

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today I took husband grocery shopping, he got to drive the cart around, pointing at stuff, or putting stuff in his cart. On the good side his cart finds didn't impact my numbers too much. Bought a whole list of stuff, coming to $260, so we will eat like kings and queens for a bit. Not having my teenager to haul stuff upstairs wasn't great but I got in my exercise! Then I had to organize and put everything away. After that I went to the laundry mat. Fun city!! The manager of the place took my basket as I got out of my car, and carried it inside to the washers. I gave him a hug. Too bad you can't pay for like your cable bill with a hug!! Wouldn't that be awesome?? This world needs more hugging, so people don't freak out, have road rage, hurt people...

    Thank you to the ladies that say I am handling things well. What is that saying, "When life gives you lemons you make a margarita? Something like that...*winks*..

    The world measures itself by conflicts. People are like that too. When I tackle tough situations, I also seem to re-prioritize my life, and the cream (the people I love) rises to the surface. By handling things that only I have control over, I leave a lot of what I don't have control over to positive thinking, faith, karma...whatever you wish to call it. It's freeing really.

    Poor husband is getting panicky about his itchiness. When he was in the shower this morning he was just ultra sensitive and so the water about did him in. It's kind of a mental thing, because there isn't any rash to speak of on his body. I did get him Benadryl so hopefully that will kick in. It's tough to be the voice of reason, when you don't know what to say. Like talking someone down off a ledge, mentally.
    (((hugs))) peeps.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2016
    janetr: I'm sorry to hear that depression is stalking you. I hope you are able to evade it. :flowerforyou:

    Jan in NC: Welcome to a great group. My DH also has MS, so I am sympathetic. He takes medication that is very helpful at minimizing symptoms and keeping him on track. I hope you are as lucky. :heart:

    Pip: Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Heidi: Welcome! Is your fitness buddy an Irish Water Spaniel? I've met one and liked her. :smiley:

    Larissa: I like your idea about treating yourself to really good gelato once a week! WTG! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Rest is the first thing to do, and then face the chores. You've been through a taxing time and need to recharge your energy. (((HUGS)))

    Becca: Sending lots of good thoughts to you and your DH. I hope you hear from OSHU soon. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Yoga today was lovely. It was the second class with our new teacher & I really enjoyed it. DH and I spent the next couple of hours chasing down things he needs to stay healthy. He's been having a hard time getting a prescription refill for his MS meds & he was unable to reach the doctor's assistant today so I called & stayed on the line until they could tell me that the prescription had actually been called in. DH called the pharmacy to confirm and everything is ready to go. I didn't have to be harsh or rude. Persistence won this round. I hope that DH will discuss this with his doctor the next time he has an appointment and that should be this month.
    Happy June!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Ahhhh HUGE NSV today. My scale has been stuck for a month, so I needed this: I walked into the gym and everyone's jaw was dropping at how much leaner I look, than last week. It's true, too: I could see it in my quads. Take that, stupid scale.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Larissa: I like your idea about treating yourself to really good gelato once a week! WTG! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks, Katla! It's my one indulgence, and I earn it hard at the gym, and then I relish it hard. :smile:
    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    :heart: !!

  • joyfuljan77
    joyfuljan77 Posts: 26 Member
    DJ - I am on the Fuquay side of Raleigh.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    The time has finally arrived to begin the Great move-out-of-Chicago Exodus. Tomorrow we head to Chicago to first help our son relocate a few blocks away into a new studio apartment closer to The Loop where he works for Deloitte. Will get him settled in on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday we pick up the UHaul and get our daughter moved out of her apt and begin making our way to Midlothian, VA. She will move in next Wednesday and we plan on staying around long enough for her to be settled in and ready to go.

    In light of this I won't be able to check in here as often as I would like, therefore friends will you all please put your lives on hold till I can get back. LOL I can just see it now....page 43 and 216 posts! That is what I love about this wonderful, supportive group a ladies! Carry on and I will peek in as possible and look forward to reading the "novel" when I can really sit down 2 weeks from now and read back through the posts.

    Sending kudos to all with successes to celebrate :) , healing thoughts and prayers to all in need <3 and a wonderful welcome to all the newbies joining this awesome group of women ;) !

    In steamy NE oHIo
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    And so I sit at my dads and wait~they are still about 2 hrs out :0.. and I am tuckered, and i sure hope Kyles brothers plan on coming over and helping unload, cause this ol lady cant carry beds upstairs. The bedrooms are stiffeling , so I snuck up and turned Tals a.c. on, will go open there windows to at least get some air flowing..
    I have 13,000 steps because I mowed the lawn and have been working all day..
    will catch up later xoxo
  • LobitaRicaFabulosa
    LobitaRicaFabulosa Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here!

    My June goals:

    * Keep working with my trainer 30mn/wk and going to her small group class 60mn/wk
    * Make more of an effort to walk at lunch (when I get a lunch break at work) so I can be more consistently reaching 10,000 steps/day
    * If the lunch walking thing isn't working out, get my butt out of bed at 5:00 am, grab a dog, and walk early.
    * Be more consistent with meditating.
    * Be more consistent with my food diary. I don't have a particular eating plan right now, other than trying to eat clean as much as possible.
    * Get more sleep. . . my husband has made a special request that I do this, lol!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy june.Ive been MIa for awhile.Just down in the dumps.Can`t walk eve with a walker.Knee surgery in 19 days.Missed u all,will try to be better logging
    hugs jane
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – Will do; might be a while because we are having to wait for someone else to do something so that we can finish doing the porch. Two weeks, I am supposed to get the door; I’ll believe it when I see it. LOL! I’ve been hearing that for a few weeks now.

