WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Penny- love the pictures! I'm glad you are having such a great time with your family!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Penny~ just stunning photo's... breathtaking..
    I am up and having a cup of tea...
    Well I did something fun last night. left work came home and did a quick change and went down to our riverfront park.. they have bands every tuesday night at 6:30 and last night was my friend that I grew up with Band.. his sister was up from Maryland and we just had a great time.. Michael started playing guitar at my house when we were young, and they are a great band.. it was like old home week saw lots of people I haven't seen in ages and it was alot of fun.. left about 1/2 hr before it ended so I wouldnt get stuck in traffic.. and was in bed by 8:40.
    Janet~ Mike is alot better.. dont know if it was something that Dr Ho spoke with him about ,or life changes for him.. he seems alot more upbeat. he will never be a huggy friendly person but we get along... He is taking the day off today and going to NYC to an outdoor concert.. hope he has a great time..
    And I haven't talked to Tom yet but I am going up to the cottage friday after I get out of work.. I will be working 45 hrs next week so will go up to my happy place this weekend..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Penny - So lovely! Brings back memories of our cruise in those gorgeous waters. <3 Your grandchildren are delightful!

    Off in a minute to catch the train to see my friend in Portsmouth. :D

    I am pleased to say I have lost 1 lb this week so far. That is very cheering. I would like to get back to dead on target, so only 3 to go now. o:)

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited July 2016
    Quick Hello,

    Enjoyed the water aerobics class last night but certainly didn't burn as many calories as I do with the kettle bell routine. Got home and found out the water main in my neighborhood broke and we were without power. In this heat it's much easier to deal with no water than with no electricity. I heard them working on it all night and was dismayed when I woke up at 5:30 this morning with no water. I called the local police department and they said it would be done within a couple of hours. As I was contemplating which friend to wake up in order to use their shower,I heard the neighbor's sprinkler go off. I was thrilled that the water came on at 6:09 this morning and I won't have to change my morning routine or wake up a friend.

    Got on the scale this morning, weight is up a bit but measurements are down. Muscle repair in action!

    Got to go and hit the shower before they decide to turn the water off again.

    Chris in MA
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    Have to go back and read new comments later!

    Today so far:
    Treadmill for 15 mins
    Day 1 -Kettlebell, 1st time with low weight
    Goblet squat 3x5x10
    Swing 10x7x10
    Ab challenge Day 3

    Mary - Thanks so much for the kettle bell videos. They've been very helpful. I will keep watching them and working on form through this process.

    Michele (I think that's right) - I hear you on the goblet squat. That's tougher for me, too. I was able to get lower than parallel, but I have such little hip flexibility that I'm no where near as low as the video Mary posted. Forget about being blue to push my knees out with my elbows for now. Lol. Hopefully my flexibility will improve!

    And aomeone from Omaha (so bad on remembering names) asked me about the Royals. Last year was amazing. This year we're still cheering. We won't give up. So sad they sent Merrrifield back to your town. I liked him a lot. Might have to get to Onaha to watch a game up there!

    Rini (Renee from KC)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rori: I'm happy that the chiropractic adjustment and therapeutic massage have done their magic for you. :smiley:

    Anne from WI: You look gorgeous waking your daughter down the aisle. I hope she is happy. :flowerforyou:

    Charleen: We had a meal at the Dushanbee Tea House with DD and DGD a few years ago. It is a lovely spot. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: I'm sending good thoughts to both you and Charlie. :heart:

    Penny: What a wonderful camping experience for your family. The photos are glorious! :heart:

    We had a nice day with DDIL yesterday. Lunch in Reston was yummy. When DS got home from work we walked to a nearby Vietnamese restaurant where the food was excellent. I suspect I'll find myself up a few pounds when I get home. DH is doing great with the mobility scooter. I'm sure we will be buying one when we get home. We've all been amazed at how robust the batteries are. Today's plan is a road trip with DS to Monticello. We plan on having a meal at the Michie Tavern afterward & then heading back to the kids' place. DDIL has to work today. She is building a Pilates practice here, and doesn't want to miss an appointment with her new client. I had a Pilates session with her and it was wonderful. I would love to have another before we go home, but I'm not sure whether there will be time. She is getting ready for a trip to help a family friend move from Florida to Cincinnati and there is a lot to do between now and our flight home.

    Katla, currently in Virginia

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    Penny - those are awesome pictures. What great family memories.

    Michele - thanks! And congrats to your daughter. This is my second Tough Mudder. I always work out better if I have something to train for.

    I did a marathon in France last fall but I don't really want to do any more of them. Too much time spent training and my knees aren't going to last forever! I stick to about 5 miles at a time and strength training other days.

    This summer is probably the first one in decades that I have felt confident in shorts. Why did I wait until age 52???
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning to all!

    Katla, Enjoy Monticello! It's gorgeous. Jefferson was an interesting man, I don't really admire him, but he sure could write. I live in the area and have been many times since it's a don't miss. If you have any time, Mt. Vernon is interesting and a big contrast.

    NYKaren, I'm glad you're feeling better. Sometimes we just need to fall apart a bit before picking ourselves back up and soldier on. It's nice to have people who get that.

    Mary, thanks for noting that you couldn't move your knees past 90 when you started and you took it slow. I was feeling incredibly frustrated about my lack of ability to get lower. Now I'll just be patient. Still not using the kettle bell for squats, but I'll get there.

    Vicki, I'd love to take a walk, too! Congrats on your blood test results. My cholesterol is typically awful, but all else is consistently good. I'm hoping my cholesterol will come down with exercise and weight loss.

