Serial Starters



  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited August 2017

    saw this and had to giggle. been there, done that, got the t-shirt! :p
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Good grief Kathryn - that photo does look familiar.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Ali - We will all be thinking about you, your mother, and your family today.

    Everyone else--have a great day, feed yourself healthy food; drink your water.



    240.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Lana - I need to limit the stuff in my fridge/pantry to only healthy things. my DH would starve to death though. he says doesn't eat "anything green" and has to have doritos, poptarts and little debbies on hand at all times. ugh! he works hard and doesn't gain any weight even though he has the worst eating habits. its so frustrating that i have to watch and count each calorie and he gets to eat whatever! grrrrr

    My SO is the same! He has coffee for breakfast... sometimes skips lunch, or eats anything he wants... eats a snack (sometimes a sandwich)... eats a huge dinner... gets up in the middle of the night and eats another dinner, or snack... stays 140lbs! GRRR he used to be a chubby kid....I never woulda believed him, if I hadn't seen pics...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    ENicols - good luck in Las Vegas. I've never been there, but the buffets sound dangerous. Drink water and get exercise!

    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Lana - I need to limit the stuff in my fridge/pantry to only healthy things. my DH would starve to death though. he says doesn't eat "anything green" and has to have doritos, poptarts and little debbies on hand at all times. ugh! he works hard and doesn't gain any weight even though he has the worst eating habits. its so frustrating that i have to watch and count each calorie and he gets to eat whatever! grrrrr

    Ew Kathryn, I have to say that the Doritos (too salty), the poptarts (just not wonderful enough), and the Little Debbies (don't really know what they are) sound gross to me. But I get the idea.
    Chin up! DH won't starve to death - just have plenty of meat, potatoes, and vegetables for him to eat. Plus his junk food. I hope that your home is just big enough that when he eats the extra stuff, you can slide into another room. That's what I would need to do, I think.

    Dawn - hang in there. At least the person with the cat had some decency to bring the cat in instead of abandoning it somewhere. It's tough to witness though, isn't it.

    Waving to Annie and RSGold and Tess and Saltine and Missy and Sara and Ali.

    Ali check in with us soon, OK?

    Waves to anyone else who stops by.


    I agree, it is better than abandoning him..I know I will have to be involved at some point... but, right now, I just walk away...I can't do it
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    Hey all. Busy day. Mom's surgery is scheduled for noon tomorrow. It was a revolving door today of Dr's and visitors. I decided at 4:30 it was time for us all to leave and let her rest.

    Tomorrow will be a long day.

    Hope everyone is having a good week. I keep having to ask what day it is...maybe I'm as crazy as my mom haha

    Hope all goes well... check in when you can. .. good thoughts coming your way
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    So today at around 3am my granny passed away. I haven't dealt with death since my mom died when I was 5. I don't know how to "take the good and positive" out of this situation so to speak. I'm with family and I got out of the house to take my mind off things. It's hard because I talked to her yesterday evening and she said was fine. I'm so tired of crying, but everything remind's me of her
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Dawn, your story broke my heart. We have two wonderful rescue kitties and they happily run our lives. I can see how your job must be emotionally draining at times. How wonderful for the patients and their humans that someone as kind as you works there! Hope you were able to set the day aside and enjoy the evening with SO.

    Lana, you've hit on what I love about the MFP app - you can pre-plan your meals. Even when I'm going out to dinner, I try to pre-plan what I'm going to order (many of the menus are already in the database). Has helped me avoid pitfalls.

    Thank you... it is hard... this is only my 2nd week and I've already seen more than I like... but, when we are able to help, makes it all worth it....the rest of the day was better, so I was able to enjoy the evening..

    I used to be really good about deciding what I wanted, before going to dinner, when I was on WW... although, we don't eat out often and, we have very few restaurants... so, I guess I kinda still do, as I know what I'm going to eat most of the time... it really helped when I did WW...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Today, I am surrounded by Ooey Gooey Butter cake, that I "just hafta try" ....3 diff types of muffins and cinnamon rolls... blah...2 girls had birthdays, yesterday and today, so we have cake... muffins and rolls are from a client, just cuz...I am looking at them all, as I sit here and eat my leftover Subway... honestly, I'm not too terribly tempted...I may try a small piece of cake, only because the one girl is super sweet and, I want to celebrate her day with her...I may save a muffin for breakfast, tomorrow... although, they are going fast, so maybe I won't be so tempted...

