Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pos - That is horrible, i am sorry you had such a horrible time at the nail salaon.

    Most the time i usally don't get my nails done (if i do it is just buff, because if i get them painted it chips before i get home usally :smile:)

    I love getting my feet done...i go barefoot most fo the time so i know they are nasty :smile:

    I am getting soo stressed out ....I am soo nervous about what this doctor is going to say.

    I started reading on the internet (bad idea) and about how some kids restrict all these foods and tghey seem to get better...i don't want my little girl not to ever get to eat or drink anything she likes (not that i let her have anything, but these were all saying no corn, no sugar (the no sugar ain't bad, but never?), no wheat , no milk)..that just makes me sad..then iw as reading about this drug or tht...i can't concentrate on my work ..all the what ifs is driving me crazy.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Elmox: I use my "yoga" mat for the floor exercise in the Jillian Michael's DVDs and I KNOW that's not the same as yoga. To be honest, I'd rather be abused by Jillian than do yoga. I don't have the patience to hold a position that long! I'll definitely look into pilates, though. Perhaps Comcast has it on the on-demand workout videos.

    Julie: I definitely know what you mean about thinking someone else the same size looks so much better. I have that problem hardcore and always try to say "well, she has a flat stomach and I have this huge gut." At 192, size 12 jeans fit loosely (assuming bootcut, regular fit, at or just below waist). At 150 in high school, I wore a loose 10...weird that I may only change sizes one more time between now and my goal weight.

    Oh, and don't do the tanning bed! I've done them to get a "base" before vacation but I was probably just giving myself skin cancer. Plus, it's so absolutely boring, even in the middle of Minnesota weather when we're all dying to get a little warmth. Just my opinion, anyway. I prefer natural sunlight with sunscreen (when I remember!).

    Yes on the pedis! I'm not into manis so much because I work with horses too much to ever keep nail polish or long nails for long. But having someone pamper my feet is so luxurious, even though like Cris I might accidentally kick the poor person doing it because of being ticklish. I have to take deep breaths and focus on something else.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    OH YEA....

    Bobby wants Salmon for dinner...does anyone have a dummy version on how to make it really well? I have made it tonz of times but I am never happy with how it comes out! I want to make a really good dinner for him so any tips are appreciated! thanks gals!

    I sent you a message with a great recipe. It sounds harder than it seems. My husband raves about though. That is one of 3 dishes that he lets me cook.

    THANK YOU!!! He loves asparagus too and I have no idea how to make them so I'll give it a try tonight. I know he'll appreciate the fact that I even tried
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I had chicken salad on a plain toasted bagel for lunch....any one care to venture on how many cals that is? The estimate that MFP gives is 300 for the bagel (which seems about right) and 180 per 1/2 cup of chicken salad....does that sound right? I put 1.5 cups in my log just to be safe...jsut wondering how many cals you guys would think this was
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I think those estimates sound about right for chicken salad and a bagel. It sounds like you already over-estimated to be safe, so you should be fine!

    I'm having a chicken burrito for lunch. Yum! Thinking about a protein shake for dinner due to time and to avoid going over calories since I won't get to work out tonight. Decisions, decisions...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well today I am definitely a traveling pants weight loss sister! I am sitting in the airport in Cedar Rapids, Iowa waiting to board my flight to Chicago, then off to Wisconsin. Long day! They have free wifi here and since I seem to of broken my iPhone charger I'm using my computer to charge it. Thought I would log in and say hello to all! I'm a MFP over 200 discussion board junkie can ya tell? I read your posts but I'm so out of it I don't remember all my comments. I'm off to go find something to eat in this tiny airport since I wont have time in Chicago. Miss you all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I had chicken salad on a plain toasted bagel for lunch....any one care to venture on how many cals that is? The estimate that MFP gives is 300 for the bagel (which seems about right) and 180 per 1/2 cup of chicken salad....does that sound right? I put 1.5 cups in my log just to be safe...jsut wondering how many cals you guys would think this was

    I guess it depends on how the chicken salad was prepared. Mayo, sour cream, or oil/vinegar based? Once that's decided, I'd just estimate the weight of the chicken in it & then add in a couple tablespoons of whatever I thought the base was. Along with some salt/apples/onions/celery/grapes (whatever else was in it).