    Penny, you live in a beautiful part of the world! Northern Norway is on my short list of places I want to visit. And your grandkids are adorable!

    Anne, I love the picture of you and your daughter. Beautiful!

    Yesterday was a bad food and exercise day--the worst since I started logging two months ago. I over ate by 1100 calories and didn't get any exercise (sat at my desk). I had muscle soreness from a hard workout on Monday, so I didn't want to do any strength training. I gave blood on Monday, and was completely zoned. Woke up this morning and felt much better! So perhaps I just needed to eat more for a day.

    My 20 yr-old DS asked the other night, "Mom, how come older people are so condescending to young people and think they don't know anything?" He was responding to a comment made by someone in one of the political campaigns. Last night he came in to talk about the demise of Yahoo. At one point he said, "the Internet isn't really used by people your age, it's really a millennial thing. Older people really only use email" "What do you mean? Your dad and I use it all the time!" Well, I always think of you two as early adopters." lol Tonight I think we'll talk a bit more about condescension.

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I'm way behind; watching tv at night has done it plus my birthday weekend & the pool! Will absolutely make time tonight...looks like lots of interesting goings on.
    Re in Texas here are my stats on the Lose 24 Challange (informal) I didn't keep the start date but think this is the star of week 3

    GOAL WEIGHT: 194

    GLo chagrined for being so far behind on the North Shore of Ma
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Clarification those stats are just for the Lose 24 Challange
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rini- I'm glad that the videos were helpful. Good form is more important than how heavy the Kettlebell is.

    KarenE- I definitely had to go slow to find the perfect position that helped me to loosen up and become more flexible. I'm glad you are going to be using the Kettlebell as an exercise. You can have it anywhere including your office. A short 20 minute workout will give you amazing results. You can swing every day. Pavel states you only need to take a day off if you feel like it.

    I did not fall asleep until 530 this morning. So I am getting a very late start. I will get moving and start my exercise soon.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    morning peeps

    after riding to work so far 1115 miles add 10 miles riding home for the day.
    I think I may have to give my legs a break for the month of august (I keep saying that but it never happens), then we have the MS ride, THEN I gotta a month before the marathon comes. I'm tired just thinking about that run :0/

    exermom - i don't think it's THAT big, lolol

    damnit - i will admit, my legs are kinda solid that's for sure. no i'm not struggling to keep weight on oddly enough.. you would think so with all the calorie burning that i'm doing. all i can say it better be muscle that i'm gaining or i'll be pissed! we all know muscle weighs more than fat and that better be it damnit!

    lagopus - beutiful pics and scenery!

    grits- monkey feet aren't for everyone I'm sure.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Anne - Forgot to say what a lovely photo that is of you and your daughter. Such great smiles! I know you were very stressed beforehand, but I guess it "all went alright on the night". :D

    Just got back from lunch with my friend. She took me to a marina on the coast. It was a bit too windy to sit outside, but perfectly nice and I had a lovely roasted vegetables and halloumi salad. Delicious.

    Came back to find my beach shoes had arrived. Now I will be able to negotiate Brighton beach pebbles and have a paddle. :)

    All good. Italian sausages, mashed celeriac and spring cabbage tonight. I will keep a sausage each back for lunch tomorrow.

    Read Big Magic on the train. Something to keep me company.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather - yea!!! On the 1lb loss! Your food choices always are intriguing. I usually have to ask my DH to interpret. Luckily he is very knowledgeable. I must say you lead a very adventurous life. I enjoy reading your posts.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    joyce thinking of you and sending hugs. Take time for yourself as best you can, get some rest we are all thinking of you and Charlie <3
    Ann the wedding pic with your daughter is awesome, you can see how nervous and excited she was, what a special memory to share

    Having a quiet day (but got in a big walk) to further process and clear the decks. I can't help it, I love projects so I bought very inexpensive shelves from Home Depot and am going to tackle the basement hardware, paint supply tangle and get thing off the floor Sparking joy!!! NYKAREN
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout A
    Squats-1X5X65/75/85/90, 5X5X 95
    BP-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 80
    BR-5X5X 85

    Kettlebell Swing
    22X10 X 30

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    4 miles


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Love to all. Love the photos!

    When I went to get a new CPAP machine about a year ago, Medicare refused to pay the supplier because I did not have a recent sleep study. I wrote them a rebuttal, saying why should Medicare funds be used to pay for a sleep study, when I have been using a CPAP nightly for twenty years and this is not something that goes away. AND the computer chip in the CPAP shows that I use it every night, and for naps, and even when I meditate. They still refused to pay for it. So I needed a sleep study before I could get any more supplies (tubing, replacement masks, etc.), as well as going to a new supplier since the old one was not happy. So, since I have young kids at home, I opted to just have the home sleep study done so I did not have to leave my girls with someone overnight. THAT was a mistake. It only is diagnostic, so it has no CPAP attached to it and you can not use your CPAP while it is being done. Can't use a fan either, which is essential for my sleep. So last night I went to bed with this thing strapped to my forehead and nasal cannulas in place. I felt like I was suffocating all night long and no sleep. Had a horrid headache from lack of oxygen. I had to get at least five hours of "sleep" for it to monitor for two nights in a row. So I lay there suffocating and sweating for seven hours, not getting any rest. It was like torture. At 4am I took it off, turned on the fan and put my CPAP on and got about two hours of real sleep. And I have to go through it again tonight. Ugh. So I am dragging today.