Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana - were you trying to emoji again??

    Fried rice is cooling off for leftovers to go into freezer. Dog apt went well. $$$ but she needed allergy and flea meds this time.

    Fellow knitter recommended Ruth Rendell mystery books - they are short and a good weekend read. Knitting is on tap for rest of evening/ eyesight.

    Hammock time with Miss Tillie - the vet tech said my dog was smiling in the back room. She does love her extra attention - Cboys are on notice they need to meet her standards.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - we had a sweet dog come in the other day... she had the whitest teeth... she just smiled from ear to ear... it's so cute when they do that.... people say dogs can't smile... but, I've seen it too much... yes they do! I love when they smile
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    WI up .6 just keep messing with these same 5 pounds. Heat is not helping as afternoon walk outside is pointless. Just keep plugging along.

    Forgot Miss Tillie's Liverwurst in grocery shopping. Will have to go out after rush hour traffic in a couple of days. Will be hottest mid week or so they say.

    Hoping for a little more sleep. Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Sara - You are not the only one with the weight situation. I hit some really nice numbers on Friday and Saturday (238.4!), reflecting two weeks of diligent work, and then.....

    BAM - I got into trouble (good conscience and resolve went out the window) Saturday night and traveling yesterday, and now I'm paying for it with the scale giving me the same numbers I had 2 weeks ago.

    There is no cheating for me - the scale always tells the truth and tracks for me when I go off program.
    Why do I think I can "get away with it"?
    Sloppy thinking.

    Crabby Lana

    today 241.6
    highest 250
    goal 185
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member

    Made it back from too short of a visit with family in Michigan. Weather was quite nice! We got to see my niece and her family in a parade and had fun at car show. I got to take DH to several places I used to frequent when I was growing up. One place was an ice cream parlor. We had some ice cream after lunch and DH was so impressed that we went back for a late night sweet! I went with sorbets instead of ice cream to save some calories but still have lots of flavor. I know I went way over calorie count that day but did log it all and kept within reasonable limits the other days. I have not been on the scales yet.

    I have been trying to eat fairly healthy, less processed foods. When I ate the food at the fair/car show (we were a captive audience with no alternative for food that meal), I did not feel well. Very bloated and gross. Makes it a real incentive to stick to home cooked meals now!

    We took our black lab, Callahan, with us on the trip. I was amazed how well he did. He was great when we were out in crowds. Was great with all the great-niblings LOL. Was very calm and laid back. Everyone was so surprised to find out he was only a year and a half old and so well behaved. He usually goes with us on day trips when we go out with Jeep clubs. This was his first long trip (over 6 hour drive one way) and first time staying at someone else's house. He was quite at home at my sister's house and loved running up and down her stairs. He also made sure her floor was clean when/if the kids dropped anything too!

    Ali - so sorry to hear about your mom. I can relate. My mother is 96 and suffers from dementia. There were several times the nursing home to transfer her to the mental ward at the hospital in order to get her meds back on track because she would either refuse them or only pretend to take them. She was very paranoid and thought she was a prisoner and everyone was out to hurt her so she was always trying to escape. For the past 2 years she has been bedridden so we do not have to worry about her wandering off. Lately, she has refused to talk to me and run me off most of the times I have gone to see her. She does not know who I am. She has lucid moments though and it is great when I catch her in one of those and she starts talking about her memories. It is so sad to watch our parents age.

    Annie - do you or neighbors have security cameras? There is a town near me who started a special program where citizens can share their security camera network & footage with police to help catch and prosecute criminals. Other towns are trying to start doing the same thing. I don’t know if that is anything that is possible where you are but it seems to have help drive down crime rates in that area.

    Dawn - I tried new yogurt flavor - marshmallow s'mores. One brand was not bad. The other brand, well, I couldn’t get past one spoonful.

    Sara - you reminded me I have to make appointments for both my pup and kitty to go see vet for their annual visits.

    Hi @enichols147 and Tess!

