Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Heather - THank you about my pciture , the one up there now i liked better than the other one that i had before that i didn't liek..

    believe me it is very hard to find pictures from me "before" the one i had was because i was starting my weight loss journey and took one so i can see my progress...i was looking through and only found a few very bad pics of me at over 300 lbs...mainly acuse i refused people to take my picture or i deleted them,
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess- I hate hate hate hot weather, I am a fall and winter kind of girl. I dont want anyone touching or even breathing on me because it adds to the hottness, lol. Oh and I hate being sweaty. I think during my c25k runs the point I want to quit is when the sweat is pouring down my face and into my eyes, ugh thats so gross , hate it hate it hate it. And yes Im a complete biotch if I am hot.

    Heather- I had to do the whole eating crappy food and realizing how it made me feeel. I distinctly remember sitting on my deck feeling awful and telling myself, "now you remember how this feels, eating all this junk is making you sick" and sure enough I do. After awhile the food starts being repetitive and the yucky feelings just makes you say enough is enough. Its hard to get back on track without getting to that misery point that made you start this in the first place. I would love to get into te 180's with you...so lets do it!

    julie- I forgot about your neighbor, read it on the old thread...omg I can only imagine the profanities Id be screaming at that lady! WTF?!
    Cris you are like wonder woman and I hope your fiancee appreciates what he has . I hate hot weather too especially if I have to work in it or sit out in it for prolonged periods of time but I will take sunshine over snow any day because here in WV we get all to much of it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess- congrats on another 2.8 loss you keep at it girl you are amazing
    Julie- I am with Cris I would be screaming all kinds of obscene language at someone who is peeing on my lawn.Hell I even scream at my neighbors dogs for sh****** in my lawn so if it were a human pissing in my lawn I would have problems.
    Cris-congrats on 195 I hope it stays
    Lildebbie-You look GREAT thats all I can say you can tell a BIG difference.Keep it up!!
    Heather-Sorry your camping trip didn't go so well and that crappy food consumed you but I was there a few weeks ago and I think we have all had a bit of a FUNK going around but I knocked 5 pounds off this week and I am sure you will knock most of yours off too.Keep at it we are here for you.
    Raider-Jump right on board and you will see your birthday goal soon even if it isn't your birthday.
    Bluenote-Drink your water and get your workouts in .But try not to have your 6 year old temper tantrum LOL!!! I :heart: YOU girl!!
    COGirl-You are a busy lady but you are doing an amazing job keeping up with your weight loss.YOu are looking GREAT
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just got an email from my Dad. They are already in Wisconsin. The campgrounds we are camping in are partly flooded and he said bugs are BAD. AHHH!! AND he said cell phones aren't working for crap. I am lost without my cell phone!! :sad: BUT he said the interenet works so I guess I will at least have connection via internet. I can't go 6 days with my cell phone or internet. Just not happening, too much of a city girl!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Glad to see the a/c is fixed. That should help a little bit. I think it sounds like your fiance needs to reward your for all of your efforts by letting you go get a mani/pedi just to get out of the house alone!

    Jess: Yay on the 212! No, I wasn't camping in a tent, thank goodness! We have a truck camper, so at least we're out of the rain and off the ground. It's small, but has most of the luxuries of home.

    Raider: Let's do as much as we can this week to shed those last 6-7 lbs. to hit our goal. If we don't make it this week, we should see it the following week!

    Even with the couple pounds I've gained back in the past week or two, I was still feeling really good about myself on Saturday for a few different reasons.
    1. On the fundraiser walk, we were about the heaviest people but were keeping up with the fastest, fittest walkers. In fact, I could have passed them easily without being out of breath or sweaty. The two people who looked like they would be in the best shape (thin and cute), were the slowest walkers, drenched in sweat AND out of breath. Here's to being chubby but at a better fitness level than skinny people! :drinker:

    2. One of the ladies riding her horse for the fundraiser was much, much larger than me. She could not get on her horse from the ground and she was telling us that she's 30 and in need of a hip replacement but they won't do that until she's over 40. It made me wonder if losing the 100+ pounds that she was overweight would help with the hip problem. Sad, but I'm so glad I'm not in that predicament.

