Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Up with regular paper delivery schedule, but no paper !! I wonder if that means paper will be later which would be just fine by me.....Dog is good about letting me know when it gets here. Just heard it.....and so did dog.

    Dawn, sounds like some options may open up. You are smart to start where you are going to now. With one car that can get in the way. You also know if part time of full time will work best for you.

    Baby blanket done will gift on Monday. Back to hats, better in this heat anyway. Library sells books as well so with any luck I will be reading/napping knitting.

    Decided to make more zucchini enchiladas as they freeze so well.

    Wave to all who follow. BBL
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Good morning all~~

    I overate yesterday--Berry Newtons of all things--sent as a free gift with the grocery delivery last week. Not a gift at all.
    Why do I think that eating a huge amount of cookies won't matter just because I've been on program for 6 days? My body and the scale journal every mis-step.
    Only things to be done today are to get as much exercise as possible and eat really clean.

    Dawn - Congrats on your being finished with the 3rd shift work. When do you start at new vet? Monday?

    Sara - It is wonderful what you do with your love of knitting--so much to benefit other people. Good karma.

    Waves to everyone who stops by later.


    242.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Good morning! Like Lana, I caved to a couple of sweet things yesterday but I did resist others later in the day, so it wasn't a complete waste of a day. Today is a new day.

    Low back and hip are being wonky and it's very hot and humid outside, so no walking for me. I am doing stretching and the other exercises PT and the chiropractor recommended earlier this year. Next massage isn't for a couple of weeks. Considering visiting a different chiropractor - but also thinking I should maybe talk with my regular doctor about this. He is aware as I have mentioned it at other appts and he gave me the referral for PT but I have not worked with him directly on it.

    No plans today. DH and I will work on our budget and go through our pictures and video from vacation.

    We have been talking again about selling our house and moving to a neighboring town. Just wanting to get away from the neighbor who was raided by the drug task force last month. But we like our house well enough and payment is low enough to give us extra money now to focus on saving, doing upgrades, etc. I like to dream about replacing the appliances and countertops. Doing new siding. We are on a 15 year mortgage with 14 1/2 years to go. I like the idea of actually having our house paid off before we retire. If we would move, we would have to go back to a 30 year mortgage with a higher payment as all of the houses we like seem to be in that higher range. Is it worth it? I just don't know.

    All that to say that we are considering going to a couple of open houses today. :)

    DS says he is making us oven fried chicken today. We shall see how it goes!

    Dawn - glad you are done with that night shift.

    Lana - I can completely relate to your situation.

    Sara - keep cool!

    As I said, hot and humid here. The news forecaster actually just called it "swampy" outside.

    Enjoy the day!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good morning...

    Lana - that sums up my way of thinking, every weekend... or, once a month... it's a new day... cookies are gone (unkind gift they were) ...get back on track... hang out in the pool... you'll be just fine

    Yes, I start at Vet on Monday... still nervous... trying to be confident...not working...

    Sara - sounds like a good plan... definitely staying inside, today...114 heat index...SO is working outside... I'm hoping he'll be smart about it and not stay out all day...9:00am and it's already 85°

    Trying to stay awake today, so I can sleep tonight and get back on a normal schedule... we'll see how long it lasts... ate some breakfast and having a hard time getting moving, again...

    Everyone stay cool (or warm rsamuelsgold)
    Have a great Saturday
    Waves to all

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie - kinda funny you mentioned news person using word "Swampy" our weather girl said, "Being in a pool today is like being in warm soup" pretty sure I have never heard that reference...

    SO and I have discussed looking to buy, as we have wasted way too much money on rent... kinda put it on back burner, when I lost job at shelter...we have no savings, considering checking into grants that help with down payments...nothing wrong with going to open houses... maybe, get some ideas for your house

    Fried chicken sounds incredibly yummy!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Checking in with every one......Drink plenty of water!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Found 3 more skeins of yarn to make a baby blanket- pagoda (peacock) colored. So I put a chemo therapy hat on needles and started putting another baby blanket on needles (round ones but not knitting "in the round")

    I agree- drink that water - speaking of which.....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Holy cow! Looking at a few pix from vacation and there is no denying I need to do something. Dial in the diet is the first key. Hopefully stupid hip will allow me to get some walking in. But beyond that, I think I'll do some light weight training to try to tone my arms and planks for my abs. This is ridiculous!

    Sara - I like the comment "Be stubborn about your goals". I needed to hear that as I caved again today.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Checking in before bed......I stayed in the green with my calories. I didn't "eat my activity points". I think I need to aim for staying green more often. Hello! I know that's a forehead slapper....

    See you all tomorrow.

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Hi all busy day here.

    The hubs went to work for the morning some file that he's annoyed with so he was not most pleasant when we met him for brunch.

    Then we decided to get the boy a new bike since he's gone up to an adult sized bike.

    Off to a friend's for dinner. She's fun and very generous and terrible at cooking so we got there and took over. The boy got to help out the lobster in the pot.