    *waves to everyone while dropping down onto lounge chair and kicking off shoes*
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn- glad you had good visit with family and pup behaved...I don't think I could have done sorbet... too much of an ice cream that yogurt flavor sounds yummy! I have really been wanting s'mores lately... guess it's that time of year...I did find a recipe for a s'mores dip...I have all the fixins, yet to try it... there is a WW recipe that I used to make... it was s'mores with fluff and choc chips...I used to eat it often... yummmm.

    I know what you mean about parents aging... although, it's Gpa for me, right now... Mom text yesterday and said he was hoping I'd visit... so, I am planning to go up for Mom's birthday next month... guess there's been some trouble in the family... not sure if it's jealousy or Uncle just likes to be a jerk... cops were even called... so frustrating... if he and my Aunt would just step up, Gpa could come home... but, the other Uncle that is helping, they're trying to run off...they should be grateful that he lives with Gma so she's not home alone. .I just don't get it...

    Lana - you will be back to that lower number before you know it... traveling... gets us every time...

    Things are kinda odd at work, today... not sure what it is... everyone is just quiet... maybe, it's just cuz the girl that talks a lot, isn't

    Gotta get back to work...
    Have a great afternoon...
    Check in later.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Just checking back in. Tired and grumpy. Looking for the Cabana Boy with the Happy Dust to spray some on me.

    *collapsing onto lounge chair next to Kathryn*

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Hot here, dog wanted to eat grass and she did get some, but I had to go inside and drink more water. Waiting for dinner in toaster oven.

    Lady at work (younger) is going to help me get some soft dog food after work - it is my 5th anniversary and I wanted to celebrate - she will be going with me and have happy hour or who knows?? I never thought I would last that long at this place and wanted to "thumb my nose" at the naysayers at work.

    Will be in lounge chair next to Kathryn and Lana - watch out Cboys.......
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Kathryn- welcome back! Glad you had a good trip and the pup seemed to enjoy it too. What part of Michigan? At one time or another, all 3 of my siblings lived in MI, and my brother & SIL now live near Lansing. I've spent a lot of time in the state!

    Lana, hang in there - what goes up will come down again. Now that you're back home and to your routine, the pounds will come back off. Im at a stage where the pounds don't seem to want to leave me no matter how intense of a workout I do. That's when we concentrate on NonScale Victories (and Cabana Boys.) :)

    Sara, Happy Anniversary! 5 years is an impressive amount of time in a job, especially one that sounds like a challenge.

    Dawn, sorry to hear about your Grandpa and the stress it's bringing out on your family. These situations always seem to highlight the cracks on family unity.....

    Ali, hope this is a better week for your Mom.

    Hi to Missy, Annie, enichols147 and anyone else wandering by. Sounds like it's getting crowded under Lana's palm tree - hope the Cboys bring out more lounge chairs.

    Good night all.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday night

    So, what happened to my resolve last Monday??? Still haven't really stayed on track. Back and hip pain got me down and I ate my frustration. Still haven't braved the scale.

    Had a massage on Saturday, which helped a bit. Did lots of housework yesterday, which did not help. Not feeling to bad today and got in a slow 1.7 mile walk and some strength training for core, arms, and chest. Diet was not good. I must dial in the diet if I want to lose.

    Lana - I struggle with the same thing. For some reason I'll think I can stray but the damage always shows up right away.

    We went to see a house today. Hoped to love it - but didn't. Questioning my thoughts about moving. May consider staying in our town (with the not-so-great schools) and deal with that but still look for a different house in a "nicer" neighborhood. I think we can manage the school situation. There is nothing we can do about the neighbor. I would feel better not trying to uproot the kids now when school starts in a month - or heaven forbid have them start here and then have to switch school districts. We may find more of the type of house we want in reasonable price range in our city vs. the neighboring cities.

    Back to tracking in the morning.

    Thanks for all of your kind words and encouragement!

