I have an (almost) obese brother & need advice!



  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    I know you are trying to help your brother. Someone else may have mentioned it here, but it is extremely common for boys to be chubby just before they go through puberty (and grow tall before your very eyes). I am not saying his eating and exercise habits are great, but puberty may drastically change things...
    He's the biggest kid in his grade. He's not just chubby, 140 pounds is almost obese. He's around 40/50 pounds overweight. He's going to get taller during puberty but a lot of kids tend to gain weight during puberty too, I know I did. I'd rather not just leave it up to chance
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016
    Yes, I understand. I guess what I should have said is that now, before puberty, is a great time for him to make positive changes, with the pediatrician's guidance, before that growth spurt happens. He has to buy in to it, though, and with your mom not fully on board it will be difficult for him and frustrating for you...I am sorry you have this situation.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    st476 wrote: »
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    Honestly, if he is sneaking food you just have to back off. I snuck food for years because my mom was always trying to make me diet. I know is hard to sit there and see the damage but if they can't buy overall better and healthier options (ie, not buying those crackers at all, having healthier options as a whole family) then he won't be successful. Maybe you should instead focus on helping him have active fun with you and bond with him. Getting him interested in sport would probably be the most beneficial. I mean it sounds like he isn't eating all day long, so he doesn't eat waaaay too much. Bringing his activity up might be the solution.

    Let him know all physical activities are a bit hard to begin with but that movement is important. Perhaps have him earn Xbox time after 1 hour of soccer or swim or what have you. Make it fun and make it a bro sis thing he will enjoy.

    Had I been encouraged to play sports or go ride my bike I think I would have been less overweight as a young teen, when I did want to play I was told the family didn't have enough money... ya know? so instead of focusing on the food which you can't control forever- build a love of a sport with him. It make take a few tries, but be open minded and try anything. I know it sounds weird but I have really enjoyed running around in empty skate parks with the kids I nanny for. Trying to climb up the walls, running over small ramps, etc turns out to be a great sweat producer and so much fun. Try basketball, soccer, more swimming, Frisbee, hikes to cool spots, whatever you guys can think of. An hour a day of moving around will surely benefit him in the long run.
    Everyone is saying not to force my brother to eat what he doesn't want to eat (which I don't), and it's the same with exercise. We try to get him to move more but he doesn't want to. He isn't a big sports person at all and I (or my parents) could limit his Xbox time but he's obsessed. He cries when his connection stops working and if it's not Xbox then he's in bed watching YouTube videos on his iPad. It's really hard to get him to move when he can't pull away from his Xbox from 8am-9pm.

    Then honestly, what do you expect from us as far as advice goes?

    I was the same, no one bothered trying to encourage me or pay for the sports I wanted to play with my friends and I was fat my whole teen years. it sucked, but looking back its just what happened. I ate the foods my parents ate. So does your brother. Maybe he likes the food, but bottom line is he is old enough to circumvent your efforts.

    Please feel free to keep offering him the healthy stuff but your reach will end the moment you leave unless you find a way to get him up and moving. Maybe it means getting the Xbox and iPad taken away until he does some activity. If parents aren't willing to do that then YOU have done all you can. It's 11 years of parenting mistakes. I'm a nanny and I have taken care of a 9yo boy, if left to his own devices (literally) that's all he would do- I did have to take things away to encourage him to get more involved in the home and be active. Yeah he cried but it was my job to take good care of him, not to let him sit around all day. That's not your job or what I'm saying, but you do see that this is beyond your reach, right?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I read page 1 then jumped. So if I am repeating anything, sorry in advance.

    I think the MOM needs to go to the dietitian. She is the person who is ill-informed, isn't enforcing better choices, and keeps "forgetting" the nutrition rules. If she shops, cooks, and eats better the son will naturally follow.