    Unless you really had it piled like insanely high on the bagel, I'm betting you didn't eat 1.5 cups of the stuff. :laugh: That would be a LOT. I think counting a cup would more than cover it.

    300 does sound about right for the bagel, assuming it was pretty big (relative to bagels). :tongue:

    Lots of help.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    thanks Heather and Julie- lol I know 1.5 was waaay over estimating it. I might go back and log it as 1...180 for 1/2 cup seemed low to me. I assume its mayo based (got it at bagel shop..doubt they are trying ot be healthy) and there was chicken and celery in it...spices (salt pepper)BEST CHICKEN SALAD EVER!

    Anyway...yea I just dont want to log it and then not have cals for dinner...now i gotta figure out how many cals salmon has...back to logging lol
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have fantastic news! If I have a protein shake for dinner, I can have a small hot fudge sundae with peanuts from Dairy Queen after volunteering. That's even if I don't log any of the calories from walking for 3+ hours in a sandy arena tonight. Yay!

    Dorky, I know, but I'm seriously addicted to my ice cream. As long as I follow through, I'll be so proud of myself tomorrow for limiting myself to a small ice cream; I usually go for medium!

    Wow, apparently I'm in stalker mode.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I have fantastic news! If I have a protein shake for dinner, I can have a small hot fudge sundae with peanuts from Dairy Queen after volunteering. That's even if I don't log any of the calories from walking for 3+ hours in a sandy arena tonight. Yay!

    Dorky, I know, but I'm seriously addicted to my ice cream. As long as I follow through, I'll be so proud of myself tomorrow for limiting myself to a small ice cream; I usually go for medium!

    Wow, apparently I'm in stalker mode.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh Heather what are we going to do with you....

    at least ur within cals! :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm thinking there needs to be a support group just for ice cream addicts.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    As an FYI - I was not REALLY suggesting that Julie go fry her skin in a tanning bed. More of a joke to get that tan skin that "looks skinnier." I'm pro-healthy skin, I promise!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm thinking there needs to be a support group just for ice cream addicts.

    I shudder to think about the ice cream in my freezer. As we all know, I'm cheap and it has been on mega sale (plus coupons!!) the last couple of weeks!

    I have 2 1.75 quart containers of Breyers no sugar added neopolitan, a pint of starbucks java chip, a pint of starbucks mocha frap, some breyers smooth & dreamy ice cream sandwiches (omg), and last night I added to that a box of breyers smooth & dreamy popsicles AND a box of no sugar added tropical popsicles. Holy crap. It's so good. AND Publix has the Smooth & Dreamy pops on sale BOGO this week AND I have a $1.00 off coupon so I'll get *another* box tonight for $1.14. (regularly $4.49!). :laugh: I'm glad I have an extra freezer & that stuff lasts a long time.

    And Lauren, I know you weren't suggesting I actually go to a tanning bed! And I was never seriously considering it. :tongue: I'd just be a lobster. My shoulders are still peeling from burning through spf50 at the beach 2 weeks ago. Blech!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I tried skinny cow's truffle popsicle this week- its chocolate ice cream on a popsicle stick with fudge stripes on it OMG SOOOO GOOD! 100 cals!!!

    Healthy? not so much but hey at least I didnt go to DQ and eat an ice cream cake by myself....yes its happened, true story :embarassed: :noway:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Dang Julie! That's a lot of ice cream. And now I'm jealous...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    my favorite ice cream , is the skinny cow ice cream cups ...they are yummy , i like it is measured cause i don't trust myself with a ice scream scoop :smile: they are soo much better than the ww ice cream cups.

    my cals burned will be low low today as no workout at lunmch and water aerobics,...last week i only burned like 170 i am hoping today i will burn more.

    i went to get dressed for taking serena to the psyc and found clothes that i haven't worn probably since before abby was born, size 24 capris and a 2x shirt from old navy (usally the shirts there for me run small, it fits comfortbaly and i don't look to shabby :smile:

    It is nice to have clothes that fit that are workout clothes (knit pants and t-shirts)
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I'm thinking there needs to be a support group just for ice cream addicts.

