WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Happy July 4th everyone here in the states. It is dreary and dark out and it's only 2:30 in the afternoon. Slow drizzle and it will get worse this evening and even worse through the night.

    Did I hear some one turned down funnel cakes that was calling their name???? That is an NSV.

    Bought some Gala apples yesterday and I could tell when I was cutting them that they weren't going to be the crispy Gala apples I am used to getting. I sure hope the whole bag isn't like that. Waste of money.

    Talk at you later, Joyce, Indiana
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    For those in the US: Happy Independence Day!

    For everyone else: Hope you are having a marvelous day!

    Today, I declare my independence from that layer of fat that I have kept around to protect me from the harsh, cold world…

    Today, it’s a trip to the gym and grilled burgers… nothing spectacularly exciting… we will step outside this evening to watch the fireworks that the City of Allen has every year and I might even indulge in a glass of wine. I have enjoyed a long weekend of doing not much of anything but I am ready to get back into my daily routine.

    Charleen – my condolences on the Mitre Saw… getting the perfect angle cut is so difficult without the appropriate tool… Rock on, my Tool-using Sister…

    Barbie –so, sorry you can’t have the full Holiday experience – but, I would think that the lack of theme food would make it a bit easier to stay under calorie budget… is Brandy doing any better? And thank you for posting your insights. I am aiming for a single X in my clothing size… I can’t imagine single digits. Gratz on losing the weight and on keeping it off. I suspect it will be quite a while until any healthcare professional advises me to eat more… lol.

    Lenora – a tiny house on a beach… yes – excellent idea. And if GRITS is Girls Raised in the South – what is SLUTS? I got as far as Southern Ladies… Under the Sun?

    JMMBrooks – welcome! Frustration is bad… friends are good. Stop in here a lot. It helps in so many ways. These ladies are all fantastic – each trying to maintain a proper eating plan in the face of their daily lives and all of them sharing, caring individuals. It’s a good place to be.

    NYKaren – *waves* Hope you are having a fantastic weekend!

    Anne – Hello!

    Allison – Glad a little medication is helping your flight. How was the wedding? I am glad you have a little stash of cash left after your trip.

    Mary – great cartoon… and you go girl! You are rockin those kettle bells! I do love watermelon… I don’t know where my mind was that I didn’t pick one up at the store the other day. I may have to make a special trip… it would be great to have with the burgers tonight.

    Melanie – that workout sounds tough! I wore 5 lb ankle weights for my workout yesterday and it was TOUGH, I can hardly imagine the one you did.

    Pip – you fitness goddess, you! Hope you are enjoying the switch from spin to running. Sorry about Kirby’s Brother. Family often does suck.

    Katla – I am sure your dog got a lot more comfort from you than from being in the quieter room. Glad you both got some rest. And I know myself well enough to know… slow is the only answer. Not as satisfying as fast… but much longer lasting.

    Kay – it’s hard to deal with family, sometimes. I have a Sister – one of three – that most of us just can’t relate to at all. She lives in her own little world, and it’s less stressful on all of us if we just leave her to it. We communicate something like once a year… because that is all any of us can deal with. It’s sad – but, it was just too much drama when she was a regular part of our lives. And Pip the 2nd – hilarious!

    Chris – enjoy the cookouts. It’s always good to see friends – even if you have to tiptoe thru a minefield of baked beans and coleslaw to do it. And I am with you… I love to do the exercise first thing… that just means I know that I will be in under calorie goal for the day – unless I completely lose my mind. Take good care of PB… and yes, do talk to him. The kiss is a fabulous greeting, even without the wine.

    Karen VA – Happy Independence Day!

    Heather – mmmmm… pink wine. I am a fan… perhaps I will crack open a bottle tonight. Enjoy the stir fry!

    Carol – Have you finished up the work on your rental house, yet?

    Margaret – Hope you are having a great weekend!

    DJ – all that walking AND you passed on the funnel cake? You are a miracle! And for the clear soups, I will use the big pot… they do freeze well. It’s only the creamy ones I need to use a smaller pan for. Glad you had fun at the flea market… earrings are always fun – and amazingly enough, they always fit.


    Miriam – Love the funny. Who is that in your profile pic?

    KarenE – you might be surprised on the measuring. Good luck.

    KJ – a long weekend with a good book sounds perfect to me! I am glad you still managed to get everything done. I promise I won’t spill the beans on your secret spot. Enjoy the show in peace.

    Joyce IN– It is pretty easy to be verbal about a tiny house when you aren’t the one that has to clean and maintain the large one… *sigh.* I am desperate for a tiny house or better still, a tiny condo. I have had my fill of yard work and worrying about repairs and such. Still haven’t convinced the DH, though.

