Unrealistic weight loss brags



  • ariana_eatsandlifts
    ariana_eatsandlifts Posts: 197 Member
    I'm facebook friends with someone who quit her job as a nurse to sell It Works products full time. She's constantly posting about how many lives she's changed for the better selling her crappy MLM products. Kind of makes me sad thinking about how many more lives she could have really impacted if she stayed on as a nurse.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    Zipp237 wrote: »
    I have never posted anything about weight loss on facebook. No apps telling the world that I went for a walk, no pics of my dinner with calorie counts, no announcements that I went to a gym. I assume that nobody cares enough to hear it every day because I certainly wouldn't want to hear about every move everyone makes.

    Most of the people bragging about weight loss on facebook won't go the distance. I think they're more insecure than bragging. Others are trying to sell fitness shakes. Skim, move on.

    I used to share my exercises on Facebook until one day I looked back at my timeline and noticed that because I don't have other content to post every single day, it was dominated with "Mentali burned X calories today!" and that's so boring in such large quantities. So now when I log an exercise on my app and it gives me the option to share I think about whether there's anything interesting about that workout. I shared one a few days ago because it was interesting that I walked so far playing Pokemon Go, and I share hikes in interesting locales, things like that - I don't really mind if people share everything, but if you're not super active posting things to Facebook you really risk becoming one-note boring person.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited July 2016
    I decided a long time ago that others have the right to their own reality.....even if it is unrealistic and skewed. I choose not to support people in their silly fantasies.

    I give you a high five, though, because I agree with you!
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    i had a friend like this. But we all know it was probably to make herself feel better lol. I've lost 5stone over the course of 2 years nice a slow. But i think she may have gave up to fast on herself stress and kids :(
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I only just started a Facebook this year, mainly so I don't look weird to the Bar or employers looking for my social media accounts. They don't find anything, they figure you're hiding something. Anyway.

    My friends don't post about having lost tons of weight; they just have a compulsive need to 'check in' whenever they're at the gym. I know they're not logging it for their own sake like MFP, they're just bragging. And then they'll post a selfie looking too cute to actually work out and WAY too cute to have actually worked out. News flash: if you wore that much makeup while breaking a sweat, you would break out in so many zits it would look like chicken pox. "In the gym transforming".... right.

    Speaking of "in the gym transforming," I hate the way MFP overestimates calorie burn. I did an hour of cardio yesterday (elliptical, cross trainer) and a 30 minute kettlebell workout, and MFP told me I burned 1000 calories, not me. I work out the burn according to the MET formula and change it when I remember, but my adjustments are never saved so that I can just check off my exercises next time. I just don't eat my exercise calories back because MFP is insane.

    Ha, I've often posted asking "friends" who post gym selfies how they manage to not get skin issues working out with all that make up trowled on their face, and while I'm at it i would love to know why they are posting pics of themselves posing in the gym in the first place, does anyone really give a stuff? I'm so glad i got rid of Faceache, so not worth the annoyance and frustration.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I had a friend just post she lost 6lbs last week by exercising and eating right.

    She probably did lose 6lbs.

    She has hired a personal training and he is putting her through it...

    I didn't pipe in and say you know most of that was water weight because why deflate her.

    I have a body builder friend who posts gym selfies to show friends out eat his progress prior to competition.

    Why knock them...I am into fitness and health I get that a large portion of their life is gym related.

  • BarbellzNBrotein
    BarbellzNBrotein Posts: 306 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I decided a long time ago that others have the right to their own reality.....even if it is unrealistic and skewed. I choose not to support people in their silly fantasies.

    I give you a high five, though, because I agree with you!

    This is true. Personality I just don't give a *kitten*. If you're lying you're only lying to yourself. Behind closed doors one will still have to face the reality not the lie being displayed online. It's kinda sad when you think about it.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I don't do Facebook because it's like Crack..will just suck you in and not let go...no thanx!

    As for calling people out on their weight loss brags, that's not something I'd do. What's it to me? Maybe they really did lose all that? I've lost 7 lbs in a week once...juicing...yes it was probably water weight back then, but who cares? It was my 7 lbs to be proud of if I wanted to tell everyone.