    A fun day but now my foot is not happy with me. Good job I have a Dr appt on Monday

    Hope you are all having a great weekend
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed, a little more sleep for me? Hope so.

    Lana - it may not feel like a big victory but staying in green is a long term win.

    Ali - glad you have a Dr. apt tomorrow.

    Dawn - last shift and starting new job Monday? Good deal. Hope your day is restful.

    All my to do list is done except grocery shopping, so cooking is left. Will make the zucchini enchiladas double recipe and freeze the extras, cooking a pot of rice is easy.....

    Wave to all who follow. BBL>
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - thanks...I managed to get some good sleep last night... until it started storming and dog woke me up... poor girl...

    I am really doubting myself about this job... most of it, is I'm nervous about not being able to learn everything... partly, cuz I'm so anti social, that I have no desire to get to know new people... also, cuz I keep thinking about other vet, and the fact that I actually know someone there, I wouldn't be completely alone...I know, that contradicts me not wanting to make new friends... but, it helps me adjust, when I'm comfortable...I'm so hard on myself... can't help it... no matter how hard I try
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Good morning Everybody~~

    Ali - I am glad you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. That foot of yours needs some serious attention, not a brush off with "stay off of it for a while". You seem to be of a youthful age that shouldn't be having the pain you are having, but we never know!

    I'll tell you a story about my foot when I was a hard-working stagehand in my 40s (protective footwear is de-riguer): strange sharp pain in foot, on top of the foot, under the foot, but nothing happened to blame it on. Something wasn't right, and it hurt a lot. I had been carrying heavy weights, but that was normal.
    I went to foot doctor specialists; they gave me soft braces, drugs, exercises etc etc. All too slowly the condition eased, but wouldn't go away. I couldn't continue my usual work.
    I went to a wedding in the midwest; massages were a gift to the bridal party. A masseuse in Quincy Illinois gave me a full body massage, worked on the foot as a matter of routine, and poof! Foot problem solved. Obviously some tendon or ligament was out of place. My point is that feet are complicated parts of our bodies, and they take a beating. Some people get stress fractures and never know it, blah, blah.
    I hope you find the answers for your foot very soon.

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Wow Lana that's interesting. And ya I'm finally going. I have abused my feet for years. I grew up competitively figure skating and then coached and now do it for fun and coach a little. I am sure my feet are older than me haha

    I need to try these zucchini enchiladas I'm intrigued

    New jobs are so hard. Meeting people is hard o always thing sometimes we just ha e to close out eyes and hope for the best haha
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Sara - thanks...I managed to get some good sleep last night... until it started storming and dog woke me up... poor girl...

    I am really doubting myself about this job... most of it, is I'm nervous about not being able to learn everything... partly, cuz I'm so anti social, that I have no desire to get to know new people... also, cuz I keep thinking about other vet, and the fact that I actually know someone there, I wouldn't be completely alone...I know, that contradicts me not wanting to make new friends... but, it helps me adjust, when I'm comfortable...I'm so hard on myself... can't help it... no matter how hard I try


    Please do whatever you can to ease up on yourself. Don't churn your mind up with imagining scenarios. When you catch yourself doing this, push the thoughts away and focus on whatever you are doing right now, today, Sunday. Enjoy today.

    Every normal person has trepidations about starting a new job, whether it is at a vet or a landscapers. The first few weeks of any job are a strange, distorted time; a lot of mistakes will be made as we try to learn to fit in and do things the way they are done in the new place. There may be people there who act strangely; maybe they feel threatened by a new person coming on. Or, none of this will exist.

    It is in your own best interest to calm yourself and give yourself POSITIVE self talk. You do have experience with animals; you are a good-hearted person who will bring both brains and compassion to this job. You will in a short time be an asset to this organization that you have teamed up with.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Sara - I'll be following you into the kitchen. I have almost too many vegetables that I need to cut up and/or pre-cook. If I don't do this, I tend to skip vegetables with my dinner because I'm too tired late in the day to deal with them.

    I hope you and Miss Tillie have a restful Sunday~~

    I'll be under the palm tree snoring--nothing like a Sunday afternoon nap!

  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    I've finally broken this habit and am losing weight like crazy. knowledge is power. i saw several documentaries on the subject of how our brains react to sugar, salt and fat. our bodies natural hunger shut off point is disrupted when we consume artificial sugar and processed foods.

    think of a squirrel selling nuts to other squirrels. he can only sell as many nuts that customers will eat until they are full. but if you roast and salt those nuts, the consumer squirrels will just keep buying and eating them until they are fat and sick. think of the greedy salesman squirrel as all of the modern fast food and convience packaged food big business. they are not out for your best interest. If you'd like to know more please look up the following documentaries in your spare time and understand how your body and brain interacts with what and how you feed it.




  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- thank you very much...I try so hard to think positive, when the negative thoughts take over...I always think "worse case scenario " I've always been told, I'm a very negative person... in some cases, I agree...I like to say, I'm a "realist" I wish I could change the way I am... at least, to not be so worried about everything