    Janet – You look marvelous! You did better initially with your surgery than I did… I got lazy after only 100 lbs… but, I am back on it, now. And SQUATS? I can only dream of the day. My knees weep at the very thought. Great job!

    Linda – My MIL used to get on the bus and ride all over town… we would get calls from people asking us to come and get her, every so often. I wish you the best with your FIL. And 15 miles on the bike? I would be on the couch, too. Relax.

    Rori – you and Sue look wonderful! Nice you gals could meet.

    Michele – there is such a thing as heat stroke… you might have just overdone a bit outdoors. Don’t forget to stay hydrated when you head out to tame the jungle.

    Becca – I hope you ate something after feeding your men individual meals suited to them… I am afraid my Husband usually gets whatever I am eating… fortunately for him, it isn’t boiled chicken and steamed veggies – but if it was, that is what he would be getting – maybe with some sort of sauce on it. I can barely tolerate cooking one meal – more than that is completely out of the question. I do hope those men appreciate you!

    Kim – glad your nephew’s schooling seems to be under control. Restaurant portions are always too big. I usually just get something that will travel well and take half of it home.

    Larissa – love the selfie. I totally get the lawnmower thing. If I sleep with my hair unbraided, a lawnmower is required. And – er – your head is perfectly sized for your curvy body. That red dress is fantastic! I know it’s hard to see yourself the way you really are – but, seriously… grab some old pictures and hold them up against you in that dress… I am sure it will be an enlightening experience. Put on some make up, girl… time to go out in that fantastic dress and shake a leg. I would say you have some celebrating to do!

    Debbie - *waves to another TX gal* I hope the doctor’s scale gives you good news.

    Lily – your grandbabies are adorable!

    GLo – Hope you are having the best weekend, ever…

    Well, DH has arisen from his nap – and its time to hit the gym. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

    Re in TX
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    IremiaRE -have since found out that it is a HIT workout, high intensity training, for 1 hour, and it is certainly that!!!! I guess the theory is Go hard for X, slow down for X, repeat for x. They later emailed my stats (they hook a monitor on you when you start), and by the time I completed the treadmill session, (after 4 row sessions, interspersed with the floor stuff, basically weights for me- 8lbs), I'd done a little over a mile on the treadmill. So, once they tallied ALL the numbers, for all the activities, I burned 512 calories in that 1 hour.
    It certainly seems like something I could do 1-2 times a week, however, how I feel in the morning (sore muscles, stiff) will determine how I proceed. It certainly "sounds " good in theory! LOL!!!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Re in TX~ Aw I had some coffee and some brie cheese on some bread. Un-eventful, but whatever...

    Today there is a small parade down Main Street, with the Firemen making free cheeseburgers or hotdogs for everyone. Sadly my husband isn't in the mood for it. It's not a sunny day, so he isn't too keen about sitting out in cloudy day. I on the other hand would've loved to have gone, but I go where husband goes. Plus with everyone with their families I would be by myself, and that isn't fun either. Maybe watch a nice movie here at home with son and husband. Life is all about compromises, and adapting to changes right? Everyone have a wonderful holiday! Appreciate all the things we have, and all the people that helped us have them.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,118 Member
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Anner- you don't get more American than a parade down "Main Street" on the 4th of July. The1st image that popped in my head was the scene from Born on the 4th of July with Tom Cruise. Enjoy the rest of your day :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,554 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Beth, happy birthday!

    Re, the photo is of me. A reminder to not believe everything I am told. At the time the photo was taken, I was 12. My pediatrician told me that I was "overweight" and my dad called me fat (it was abuse). I am built like a peasant- BIG bones and muscles- so I weighed more than normal for my height. And I was not built like my tiny boned little sister to whom my dad compared me. At this age I became bulemic because I thought I was fat! I also made all my own clothes, including this green dress, since off the rack clothes did not fit my proportions very well (upper arms and thighs and rib cage).

    My girls and some of their friends, and my middle (adult) son watched the small town Iowa parade that goes in front of my house ( the main street, but called 8th Avenue). Wellman is in the top 10 of Iowa's celebrations of the 4th. It has an incredible fireworks display! Now I am watching the neighbors' three boys so they can shop for funeral clothes. His foster grandmother passed away this week. There is music in the bandstand at the park at 7pm- a talented local. Then fireworks tonight at 9:30!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Charleen2 – Do you actually live in one of those tiny houses? Some look very interesting on TV; but, like I said, I’d have to be ‘single’ to even consider it. What about washing and drying clothes – you have to take them to laundromat? I think living in a ‘shotgun’ house would probably be more to my liking. LR up front, kitchen and bedroom and bath (with stackable W/D) would be just ‘perfect’. I could even handle a shotgun with a DH in tow. Can you have a ‘shed’ where you live?

