Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    kathryn, I thought nibling was the way you eat an ear of corn!! hehehehe
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I think I'll ask DH about the date night when he gets home.

    I am in the red today again with treats at work.

    I keep starting again but not stringing together more than 2 or 3 days. Which is why my weight is up and my waist is bigger. Grrr.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Hi Missy!

    Good luck with the Weight Watchers. It's good to have variety and shake things up a bit.

    The 3 month thing is just perfect in my opinion because here we are at the end of July. What comes along in 3 months from now? THE HOLIDAY EATING SEASON.

    It will be good for all of us to get a grip on things now, and keep building those good habits, one little bit at a time, as Sara often says.

    Now, Sara, you make me realize that I have not had any corn on the cob yet this summer! Boohoo!


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Annie - hang in there! You will get a toe-hold soon. Everything in balance. Be kind to yourself. Make sure you feed yourself some good food on the days that there are those social occasions. And ask your sweet DH to bring Advil the next time! *chortle* ;)

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - congrats on the new great niece! Such a sweet name...I love old fashioned names... enjoy her!

    Missy- good luck with WW.... that is one thing that truly did help me...I just can't afford it and the meetings really are not convenient here... it's good to have a friend... that really helped me, too

    Lana - don't mention dreaded holiday eating...I love fall/winter food... so warm and comforting... not so good for waistline...

    Sara - bread and butter pickles are my fav! Sign me up!

    SO is on his way home... Will be nice to have him home... dogs and I miss him when he's gone

    Have a good evening all...
    Not sure if I'll be back..
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    I had to come back one more time tonight to tell you all.....

    I was wanting a snack. I knew I was in the green by roughly 150 calories. I had the snack, I entered the snack, and the MFP online Diary said that I am in the green by ONE calorie!!

    Hurray and funny!

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Haha Lana that's awesome. Way to take it to the limit

    So Montreal smoked meat seasoned bacon.....yuck although hubs loved it. I did this killer 50 minute exercise video today. So I'm having wine and pasta
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - way to go! Got to enjoy that snack and not feel guilty! Woo hoo
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    TGIF!! Hot weather here for awhile, after all it is July.

    The subject of tumeric came up 2 days in a row in 2 different conversations - so I will see about getting some to add to rice. It is used in packaged foods for coloring and flavor so I recognized it. Just didnt consider it with rice or its health possibilities. Coworker tells me he also washes his rice before cooking it...... His sons have so many allergies that they have had to limit their food options.

    Paper came early took dog out for her pitstop and went back to sleep. Will try again after breakfast.

    Will lurk from work, wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Good morning Everybody,

    Sara - I just took a look at weather in your area, and wow - it goes up to 100s during the day and then drops down to the mid-to high 60s at night, with no rain in sight. Is that area considered desert? or is that just a thing that makes California special? I hope you stay cool and drink your water.

    I've always had turmeric around, getting old with the forgotten spices, because some years ago some recipe called for it, but I'm not fond of the taste of it. It's in a lot of blends I have too. I didn't know it had health benefits. Interesting.

    Well TGIF for everybody.
    Cabana Boys will be having the usual festive Happy Hour going on later--foot massages and pillow fluffing, fanning, and zero-calorie cocktails and snacks~

    *tossing sunglasses and hat onto favorite lounge chair*


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Luckily, it is not "donut day" at work. We have a couple of people who regularly bring donuts to work on Friday. Neither did today. I consider it a good sign.

    Lana, I liked your comment about the Holiday Eating Season coming up in 3 months. I have been thinking about that and trying to tell myself that I can lose weight before then and maybe even during holiday season. I don't HAVE to gain weight during the holidays.

    So far, no date tonight. I mentioned it to DH but he didn't really seem to react. I'll ask again later.

    Does anyone here have any experience with underactive thyroid and the treatment for that? My doctor would like to have me stop in for a blood draw to check for it. I've been doing some reading and see that an underactive thyroid could be contributing to some other things I'm experiencing, including the weight gain or inability to lose weight. It could be linked to some of the pain I've had and my intolerance of cold and my Raynaud's syndrome. Just wondering if any of you have been treated for underactive thyroid and if it helped with anything.