    I've got weigh-in next Tuesday; will try to wear something light-weight. I'm tired of being stuck at 160.5; I want to get under 160. When I get to my 'goal' weight (145-150); I will get a 'free' facial. That will be fun! Been a while since I have had one. I'd like to get a massage, if I had my choice.

    Cracker has been 'in-and-out' all afternoon. She goes out whenever DH goes out; she wants to 'go out' when the 'dogs' from 'down under' go out. I'd like to take her to get her 'broken' coat cut off; she is so soft and smooth when that is done. Maybe DH will take us in to town to have that done. That and a shampoo. Well, need to go check my emails; my phone has been 'disabled' for about 10 days. I had it turned off temporarily because I had misplaced it. Found it in Cracker's toy box. Go figure! And covered in white hair.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    edited June 2016
    happy-rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif thank you for all your sharing today....this community has been so wonderful to me and all of you have been so supportive of each other. I want to write more, but Jake wants my attention a lot to talk and process a lot of stuff going on with him and I can't just say "sorry, I have to do something on the computer".

    Larisa,This is so great, that it needs to be repeated

    <3 Barbie from slightly sunny NW Washington t113005.gif
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Hi Ladies, wanted to share a pic of my girl heading off to the prom!

    She is STUNNING! Good genes obviously!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm new here!

    My June goals:

    * Keep working with my trainer 30mn/wk and going to her small group class 60mn/wk
    * Make more of an effort to walk at lunch (when I get a lunch break at work) so I can be more consistently reaching 10,000 steps/day
    * If the lunch walking thing isn't working out, get my butt out of bed at 5:00 am, grab a dog, and walk early.
    * Be more consistent with meditating.
    * Be more consistent with my food diary. I don't have a particular eating plan right now, other than trying to eat clean as much as possible.
    * Get more sleep. . . my husband has made a special request that I do this, lol!

    Counting calories works. You can choose anything that you love to eat and is healthy, and use portion control to meet your calorie limits. That was such a huge revelation to me, and it worked a miracle. It was slow, but a miracle all the same. :bigsmile: Good luck!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    I am at home with my feet up. The cat decided she finally had enough of me and went over and slept in Charlie's seat. I am wondering how she will react tomorrow. Will she sniff his side? Will she just lay next to him like she always does and expect a belly rub? I hope it is a combination of it all. I have no idea when he is coming in all by himself that she runs for the hills and hides under my bed.

    I thought of something someone said about all my fans all over the world. I'm not saying I have fans but i am proud that I have friends all over the world. That is the wonder of the cyber world. Be tween my face book game forum, MS forum ileostomy forum, this forum I have a lot of friends all over the world. Makes life very interesting, learning cultures, foods, languages, etc.

    Becca, I thought of you today as I was leaving the hospital. The lady that is the cashier in the morning for breakfast is the sweetest thing. She always remembers I want a receipt, asks me how Charlie is, just the sweetest thing. So as I was leaving this afternoon I went in there to give her a hug and she wasn't there. I thought about giving the older lady that looks like she sucks on prunes all day long a hug and telling her to give it to the other lady but I didn't. Now Becca have just to see if she could change the day.

    I am catching up on my HGTV episodes of Tiny House which Charlie thinks is so stupid. I agree that it is a lifestyle that I would not choose but I don't like calling anything stupid. It is their choice of lifestyle and I admire them for the dedication to living that way.

    Joyce, just veggin away at home with my feet up in Indiana

    I watch that show too!!!! I like when they go back and "catch up with them and their acclimation". They usually have more storage for their clothes, something for the wife to put MORE shoes in, and things hung up here and there. But generally the young couples seem genuinely happy. I always thing, just you wait....I need a sturdy door to slam to end an argument. My husband always would say that the RV had a great door to slam. I would say, "Hey that is the door to the outside and doesn't count". If I am feuding with you and slam the door, you drive off...um who wins the argument? My husband would yell...ME..hahahaha.

    Sweet you think of me girlfriend. I am GROWING on ya... ((((((hugs)))). And that cashier missed out!
    loving all my sisters-in-heart in the cyber world
    in Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    The time has finally arrived to begin the Great move-out-of-Chicago Exodus. Tomorrow we head to Chicago to first help our son relocate a few blocks away into a new studio apartment closer to The Loop where he works for Deloitte. Will get him settled in on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday we pick up the UHaul and get our daughter moved out of her apt and begin making our way to Midlothian, VA. She will move in next Wednesday and we plan on staying around long enough for her to be settled in and ready to go.

    In light of this I won't be able to check in here as often as I would like, therefore friends will you all please put your lives on hold till I can get back. LOL I can just see it now....page 43 and 216 posts! That is what I love about this wonderful, supportive group a ladies! Carry on and I will peek in as possible and look forward to reading the "novel" when I can really sit down 2 weeks from now and read back through the posts.

    Sending kudos to all with successes to celebrate :) , healing thoughts and prayers to all in need <3 and a wonderful welcome to all the newbies joining this awesome group of women ;) !

    In steamy NE oHIo

    standing still.....Ok Ok how long do I have to do this?????