Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    edited July 2017
    Dawn - any process takes time and first week at any job is a blur...... YAY for possible more hours!! Give yourself a chance.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    edited July 2017

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    OMG Sara
    Those are SO funny, especially the one with the little kid! I laughed out loud!

  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Hello there! I'm C, and I am definitely guilty of being a serial starter. Part of it is part of an eating disorder, even, so all the more reason for me to break out of it - a slowdown or an illness leads to binge eating, which leads to me hating myself, which leads to me panicking and becoming afraid to eat, or purging, or doing any number of other pretty terrible things. Trying once again to get on track once and for all.

    On the whole, I'm way lower than my peak weight, so at least I've made positive progress overall, but man, is this ever a pattern I need to address.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Welcome C! Any eating issue is a lifetime process, take small steps and keep going. Someone once posted on a Weight Watchers board about positive eating habits - Just.dont.stop.

    Window open as it is wonderful outside. Oatmeal on stove. Dog is up and fed.

    Purchased 2 Lipsense colors (she has a starter kit which includes the top gloss and remover). Got a pretty case to put them in so they are not wandering around my purse as a gift with purchase. Now to start this process...... not a real lipstick person as I hate the taste, but this is a gloss type application.

    3 more hats to send to Chemo therapy contact - makes if my math is correct 70 hats so far this year (mainly preemies....) I figure 100 by years end is possible. Little old me knitting away, who would have thought?

    Will lurk from work, wave to all who follow.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - that is so wonderful of you! 70 hats that's amazing! Good things will surely come your way!

    Alright, need to get my butt moving...

    Be back later...
    Have a great day all
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Wow Sara that's awesome. You're awesome. Such a lovely thing.

    I have to get my boys up. Gotta get the younger one to camp and the husband one to work haha. He goes away tonight just overnight. I I already have my eating planned out all things he hates. I'm going to try cauliflower "rice" and I've a bunch of spinach yay
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    I held firm yesterday! And now my sister-in-law wants to share our food diaries each day as accountability, so I really have to behave and do well! Why, oh why, did I agree to do that?

    Good plan for the day. Have already pre-tracked most everything but short nearly 400 calories! When I try to keep carbs and sugars out, it's hard to get the calories in!

    Back/hip feeling slightly better. Too hot and stormy to walk outside today. DH bought me a TRX suspension strength system yesterday. We will both use it - and possibly DS will use it, too. I'm hoping it will help me build my core strength with consistent use. He has to anchor it to the beams down in our basement today.

    Haircut last night. Cut back and sides quite a bit shorter than they have been. Trying to go for a heavier/longer bang with shorter sides/back. I think the hair gel I use is too stiff and thus the hairstyling didn't go as well today as I had hoped. It was looser when hair stylist did it last night with her product. I'm a hair spray queen from the 80's, so it's hard for me to let my hair actually move! :) LOL

    Also tried some new makeup tips last night from my SIL who sells Younique products. She did a video about how to do eye makeup for hooded eyes. I have blue eyes and often wear purple shadow - but she convinced me to try some brown shades as they are supposed to be good for blue eyes. Wow! My eyes really popped! I learned the key is to blend, blend, blend! I ordered some new mascara and am waiting for it to arrive. That would really complete the look if my lashes were longer and fuller. I guess an old dog can learn some new tricks!

    Sara - you are amazing with your knitting skills and willingess to give. It's inspiring!

    Have a great day!

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Did you know that when you cut a power cord with your lawnmower you don't get electrocuted. I learned this today!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - First week is always feeling like there is so much to learn. If you can post here, you can do any system! Don't be afraid to ask questions. No one there learned overnight either! Great news on being able to pick up hours!! yay!! :)

    Sara - you are just a knitting machine! that is so cool that you have given so much and are still giving.
    My daughter loves lipsense. I kind of have a phobia of lipstick. I brought up with a mother who was very strict about makeup and had not so kind words for those who wore too much.

    Annie - I need to learn some makeup tips. I rarely wear any more than a little eye pencil and mineral foundation. I am skittish about putting any on, not ever having been allowed and never really learned how. I am also a cheapskate and never want to spend much on it since I am afraid I would never wear it.

    Where was that zucchini enchilada recipe again? I need to find it to make it after all your talk of enchiladas! LOL

    Last night I was mindlessly eating. We had pizza and I ate one piece. Later, I felt hungry and ate another. Few hours later, did it again. Eventually it turned out I ate half the pizza! :o But at least I did track it.