    MightyLolo – Today ‘after’ I talked to my technicians, it seemed to have started on its own; but, very, very slowly. Harrumph is right! Computers are ‘nice’ so long as they are working right. PITA when they aren’t.

    Re – Southern Ladies Under Tremendous Stress. Another one I use is WINOS … Women In Need Of Support … so here we are – LADIES Under 50+ …

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,118 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    A picture of the hubs (Mitch) and me in front of the house we will be renting in College Station, TX taken by our realtor upon receiving news that we had "won" the rental from among 2 other applicants!


    Hope all are having a wonderful Monday and happy 4th of July.

    Spent more time in the basement packing, going thru boxes and filling the SUV 3 times with Goodwill donations, and going thru mounds of photos slimming down the albums while reminiscing about our kids as littles. We are so going to be downsizing!!!

    Enjoy your fireworks displays. We don't seek them out but just listen at home to the booms! A bit dreary and drizzley so not sure if they are going to have them or not around here.

    in dreary Fairlawn, oHIo this 4th of July 2016
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member

    Becca - I do love a nice cheese on bread. Nothing wrong with uneventful. Eventful generally turns out to be too much excitement for me.

    Miriam - I wish I could go back and give the year old you a huge hug. It WAS abuse.

    Lenora - ah... yes. And now, I suppose we are all WINOS. Heaven knows we are all in need of support.

    I am off to light up the coals for dinner. Y'all have a lovely evening!


    Re in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,925 Member
    8x67znznvjje.jpg We decided to move into the house we're in now because one day Jake walked into the house and said, "I don't want to do yard work anymore". He immediately called the realtor who'd helped us with our house purchase and made an appointment with him to come over and help us prepare to list the house for sale. It took six months to find a buyer and less time than that to find the house we're in now. We have very little to do in the yard to keep it looking nice and some places in the back where I can dig in the dirt and plant things if I want....no lawn to maintain and very few weeds to pull. What plants and flowers we have require only a bit of watering and other care. Not having a yard to care for has given us a lot of time to do other things.

    :) We need a bigger house to accommodate the dogs and cat and their chasing each other but we have been making major strides in getting rid of clutter.

    <3 Barbie
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,708 Member
    evening ladies~

    we both had a ball.. and my family was so happy that we both went, and said it would have been chaos without me keeping the house in order and helping with babies..
    I do so love my family...
    whatever that pill was I only took 1/2 and I was out like a light at take off lol..
    which was nice.. will check in ,in the morning... ta ta for now
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,942 Member
    Hello from 30,000 ft..flying from Nashville to Atlanta and from there home...my aunt Shirley gave me a lozarapam and took 1/2 before take off...helped alot..we will get something to eat at the Atlanta airport,habe a 2 1/2 lay over...will catch up later...
    Happy Birthday Beth

    Wish I had known you were going to have a two and a half hour layover in Atlanta. I could have met you at the airport for tea!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Re wrote "Janet – You look marvelous! You did better initially with your surgery than I did… I got lazy after only 100 lbs… but, I am back on it, now. And SQUATS? I can only dream of the day. My knees weep at the very thought. Great job! in TX wrote "Janet – You look marvelous! You did better initially with your surgery than I did… I got lazy after only 100 lbs… but, I am back on it, now. And SQUATS? I can only dream of the day. My knees weep at the very thought. Great job!"

    l know what you mean on the knees. I had both knees replaced last year. Right one in January and the left one in September. I never in my life thot I'd start doing squats at 66 years old. I'm now doing 45 squats per workout holding 20 pound dumb bells. Thay are part of my 90 minute weight resistance training that I normally do three days a week. Hang in there you may be as surprised as I have been.

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Cheri - love love the pic of you and hubby. Thanks so much for sharing. Now off to the next big adventure!!! <3

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,554 Member
    Happy bdayyy to all, hugs to all, congrats to all, happy fireworks day to all, hugs to all, did I miss anything?
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm finally back! Thanks for the emails asking how I was doing. Had lower body lift on May 12. All was going really well until week 5. My left leg swelled, turned red and warm to the touch. Naturally this happened on a Friday. By the time the doctor got back to me a hole had opened in my stitched/glued area and lymphatic fluid was leaking out at a pretty good rate. Doctor ordered an antibiotic and told me to elevate the leg as much as possible. After about a week of serious leakage the flow slowed down. Two weeks later and I now have a very small hole which is working on closing up. As far as complications go I feel lucky. No serious infection and I am now well on the road to healing. On Thursday I got permission to start back up with exercise. Woo Hoo!!!!

    20 lbs of excess skin and fat were removed. I am now literally half the woman I used to be.

    I never thought I would be so thrilled to be "overweight". That's what my BMI now says and I am good with that.

    I've been gone so long I am just going to jump in and not even try to catch up with what has happened since April. Feel free to fill me in on anything you feel I've missed out on.

    Mia in MI