  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok so I'll be going to Vegas this weekend and I am in need of ideas to not pig out and stuff my face
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    I'll be getting alot of walking in that's one great thing
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Enichols - walking is a great start extra water Las Vegas is HOT....focus on fruit/ veg - salads??

    Someone at work left a large ball of yellow baby yarn at my desk yesterday - great gender neutral color. I twirled it with the light purple I have and Hmmmm stripes of a 2nd color?? I left a note thanking who ever did it.

    Extra water for me as well. Hottest day of week. Wave to all who follow. Oatmeal ready and I must scoot.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Allergy season is starting up again already and my eyes are reacting. I have continued to take Zyrtec all summer but am adding back in the Patanol drops. Will probably try artificial tears, as well. I hear my co-workers complaining of allergies today, too.

    Back to tracking today. Wearing a comfy and flattering dress but seeing the negatives. Must think more positively.

    Sara - purple and yellow go nicely together. Stay cool! We are in for a couple of cooler days here at the end of the week.


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Lana - you are having such good success. May I ask...are you tracking on MFP? Simply watching calories? Anything else that seems to work better for you?
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    tlsb - my family lives on the left side of the mitten, Montague/Whitehall area

    enichols - like Sara said, focus on fruit/veggies and drink lots of water especially if you are walking a lot. drink at least one full glass before any meal. hope that helps!

    Annie - focus on positives! if you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop and start counting all the positives.

    Lana - am glad i got a little overspray of your Happy Dust to help me get through today!

    has anyone used riced cauliflower as a rice or potato substitute? if so, what is easiest way to "rice" it and how did you cook it?

    am sooooo tired at work today and cannot figure out why. i thought i had slept well and even gotten to bed earlier than usual. maybe I got too much sleep?? is that even possible?! LOL

    *slathering on the sunscreen and waiting impatiently for Cboy to get over here and start rubbing sunscreen over back*

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Annie - i thought it was just allergies bothering my eyes earlier this year, but it turned out to be an eye infection (triggered and aggravated by allergies) definitely get checked if they continue to bother your more than just a few days. have you tried Xyzal for allergies? i was skeptical, but it actually did much better for me than my allergy pills i had been taking for years. i've never gotten much relief from Zyrtec or Claritin or the multitude of others.
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member

    Annie - it's always allergie season where I stay... Hope your symptoms get better.

    Sarah - that was really nice of your coworker. We have local soap opera with a character who uses the strangest color combinations imaginable. And it never turns out well. HeeHee.

    We had a hot weekend for winter but at least there's some rain today. Hopefully we'll get heavier rain before Spring sets in. They're predicting a scorching summer. In my city the grass is green all winter and brown in summer.

    Choco coco cinno is green tea, coconut, and chocolate.

    I'm off to dance class prepping for our show case.

    Big hugs and waves to you all.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    edited August 2017
    ASalner wrote: »
    Lana - you are having such good success. May I ask...are you tracking on MFP? Simply watching calories? Anything else that seems to work better for you?

    Annie - the recent success has been completely because of MFP's free online and phone app; plus having fridge stocked with clean protein, 1% milk, veggies, and fruit and raisin bran and Cheerios on the shelf. Not much more.
    Every day I sit down at the computer and plan out my 3 meals plus late night snack.

    I did do what I said the other day: I found my 3 good days from last week and printed them up hard copy, to have in my journal book for tough days. So today, I looked at the most reasonable day and transplanted it into today's MFP day.
    There's a feature where you go to the old day, find the meal, and below it, it says Quick Tools; in the drop-down, choose Save to Today. Easy!

    Also extremely helpful is that the MFP phone app has the scan a barcode feature, so much of my sundries and store bought items are scanned into my diary. I can just find them, check them off, and add them to the current day.

    It's a little work the first few days, but then it gets much easier to plan, scan, and log.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Sara - Congratulations on 5 years at the crazy place you work. You rock!

    .....waves to everybody else.....
    I need to get going to yet another appointment. I will be back later to re-read all of your posts. Have a grand day!