    Have been working later each night. Think I will bring tennis shoes and walk on treadmill after everyone else leaves. I can at least get some activity in. I may do the same over lunch time, if i can manage it. Every little bit of moving helps! :)

    Am feeling extremely frustrated today. The suspension I ordered for my Jeep restoration is on back order for 3 to 5 MONTHS! That throws the timeline and the budget for a loop. We wanted to be completed in 5 months not still waiting on parts! Not sure what to do now. Any suspension parts I order now will be nearly twice the price. :(

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    edited July 2017

    kathryn here it is - if you can do one item for make up lipstick is one of the easiest - my allergies make mascara and most eye shadows more problems then it is worth. Usually I do nothing, but I noticed my neighbor at work with these really pretty colors and asked......
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Good morning Ladies~~
    Welcome to C !! MFPal is good stuff. Hang in there. Use it every day.
    Always be very kind to yourself--no hating! Treat yourself with loads of compassion and love.

    Sara - you are indeed a knitting whirlwind! Your generosity is wonderful and the karma is so good.
    ....and thank you for posting the enchilada recipe again. Now I saved it to my desktop.

    Kathryn - Sorry to hear about the Jeep woes. :(

    Ali - You are hilarious! So sorry about your power cord - I'll be right up to fix it for you! (Find the butter tarts!)

    Annie - Good luck with the sharing of the food diaries. Sounds scary, but could be a good thing!

    Dawn - Day Two today! Trusting it will go well for you. Sara is right--the first week will be a blur~~

    Waving to RSGold and Saltine and anyone else who stops by later on. I'll be in my lounge chair with Miss Tillie, if that's OK.

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    You can fix that Lana? I was going to go visit my friend Wolverine at the hard ware store and get a new one tomorrow. I told the boy what I did and he looked at it and was like well you did a good job on that

    Kathryn... Pizza is like That isn't it. St least you logged it that is the important part
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi all!

    Lunch time Day 2...I'm doing ok...I think...I got to see a kitten that I had cared for at the shelter... he had a big sore on his back...I think it was reaction to flea med... poor thing... Doc gave some meds and tested for ringworm... just to be safe...another spot looked suspicious...

    Doc made me sit at computer, today. It was ok...I just need to do it... whenever we are done with patient, things get put in computer... everyone just jumps right to it...I watch over their shoulders...I'm just not getting it...

    SO may be home, tonight... they are a little over an hour away.. so, wouldn't be that bad if they came home...the benefit of staying there, is they get a slightly earlier start and no drive in the morning.... guess we'll see what this eve brings...

    Well, bout time to get back to work...we get an hour and I don't know what to do with myself...I kinda want to go to the shelter, it's only a couple minutes away... but, that would mean seeing old boss and the people I dislike... and, they wouldn't be nice to me... so, I don't think it's worth it...

    Alright... enough blabbing... have a great rest of day...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    an hour lunch-- take a walk before/after eating, take a nap in your car, take a book /crossword puzzle . Going back to that place is not productive, you get your animal care "fix" from your job. Just saying.
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hello and waves to everyone! :)

    Well not too sure what to do or how to make it through the next couple days..., I woke up crying today, cried in the shower & while getting ready for work (which made putting my makeup on difficult) & am still crying while at work. Last year July 26th fell on a Tuesday & at this time my mom was taking her last breath, she passed away at 2:55 pm :'( I know today is only the 25th but the fact that it is "Tuesday" is reeking havoc on my emotions! My mom was my best friend & I have been so lost & heartbroken without her this past year kinda like nothing really matters now. She passed away due to complications with Diabetes, Kidney failure, her body was just giving up even though she was the strongest person I have ever known. Her body rejected dialysis every time the dr's tried & then her heart started giving out as well (2 heart attacks throughout the night and her heart could not take another one). When I got the call to come to the hospital the dr's told me there was nothing more they could do for her. She had been in the ICU for 3 days, on a ventilator and not conscious, well conscious enough to keep taking her heart monitor off...stubborn lady! In fact the last words I anyone heard her say (she said them to my brother on the Sunday morning) was asking were I was, he said what can she do that I can't & my mom replied with "I just need her" & I regret so much that I was not here for her!! I was always there for her except for her last cognitive moment :'( Some how with her strength inside me I will get through this...somehow!


    Have a great evening everyone!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited July 2017
    Saltine - so sorry for your loss. sending prayers and positive thoughts for you to find peace.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Welcome C!

    Dawn - i agree with Sara. dont go back to the shelter. too many bad vibes. and dont expect to jump right in on the computer like everyone else. they have been there longer than 2 days now, right? ease up on yourself. you'll get it!

    Ali - you have a friend named Wolverine?

    Sara - thanks for the recipe! i remembered to book mark it this time!

    Lana - throw a towel on a chair for me and warm up the Cboys!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Awww so sorry saltine. My dad died on November 23 and every 23/24 if a month my mom has issues. Death really sucks. I'm sure your mom knew you would have been there if you could. The day my dad died I dropped my mom off after taking her out and he asked where my brother was. I said at work and he seemed peaceful. Maybe she just wanted to know you were near. Who knows really but I understand how tough it is.