    I'd rather high five someone who posts big numbers...whether they are overestimating, thinking too highly of themselves, or being dead on, what's it to me? If it keeps them motivated to keep working on improving, win!

    You do you, I'll do me.... <3
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited July 2016
    I only just started a Facebook this year, mainly so I don't look weird to the Bar or employers looking for my social media accounts. They don't find anything, they figure you're hiding something. Anyway.

    My friends don't post about having lost tons of weight; they just have a compulsive need to 'check in' whenever they're at the gym. I know they're not logging it for their own sake like MFP, they're just bragging. And then they'll post a selfie looking too cute to actually work out and WAY too cute to have actually worked out. News flash: if you wore that much makeup while breaking a sweat, you would break out in so many zits it would look like chicken pox. "In the gym transforming".... right.

    Speaking of "in the gym transforming," I hate the way MFP overestimates calorie burn. I did an hour of cardio yesterday (elliptical, cross trainer) and a 30 minute kettlebell workout, and MFP told me I burned 1000 calories, not me. I work out the burn according to the MET formula and change it when I remember, but my adjustments are never saved so that I can just check off my exercises next time. I just don't eat my exercise calories back because MFP is insane.

    Ha, I've often posted asking "friends" who post gym selfies how they manage to not get skin issues working out with all that make up trowled on their face, and while I'm at it i would love to know why they are posting pics of themselves posing in the gym in the first place, does anyone really give a stuff? I'm so glad i got rid of Faceache, so not worth the annoyance and frustration.

    Virtual high five, sistah! I agree 100% xo
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Oh good, this has devolved into bashing on women that wear makeup to the gym...
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I generally don't give a crap about weight loss brags, since it has nothing to do with me, but... I did see someone post a 200+ calorie burn in 10 minutes and it left me scratching my head in confusion.
  • gertmeister
    gertmeister Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2016
    2-3 lb a day is water weight...and rapid weight loss is not good for either your heart or your liver.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    Oh good, this has devolved into bashing on women that wear makeup to the gym...

    nice eh. I suppose if I were to go to a gym I would have to remember to pack makeup wipes to ensure all my makeup was off after work...good to know.

  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    If they are big people and just started weight loss journey they probably proud and excited. If they have a lot to loose then they might initially loose a lot. Good on them. Be it realistic or not the whole of social media and society revolves around celebrities show casing their fake *kitten*, tits and amazing lemon juice diets.its all exaggerated fake and unrealistic. If people are gullible enough to believe it let them.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,973 Member
    If I posted on face book that I had burnt 1000 cals everyone would just assume the Sunday roast had gone up in flames again.

    Cheers, h.

    That is my quote of the day! :D
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,973 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    I burned 1000 calories reading this thread and dropped 3 lbs of fat while gaining 8 lbs of muscle.

    Maybe the admins should "sticky" this thread? ;)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I only just started a Facebook this year, mainly so I don't look weird to the Bar or employers looking for my social media accounts. They don't find anything, they figure you're hiding something. Anyway.

    My friends don't post about having lost tons of weight; they just have a compulsive need to 'check in' whenever they're at the gym. I know they're not logging it for their own sake like MFP, they're just bragging. And then they'll post a selfie looking too cute to actually work out and WAY too cute to have actually worked out. News flash: if you wore that much makeup while breaking a sweat, you would break out in so many zits it would look like chicken pox. "In the gym transforming".... right.

    Speaking of "in the gym transforming," I hate the way MFP overestimates calorie burn. I did an hour of cardio yesterday (elliptical, cross trainer) and a 30 minute kettlebell workout, and MFP told me I burned 1000 calories, not me. I work out the burn according to the MET formula and change it when I remember, but my adjustments are never saved so that I can just check off my exercises next time. I just don't eat my exercise calories back because MFP is insane.

    Ha, I've often posted asking "friends" who post gym selfies how they manage to not get skin issues working out with all that make up trowled on their face, and while I'm at it i would love to know why they are posting pics of themselves posing in the gym in the first place, does anyone really give a stuff? I'm so glad i got rid of Faceache, so not worth the annoyance and frustration.

    I used to have a boss who perfected her hair and coordinated her lipstick, nails, and sweater before yoga.