    3. Walking around the beach, I was appalled at the teeny tiny bikinis hidden by chub. I can honestly say only about 10% of the women there were in better shape (by appearance) than I am. It's really sad to see just how obese the average American is becoming. I would rock a bikini in comparison to many of those women and no, they weren't wearing tankinis...they were straight up bikinis with some of them being string bikinis with an emphasis on the string part! Yikes!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay, I've kind of stumbled out of zombie mode.
    I was just kind of in shock about the woman. I freak out because my mind *always* immediately goes to worst-case-scenario mode which was "If she's effing crazy enough to drop trou' and urinate on my lawn right under a street light when I'm sitting 20 feet away, just what else is she crazy enough to do?" Hubby was 100% with you guys on this though. I came in and said "Um... some b**** it p****** in our front yard." And he said "WHAT?!" so I repeated myself and then he said "WHAT?! A PERSON?!" And I said "yes" and he STORMED out the front door. :laugh: All she said to him was "Good mornin'!" while she pulled up her pants. :laugh: :noway:
    I think my mom is right about me being high-strung. :tongue:

    Ann -- I love your new profile picture! You are seriously looking good!!
    Heather -- sorry about the bad weather. :ohwell: I like camping in storms until the tent inevitably begins to leak. Don't think I'd be very comfortable with a tornado siren while I'm sitting in a tent though.
    Raider -- I agree with Ann, just keep on plugging away. We make those goals and we have no idea what kind of trials we'll face on the way to meeting them. They're just guesses. You've reached your goal whenever you get there whether you're "on time" or not. :smile:
    Jess -- yay for your new pants! Now whenever I put on pants that actually fit, they look good but feel so freaking tight. It feels really weird -- especially with hip bones. :indifferent:

    I'm with the rest of you as far as eating bad food making you feel bad goes. I was fine yesterday with Chinese food until dh and I decided we just had to try milkshakes we'd never tried at Sonic before they weren't BOGO anymore (ended yesterday). I really overdid the sugar. It wasn't *so* bad calorie wise because I had already assumed I'd be drinking beer but the milkshake won.

    I was 197 this morning but that's no shocker considering all I ate yesterday was Chinese food and didn't have enough water. :tongue:

    Of course I didn't get up at 5.30 this morning to go to the gym considering I went to bed at 3am. So here I am thinking I'm not going to "have a chance" to work out today since I'm meeting friends for dinner.... and then it occurred to me.... I worked out without a gym for 7.5 months. :laugh: No excuses!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Here's to being chubby but at a better fitness level than skinny people! :drinker:

    :drinker: I agree! HERE HERE!!:laugh:

    LittleSpy-I probably would of been so shocked somebody did that I wouldn't know what to do! Or I would of freaked out. Could of gone either way! I'm with you on the gym thing. Lately I feel if I can't get to the gym I don't have time to workout...and then I remember, hey I use to do this at home too ya know. I desperately need to clean the apartment tonight before I leave for vacation. And THEN workout! :tongue: Hope you get out of zombie land soon!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Heather - Sounds like a plan. We can do this!!

    Julie - Glad you are out of zombie land! Glad you realized that you can still workout at home and not at the gym. Sometimes we are too quick to decide.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    3. Walking around the beach, I was appalled at the teeny tiny bikinis hidden by chub. I can honestly say only about 10% of the women there were in better shape (by appearance) than I am. It's really sad to see just how obese the average American is becoming. I would rock a bikini in comparison to many of those women and no, they weren't wearing tankinis...they were straight up bikinis with some of them being string bikinis with an emphasis on the string part! Yikes!

    :laugh: I had the same experience at the beach last weekend. I was wearing capris and a tank top on the beach. I was so happy because I didn't feel self-conscious in the tank top like I would have in the past. Yet all these women all around me were wearing.... so.... little. And many of them were my size and bigger. I mentioned that it must be nice to have that much confidence. But DH was convinced they just didn't care. Or maybe they were delusional.
    I'll admit I'm probably a little overly self-critical. If you're on a beach, by all means you should feel confident enough to wear a swimsuit if you want. But some of the swimsuit choices these folks had made were truly shocking. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I am totally with you on the pants feeling weird now when they fit. I almost feel very self concious, like they are too tight or something and exposeing too much. I want my fat pants back! :laugh: Just kidding! And yes does feel weird on the hips. I can actually start to feel my hip bones. WTH!? Weird!! Haven't felt those in, well I can't even remember!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning gals! I haven't logged on for a week and I was behind by 10 pages+! I skimmed through them all but I'm sure I missed some good stuff.
    lildeb: that doc sounds good - I know other people who have had great success changing their kid's behavior issues with diet changes. The owner of the resort we go to every summer has a son who has pretty severe autism and she was told he would probably have to be institutionalized - but he is doing very well and mostly with just a special diet, and a very set daily routine- he works at their resort and interacts fairly well with all the customers. She hunted and hunted until she found a doc that she liked.
    lilspy: congrats newlywed! I love your neighborhood stories.
    cogirl: you can totally see the weightloss you have achieved in your pictures, good for you! I had similar issues with our mortgage ... it is very frustrating - good luck! Also - Please tell momma2four that I miss her and hope all is well.
    cris & elmox: I HATE being hot too ... and our airconditioner isn't working well (seems to be going around) and it was HOT this weekend ... my hubby and I always fight over whether it is better to open windows and have humid air but at least it cools off a little at night or keep it closed up but it gets stuffy when the air isn't working ... I always vote for opening it up. I have to dig out our warranty because I think our air conditioner warranty expires either in the fall or it already expired in May ... I really hope it is in the fall and I can get them to our house this week before it gets hot again this coming weekend!
    bluenote: sorry about your PT meltdown ... but as usual you always make me smile with your stories! I can so picture you ranting and raving at the gym!
    jess: congrats on your loss!
    tstout: I hope things are going better this week, sounds like you had a rough one last week!
    awestfall & raiderape: have a great vacation!
    heather: I feel the same way - no energy because of all the crap I've been eating. I NEED to get back on track.
    pos_me: congrats on the 6 pound loss!
    susan&stongue&ddakota - hello and welcome!
    chronos: my hubby sabotages me too without realizing it ...
    mstahl: good luck getting ready for Meghan ... you must be excited! You have so much going on right now in your house!

