    So now i am trying to decide , do i still want to keep it off. I still have to take the dog to the vet, and I STILL have to workout, but just take the afternoon to myself?? I am sure i have last minute things to do anyway before the trip and such...

    her appt is now on tuesday, which i will have to take my workout at lunch ...grrrr to take her.

    I tried to call serena's psyc and change her app to friday but no such luck , they are fully booked,

    Wow rough morning!! I would still take the afternoon off. There are always things needed to be done at the last minute. I'm goign to be scrambling around. I'm dropping my dog off at the boarding place on my way to the airport. Hope it goes smoothly! Good luck getting her appointment re schedueled! Hang in there. It's almost vacation time for you! You're going down to the Gulf right?

    Good luck with getting off on your plane :) I got it recschuled during my lunch on tuesday:grumble: meaning no workout at lunch on tuesday...

    I decided to tkae it off, it is already on the scheudle and i am sure i have tons to do

    Yeah we are going to the gulf, kinda ticket this stupid storm "alex" is making all this rain, we are hoping at least 1 day we have it is nice to go to the beach. My hubby's brother lives there, so it isn't like we are just going for the beach, so not like if it rains we just sit in a hotel or something..but sitll we want some beach time :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well they are saying it's either going to hit it or it's going to turn and head towards Mexico. At least that's what Fox News is saying.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - Hope all the plane rides go well. Once you get up there it will be okay. I don't mind flying but I don't like the idea of getting on 3 different planes either.

    Deb - Hope that Alex turns so that you can have a nice time at the beach. If it is like anything that we got last night it will be a weird one. I was outside watering the flowers and then as soon as I came in it just started down pouring and heavy too for like 1 hour and 1/2. All in all we got 3.5 inches last night. Craziness!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Looks like you may be alright, LilDeb though I don't know exactly where you're going.

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    As for the motivation to lose 20 pounds before October 31st!!! Lets all pick our own reasons type them up on here and then we can keep each other motivated as to the reasons why we want to lose that 20 pounds.Does this sound like a good idea to you gals?

    My reason for losing another 20 pounds before then is to be closer to my goal weight and to continue to feel better about myself and the way I look just all around healthier for me.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    My goal is to do 8 lbs a month ( i got lots to loose hoping i can do it) , that would be about another 50 lbs, that would be 100lbs...I love how that number sounds...I know my goal is very ambitious though , and during the holiday's my goal is to maintain.

    So i think more realistic is probably about 80-90 lbs by the end of the year that would be 30-40 more.

    I am ticked!!!! Got a call from Abby's ENT and he is now not going to be here on Thursday (i had her appt), i had arranged my whole day around it. I was going to work 1/2 day (till 11) , take the dog to the vet (they close at 12), go workout , come home pack a little, take her to the doctor and come home get serena.

    So now i am trying to decide , do i still want to keep it off. I still have to take the dog to the vet, and I STILL have to workout, but just take the afternoon to myself?? I am sure i have last minute things to do anyway before the trip and such...

    her appt is now on tuesday, which i will have to take my workout at lunch ...grrrr to take her.

    I tried to call serena's psyc and change her app to friday but no such luck , they are fully booked,

    Wow rough morning!! I would still take the afternoon off. There are always things needed to be done at the last minute. I'm goign to be scrambling around. I'm dropping my dog off at the boarding place on my way to the airport. Hope it goes smoothly! Good luck getting her appointment re schedueled! Hang in there. It's almost vacation time for you! You're going down to the Gulf right?

    Good luck with getting off on your plane :) I got it recschuled during my lunch on tuesday:grumble: meaning no workout at lunch on tuesday...

    I decided to tkae it off, it is already on the scheudle and i am sure i have tons to do

    Yeah we are going to the gulf, kinda ticket this stupid storm "alex" is making all this rain, we are hoping at least 1 day we have it is nice to go to the beach. My hubby's brother lives there, so it isn't like we are just going for the beach, so not like if it rains we just sit in a hotel or something..but sitll we want some beach time :smile:
    Sorry your having a rough morning just look on the bright side vacation is coming up!! I am sure your trip will be AWESOME!!! And I am with the other girls take the day off there is plenty to do before going on a trip I should know I have been a crazy lady all this week lol
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Ladies-- How do I get to be part of this crew? I started at 245 pounds, and while I'm now down to 212, I know that I still have a long slog ahead of me. It would be good to be part of a group that faces some of the same challenges.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls,
    Catching up on the posts, I missed yesterday…

    Cris: with all you do you need a vacation. I hope your fiancée appreciates the *things* you do to keep the family together. You can vent all you want and we are here to listen ( or respond).I think man do understand but have a funny way of showing it. Love ya sis..

    Jess: congrats on your 2+ pounds lost..hopefully it will be more when Friday rolls around..keep it up girl :) And on your trip I hope you get some kind of reception..crossing my fingers for you..LOL Have a safe trip!

    Heather: I gain 5 pounds 3 or so weeks ago and It was recently that I got back on track..followed my plan to the T and saw the weight come off..so it is possible to lose all that in one week. Have some faith girl. Now about the skinny girls v’s cubby girls..I totally agree that a cubby girls can have a better fitness level than a skinny girl..

    Raider: I know I am late with this, but did you get your exercise..hope so

    Litspy: the story about your neibor was so funny and discustion at the same time. Sounds like you need to move, Do you live in the *hood*? When I was young girl..my parents lived in somewhat area like the *getto.* Daytime it was quiet no trouble but we would see cars parked up the street doing drugs…but at night that’s when the freaks come out. My dad would send us inside when it gets dark of fear something might happen to us.

    Ann: I love the new picture..one cute momma. About posting new thread when you are gone, not sure if I can take over the thread..with my hubby nothing is planned. He does things spur of the moment..which use to bug me but now I am use to it. So if I am home or around a computer I will do it either Sunday or Monday.
    Also, about me not being 203 and mistakingly 150..don’t I wish I was 150…I can really hide my weight..a lot of people tel me that I don’t look more than 200 more like 170..I will take any of those number over 200..LOL you made my day. Thanks for the sweet comment. Have fun on your trip!

    Ispaul: Glad to see you and sorry about all the stress you are enduring..you can vent all you want to alleviate some of the stress in your life..My hubby has disc problems (lower back) to the point he can’t get out of bed. At one point he would wake up and his leg would be numb. It not until he went to a specialist and gave him injections in his back ( it was a 3 step process) and ever since no more pain. Please take care of yourself and I hope the pain goes away asap.

    Elmox: way to go on winning second place…nice pictures ;)

    Meokk: welcome home :)

    Bluenote: your comment was so sweet..I wish I was 153..@ this point I wish I was 199. I like your Halloween goals.Love the comedian in you...I won’t be wearing anything slutty for Halloween, but maybe I will something skimpy/special for hubby that night..lol

    Tstout: Glad to see you back on the wagon. WE all make mistakes; good thing is you came back..

    OMG..I had missed so much yesterday, the only ones i have is this morning posts..where is my coffee?

    Cris: I have bad news about the trip to baltimore..

    be back in a few
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK sisters of the traveling weight loss pants, I wanted you to be the first to know.


    THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY EIGHT, TO BE EXACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile::bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile::bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile::bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
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