Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    I'm back from three glorious days on the North Shore of Lake Superior! We had beautiful weather, lots of hiking and sightseeing, and fun memories made. I'm sure I ate too much even though we didn't eat regular meals and actually didn't eat 3 meals each day.

    I don't know what my problem has been this summer but all I've done is maintain or gain. I'm not ready to face the scale, but DH and I officially started tracking today. We will be using MFP as we wanted a free option. I'm trying to stick to lower carb and possibly higher-fat. Going to work on getting the exercise in spite of my achy leg and hip. I know I need to walk and I need to work on my core strength.

    Time to catch up on all of your posts for the last few days along with doing laundry. A trip to the grocery store will happen this afternoon, as well. :)

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Lana - DH leaves the garage door up when he works out there. its been up so much lately that a pair of sparrows (i think) have made a nest in rafters near the upper door track. DH now trying to come to terms with knocking it down before they get babies. we think there may be eggs in there already. :(

    rsamuels - i have to deal with emotional eating as well. this has been a rough, stressful summer at my house which makes it worse. one way i try to deal with it is having a lot of healthier cheat foods around. that way its not like eating a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting. this summer i've been getting whole watermelons. i eat the melon instead of sweets. have eaten so much i am surprised i am not turning green and striped! :p

    Annie - let me know how the lower carb, higher fat makes you feel. i have been contemplating something along those lines. i know i have to make sure my carbs are focused on water-based carbs and not flour-based.

    Sara - nominating that lady is so sweet. hope she gets recognition of some kind for that. and you too for the knitting!

    Dawn - i haven't been able to drink flavored coffees. i haven't tried a lot of them because i dont want to waste it if i dont like it. i cant even handle mocha or frappe or whatever new fancy thing they come out with. the coffee taste, even just a hint, is just too bitter or something for me. :s

    Was up way too late last night trying to make decisions on Jeep parts that stay within budget. Not sure why, but when i woke up this morning, i wasn't hungry. was in rush to get to work, then so busy it was 1300 before i realized i had not had anything to eat! lunch was a chicken burger w/bbq sauce (no bun) and bbq baked beans. now i just hope i dont end up being ravenous before dinner or before bed because of it!

    Still focusing on fitting into the mother-of-the-groom dress this September!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Dental credit paid for lipstick here I come.

    Lady at work was told in the entrance way of our company that her son had been killed and the noise carried unfortunately throughout building - dont know details except it makes everyone feel helpless.

    On way to BBQ
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    ASalner wrote: »

    I'm back from three glorious days on the North Shore of Lake Superior! We had beautiful weather, lots of hiking and sightseeing, and fun memories made. I'm sure I ate too much even though we didn't eat regular meals and actually didn't eat 3 meals each day.

    I don't know what my problem has been this summer but all I've done is maintain or gain. I'm not ready to face the scale, but DH and I officially started tracking today. We will be using MFP as we wanted a free option. I'm trying to stick to lower carb and possibly higher-fat. Going to work on getting the exercise in spite of my achy leg and hip. I know I need to walk and I need to work on my core strength.

    Time to catch up on all of your posts for the last few days along with doing laundry. A trip to the grocery store will happen this afternoon, as well. :)


    oh Lake Superior is gorgeous isn't it. I"m sure if you were active you used up all those food calories Welcome back
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Found 3 areas where I need to be more careful with brushing..... one was not a suprise >:)

    They had a raffle at the BBQ but I lost my ticket, so did not feel badly leaving early.

    Food choices were okay but spicy so candied ginger for me.

    Annie sounds like your trip was wonderful and I am glad you had a great time!

    Wishing all a good night.
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Today: 207.7
    Highest: 215
    Goal: 180
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - so sorry to hear about coworkers son... that's horrible news.. glad you were able to make good choices at BBQ... lipstick nice reward!

    Annie - welcome back! Hope you had a great time and were able to relax... getting back on track right away is best way... you start feeling better before you know it...

    rsamuelsgold - we've all been guilty of eating our feelings at one time or another (or multiple times like me) realizing the decisions you made and, not staying on that path, is the best choice... tomorrow's another day and you will be fine...

    Kathy - that's why I have to add sugar... sometimes milk...the 3 flavors I really love, and have the least coffee flavor, are Butter Toffee, Cherry Chip Swirl, and Chocolate Hazelnut... they're so yummy! Get a plan and stick to it... you will be in that dress and look amazing!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Had vegetarian burger to start found out it was so spicy that I half way through stopped and got a hot dog. No chips and no soda, so there we are.

    Dawn, sadly for this lady because of where she was yesterday - now half of the company knows......

    One thing I had to stop was loading my tea/coffee with sugar or flavorings or powdered "cream". Have to cut calories somewhere. Those coffee flavors almost sound like ice cream.

    I can hear my dogs stomach so it will be another grass day. Upper 90 to low 100 through weekend. Will get errands done early. What to plan for meals next week....... hmmm

    Wave to all who follow. TGIF!!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - yay no chips or soda...I can almost always walk away from chips... not so much soda...I actually think that is a lot of my problem over the last few weeks... I'm still drinking water, but I think I'm drinking more soda than I realize... or, want to admit...