    DS is struggling again. He's very lonely. Doesn't have many friends or a girlfriend. Sits home most of the time if he's not at work. I tried to console him last night and remind him that school starts in 3 weeks - he will have many opportunities to make new friends there. He wants to visit the doctor to discuss his medication for his anxiety and I agreed that he should. I asked about possibly trying a different counselor but not sure he wants to go there. He just hasn't had any success with counseling. But I did get a name from my sister of the counselor her son saw when he was in high school. He really liked the guy. So, I will forward that info to my son. He seems to think that everyone is always out running around with friends all the time. And that everyone has a million friends. And that no one but him has to work full-time in the summer as a college student. Sigh. He just doesn't see reality right now.

    Considering putting our house on the market. We didn't last year because we couldn't get as much out of it as we wanted. We refinanced in December to a 15 year mortgage and put all the closing costs into the loan. So we actually owe more on the house now than we did last year! Grrr! If we moved, we'd have to go back to a 30 year mortgage to keep the payment reasonable since the houses we are looking at are quite a bit more than our current home. I'm loathe to move and change the kids schools (although the neighboring districts have better schools) - but the neighbor really makes my husband crazy and we don't foresee anything changing over there. Even after the drug raid, nothing has happened. I hate to give up and abandon our neighborhood but do I want to keep living here and always watching what is going on across the street? Waiting for the next visit by the police? I like our house and our location and haven't seen much on the market that I care for that is affordable for us. What if we sold and then had no place to go?

    Sorry, this is a novella this morning. Lots going through my head.

    Enjoy your Friday! We're hoping to go shopping tomorrow at IKEA down in the Twin Cities to look for furniture for DS's room and our bedroom. We ordered our new KING size bed yesterday and it will be delivered August 9th!


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Annie - for your son, volunteering is a very good way to get out there, be involved, do good things, and likely meet people. Habitat for Humanity? A bicycling club? A theater group? An insight meditation group?

    Also, people, including children, will flounder around and complain and bemoan their terrible fate.
    But so long as they are safe, you don't have to spend your own energy paying too much attention and trying to fix things.
    Some things take time. He has growing up and maturing to do; everyone does at that age.
    It is good for young people to learn that everything isn't all roses all of the time, and everyone's life is indeed different. Not everyone is the prom queen and the football hero, unfailingly popular.

    As for the neighborhood, is it the whole neighborhood that is annoying or just the one problem across the street?

    Courage dear.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    So I looked in the fridge, got some vague ideas for the day. I scribbled on a post it 3 meals and a nighttime snack.....sat down at the laptop, entered everything into MFPal, and my bottom number was in the red. I went back and trimmed a little here and there, and the green number is 13! Lucky number? Ha ha!

    It's the planning and the "game" of entering it early in the day that seems to be working for me. I never seriously did this before.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Lana - thanks for your thoughts. I keep in mind he needs to grow and mature. Don't they say guys don't really reach maturity until around age 25? Sigh.

    As for the neighborhood, it's the bad apple right across the street from us that is the problem. Rich daddy and mommy bought the house for loser drug-dealing son who is now 41. He has lived there a little over 2 years with his skanky girlfriend who I think is now 20 or 21. There have been police calls to the house for a domestic (we called), a warrant was out for the arrest of the guy and we called when we knew he was home, some sort of altercation where the police came out (we weren't involved in that one), and now the drug raid. We were told there would be felony drug charges from the raid, but there has been nothing. We caught the girlfriend in a neighbor's backyard emptying their shop vac in the woods behind the house. (We were watching an elderly neighbor's dog while she was in the hospital.) Should have called the cops but instead only let Daddy know. Their "friends" hit our mailbox 3 or 4 times until it was broken. We contacted the Dad since the guy wasn't there when my husband walked across the street to confront him. The Dad paid to replace the mailbox instead of making anyone at that house be responsible. Their weird activities continue day and night. When the drug raid happened, Daddy & Mommy came over that night to talk to their son but never went in the house. Apparently they are not allowed in even though they own the property. This week there were a couple of episodes of arguing and swearing in their open garage that we could hear from our garage.

    But beyond that, like I said, it makes my husband crazy. He takes picture of new vehicles and license plates and those have been fed to the police a couple of different times. He can't keep himself from looking out our windows to see what's going on.

    And I do have concerns about my kids living across the street from that ilk. We have already made adjustments to our teenage daughter's after-school arrangements so she doesn't come home by herself and have to walk past that house alone. It's not so much that I worry about the two people who are actually living there - but I don't know anything about the "friends" that seem to stay and visit - sometimes for days/weeks.