    I shudder to think about the ice cream in my freezer. As we all know, I'm cheap and it has been on mega sale (plus coupons!!) the last couple of weeks!

    I have 2 1.75 quart containers of Breyers no sugar added neopolitan, a pint of starbucks java chip, a pint of starbucks mocha frap, some breyers smooth & dreamy ice cream sandwiches (omg), and last night I added to that a box of breyers smooth & dreamy popsicles AND a box of no sugar added tropical popsicles. Holy crap. It's so good. AND Publix has the Smooth & Dreamy pops on sale BOGO this week AND I have a $1.00 off coupon so I'll get *another* box tonight for $1.14. (regularly $4.49!). :laugh: I'm glad I have an extra freezer & that stuff lasts a long time.

    And Lauren, I know you weren't suggesting I actually go to a tanning bed! And I was never seriously considering it. :tongue: I'd just be a lobster. My shoulders are still peeling from burning through spf50 at the beach 2 weeks ago. Blech!

    Heather - I know there has to be one out there because I am the same way with ice cream. But you are better at fitting them into your calories for the day. Usually when I go over it is because I couldn't stay away from the ice cream!!

    Julie - I am the same way. At HEB you buy Bluebell ice cream and get an HEB ice cream for FREE!!! It is sooooo hard for me to pass up good deals on the ice cream. At least you are buying the "healthier" options of ice cream. I do try but am not always successful.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh Heather, you had to go and make me think of ice cream again didn;t you :sad: :laugh: :sad: :laugh:
    I seriously cannot have any, it just has to be out of the house because I cannot control myself.

    So I think I'm the worst weight to size ratio of us all then. At 180 I'm a solid size 14 and I'm 5'4" so I think that's the same height as littlespy. Boooo for me, Oh well, I don't really care about the number but I do care about fitting into real designer sized clothes. I can't wait until I get there but the way they size those is scary a 12 is really like a Gap size 8 and a 12 is usually the largest size they make. I think most of the major US brands do some serious vanity sizing these days. Even Gap in the UK is different from Gap in the US. A UK Gap XL is like a US Gap M-L
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think most of the major US brands do some serious vanity sizing these days. Even Gap in the UK is different from Gap in the US. A UK Gap XL is like a US Gap M-L

    For sure! And it seems worse at places with cheaper clothes like Walmart & Old Navy. Seriously. Every time I try on a shirt at Walmart I have to go back and get a smaller size. I'm a medium at walmart. And I fit into a little girl's size XL/14-16 top in LITTLE girls clothes there. Not juniors -- I'm talking baby girl clothes. :noway: Not-baby-girl boobs & all.

    And the whole Walmart doesn't carry any rings in my size thing still bothers me. I like cheap fashion rings as much as any other girl, darn it. I don't have skinny fingers! I actually think they're still pretty pudgy. I wear a size 6 (and at the very cold moment even the 6 is big)-- that's a normal size! I would imagine most women at pretty a healthy weight wear a ring size 5-7 on their ring finger. :sad:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    You girls are cracking me up today! :laugh:
    Julie - I agree with Cris - you HAVE to go get a mani/pedi! Esp the pedi. Oooh it feels sooo goood.
    Pos_Me - I am sorry you had such a terrible time with your mani! I hate it when those ladies start laughing and talking in their home language in front of me. One time I actually had a Korean lady yell "Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!" when she lifted my leg into the water! :tongue: All she had to do was tell me in English what she wanted me to do and I would have moved my own damn leg! Sheesh!
    Heather - Have fun on your trip! I am addicted to ice cream, too. I just had two WW candy ice cream bars for my lunch! :embarassed:
    meokk - Oh yes the UK sizes are soooo different. I remember when I was living in Ireland and needed to buy a light jacket (I forgot to pack one), I searched forever for a big girls store. To the Irish, a big girls store is like a US 12! :noway: It was terrible!
    Deb - take some deep breaths. Acknowledge your fear and anxiety and picture it floating out of your body. You'll get through this day. I am praying for you and Serena!

    I made it to 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning, with a one-min break in the middle. Yay!
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