    They definitely should have pulled co-worker into a private area, to give her that news... sometimes, people don't seem to think about that... they just say anything, anywhere... no matter who is there... hope she can find peace

    My cousin sent me a couple pics of Gpa, yesterday... he looks really good... her son, (6) the one person he always remembers, was pushing him in his wheelchair...Gpa had a huge smile on his face... then, they must have been doing therapy, they were tossing a big ball back and forth... there was a nurse holding Gpa up with a brace around his middle... he looked like he was really enjoying it... think he was having a good day..I keep seeing an ad for an Independent Living Facility, and they mention CDS, which helps you be in your home and a family member can be paid to care for him... unfortunately, it's not where Gpa lives... but, I found a program Cash for Care... it does same thing... just not sure if he qualifies... so, I will mention it to Mom and see if she has heard of it... maybe, she can discuss with lawyer and find out if it's a possibility...would be so wonderful, if we could figure out something like this...

    Well, almost time to head out... one more night and I'm done... even though, I feel bad that she still has no help... but, I just gotta walk away and not let it bother me...

    Have a great day all!
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Good morning all,

    Dawn, I too feel so bad for the lady at your work :'( My heart & prayers go out to her <3

    Sarah, Great job at the BBQ, not sure if I could've been that strong to walk away from the chips ;)

    rsamuelsgold, I am not sure what your results were from last weigh in but you look like you are well on your way to reaching your goal, good job! :)

    So I have come to the conclusion that I am going to start the Low carb, higher fat & protein life style change as of Aug 1 & in the mean time I am slowly preparing myself, by gradually eliminating the carbs from my current way of eating & only eating carbs that come from fruit & veggies, I hope this works!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! smiley:
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member
    edited July 2017
    So much has happened with all of you in a little over 24 hours.

    Sara - Guessing it was police who came to tell woman at work? How terrible for her and her family.

    Annie and Kathryn and Ali and RSGold and Saltine and Dawn -Drink you water and stay cool.

    Back in the old days of being on the Weight Watchers board, there were numbers below our avatar which most people used for their weights, so my listing my numbers is replacing that and also I am a devout daily weigher.

    Well I let myself feed my happy emotions yesterday, had a dinnertime "celebration" for no reason, and of course the scale is here this morning to look me in the eye and report the cost for me:

    241.8 today (Sunday is my official weigh in day.)
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal

    Breakfast now, then workout in the pool. Serious workout in the pool. Already 85 degrees going up to mid 90s today, so too late to walk.

    *tossing beach bag and towel onto favorite lounge chair. I brought a doggie toy for Tillie*

    BBL - Waves and welcome for any visitors - stop in and say hello~~

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Yay rSGold

    I was just at a neurosurgeon appointment for my mom. She'll be getting dee brain stimulation for her Parkinson's in five to seven months. A six hour brain surgery while awake. Yikes

    Have a great Friday everyone
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sara - So sorry about your co-worker. I know how bad it is to get a phone call about your son when hurt, cannot imagine getting that kind of news. That could have been handled better. So sad for her.

    Dawn - am not sure any amount of milk and sugar could make coffee taste good to me. i may be adventurous and try some sometime though. glad to hear your Gpa was having a good day & hope he has many more. good luck with the in home care.

    Only working half day today. Will be helping a friend set up for her gender reveal party. She and her son just got back from AZ where they were having family vacation, he got sick, and was in ICU for a week. The children hospital transferred him to children hospital here as soon as he was stable enough to travel. I want to do anything and everything I can to make it less stressful for her.

    Saltine - good luck with the eating plan!

    rsamuels - look like you are getting to your goal!

    Ali - surgery while awake? wow!

    Lana - stay cool an enjoy the pool!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    So glad I took the remainder of the week off of work even though we're just at home. Nice to sleep in and get housework done at an easy pace. Day two being back on track. Only complaint is my bottom lip is having twitches similar to the eye twitches people sometimes get. I carry a lot of my tension in my jaw so guessing I'm carrying tension right now. So unhappy with my weight right now, I think that is part of it. Trying not to be discouraged but wondering why I can't get this weight off and then keep it off? The life of a serial starter.

    Heading to the bank with the kids so they can make deposits into their savings accounts. A run to Target is planned for this afternoon, along with paying some bills and working on our budget. I should go through all of our photos from vacation and get some posted on Facebook. Also considering ordering a print of one photo I took.

    Enjoy your Friday!

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    I had a good reminder in my Facebook memories from one year ago today.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    There are 22 weeks until Christmas. If you lose 1/2 a pound a week until Christmas, you'll be 11 pounds lighter!
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    ASalner, I feel your pain with the weight! I am struggling to take mine off as well (very slow process) & this week alone I too was frustrated :s , I gained 5 lbs from Sun to Wed and have lost 3 it as of today, comes the weekend which always throws a wrench in my weight so I will see how it goes, try to make the best decisions I can and take one day at a time and hopefully Monday morning will not be too bad on the scale, fingers crossed!

    Every one tells me to just keep doing what I am doing and soon enough your body will catch up.

    Good luck & stay positive :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen lasagna for dinner, dvd to watch tonight. Baby blanket almost done......

    Dawn - when is your last night shift?

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen lasagna for dinner, dvd to watch tonight. Baby blanket almost done......

    Dawn - when is your last night shift?

    Wishing all a good night.

    Sara - I am working last night shift as I type this...2 hrs and 15 minutes to go... my boss gave me a Thank you card for working here... wow! I have never got that in my life! That makes me feel good :)

    I got call from other vet, today... very promising, if I only want PT... I told her I am starting at one vet on Mon... she said, see how it goes and if I don't think it will work, let her know... I'm really thinking about this vet, because I have a friend that has worked there for years...SO and I would have to figure something out vehicle wise...I would be working complete opposite direction and we share a car... lots of things to think about... guess, I will just start where I already agreed and see how it goes...