    Sister, you might help by prominently displaying healthy snack choices like carrot sticks, etc., between meals, and by inviting him (and perhaps one friend) out to activities to get him away from the X-box once in a while.
  • laurelann19
    laurelann19 Posts: 14 Member
    I think it's great that you're trying to help your brother, and that you've been put in a crap situation. He are my thoughts:
    1. Your parents need to be more involved, as many have said. They can't put expectations like this on you and expect you to bear the brunt of this situation. Maybe help your mom create meal plans and shopping lists. Help your dad create a plan to limit Xbox time and set expectations for movement. They need to be the disciplinarians, but you can help them with the tools.
    2. Find a way to get him interested in some kind of movement... Anything. Soccer, swimming, playing that new Pokemon Go or whatever it is where you walk around and find Pokemon. Does he have a Kinect for his Xbox? Is there some kind of workout game that can be a compromise?
    3. Definitely encourage your parents to take him to the doctor. Your heart is in the right place, but you're not a medical professional and your parents can't expect it of you! It's not fair, you're practically still a child yourself!
    Good luck with all of this, but don't push your brother too far, it's a slippery slope as a sibling in a parental role!
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    I confess I barely read anything, but what I wish would have been done for me as an obese kid is this: The whole family (doesn't matter what they weigh, mine were all normal BMI) from an early age keeping whole-type foods around (I realize that's open to interpretation, but there is a general meaning) and EVERYONE eating those foods with treats remaining treats and not kept in quantity. I also would want the whole family to stay active in fun ways. For a kid, that means playing with them in an active way or family walks and active hobbies. The whole family and the whole process would not be focused on the child's weight or calories. The lifestyle would be normalized and as natural as breathing. As for education, again, normal and natural - positive talk about berries while preparing a fruit salad together. Just casual conversation while cooking together.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited July 2016
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I read page 1 then jumped. So if I am repeating anything, sorry in advance.

    I think the MOM needs to go to the dietitian. She is the person who is ill-informed, isn't enforcing better choices, and keeps "forgetting" the nutrition rules. If she shops, cooks, and eats better the son will naturally follow.

    Sister, you might help by prominently displaying healthy snack choices like carrot sticks, etc., between meals, and by inviting him (and perhaps one friend) out to activities to get him away from the X-box once in a while.

    This is good advice. I saw a study with school children that showed if fruits and veggies are prominently displayed that the kids would eat them. But they wouldn't usually go out of their way to ask for them. If sis or mom cuts up apples, puts carrots on the plate with the lunch etc then brother will likely start nibbling on them. I used to limit my boys' drinks to predominantly water, and occasional milk or juice. When they wanted soda I allowed one a day. Also I limited television and encouraged them to bike ride and play outside. They had a tree house, swam in the pool, and spent a lot of time running around in the yard playing with neighborhood friends.
  • de7inhim
    de7inhim Posts: 31 Member
    You are an amazing sister. You are not the typical self focused young lady who is worried about the next tat or hair color. You have come here because you know you need guidance. I've read all the advice. I'm saddened by the critical tone some project. Lots of people are reacting perhaps from their own frustrations????
    Staying focused on your goal, helping your 11 year old brother who knows you care about him and his health. Keep the open dialogue, invite him to join you in the kitchen preparing his meals. When you are gone he will need to be able to make meals for himself.
    No pressure, but example portion control, wise selections etc. yes encourage some movement. Will he enjoy anything with you?? Wish you could come enjoy my pool.
    I understand your dilemma with parents who are locked in their own pain ( obesity and I bet depression) They know you care and will help him. Ultimately you are not his parent, but a loving, supportive sister can do a lot of good. You are an amazing young person. I hope you know that your love and encouragement is a priceless gift, but you can't make up for absent parents.
  • TheFatLadyPortrait
    TheFatLadyPortrait Posts: 21 Member
    I feel for your situation, being someone who was morbidly obese as a child. My parents exercised no control over what I ate and made me responsible for trying to count my own calories at a young age (I remember trying to calorie count my own food at 8 or 9). My meals were bad, having no veggies and way too much cheese, cream, and butter, but the snacking was worse. If I had done away with the between meal ice creams and cookies, maybe I would not have ever reached 500 lb.

    I think the main thing he needs is to snack healthily so that he is not over-hungry at meals and not taking in tons of excess calories throughout the day. For example, My neighbors would always tell their kids to have fruit or carrots if they were hungry between meals. They didn't always like it, but they knew to expect it. A cookie or some crackers as an after dinner snack will keep him from feeling deprived of his sweets. Just getting him used to simple snack guidelines will probably make a huge difference. Especially if you can get him off of soda and sugary beverages. Maybe make him juice from concentrate but up the water when you mix it up so its less sweet and less calorie dense. Have him drink a glass of milk with his meals (which is healthy and filling) and have him drink water when possible.

    Those would be simple guidelines that even your parents could understand (no offense, of course, my parents were the same way). They could have a standard list of fruit and veggies and beverages to always buy and then he could choose something he likes as his after dinner snack for the week.

    I would say that chances are good that it is not too late to instill healthy habits in him before you leave, especially if you lead by example.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm another who has not read the entire thread. Apologies if I repeat.

    You're in a hard spot. Kudos to you for trying to help.

    It sounds like it will be tough for him to lose the weight until the foods available to him are changed. Either the quantity or the type (quality). To change the foods it is largely the responsibiliy of your parents. Getting rid of the extra crackers, bread or whatever foods he tends to overeat (junk food especially) may go some way towards helping. If it isn't in the house, it will be harder for him to eat it.

