Everyone told me coconut oil was good for me



  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    But at 90 calories and 10 grams of Sat Fat per 2 tsp, I might as well be using butter or crisco vegetable oil.

    Does anyone have any ideas for something to replace these that is low low fat and lower calorie?

    The thing is, I like mushrooms. I eat about a half pound a day, sliced and pan fried. I can fry them in water but They just don't turn out as good.

    Good for your doesn't mean it's low calories. Lots of low cal food are bad for you. They say it's good for you because they type of fat in nuts is healthier than the type of fat in animal products like butter or bacon fat. Crisco is just bad stuff all around.

    Try sauteeing your mushrooms in broth til they get partly cooked, then fry them in a small amount of butter at high heat to brown them. Then you get the flavor and browning of the butter, but don't need to use as much since they are already mostly cooked. Might take some experimentation to get it right for your cooking style, pans and burners.
  • starlaca
    starlaca Posts: 779 Member
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.


    good one
  • starlaca
    starlaca Posts: 779 Member
    I just got my recommended daily allowance of SASS from this thread alone!

    LOL.....I suggest you stop now before you OD!! :laugh:
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    IKR? Everyone knows Crisco is the best for fried foods, outside of lard. Yum!
    I can't tell if you're serious or tweaking the other poster. Do you really fry foods in crisco? I have only ever used it in baked goods (to replace lard - although now I usually cook with butter I can understand crisco makes a different type of product). I have never fried anything in it. Weird.

    I fried a couple things in coconut oil and they turned out perfect and didn't taste like coconut at all, so I'm not sure what about the taste is bothering other people. And I'm talking about virgin coconut oil, not refined.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.


    good one

    I thought unicorn oil was next to the dwarf beard extract section....?
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.

    I use pureed gnomes. Adds spice.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.

    bahahaahahahahahaha I was thinking the same thing ...

    OP - if you want a low calorie solution how about your STOP frying stuff??????

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    Yes I wont use the sprays, who knows what is in those.

    oh, oh! I know!

    Canola oil, a touch of soy lecithin, and water. Oh, and it is pressurized.

    I just read the can. Pretty cool, huh?

  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    It just doesn't fit my macros. If your not going to answer the question, move along please.

    Your macros are wrong, if they're limiting saturated fat specifically.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    " I might as well be using butter or crisco vegetable oil. "

    No. Coconut oil is much richer nutritionally than those things. And like the others said---it's a matter of "good" fats & "bad" fats. Also, 90 calories is a drop in a bucket of your overall calorie intake for the day. As long as you aren't globbing coconut oil on everything, it shouldn't be a calorie suck.

    There are 0 calorie cooking sprays & whatever, if you REALLY are that scared of coconut oil, but those sprays are full of chemicals & don't have any nutritional value.

    I don't need nutritional value, just something to fry my mushrooms in that is low fat and low calorie.

    Yes I wont use the sprays, who knows what is in those.

    You don't care about nutritional value, but won't use sprays? Get over the crap you've been told about fat. Coconut oil, and all healthy fats, are not the devil. I put coconut oil in my coffee, cook with it, get 60% of my calories from fat, and am losing about 3 pounds per week. Insulin. Insulin is what drives fat gain and loss.

    True dat. :drinker:
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    " I might as well be using butter or crisco vegetable oil. "

    No. Coconut oil is much richer nutritionally than those things. And like the others said---it's a matter of "good" fats & "bad" fats. Also, 90 calories is a drop in a bucket of your overall calorie intake for the day. As long as you aren't globbing coconut oil on everything, it shouldn't be a calorie suck.

    There are 0 calorie cooking sprays & whatever, if you REALLY are that scared of coconut oil, but those sprays are full of chemicals & don't have any nutritional value.

    I don't need nutritional value, just something to fry my mushrooms in that is low fat and low calorie.

    Yes I wont use the sprays, who knows what is in those.

