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Hot topics! Sugar in fruit



  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    On an aside, I eat Tootsie Pops to curb my hunger. If I want a snack and don't have the calories planned in, a tootsie pop lasts 15-20 minutes for 60 cals and 10gr of sugar.

    I'm happy that works for you. Tootsie pops are easy to carry. :smiley:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    On an aside, I eat Tootsie Pops to curb my hunger. If I want a snack and don't have the calories planned in, a tootsie pop lasts 15-20 minutes for 60 cals and 10gr of sugar.

    But how many licks does it take?

    Sorry, I just figured this thread could use a diversion.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    If I were to eat a T of straight sugar I doubt it would make me hungry...

    I cut more like 10 teaspoons of sugar from my diet. From about 50 grams/day to less than 10 grams/day.

    I'll say it a third time, you did not just cut sugar...

    I've been very clear, I initially cut deserts which was mainly ice cream. I stopped snacking then because I didn't need to but that would have been mainly nuts. Past that I then just started cutting added sugars. I really don't understand what your point or issue is.

    I'm certain that for me it is the added sugar that was driving my hunger. Now I eat less and have less hunger. My diet is still reasonable sized at around 2200 kc/day.

    Ok let's start with the ice cream. Ice cream is more then just sugar. Mainly, fat sugar and salt. So I will say it a 4th time, "You did NOT just cut out sugar!".

    Honestly, what is the confusion here?

    The only thing that is clear is you really don't know what drove your perceived hunger...

    @dykask why do you keep ignoring this?

    You are the ones ignoring facts. I stated many times when my hunger was improved I then did just cut sugar, only sugar and I have had further improvements. Frankly I didn't believe in sugar addiction but the absurd responses to my experience clearly indicates people are addicted to sugar. It reminds me of when my father stopped smoking in the 1960's.

    Let me make it very clear. I know how my body feels, you don't. I've experimented with my diet, you haven't.

    I didn't expect this result and I wasn't even trying for it. I didn't even know very much about added sugar in food when I started out. I found all of that out later when I was trying to figure out why I no longer had the crushing hunger. My only goal was to lose more weight after maintaining for a couple of years. There wasn't any agenda and I did my initial cuts more than a month before I even signed into this site. At the time I didn't even know what MFP was, it was just some box on the Garmin Connect site.

    That's your takeaway?
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    I found all of that out later when I was trying to figure out why I no longer had the crushing hunger.

    Now it's crushing hunger.

  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    I found all of that out later when I was trying to figure out why I no longer had the crushing hunger.

    Now it's crushing hunger.

    What is the crushing hunger? Is that what people in starving countries feel?
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    I found all of that out later when I was trying to figure out why I no longer had the crushing hunger.

    Now it's crushing hunger.

    You have a serious problem.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    I found all of that out later when I was trying to figure out why I no longer had the crushing hunger.

    Now it's crushing hunger.

    What is the crushing hunger? Is that what people in starving countries feel?

    Crazy right?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Do you understand that ice cream has more ingredients than just sugar? When you stop eating ice cream you are reducing more than just the sugar. You are reducing calories from sugar as well as fats. Any other desserts that you would cut out would be the same.

    You also stopped putting sugar in your oatmeal, but replaced it with raisins. Raisins, like all dried fruits, have high concentrations of sugars. So you didn't really cut your sugar there...

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited July 2016
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Again, what you are doing is working and that is great. Having said that, it is clear this is a classic case of misinterpreting the data. Happens all the time so don't feel bad...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited July 2016
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Do you understand that ice cream has more ingredients than just sugar? When you stop eating ice cream you are reducing more than just the sugar. You are reducing calories from sugar as well as fats. Any other desserts that you would cut out would be the same.

    You also stopped putting sugar in your oatmeal, but replaced it with raisins. Raisins, like all dried fruits, have high concentrations of sugars. So you didn't really cut your sugar there...

    I'll take it a step further and say by adding raisins (which is a great idea) he added FIBER along with SUGAR...

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Do you understand that ice cream has more ingredients than just sugar? When you stop eating ice cream you are reducing more than just the sugar. You are reducing calories from sugar as well as fats. Any other desserts that you would cut out would be the same.

    You also stopped putting sugar in your oatmeal, but replaced it with raisins. Raisins, like all dried fruits, have high concentrations of sugars. So you didn't really cut your sugar there...

    I'll take it a step further and say by adding raisins (which is a great idea) he added FIBER along with SUGAR...

    Wait but doesn't fiber help with hunger?

    Mind. Blown.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    edited July 2016
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Do you understand that ice cream has more ingredients than just sugar? When you stop eating ice cream you are reducing more than just the sugar. You are reducing calories from sugar as well as fats. Any other desserts that you would cut out would be the same.

    You also stopped putting sugar in your oatmeal, but replaced it with raisins. Raisins, like all dried fruits, have high concentrations of sugars. So you didn't really cut your sugar there...

    Wrong! Stop assuming things. I have always put raisins in my oatmeal. I cut the sugar. I started with the ice cream but after that I just removed sugar. ONLY SUGAR

    Why are so many so hell bent on defending sugar? It is really quite insane.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Again, what you are doing is working and that is great. Having said that, it is clear this is a classic case of misinterpreting the data. Happens all the time so don't feel bad...

