Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    OMG...or more like OMP.

    I bought a huge 1.5 liter of water today on my way into work. 1.5 liters = 6 cups = 48 oz. I have drank two of them. Am peeing like a crazy woman. My exercise cals may come from the walks to and from the bathroom and the "squats" I'm doing while in the bathroom!

    Upside - I drank 96 oz of water today...so far!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Woohooo I'm excited about this!! So who was our biggest loser? We need a challenge for the week! :tongue:

    Heather-That is awful that he wouldn't let you enter just because he didn't know who you were! That's nonsense!!

    elmox-Holy smokes that's a lot of water...speaking off..I better go fill up my bottle! :drinker:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls,

    I am still catching up on the first 4 pages...

    THanks girls for the sweet comments:blushing: I feel 200+ pounds because when I look in the mirror I see my preggo gut, chunky arms, and busty boobs...
    My legs are not that bad comparing it to the rest of my body. I am super self conscious @ how I look because I am my worst judge..so imagine what everyone else sees me..sorry for all the rambling

    I am in for the 20 by October..My birthday is October 4..so I want to loook good.

    check back in a few

    before I forget..If I am the biggest loser I give the honors to LItdeb..she earned it more than I did...Congrats litdeb!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ha! I love that everyone wants to be slutty for halloween....LOVE IT!

    My goal for end of year is 170bs- which is 25lbs from where I am now. I know there will be plateaus, and my crazy spirals into food (which I hope not to have..but lets be realistic), holiday parties etc... so I think 25lbs by the end of the year is ambitious in itself. My goal for the time being is 5lbs a month....thats all I ask of myself. Perfectly doable with consistent excercise and not too much splurging.

    I had panera's for lunch and am stuffed, but I know in an hour or two I'll be hungry. I have 260 cals left for dinner if I want to stay within calories so I'll be eating a grilled cheese for dinner. It will put me right at 1200 cals for the day. I have no plan on excercising. I totally kicked my own *kitten* at the gym this weekend, and my legs are still burning. Not to mention my lack of sleep last night. I hope to do some light excercising tomorrow 300-400 cals and then Wed will attempt w9d1 of c25k

    ok now im just rambling personal thought be back later

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lauren- great job on the water...and thanks for the reminder that I should go drink some more

    pos-me- I see my preggo belly too. I never really had a puch before when I was overweight most of my weight was carried in my thighs/legs, and boobs and arms. Now I have this pudge and I hate it! But from your picture I really dont see one!!! seriously I mean it you look sooo good!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    OMG...or more like OMP.

    I bought a huge 1.5 liter of water today on my way into work. 1.5 liters = 6 cups = 48 oz. I have drank two of them. Am peeing like a crazy woman. My exercise cals may come from the walks to and from the bathroom and the "squats" I'm doing while in the bathroom!

    Upside - I drank 96 oz of water today...so far!

    WTG!! You are on a drinking spree. I was just thinking I needed to go fill up my cup it is empty but I only have 30 mins left at work and there is really no point and going to get ice and water for that. I am weird and will only drink water if it is ice cold. I will get some more in when I get home. I plan on doing some boxing when I get home.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    ha! I love that everyone wants to be slutty for halloween....LOVE IT!

    My goal for end of year is 170bs- which is 25lbs from where I am now. I know there will be plateaus, and my crazy spirals into food (which I hope not to have..but lets be realistic), holiday parties etc... so I think 25lbs by the end of the year is ambitious in itself. My goal for the time being is 5lbs a month....thats all I ask of myself. Perfectly doable with consistent excercise and not too much splurging.

    I had panera's for lunch and am stuffed, but I know in an hour or two I'll be hungry. I have 260 cals left for dinner if I want to stay within calories so I'll be eating a grilled cheese for dinner. It will put me right at 1200 cals for the day. I have no plan on excercising. I totally kicked my own *kitten* at the gym this weekend, and my legs are still burning. Not to mention my lack of sleep last night. I hope to do some light excercising tomorrow 300-400 cals and then Wed will attempt w9d1 of c25k

    ok now im just rambling personal thought be back later


    I think that's a great realistic goal!! I love that we are setting up goals that are very attainable! yay for us!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Good Lord girls five pages in one day. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am up to page three so I will not comment yet.

    I will say that ANN - you are one hot momma! :wink:

    I would take the thread because, as usual, it's a holiday and that means I am working, singing "God Bless America" & "Proud to Be an American" fifty million times under the arch. But I have NO idea how to "take" a thread! :tongue: No clue how Ann posts a new one! Always amazed! :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    That was a lot to read and so much happened, people shrank and everything !!!

    I have heard that you are taller when you wake up in the morning because you spine gets a chance to stretch out while you sleep and then if you spend all day on your feet or at a desk you can be up to an inch shorter from spine contraction. Never tested it myself. I hope I'm still 5'4" !

    Ist Paul - you have every right to worry and whine and vent, you're dealing with some major, stressful life matters. We are here for you though, don't leave us for a whole week so we can encourage you to keep logging and stick with it. You can do it !!:flowerforyou:

    Cris - all your problems of the day got fixed by the time I read about them so yippee ! I'm so with you on the heat, once it's over 75º I am one grumpy beotch. :mad:

    Elmox - CONGRATS !!!!! I'm thinking there was a lot of tough competition, 2nd place is AMAZING and you are not even a professional :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Pos me, little spy, cogirl, lildebbie - love the new photos you are all looking HOT

    I posted a pic on my profile page from when I went to the Vegas wedding in May, I weighed 186 at the time.

