Serial Starters



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    You guys are the best thanks for the support. She's just gone in for her angiogram and has slept all afternoon. She needed it. My brother said she woke up and seemed normal. I suspect she needed a good sleep. Hubs is pushy so he'll visit with us tomorrow and hopefully push for sleep aids or something and I'm not sure what area she'll be in. They told us the third floor. Oh ya the third floor of course

    I haven't had oatmeal in a million years I think. That sounds good.

    How's a party at Lana's palm tree sound?
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sleep deprivation is definitely a huge thing in hospitals. When Gpa was in hospital, he didn't sleep for 4 days... he had serious hallucinations... was constantly "working" on something... turned out, it was a UTI... which, I never had a clue caused hallucinations like that... but, apparently, that is incredibly common in the elderly... who would have ever guessed...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Sleep deprivation is definitely a huge thing in hospitals. When Gpa was in hospital, he didn't sleep for 4 days... he had serious hallucinations... was constantly "working" on something... turned out, it was a UTI... which, I never had a clue caused hallucinations like that... but, apparently, that is incredibly common in the elderly... who would have ever guessed...


    *slap forehead* YES! That was a big part of it: the UTIs my father would get in the hospital. The poor guy would go in for one problem (pneumonia or something) and then get sicker with more problems. He went through this a bit too much in his late 80s and early 90s. I think he was 92 when he died.

    Somehow I suspect that Ali's mother is younger. Ali - glad to hear she got some rest.

    I forgot all about The Cabana Boys Happy Hour - I must have slept through it. No spring chicken here. LOL

    See you all tomorrow~~

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    My mom is 72 but has Parkinson's so she's very frail. We lost my dad last year so I'm calling this her broken heart. She apparently has several blockages so next step is a surgical consult to see what's up. I think this is a good thing. She gets out to breath walking a few steps and we'd get so frustrated with her. Now we know it was this causing her issues
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Two extra errands this morning as so long as it happens before the heat kicks in completely I am fine. Library to pick up and re-donate book I bought and a visit to CVS to see about getting a lower dose B12 or B complex supplement. Can do and just rolling with it.

    Ali - is 3rd floor so they dont wander off? I know many elderly care places put their mental health /dementia on the highest floor for that reason. Hope you and your family get some answers so you will know what the next step could be. Hang in there.

    Good morning Missy - you posted as I was writing, I learned to cut/paste - old dog / new trick hehehe.

    UTI's - wow you know I see medical records all the time and I cant confirm that connection, but any infection at that age can have a ripple effect (like Missy wrote). I have been thinking it is the grocery list of meds they were on that may/may not interact together.

    Okay dog is done and I can with any luck get a little more sleep.

    Wave to those who follow. BBL.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Hello Ali and Missy and Sara -

    Waving to Annie and Kathryn and Dawn and Tess and Saltine and anyone else who stops by later on.....

    Busy today. Food is all planned out. I've managed 3 good days in a row with simple meals that don't require a lot of cooking or prep. When I get to NYC apartment, I can print them up from MFP Diary and stick them inside a kitchen cabinet for days when I am too busy or frazzled to plan.

    Time for water exercise.

    Will check in later~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    edited July 2017
    I keep meaning to mention - was it Kathryn who said they have no skills to barter with???? Baby sitting is a skill and valuable to mothers who need time off!!!! o:)
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Babysitting is always appreciated.
    So my mom will need bypass surgery. We learn Monday when it should be. Of course Monday we fly out west on the evening. Let's hope we get to go I need a vacation. Even if it's just a couple of days
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    First pot of tumeric rice oozed out while cooking and made a nice orange/yellow puddle on my stove. Tomorrow is brown rice for traditional fried rice. I have zucchini enchiladas in freezer, so 3 servings of my tumeric rice (with mixed veg) will be frozen to have with it. Brown rice/ fried rice is another set of 3 meals (after tomorrow night's dinner) - too hot to cook - reheating in toaster oven is much easier.

    Will drop off dvd at library and grocery shop. Dog to vet for her monthly visit - will pick up one dose of flea meds as there is a gap in coverage somehow and she will need her flea meds before her bi-annual check up. I am lucky in that I got a nap this afternoon while waiting for the vet tech to call me back.

    Weather pretty gross most of week but low 100's is better than the week of 108 last month.

    Anyone buy fruit/veg at Target?? Neighbor recommended and so I am hesitant.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I'm new here. I have been on a roller coaster with my weight loss journey. So far a few months ago when I thought I was losing weight I ended up gaining weight lol I have no idea how it happened. At that point I was at my heaviest (about 238lbs) now I've lost about 20lbs on my own, but it's getting harder. I don't diet anymore because that is what happened when I gained my weight the 1st few times. I just need a group to talk to wow that was quite a paragraph
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi enichols147 - welcome! I'm Tess and I'm new too, having been on this board for about a week (although using MFP since December 31 when the scale proved I was at my heaviest!). Congrats on losing 20 pounds- what did you do differently than you were doing when you gained/but thought you were losing? Would love to learn from your experience.

    Totally agree with you about not using a diet. The problem I have with such diets is the weight comes back when you go back to regular food. What I appreciate about MFP is it has taught me about portion control and balance between protein, carbs and fat. It also showed that while I was losing steadily, the rate at which I was losing started to slow down so lately I've tried to pick up on the exercise. We'll see how that goes.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    enichols - welcome!! dont worry we are chatters here and we can "out-paragraph" you, so dont apologize. Find small habits to start with that you are willing to do forever and make a list of foods/ drinks you will not do without completely, that is usually a good way to start a long term structure.

    Keep falling asleep reading a book, so it is time to call it done.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Paper here, dog up and fed. Sleep more before breakfast? Nice thought.

    Library/groceries/Vet - busy weekend. Less next weekend (so far).

    Rice - Spanish rice turned out okay added enough veg for 1/2 cup each serving. Will make brown rice today with soy sauce. Do not want to cook in this heat, but reheating is not as bad.

    Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    New yogurt flavor... hungry salted caramel by Coburn Farms... not as yummy as it sounded... but, not too bad... not sure it's worth all the calories... only 69 cents, so was worth trying...I love "salted caramel" flavored stuff... New fad that I actually like :)
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Sunday, all!

    Just walked into AC Moore for some tapestry needles (for a counted cross-stitch project I swear I am going to finish) when I had a revelation. Apparently I'm a "serial starter" when it comes to craft projects too!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    edited July 2017
    Oops...I cut off the rest of my message (mental note: don't use emojis when using the app).

    All of the soft, vividly-colored yarn turned my head but given the abundance of yarn I already have, I stayed strong and left with just the needles.

    Hope everyone's Sunday is going well.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Tess, I knit and am knitting down the years of "I need this" yarn it became a furry monster in my living space - good for you for not giving into temptation getting the needles you needed to finish your project.
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    Tess, I actually started losing the weight after I find out that I was a couple of points away from being prediabetic. Diabetes runs in my family and I knew I had to change my lifestyle. I started logging everything I ate for a week, then reduced my sugar and sodium intake. I portion out my meals and exercise 3-4 times a week(burning at least 500 calories). If I don't exercise I eat less to make up for it(about 500 calories less).
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    edited July 2017


    Where did the rest of my post go?
    Oh well. Very tired.

    I will stop by again tomorrow