    You are the one misinterpreting and making statements without any data.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Again, what you are doing is working and that is great. Having said that, it is clear this is a classic case of misinterpreting the data. Happens all the time so don't feel bad...

    You are the one misinterpreting and making statements without any data.

    Keep telling yourself that...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Do you understand that ice cream has more ingredients than just sugar? When you stop eating ice cream you are reducing more than just the sugar. You are reducing calories from sugar as well as fats. Any other desserts that you would cut out would be the same.

    You also stopped putting sugar in your oatmeal, but replaced it with raisins. Raisins, like all dried fruits, have high concentrations of sugars. So you didn't really cut your sugar there...

    Wrong! Stop assuming things. I have always put raisins in my oatmeal. I cut the sugar. I started with the ice cream but after that I just removed sugar. ONLY SUGAR

    Why are so many so hell bent on defending sugar? It is really quite insane.

    We are defending miss-information and bad ideas...
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Do you understand that ice cream has more ingredients than just sugar? When you stop eating ice cream you are reducing more than just the sugar. You are reducing calories from sugar as well as fats. Any other desserts that you would cut out would be the same.

    You also stopped putting sugar in your oatmeal, but replaced it with raisins. Raisins, like all dried fruits, have high concentrations of sugars. So you didn't really cut your sugar there...

    Wrong! Stop assuming things. I have always put raisins in my oatmeal. I cut the sugar. I started with the ice cream but after that I just removed sugar. ONLY SUGAR

    Why are so many so hell bent on defending sugar? It is really quite insane.

    Asked and answered. Reading comprehension fail. 10 yard penalty . . .

    And then there is that whole sugar in raisins thing . . .

    And the why am I being attacked thing while calling the conversation insane and completely and utterly failing to comprehend.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited July 2016
    dykask wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Honestly, it sounds like you're conflating cravings for hyperpalatable foods (dessert) with real hunger. If I eat Cheez-Its, I crave more, even if I just had a filling meal.


    No! I've dealt with the hunger for well over a decade. It has nothing to do with cravings. I didn't crave more ice cream or something else. My hunger want more real food. Hunger pains are not cravings. It is amazing to me that some people can't accept a simple fact. What makes you think you can understand the difference between hunger and cravings and I can't?

    For me cutting way back on added sugar has greatly reduced my hunger between meals. Typically I don't eat until I'm completely full, so I'll feel like I could eat but don't need to. After 4 or maybe 5 hours normal type hunger starts. That is normal. What used to happen is within two hours of eating I would be feeling seriously hungry. That can't be normal but I sure many people experience it. That probably is why there is so much snacking. I no longer even have the desire to snack.

    Once you've dieted down and then bulked and cut some you'll see what people are saying with this. Many of us have been through an adjustment period where we realized what we thought was hunger wasn't really hunger. It won't make sense until you experience it.

    That is fine for you, but it isn't me. First my hunger is less than just when I maintaining. Second I know that adding sugar now causes the hunger to come back. I'm not claiming this would be the same for everyone, but it how it works for me.

    You are not a special snowflake...

    I'm not a snowflake at all. However I'm realizing there is a lot of fruitcake floating around here.

    Perfect, resort to name calling. Way to further your hopeless argument...

    Read a little ... the attacks on me are pretty nutty.

    You are confusing an attack with correcting mis-information.

    WHAT you did is working and that is great. Having said that, it is not working for the reasons you THINK it is. You have the HOW confused with the WHAT. It is clear to me that you are beyond reasoning with because you can't fight faith with facts...

    You are the one that is ignoring facts and then making up stuff. How I started and where I am today are two different things. It is only added sugar that I'm cutting. Everything else is the same as what I successfully used before to drop close to 30 pounds. When I add sugar I end up being very hungry way too soon. Removing the extra sugar resolves that issue for me.

    For some reason you can accept my statement. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and your are right. However I have the facts.

    Do you understand that ice cream has more ingredients than just sugar? When you stop eating ice cream you are reducing more than just the sugar. You are reducing calories from sugar as well as fats. Any other desserts that you would cut out would be the same.

    You also stopped putting sugar in your oatmeal, but replaced it with raisins. Raisins, like all dried fruits, have high concentrations of sugars. So you didn't really cut your sugar there...

    Wrong! Stop assuming things. I have always put raisins in my oatmeal. I cut the sugar. I started with the ice cream but after that I just removed sugar. ONLY SUGAR

    Why are so many so hell bent on defending sugar? It is really quite insane.

    Perhaps call it table sugar? That could clarify things because you do have plenty of sugars (monosaccharides) in your diet; sugars being glucose, fructose, galactose, lactose, etc.

    ETA Or state if it is an added sugar or a naturally occuring sugar? For example, icecream will have some naturally occuring sugar in the milk but it is mostlt added sugars thant make up the sugar content of icecream. (Along with all of the natrually occuring fat and small amount of protein in icecream.)
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    When it comes to fruit, I eat as much as I want. It's never caused me any issues at all. YMMV. I personally find fruit to be a lot more filling than any kind of drink, including fruit drinks, so I can't see where I would ever have a situation of eating it to excess.