    Jess - is your sister getting married on Oct 23rd? That's my wedding day too !! I want to be down by another 35lbs by then but I know that is very ambitious.
    dinner just arrived, be back later
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Ok.. so every time I attempted to log and and read the thread I got interrupted.. but as blue said 5 pages today.. surprised008.gifyou girls are chatty chatty chatty! :wink:

    I am in for your challenge of 20lbs by 10/31. But, not because I want to dress up. Actually I really don't like Halloween much at all but, go with the flow for all the little kiddos. We live in a small community and normally have somewhere between 100-250 trick or treaters between 6pm and 8pm. So, no slutty stuff for me... those kids would run and scream out of fear if I attempted that one. :laugh:

    The past couple days have been a struggle. Today has been better but, still a struggle not to binge. I think I am just out of sink with all the extra stuff going on right now! I am looking forward to getting back to some sort of a schedule as it is seriously difficult right now to MAKE myself not binge and take a nap.

    I did however manage to get my workout in this morning! :happy:

    I better get going I need to figure out what I am going to make with our grilled chicken tonight.

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey girls,

    WOW, what a chatty group this morning/afternoon!

    I have 4 pages to read. I jsut finished my workout..boy did I sweat..love it.
    I am about to go take a shower and eat something because I am HUNGRY.

    I had my daughter take a picture of me in my workout clothing yesterday..I know I don't show my face but I'm shy..I did take a pic of me and that is me @ 203 pounds...I don't see a difference I still see myself as that 245 pound girl...

    Be back later..after I eat and shower.
    You don't look 203 at all if I were to guess I would say 150 at the max.You look good girl!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Everybody now! 20 by october!! Let's do it!! :drinker:

    Well, technically mine is 20 by November.

    October is only 3 months away. :noway:

    Mine's 22 by October 23rd. Soo....it's almost 4 months.
    I am going to shoot for 25 by October 31st .If its more great and if its only 20-25 I will be happy with whatever loss I can get.As long as its not anymore gains I will be happy with myself
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Lord girls five pages in one day. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am up to page three so I will not comment yet.

    I will say that ANN - you are one hot momma! :wink:

    I would take the thread because, as usual, it's a holiday and that means I am working, singing "God Bless America" & "Proud to Be an American" fifty million times under the arch. But I have NO idea how to "take" a thread! :tongue: No clue how Ann posts a new one! Always amazed! :laugh:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    After going MIA for the weekend, I am returning :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    1 day down ..few more to go.

    Looks like it will rain all freaking week, and supposed to down by where we are going, i am hoping it lets up before this weekend.

    my little one is been a hand full today, 2 accidents today (when she hasn't had one for quite a while), i am hoping it is all just her being super tired.

    Check in -
    cals - 1664
    Water - 80 oz
    exercise - 25 min ellip + 13 min bike
    calorie burn - 317 cals
    Sodium - 2159 (under woohoo)
    Proud - That i made it to the gym when i had no motivation to go.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    After going MIA for the weekend, I am returning :)

    I was starting to worry about you but then again it was the weekend. A lot of us will be MIA for the weekend or more for vacations.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    Looks like it will rain all freaking week, and supposed to down by where we are going, i am hoping it lets up before this weekend.

    my little one is been a hand full today, 2 accidents today (when she hasn't had one for quite a while), i am hoping it is all just her being super tired.

    Check in -
    cals - 1664
    Water - 80 oz
    exercise - 25 min ellip + 13 min bike
    calorie burn - 317 cals
    Sodium - 2159 (under woohoo)
    Proud - That i made it to the gym when i had no motivation to go.

    Sorry about Serena. It will get better soon. As for the rain, it is raining here now so hopefully it will all happen early in the week and not be there this weekend when you get there. SO glad that you went to the gym even though you didn't have the mojo you wanted.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Quick check in
    Calories - only 1050 but I didn't wake up until after noon and I ate like a madwoman yesterday (over 2000)
    Water - good, about 80oz
    exercise - 1 hour housework but not too strenuous, I could not go for a walk today...TOOOO HOTTTTT :devil:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Check in:
    Calories : Under by 250
    Sodium: Over
    Water : 80 oz or more
    Exercise: 15 min walk this morning and then 20 mins of wii boxing = 320 cals!!!
    Proud: That I went and walked this morning and then actually exercised when I got home instead of sitting on my butt!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Looks like it will rain all freaking week, and supposed to down by where we are going, i am hoping it lets up before this weekend.

    my little one is been a hand full today, 2 accidents today (when she hasn't had one for quite a while), i am hoping it is all just her being super tired.

    Check in -
    cals - 1664
    Water - 80 oz
    exercise - 25 min ellip + 13 min bike
    calorie burn - 317 cals
    Sodium - 2159 (under woohoo)
    Proud - That i made it to the gym when i had no motivation to go.

    Sorry about Serena. It will get better soon. As for the rain, it is raining here now so hopefully it will all happen early in the week and not be there this weekend when you get there. SO glad that you went to the gym even though you didn't have the mojo you wanted.

    Actually it was abby today ( my 3 yr old), she was very cranky and she noramlly doesn't have accidents but she threw fits 2x today and during that peeing on herself.
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