Serial Starters



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Oh wow that's a hot day for you. I'd melt. I don't mind some heat but I'm Canadian and deep down would rather winter haha

    Sara that's interesting with the dentist. I wonder why we miss spits.

    We're back to the science centre today. There's some climbing tube made from packing tape we saw that's opening today and we want to see an Imax movie. Hot and humid here so a good day to play inside
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited July 2017
    Same here with the heat indexes. Walking outside is like wrapping yourself in a hot wet blanket. Ugh! A/C at work is blasting. I had to put on a jacket!

    Had surprise visit over lunch from a former co-worker which was nice.

    last night ended up at a local diner. their Greek food is soooooo good. i ordered a gyro, not knowing it came with onion rings and fried mushrooms. i ate most of the gyro (mmmmm!) and only 3 onion rings and 3 mushrooms. i was able to walk out without cleaning my plate - which is quite an accomplishment for me. i was over my daily calories of course, but i was happy that i didn't eat all the fried stuff!

    How does everyone fit exercise into their day?

    Sara - i started using an electric toothbrush and my dentist said it was quite an improvement. it has built in timer kinda thing that lets you know when to move to next area. maybe that makes me spend more time and clean more thoroughly, dunno.

    Dawn - having sleep issues here as well. last night was worst night in quite awhile.

    rsamuels - did the choco coco cinno tea have a coffee taste to it? i like tea & like to try new ones but i dont like the taste of coffee. love the smell of coffee when its brewing but cant stand the taste. weird, i know.

    Ali - that science center sounds amazing!

    i think i need a nice HOT cup of tea to try and defrost at work. or start putting on other peoples jackets to try to warm up! LOL
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone, happy hump day ;)

    Tilliesmommy1 - Yes over the weekend I tend to stray away from my nice routine I have during the week, I do go over my calories pretty much all the time (on weekends) due to alcohol (Vodka) & mix (usually Dr. Pepper but open to other healthier options, just haven't found anything I like that doesn't have aspartame in it). Out of the ordinary this weekend was pizza, homemade burger (not so bad we usually have this once a week) & a smokie (don't usually like eating processed meats except on pizza when we happen to order it but even then we are finding it way too salty and have cut down dramatically) oh and potato salad homemade of course (the boyfriend makes the best potato salad).

    I am trying to see what works for me as a life style change, I know diets are just not going to hold up to withstand the 80-100 lbs I want to lose! I have noticed days where I eat more fat and less carbs seem to work well with the scale & am thinking about trying this method for about a month or so to see what kind of results I get. I just finished watching a video on YouTube called "Fat Heads" which seemed to co-inside with my train of thought...higher fat (animal fat), lower/natural carbs & sugars kinda like our ancestors ate many years ago.

    As for exercise I do that Mon-Fri on my lunch hour as there is a gym in the building I work in, which usually consists of the elliptical for about 50 min burning around 500 cal, then Strength training which I had started in about May and have increased the weight every 3-4 weeks give or take & most days try to incorporate some abs/core workouts.

    Strength Training Sets Reps/Set Weight/Set
    Abdominal Crunches 4 25
    Abdominal Leg Raise 1 25
    Shoulder Press 1 12 50
    Mid Row, Chest Supported, Machine 2 12 100
    Lat Pulldown 1 12 100
    Bench (Chest) Press, Machine 1 12 60
    Triceps Extension 2 12 40

    If I have time on the weekend I will try to get my lazy butt up and take my dogs for a walk, been feeling so guilty this summer because I haven't done this much yet! :o

    I hope everyone is having a good day looks like it might rain where I am today as they are calling for Thunderstorms, as for the temperature it is a little cooler than usual & a bit more windy & cloudy so the forecast may just be right for a change haha.
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    It's winter in South Africa And by far the coldest I've experienced in my memory. I used to love winter but now I long for spring time and summer. It's supposed to rain tomorrow which is good because we're in the middle of a drought so praying for rain. It's really cold. I don't know what I'd do in an area that snowed.

    Hick- I gym before work but it's starting to drain me. I also have class at a dance school twice a week. The choco coco cinno didn't have any obvious coffee hints. The coconut was really pungent though. I'll check the ingredients tomorrow and let you know.

    Ali - you are a really cool mom. You seem to be having loads of fun.

    Dawn - all the best with the heat. Keep hydrated. Wishing you sound sleep.

    Oh I uploaded my first book review on my blog which is exciting. I started W2D1 of c25k. Longing for the slumber that awaits on Friday. Many many hours of sleep.

    Wave to all...
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Saltine - sounds like you have the exercise part down just fine. there is a gym at work but i never get a regular or scheduled lunch so i may try it after work. its usually way too crowded in the mornings. the scenery isnt too bad though as it is full of young soldiers! ;)

    rsamuels - hope you get the rain you need. we have had lots of rain and flooding, so I would be happy to share! will be happy to ship some snow over to you too! LOL
    do you notice a difference in how you feel after workouts from gym vs dance?

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Saltine...i have a hard time on weekends too hubs throws a wrench in my workout and good eating plans by not wanting to. Sounds like you're in the right track cold is cold? I'm Canadian. We have varying degrees of cold. Like freeze tour tears cold or just cold haha and thanks we have fun

    We saw the Under the Sea movie again. Man cuttle fish see bizarre but I forgot about the sea lions in the movie omg I want one as a pet. The boy got to play in the weird tube made of tape which smelled weird so we went on to play in other areas. I need plans for tomorrow other than a haircut...woo hoo
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Hey All~~

    Checking in late today.