    I have contacted the City Attorney to see if there is any sort of complaint we can file against the actual homeowners if the drug raid does result in arrests and charges. Something trying to get them to be forced to "cease and desist" drug activities at that house once it's a matter of public record that those activities have been occurring there. I have followed up but have not gotten any response. I was hoping if we could put pressure on the actual homeowners, they might move the son and sell the house.

    So much drama!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara/Lana- turmeric has become quite popular around here...a bit of a fad I would say... supposed to work wonders on dogs...I tried it on myself and girl dog for a bit... didn't notice anything, so quit... probably didn't give enough time... if I don't see quick results, I give up...
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Sara/Lana- turmeric has become quite popular around here...a bit of a fad I would say... supposed to work wonders on dogs...I tried it on myself and girl dog for a bit... didn't notice anything, so quit... probably didn't give enough time... if I don't see quick results, I give up...

    I've seen this too. It's supposedly an anti inflammatory I think

    Omg what a day so far. Woke up to crazy messages and calls from my mom. I guess her meds got off and she was hallucinating, beligerant to the staff at the hospital, trying to wander around, so I had to head over there and figure out what was happening. I inquired about a posse stroke and they just think it's stress and the meds being off. Of course I'm the bad guy now because I had to inform her the pictures she was seeing on the wall weren't there, her dog wasn't there and no I do not live with you at your apartment. We did see the cardiologist and she did in fact have a heart attack. My brother is dealing with her now. I'll probably go back tonight.

    Hope Friday is treating you well
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Friday, all!

    I'm so impressed with those of you who are able to reply to multiple people at once! I hold out hope that I'll get better at it as I get to know everyone. Just know that even if I don't comment on something you said it doesn't mean I don't care!

    Ali, so sorry to hear about your Mom. How stressful. My Mom died several years back at 82, but I still remember the stress of hospital stays and her own craziness. She was a life-long smoker and we finally clued in that the nicotine withdrawal of the hospital stay would put her over the top on the irritability scale. Once we figured that out, we had them slap a nicotine patch on her which helped immensely. I'm not saying that's what your Mom is experiencing; just commiserating that I understand what it's like to deal with an unexpected side effect. Glad to hear you're able to share the load with your brother.

    Lana, I think you mentioned holiday eating. I'm definitely worried about the fall/winter months, partially because of the holidays but mainly because my metabolism goes down with the change in seasons and shorter days. I'm not as motivated to work out and then there are all of those lovely carbs and sweets to eat! Feeling absolutely rotten after the holidays last year (we celebrate Christmas, so lots of sweets at the end of the year) combined with getting on the scale on 12/31 and realizing I was at my highest weight ever motivated me to start using MFP. It's worked well for me but I've never stuck with anything a whole year - or beyond. I want this time to be different. Hence why I screwed up my courage and crashed this party! (Have never been on a public message board before).

    It's a rainy weekend here in DC, but at least the humidity broke.

    Enough rambling from me for now!

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Annie, your situation across the street sounds like a nightmare! So sorry....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Oatmeal cooking as nothing easy or appealing exists in fridge/ freezer.

    Ali - hang in there and so glad brother can take some of the burden. They are probably keeping her off any psych meds so they can see the heart situation - makes for some "Reality Show" moments. Just know you can walk down the hall to get away.

    Hot weekend here, but more water is not a bad thing.....

    Annie - wow keep looking at open houses just to see if maybe there is an option.

    Wave to all who stop by - I am under Lana's Palm Tree snoring loudly- just want to warn you. Cute dog is Tillie.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Hi Tess!

    Hi Annie - So sorry about the people across the street. Also sorry that it drives DH crazy. I wish there were a magic pill that you could take to just not care about them. Reacting to them and being concerned with them is so stressful, but moving somewhere else would be a huge burden and take a lot of money and energy.

    Ali - I know from when my parents were ever in the hospital the years before they passed- it is a horrible place for them when they are old. They cannot get any meaningful sleep, so are badly sleep deprived, and then they hallucinate! My father would sit in his bed, appear to be wide awake and would tell me to go and "tell the people over there" (pointing to an empty wall) that they were not using the tools properly and that they were doing it wrong (whatever it was). Poor Dad; it was awful, especially the times he was in for a week or so.
    And your mother is in over the weekend. Is she in cardiac care or the regular part of the hospital? It is dicey with the elderly, but can they give her any sort of sleep aid or anti-anxiety med? How old is she? That did help my father a little bit, but he really needed sleep and couldn't get it.