    Had an ok evening with SO... he didn't get home till 10:00pm and then we went to sleep, not long after that... but, it was nice having him home...I think it's harder on him to be gone, than it is for me...I love him... but, I feel as if I'm always rushed in the mornings, when he's home...I can go at my own pace, when he's away...

    Well, about that time to get to it...
    Have a great rest of the day...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    So today at around 3am my granny passed away. I haven't dealt with death since my mom died when I was 5. I don't know how to "take the good and positive" out of this situation so to speak. I'm with family and I got out of the house to take my mind off things. It's hard because I talked to her yesterday evening and she said was fine. I'm so tired of crying, but everything remind's me of her

    So, so sorry! I know, that doesn't really help... it's never easy, especially if it's unexpected..good thoughts and prayers coming your way... if you need to get thoughts out, we are all here for you... check in when you can... thinking of you... HUGS
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    So today at around 3am my granny passed away. I haven't dealt with death since my mom died when I was 5. I don't know how to "take the good and positive" out of this situation so to speak. I'm with family and I got out of the house to take my mind off things. It's hard because I talked to her yesterday evening and she said was fine. I'm so tired of crying, but everything remind's me of her

    I'm so, so sorry! The death of a beloved one is immensely hard as it is, but to have it happen so suddenly must be devastating. Feel whatever you're feeling - cry, laugh, walk, cry some more. Your body and your emotions have had a terrible shock, and it will take time to process. Don't put pressure on yourself to react in any given way. Easier said than done, I realize. Just know that we all feel for you and are ready to hear whatever you want to type, whenever you can.

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    So today at around 3am my granny passed away. I haven't dealt with death since my mom died when I was 5. I don't know how to "take the good and positive" out of this situation so to speak. I'm with family and I got out of the house to take my mind off things. It's hard because I talked to her yesterday evening and she said was fine. I'm so tired of crying, but everything remind's me of her

    Omg so sorry to hear this. Hope you're doing ok. It's hard isn't it
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    She's done. It was a success and only a triple. We will get to see her soon
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    She's done. It was a success and only a triple. We will get to see her soon

    Good news indeed, Ali. Thanks for taking the time to share-- hope the recovery goes well.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Hot here again not as disgusting as yesterday. Tired and was falling asleep before dinner. Taking dog out and may just take a nap.

    Ali - glad your mother is doing well. enichols - sorry to hear of your loss. Kathryn I sent that photo to coworker who wants to eat better..... I got a giggle, thank you.

    PCP is leaving medical group. Luckily the insurance is giving me another dr in same building at least until my insurance company stops using the medical group, so 4 months of a pcp nearby. Grateful and will stay in that thought and not steer to negative comments.

    Cabana boys - foot massages please for Miss Tillie and myself. That sound you hear is me snoring, though I have heard Miss Tillie snore as well.....

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Dawn, your story broke my heart. We have two wonderful rescue kitties and they happily run our lives. I can see how your job must be emotionally draining at times. How wonderful for the patients and their humans that someone as kind as you works there! Hope you were able to set the day aside and enjoy the evening with SO.

    Lana, you've hit on what I love about the MFP app - you can pre-plan your meals. Even when I'm going out to dinner, I try to pre-plan what I'm going to order (many of the menus are already in the database). Has helped me avoid pitfalls.

    Thank you... it is hard... this is only my 2nd week and I've already seen more than I like... but, when we are able to help, makes it all worth it....the rest of the day was better, so I was able to enjoy the evening..

    I used to be really good about deciding what I wanted, before going to dinner, when I was on WW... although, we don't eat out often and, we have very few restaurants... so, I guess I kinda still do, as I know what I'm going to eat most of the time... it really helped when I did WW...

    Yeah I went back to WW it's worked the best for me in the past. Just wish it wasn't so expensive.

    That and inconvenience is the reason I stopped going....the only meetings are when I'm at work...
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    We saw my mom. She was smiling and communicating with blinks since she has a breathing tube. She was awake and alert and pink. The marvels of modern medicine
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    We saw my mom. She was smiling and communicating with blinks since she has a breathing tube. She was awake and alert and pink. The marvels of modern medicine

    How relieved you must feel, Ali! I hope you all can sleep well tonight.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Almost as hot outside as in and air quality is bad. A/C just kicked in - with any luck the temps will come down tomorrow and I can open windows again.

    I had no trouble going to bed "on time" last night. I cleaned out the bottom of my peanut butter jar and used it in oatmeal for dinner.

    Thinking ahead what to make for dinners next week. Still up for grabs.

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    .....running through......

    ENicols - so sorry about your granny passing. Finding the right words to say to you is impossible for me. Sending you hugs.