    well I've been bad. feeling very sorry for myself and down in the dumps. I had a doc appointment again last week, and MRI and physical therapy. I've got bulging discs in my neck (C3 through C7 for those of you that know discs). One of them is impinging on a nerve and that is causing the right shoulder/arm pain and numbness. The physical therapist thinks weekly therapy and daily traction (I brought home a neck stretching machine), along with prescription ibuprofen and muscle relaxers may take care of it in a few weeks. I really hope so. I'm going back to see my doc next week, and she wants me to see a neurosurgeon just to get their opinion so I will do that too. I'm just tired of it. It doesn't hurt enough to stop me from doing anything - just gets to me after awhile, and now I'm worried about making things worse. I can't lift weights or do pushups and I can just see the muscles disappearing in my arms ... I can do step class as long as I'm careful - but it's no fun when I'm worried all the time that I'm making things worse. But I HAVE to keep doing that to stay active. I haven't been tracking and have been doing pretty bad with my food choices. I've gained 3+ pounds when I was brave enough to try the scale. I'm also getting very anxious about our waterfront property not selling ... I want to get it sold so I can stop feeling bad that I don't want to go there anymore with the icky neighbors, and so that I can buy my Aunt's home and get her estate settled. worry, worry, worry, whine, whine, whine .... I need to get out of this funk! :angry:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh Cris -- I meant to tell you that I certainly recognize how hard you work to keep things running smooth for your family! I know I don't really count, but I think ou do an amazing job for them!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    can i get one more vent in?! Last one of the day I promise:

    So on Jan 4th I told Bobby that I was going to lose 55lbs by our anniversary (June 30). It has been my goal the entire time...when I struggled or wanted to quit I reminded myself how I wanted to look that day. It kept me going many times and it still is.

    I told him that I wanted him to plan a nice (not necessarily expensive) date out for us so that I could wear my "under 200" dress...he has planned nothing, and is actually acting annoyed that I want to do something for our anniversary...it really hurt my feelings. I just texted him (if I called I would have been crying) explaining how this "date" had been my goal for the past 6 months, Im scared of his reply because I really need him to get this, he has no idea how badly he hurt me by not understanding why this "date" is important.

    I had lots and lots of "mini goal weight" treats planned and only got one out of the like 6...the rest I had to forgo for the family..him being out of work, and other stuff that came up made me not want to spend that money on my self when I totally deserved to. I still havent gotten my under 200 massage....***sigh***

    ok final vent voer thanks for listening
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I agree. If these women who wear so little just have excellent confidence, then yay for them. If they just don't realize they don't look as good as they think they do, then it's sad. I just know even when I hit my goal weight, I'll be leery of showing my stomach in public since it's been covered outdoors since I was about eight. I just wasn't the kind to show a ton of skin. Walking around on Saturday, I was wearing my one-piece swimsuit with shorts over it and was feeling pretty confident, but any more skin than that would have made me nervous!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh Cris -- I meant to tell you that I certainly recognize how hard you work to keep things running smooth for your family! I know I don't really count, but I think ou do an amazing job for them!

    Awwww thank you!!! Now I feel kind of bad for having a pity party for myslef today :heart:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I hope for your family's sake that Bobby realizes he owes you this date night for the amazing job you've done on losing weight for yourself and so you can be a better fiancee/wife and mother. If he doesn't see how important it is for you, then all of us gals will hunt him down, lock him in a small room with a spotlight pointed at him and make him listen to terrible music until he gives in and makes good plans! Darn boys...