    What's for dinner? Maybe a veggie burger out of the freezer and some broccoli on the side? I don't have a lot of variety here, being on my own, and I'm a bit tired of what I have.....Hmm.....Maybe a quesadilla? OK, cheese and veggie burger quesadilla.


  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Mmm Lana all that sounds yummy

    Hubs messaged to say he's tired and is coming home and wants to sit on a patio and drink beer. Only thing is the closest best patio has cruddy food but it's hot and I don't want to walk far haha
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Dinner was leftover zucchini enchilada with rice (extra cheese). Your dinner sounded good for last minute creativity....

    Company posted nomination forms for Humankindness awards and I filled one out for the lady who made 40 chemo therapy bags.

    Have a feeling this may be an early evening with me snoring in hammock under Lana's Palm Tree.....

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathy - I am exact same...I love walking by a Gloria Jeans and smelling the coffee... but, the taste of it just makes me cringe... although, Gma gave us a Keurig a couple years ago for Christmas... she gives me all kinds of flavored coffees that don't taste at all like coffee...I love them... my current fav is Buttered Toffee...yummmm... only bad thing, I have to use a bit of sugar or I just can't drink it...

    rsamuelsgold - thank you... hope you get the rain you need... hoping we do, too... last time it rained it just got really muggy...I love fall and winter... it typically doesn't get terribly cold... and, I can hide all my rolls under all my layers...I was doing C25K, before I lost my job at shelter...I finished week 3... hoping to get back to it... definitely gotta wait till heat isn't so terrible.. there is no cool time of day right now...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- sounds yummy! I love quesadilla's...that scale you ordered sounds great... and, the price is great... do they sell those in stores? I've never bought anything on Amazon...

    Sara - very thoughtful of you to nominate deserve a nomination for all the generous things you do...I would give you an award... if my phone would let me

  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Saltine - sounds like you have the exercise part down just fine. there is a gym at work but i never get a regular or scheduled lunch so i may try it after work. its usually way too crowded in the mornings. the scenery isnt too bad though as it is full of young soldiers! ;)

    rsamuels - hope you get the rain you need. we have had lots of rain and flooding, so I would be happy to share! will be happy to ship some snow over to you too! LOL
    do you notice a difference in how you feel after workouts from gym vs dance?

    Dance is way more intense. We do a full routine from warm ups, then either Barre or floor strengthening exercises, and finally a we learn a a routine. Or Ballet/modern class is 1.5-2 hrs and contemporary 1 hour. It it's high intensity. At the gym I run/walk for 30 minutes. So I'm dead after dance class and always sore the next day. With gym has been easy compared to dance. But the gym is to increase my fitness levels so my body can handle the choreography.
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Ali - 10 degrees Celsius is freezing for us. It rarely gets below zero in towns.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    edited July 2017

    Good morning, :) sleepy but okay --

    Oatmeal on stove is beating me time wise - I am wandering too much online.......

    BBQ here tonight, lets hope I remember and if I go to make best choices.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - only good choices at BBQ... you will do just fine
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member
    edited July 2017
    RSGold~~ So good that you can have dance as part of your fitness routine. Good for you!
    I have bad feet, so all I can do is walk and work out in a pool. Be grateful for what you can do and keep on doing it!

    Dawn - I don't have a car so I never get to go to normal stores. That's why I order groceries on line; all the heavy stuff comes to the house. Today I will take the bus to the Trader Joe's and get what I can very easily carry.

    Sara - Good of you to nominate Lady of the Chemo Bags. :smiley:

    A Carolina Wren has made a nest in my garbage can that's filled with the pool vacuum hose and other pool junk. So funny. It is in a spot by the house where the walls make a 90-degree angle and it's under the roof overhang. I hope the little ones make it and don't get eaten by the other "creatures" we have around here.

    Off to the store before it gets too hot to do.

    Waving to Ali and Kathryn and Annie and Missy (who I see elsewhere on the boards)~~~


    240.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - good WI! I have a car, but don't make it to many stores...I don't have things delivered, as I live on a dead end gravel road, and it's kind of a pain to get stuff.. that scale might be worth checking out, tho...
    Hope your birdies make it!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    RSGold - I love dance lucky you. Ya 10 celcius here we start getting patios ready because it's double digits therefore patio weather. You'll see people in shorts, they are a bit crazy though

    Awww Lana the nesting bird why do they choose crazy spots

    It's pouring rain here right not so the boy decided we will have a day at home. I'll drag him to the pool later but wow it's one of the crazy dump a ton of rain really fast and flood everything

    Have a super awesome day my friends!
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    I ate my feelings today which was probably a bad idea because tomorrow is weigh in day. Anyhow

    I probably stayed under my calorie limit but lots of water tonight.

    Sometimes birds fly into our garage and I watch them from a window.

    Sara - Enjoy the bbq.

    Lana - great WI nicely done.

    I love pouring rain. We had some over the weekend.

    I need to do some chores tonight and work. One more day and than it's Friday night. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Enjoy ladies.

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Get drinking that water RSGold and good luck for the weigh in

    The rain is still coming down it's like a river down our street. At least our garbage bins are getting washed and the plants will be happy. I'd love to go out but I guess that's not in the cards right now