    You don't care about nutritional value, but won't use sprays? Get over the crap you've been told about fat. Coconut oil, and all healthy fats, are not the devil. I put coconut oil in my coffee, cook with it, get 60% of my calories from fat, and am losing about 3 pounds per week. Insulin. Insulin is what drives fat gain and loss.

    Im insulin resistant so my doctor has me on a very low fat diet. I can get no more than 10% of my calories from fat.

    I have never heard of a low fat diet for insulin resistance. I am insulin resistant as well and I am on a higher fat/ very low carb diet. Are you seeing results? I was previously on a low fat diet and my insulin levels were ridiculous all the time. I switched to low carb and my levels are all normal. Just curious as I was on a low fat diet for years and continued to gain weight rather than lose it and it did nothing for my insulin levels.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Im insulin resistant so my doctor has me on a very low fat diet.

    Say what now?
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Im insulin resistant so my doctor has me on a very low fat diet.

    Say what now?

    Your doctor is an idiot then, if you are IR you should be eating fewer carbs and more fat.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Going with troll...especially since OP stopped replying after getting called out about her doctor's advice with her supposed insulin resistance.

    But if not troll.....

    Anyone else starting to wonder just "what kind" of mushrooms these really are?
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I've been eating 60% of my calories as healthy fats from coconut oil, evoo, avocados, etc for the past two weeks, and I am steadily losing fat and feel great.


    Whatever you do, try and avoid the Crisco, the coconut oil works much much much better with the biology of the human body.

    Best wishes!

    Wow. See, I'm the opposite. My macros are 60 carbs, 30 protein, 10 fat. so I don't allow very much. Mostly just from meats.

    Took a quick look at your profile, and it looks like you've got a long way to go to your goal, so I'm going to offer up some heartfelt, kind advice, and hopefully it hits home..

    Give 20/60/20 c/f/p a try for 3 days. It won't harm you, if you choose healthy fats. Take a look at my diary if you need ideas, and feel free to add me. You seem like a spunky person, and I KNOW you will have so much more energy and enjoyment from giving this a go.

    Take a minute and think about your typical day. Do you feel ready to go when you wake up? How are your hunger and energy levels throughout the day? When I was eating mostly carbs, I would be STARVING and HANGRY by 10:00. No longer an issue. Do you feel energized and excited to be home when you're off work? How are you sleeping? Now I eat as many veggies and fruits as I please, but no grains.

    It really does make a world of a difference.

    I completely agree with this! I would seriously question your doctor! Thank heavens I did!
  • 8mommylove8
    8mommylove8 Posts: 4 Member
    You can buy a sprayer where you can add melted coconut oil. If thd oil gets solid in it, just put the sprayer in warm water for a short time to melt. No preservatives in that. :)
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    Oh, and I don't doubt for a second that the OP was told by her doctor to eat a low-fat/high-carb diet. That's the same diet I was given as a full-blown diabetic. If I hadn't had the sense to research my disease for myself, I'd still be eating that way and probably on insulin by now. Instead, My a1c is at non-diabetic levels with a moderate dosage of oral meds and I'm working hard to come off of them altogether.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Suck it up, buttercup. If you want to fry someting its just not going to be low calorie or low fat. CRAM that sucker into your macros or find something else.
  • MizShrew
    MizShrew Posts: 2 Member
    You could make your own veg. broth to sauté the mushrooms in. Control the sodium, no fat. Veg broth takes less than an hour to make and freezes well. You could use the stems from all those mushrooms to make the broth.

    That said, other posters here have already made excellent points regarding the differences and similarities between assorted fats.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Land-o-Lakes Olive Oil butter - but it's not much better than the Coconut oil. I use BOTH all the time, I eat mushrooms as much as you. But I don't always fry them (raw w/ hummus). I also cook them down in Burbon or Whiskey.

    Plus they DO make a Coconut Oil spray (Trader Joe's) that I sometimes use when I don't want the extra calories.

    Otherwise, sorry. Either continue frying them w/ oil-butter or do without. Macro's shouldn't be so important if you want something. Of course, eating fried mushrooms everyday probably isn't the best either.

    Good luck either way