    lstpaul: Welcome back! We're all on a push to lose some weight before the 4th and would love for you to join us! Please don't feel bad about venting about the land and the farm. That's what we're here for! I just hope everything works out the way you want it to...and soon!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    What a weekend! I was a cooking fool on Saturday. I made red pepper jelly and 8 lbs of jalapeno cheese grits on Saturday in preparation for the Grits Takedown I did on Sunday. Amazingly, I didn't actually eat that much on Saturday. Lots of little tastes, but not a full on serving. The competition was great on Sunday. It was outside (that was a little unknown fact before I got there!) and it was so hot! It was super fun to serve our dish and people really liked. So much that we got 2nd place in the People's Choice category! Power to the people! Pictures are on Facebook, or you can see them here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2490203&id=15902971&l=b268711932

    Weekend check-in:
    Cals: Under, by lots. Couldn't eat with all the cooking.
    Water: 88 oz
    Exercise: 75 min at the gym on the elliptical, arc trainer, and bike = 770 cals burned
    Proud: That I kicked it at the gym. It felt really good to workout!

    Cals: Over by 327 = 1527
    Water: At least 88 oz
    Exercise: Sweating and serving our dish at the cookoff
    Proud: 2nd place baby!!

    And now to you lovely ladies...

    LilDeb - You look amazing! You should be so proud of yourself! The difference is so clear.
    Ann - Congrats on shedding those lbs again! Great attitude for this week.
    LittleSpy - Unfortunately seeing people pee outside is a pretty normal experience for me in NYC. There's a particular house on my block where the sidewalk that REEKS of urine.
    Cris - You are superwoman. Congrats on the 195!! And I'm sure Bobby will come around with a date for Wednesday. I'm glad you were honest with him about how important it was to you.
    Jess - Congrats on looking hot in pants that fit! And for the 212!
    Raider - Get it this week!
    Heather - Enjoy getting your booty kicked by Jillian.
    Blue - Get past the ick of this weekend and take on this week with a new purpose. Congrats on your self-restraint at the buffet.
    lstpaul - Sorry you are in such pain! Thinking of you this week.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh Cris -- I meant to tell you that I certainly recognize how hard you work to keep things running smooth for your family! I know I don't really count, but I think ou do an amazing job for them!

    Awwww thank you!!! Now I feel kind of bad for having a pity party for myslef today :heart:

    Don't feel bad. I think we all understand the need to feel acknowledged and appreciated. Especially for something you've been working so hard for. :flowerforyou:

    edit - typos. apparently I'm still in zombie land
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Okay, I've kind of stumbled out of zombie mode.
    I was just kind of in shock about the woman. I freak out because my mind *always* immediately goes to worst-case-scenario mode which was "If she's effing crazy enough to drop trou' and urinate on my lawn right under a street light when I'm sitting 20 feet away, just what else is she crazy enough to do?" Hubby was 100% with you guys on this though. I came in and said "Um... some b**** it p****** in our front yard." And he said "WHAT?!" so I repeated myself and then he said "WHAT?! A PERSON?!" And I said "yes" and he STORMED out the front door. :laugh: All she said to him was "Good mornin'!" while she pulled up her pants. :laugh: :noway:
    I think my mom is right about me being high-strung. :tongue:

    Ann -- I love your new profile picture! You are seriously looking good!!
    Heather -- sorry about the bad weather. :ohwell: I like camping in storms until the tent inevitably begins to leak. Don't think I'd be very comfortable with a tornado siren while I'm sitting in a tent though.
    Raider -- I agree with Ann, just keep on plugging away. We make those goals and we have no idea what kind of trials we'll face on the way to meeting them. They're just guesses. You've reached your goal whenever you get there whether you're "on time" or not. :smile:
    Jess -- yay for your new pants! Now whenever I put on pants that actually fit, they look good but feel so freaking tight. It feels really weird -- especially with hip bones. :indifferent:

    I'm with the rest of you as far as eating bad food making you feel bad goes. I was fine yesterday with Chinese food until dh and I decided we just had to try milkshakes we'd never tried at Sonic before they weren't BOGO anymore (ended yesterday). I really overdid the sugar. It wasn't *so* bad calorie wise because I had already assumed I'd be drinking beer but the milkshake won.

    I was 197 this morning but that's no shocker considering all I ate yesterday was Chinese food and didn't have enough water. :tongue:

    Of course I didn't get up at 5.30 this morning to go to the gym considering I went to bed at 3am. So here I am thinking I'm not going to "have a chance" to work out today since I'm meeting friends for dinner.... and then it occurred to me.... I worked out without a gym for 7.5 months. :laugh: No excuses!
    Thanks Julie for the compliment and the laugh but I probably would have went off on that lady pissing on my lawn LOL.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Oh Cris -- I meant to tell you that I certainly recognize how hard you work to keep things running smooth for your family! I know I don't really count, but I think ou do an amazing job for them!

    Awwww thank you!!! Now I feel kind of bad for having a pity party for myslef today :heart:
    Don't feel bad girl!!! We all have pity parties at some point or another.Just know we think your AWESOME!!
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