    Would your parents get on board with that? Would they keep his problem foods out of the house even if it is a favorite of theirs? They can always eat it while out of the house...

    I'm a celiac and my kids must be gluten free too. We keep the house gluten free just to simplify things. My husband eats gluten food when away from home. It's unfair to ask young kids to watch a parent eating a food they like but can't or shouldn't have. Your parents would really be helping him if they set up the pantry for his success rather than failure.

    And then there are some foods that I don't want my kids eating mch of so I limit it. GF bread is not an overly healthy item. I limit them to one or two slices per day. If I gave them free reign they would eat a loaf a day. My 11 year old does not need 3 grilled cheese sandwiches in a day. I'd rather they ate other, healthier things. Nuts, yogurt and fruits are added instead.

    And if it isn't their favorite thing and they don't eat much, that's fine. They don't need their favorites everyday.

    Best wishes to you. Good luck!
  • kadybug97
    kadybug97 Posts: 33 Member
    edited July 2016
    I think it's great how you want to help your brother! I was shocked reading comments by people telling you to mind your own business and let the parents parent. He is your brother and you are an awesome sister for looking out for him! However I do agree that the meal plan you gave him does seem a little strict for a kid. Maybe you could make homemade cookies with oats, honey, and sugar-free chocolate chips and pack a couple for him for lunch?:) since he is borderline obese, it might be especially hard for him to eat 99% healthy throughout the day right now. I will keep your brother in my thoughts and prayers!

    Edit: forgot it's summer and that kids aren't in school. *make him cookies for lunch I should have said :)
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I read page 1 and 5 and was disappointed at the amount of negativity at the beginning. It seems to me your parents want you to help, and your brother likes you. This could be a recipe for success, except you say you'll be away from home sometime in the near future.
  • TnZMom
    TnZMom Posts: 222 Member
    My friend's son is a picky eater. She made a deal with him that he had to try ten new foods -- one new food a day for ten days -- then he could get a reward.

    Try one new fruit or vegetable a day. Then you are adding something nutritious, instead of taking away the food he likes. The goal is to evolve his taste in food. Eventually, he'll eat mainly healthy food and occasionally some treats, instead of the other way around.
  • mappeal67
    mappeal67 Posts: 28 Member
    It sounds like you're fighting a losing battle if your mother doesn't understand nutritional basics.
    I think you're doing an amazing job and deserve much praise but the problem starts with your mother.
    She needs to be educated so that she understands what to feed her family.
    You said she is overweight herself. Is there any weight watcher programme she could join? Or is there a class she could take to help with understanding nutrition for her family? You could sell it as a way of helping your brother lose weight, rather than as a criticism of her. It might be good for your brother to get some cooking/nutrition classes too. Is there a summer school he could attend?
    I wish there were more I could suggest.

    Best of luck to you. Your family is lucky to have such a caring, responsible, intelligent person in their midst.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Really @TuneMeInNow how horribly rude of you to spam on a thread like this.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    st476 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    st476 wrote: »
    I have one question for everyone. A lot of parents choose to feed their children mostly healthy food, or don't let them have fast food more than once a year and they're called amazing parents. I want my brother to eat MOSTLY healthy food (as much as he needs to feel full) and not eat fast food unless it's necessary and apparently that's wrong? I'm sure he likes the fried food more but what's so wrong with swapping that with healthier options? He is a CHILD after all. Children don't know better and people who supervise them are supposed to make sure they are given what's good for them. I don't think I should give him anything and everything he wants just because he wants it. Now that's not to say that he can't have a serving of chips or a serving of this and that, but I just don't understand what's so bad about not giving a kid McDonald's twice a week just because he wants it. As adults, I'm sure all of you would love to have fast food for every meal but sometimes it's just not the better option. A child can't make those decisions for himself.

    Yeah, all that. But the kid's already fat. You can close the barn doors after the horses have run off but...
    Yes, which is my parents fault. I'm 19, obviously I wasn't old enough his entire life to help him make those smarter decisions. I don't think it's too late now, he's 11. It's something he could get used to.

    I admire your optimism but I remember being 11 and living on Campbell's chicken noodle soup, Crackerjack, Fluffernutters, Ragu, spaghetti, Tang, Saltines, Count Chocula and ice cream cones. I wasn't fat and I don't know why. My sister ate the exact same food as me and she was fat. No one and nothing could pry that poison from us. We loved it and we lived for it. Your brother probably feels the same way, despite being overweight, sorry.

    You were moving more or eating less than she was.

    It's not that simple when it comes to children. Thus why MFP is not appropriate for them - children go through drastic changes from 11-18 nutritionally.