Everyone told me coconut oil was good for me



  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    If your really worried dry fry on a non stick pan. I don't add anything to them sometime. Add some montreal steak spice....

    There is more sodium in a tsp of that than I allow for the whole day. :) but thanks for the tips.

    Why are you so opposed to sodium?
  • BiblioTrecho
    BiblioTrecho Posts: 26 Member
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.

    You are my hero.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    " I might as well be using butter or crisco vegetable oil. "

    No. Coconut oil is much richer nutritionally than those things. And like the others said---it's a matter of "good" fats & "bad" fats. Also, 90 calories is a drop in a bucket of your overall calorie intake for the day. As long as you aren't globbing coconut oil on everything, it shouldn't be a calorie suck.

    There are 0 calorie cooking sprays & whatever, if you REALLY are that scared of coconut oil, but those sprays are full of chemicals & don't have any nutritional value.

    I don't need nutritional value, just something to fry my mushrooms in that is low fat and low calorie.

    Yes I wont use the sprays, who knows what is in those.

    You don't care about nutritional value, but won't use sprays? Get over the crap you've been told about fat. Coconut oil, and all healthy fats, are not the devil. I put coconut oil in my coffee, cook with it, get 60% of my calories from fat, and am losing about 3 pounds per week. Insulin. Insulin is what drives fat gain and loss.

    Im insulin resistant so my doctor has me on a very low fat diet. I can get no more than 10% of my calories from fat.

    Interesting. Usually insulin resistant people are recommended to follow low carb diets, not 60% - 30% - 10%. Cardiac patients are on extremely low fat diets normally.

    This is a Harvard Public Health link which explains the insulin resistance and molecular breakdown of carbs http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates-full-story/

    I know this does not answer your question (I'm pro coconut oil so I've got no help), but your comment about the daily diet recommendation from your doctor seems backwards.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    IKR? Everyone knows Crisco is the best for fried foods, outside of lard. Yum!
    I can't tell if you're serious or tweaking the other poster. Do you really fry foods in crisco? I have only ever used it in baked goods (to replace lard - although now I usually cook with butter I can understand crisco makes a different type of product). I have never fried anything in it. Weird.

    I fried a couple things in coconut oil and they turned out perfect and didn't taste like coconut at all, so I'm not sure what about the taste is bothering other people. And I'm talking about virgin coconut oil, not refined.

    Yes, I was being sarcastic. It is pretty rare that I eat anything fried, just once in a while and if I do, it's at a restaurant. :laugh:
  • FightingFox
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.
    ^^ haha!! THIS
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    You need to take the bad stigma away from "fat". SOME fats, like coconut oil are GOOD for you. I drink coconut milk and I eat a lot of nuts. ALL healthy fats, and my cholesterol is in GREAT shape.

    Please research the difference between "good" and "bad" fats, and how they can impact your life. And enjoy your coconut oil in the process.

    Just when I was about to type, I saw this response. Took the words right out of my mind!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It just doesn't fit my macros. If your not going to answer the question, move along please.

    Not fitting your macros has nothing to do with whether something is good for you.
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Yikes! Not a bit of common sense here. Anybody that thinks that the fat in coconut oil is a good fat is buying into some kind of crazy sh**. The fat in coconut oil is 92%, I'll say that again 92%, saturated. Anyone here want to say that saturated fat is good for you raise your hand. No one? That's what I thought. As a comparison the fat in beef is only 50% saturated. The fat in butter is 63% saturated. You would be better off stirring butter into your coffee that coconut oil. If you want to eat coconut oil go ahead. Like anything else, moderation is the key. But saying the fat in coconut oil is a "good fat" is just insane. There is not one single piece of medical or scientific evidence or research that proves coconut oil is beneficial in any way. On the other hand we have butt loads of medical evidence that proves that too much saturated fat is horrible for your heart, arteries and intenstine. By simply applying a little common sense one could figure out that a fat that is 92% saturated could not possibly be a "good fat".
  • arizonaladybug
    arizonaladybug Posts: 91 Member
    Trader joes makes a coconut oil spray that is 0 Caloires and pan fries stuff just like oil. its a cooking spray!! check it out
  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    buy a good non-stick skillet and forego the oil altogether?
  • knityoupants
    knityoupants Posts: 76 Member
    I'm a big mushroom fan too, and actually haven't been using anything to cook them these days... just a good nonstick skillet and salt and pepper. The different texture and flavor has grown on me... some may call it "dry," but I consider it "not oily."
  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.
    Goodness gracious! :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    Trader joes makes a coconut oil spray that is 0 Caloires and pan fries stuff just like oil. its a cooking spray!! check it out
    Better yet, make your own.
  • delaniecastillo
    So you want to be able to fry your mushrooms with something low fat and low calorie without too many chemicals? May I suggest unicorn oil? You can find it in the magical fantasy aisle of any grocery store. Either make it fit in your macros by dropping something else or give up the notion that your mushrooms *have* to be fried.

    I wish I could marry this post.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Buy an oil spray pump and put organic extra virgin olive oil in it. Spray it in a warm pan. It'll be less calories but still 100% good for you.

    Or just buy an awesome titanium (not teflon - because teflon is bad) non-stick pan and forget the oil.
  • alecialudwickjones
    Unicorn oil, the most important ingredient in these delightful cookies...
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Yikes! Not a bit of common sense here. Anybody that thinks that the fat in coconut oil is a good fat is buying into some kind of crazy sh**. The fat in coconut oil is 92%, I'll say that again 92%, saturated. Anyone here want to say that saturated fat is good for you raise your hand. No one? That's what I thought. As a comparison the fat in beef is only 50% saturated. The fat in butter is 63% saturated. You would be better off stirring butter into your coffee that coconut oil. If you want to eat coconut oil go ahead. Like anything else, moderation is the key. But saying the fat in coconut oil is a "good fat" is just insane. There is not one single piece of medical or scientific evidence or research that proves coconut oil is beneficial in any way. On the other hand we have butt loads of medical evidence that proves that too much saturated fat is horrible for your heart, arteries and intenstine. By simply applying a little common sense one could figure out that a fat that is 92% saturated could not possibly be a "good fat".

    *raises hands*
  • knityoupants
    knityoupants Posts: 76 Member
    Also, I was a movie theater manager when the whole major chain made the change from coconut to canola oil. Coconut just didn't fit in California's calorie guidelines like canola did... not that movie theaters have the healthiest reputation (just forego the fake butter, people! It's not hard! Tastes like cleaning products, imo), but I still can't wrap my head around coconut oil being put on the same tier as olive...

    I also had a bad coconut oil experience while travelling in Southern India. The food was amazing, but everything has coconut oil. For a month I ate very small portions, virtually no meat or dairy, and walked everywhere with a big backpack... and still gained weight!

    Just my two cents. Seriously, the coconut oil obsession is beyond me.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Low fat makes you fat. Go for that butter. It's good stuff. I use it daily. Coconut oil too. You need fat to lose fat. Do your research. Don't buy into this count calorie crap and this low fat crap. Look at all the big butts around who bought into that.
  • armesser
    armesser Posts: 5 Member
    I would imagine it comes pre-glittered, in an array of beautiful colors!