Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Spent day watching dvd and reading.

    Another thing I used to do when I started WW was to only eat at cafe once a week, it is up to 3 times. Making chicken with roasted vegetables, so guess what?? One day that will be lunch. Cafe days down to 2. Small steps.

    Oatmeal on stove, had large breakfast, salad lunch and breakfast for dinner......

    Rained on us this morning for dog walk - can count on one hand how many times I have seen it raining in August.... not enough to wash my car - drats.

    Lana - herbal tea - or hot lemon/honey - where are those cboys when you need them?

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    or try cocoa
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    30 unicorns and 30 cboys should be "just right".
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Sara - Those are cute. Aw. Evidently your unicorns have magic powers, and I am indeed feeling just a bit better.

    I have some lemony herbal tea....just have to go dig it out of the cabinet and have some now.

    Everyone have a good evening. You youngsters?.....don't stay out all night! :pensive:

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Window open, paper here and dog fed. I wanted to go back to sleep until I saw the clock.

    Chicken with roasted vegetables on tap today, will take one serving to work for lunch. When I started WW I only ate at the cafe once a week, that has expanded to 3 and I have expanded as well. So this week I will take a lunch to work and only eat there twice and see if I can take home part for dinner.

    Groceries, cooking and probably napping. Though when it comes to napping who knows?

    Wave to all who follow- bbl.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    These are sold online and at some stores I believe. I got mine online. You keep it on everyday no charging necessary because the battery lasts for about 6 months. You can buy the batteries in bulk at Wal-Mart for about $6.

    Thanks so much...I will look into them! That would be awesome to have...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    edited August 2017
    The Cabana Boys told me that if I'm crabby and sick, I have to sit in the corner, so that's me snoring on the last lounger under the farthest beach umbrella. Maybe some hot chocolate after nap.


    Today 242.6, which is terrible
    Highest 250
    Goal 185
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    The Cabana Boys told me that if I'm crabby and sick, I have to sit in the corner, so that's me snoring on the last lounger under the farthest beach umbrella. Maybe some hot chocolate after nap.


    Today 242.6, which is terrible
    Highest 250
    Goal 185

    Feel better, Lana - sometimes we just need rest and be a bit crabby, no matter what the C-boys say. :smile:

    Tess (who knows a thing or two about crabbiness...)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Hey Lana if your weight said 252.6 I would understand the "which is terrible" comment. What one thing can you do today to help yourself in your weight loss journey??

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Thanks Tess and Sara -

    Sara - I just keep plugging along: I did my walk down to the River and back, and I can try to stay on track. The day IS planned out.

    The weigh in was "terrible" for me because in a few days of eating carbs (muffins, some chocolate, too much bread) I gained 3 pounds that took 3 weeks to lose. When I eat refined carbs, my body not only puts on some actual weight, it also seems to retain more water.

    At the moment though, there seems to be only one really good thing to do in addition to sticking to plan:
    watch "Trapped", this Icelandic series on Amazon Prime about a headless, limbless torso pulled out of the northern winter sea.
    I sure know how to have a good time, huh?

    Hugs to you all~~

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I would love to say, I didn't eat my emotions from the last couple days... because, I did it in moderation... but, what I chose to eat, was definitely not good choices...I hope this is a one time thing and I can keep from making terrible choices, every time we have a bad day...

    I was able to get in some extra help and extra money, yesterday. I went to help at thrift store...the Senior Center in town was having a sale... they called the store and told them, they could come and have anything they wanted... so, I went with the Co - founder and walked around, finding some great treasures... they had helped a member at the Senior Center pay for vet care for her dog, so they wanted to offer what was left at sale...I thought that was very generous..

    Think I'm going to head to bed...
    Everyone have a great night...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Up .4, just is. Will start better habits this week with "to go" boxes and taking one more lunch to work.

    Will have to make Dr apt, cant fix the problem myself. Better to see Dr sooner than later. I often read ER reports and wonder why person didnt just go to Dr? ER is so expensive.

    Window open hoping for a little cooler air. Have Wednesday off for hair/ toes so that is a good thing.

    Wave to all who follow, will lurk from work.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Hi all! *waves to everyone*

    Back to work after a great weekend of Jeeps, woods, and mud. Had such a good time at relatively new offroad park located about 3.5 hours from home. Weather was perfect - sunny and warm but low humidity. We did see a corona around the sun. That was pretty wild looking.

    Used the very last of my hotel points to get room. Since I no longer travel for work, I am not racking up the points any more. Now we will have to pay for hotels - that will limit our trips since it will be the bulk of the budget now.

    It was super dusty as the day wore on & sun dried out the ground. When I took a shower that night I literally had mud pouring out of my hair - YUCK! I did get a lot of dust in my eyes. Now right eye has an infection so will have to deal with that. Makes reading and working a real chore since everything out of my eye is fuzzy.

    I was way off on eating. Hotel breakfast was nice because they had a lovely fruit salad and healthy choices. The caterer for the event dinner was a BBQ place that I love. Did try to have more veggies than anything else to stay somewhat on track. Then they brought out the special banana pudding..... nom, nom, nom I have not been on scales yet but I do know I am pretty swollen today. I cant move my rings.

    *taking farthest lounge chair away from everyone* I think I will lie in the sun a bit to warm up but will stay way over here - dont want anyone to end up with pink eye! *sliding on dark sunglasses to hide eyes*
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Good morning Everybody~~

    Kathryn - I hope your eye improves rapidly. Sounds like a fun weekend!

    Dawn - cool story about the thrift store and the senior center~~

    Sara - I think that the ER option is a learned mindset. Even back eons ago when I was a kid, one family two doors up always used the ER as the go-to option for the smallest of things. These days however, with the many choices of Urgent Cares around, I do wonder why people still hit the ER?
    I have decent health coverage, but there is a several hundred dollar deterrent charge on going to the ER. Member pays large co-pay if they go to the ER and are not admitted to the hospital.

    It is rainy and dreary in The Big Apple today, and with my head cold, I am a perfect match. I cancelled all of my appointments today to just stay home. Why get other patients sick or germ-y?

    So today will be soup and salads and fruit and oatmeal......

    Waves to Tess and Ali and Missy and RSGold and Saltine and ENicols and Annie and anyone else who stops by later to say hello~~

  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all,

    Lana - that show sounds intense. Isn't it gruesome to watch? Hope you feel better soon.

    Dawn - not eating feelings is a goal in itself. High five.

    Kath - sorry about the eyes. Glad you had a fun weekend.

    Our video shoot was fun over the weekend. My legs are ouch from repeating choreography. For one sequence we had to run up hill. When we got to the top the camera man told us he hadn't been shooting so we had to do it all over again. The song we danced to is about being an overcomer and not giving up even when it feels like you're going under. I keep singing the refrain it's a fun song.

    The video is for a Woman's day event this Wednesday. I want to go mostly to see how the video turned out and to just have a break from chores and the mundane. Wednesday is a public holiday here and I know if I stay home I'll end up doing chores on my day off - -and who wants to do that?!

    Anyway... Have a great week

    Waves to everyone who stops by

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara & Lana - our insurance wont cover an immediate care or an urgent care facility but it will completely cover trip to ER. So it is cheaper on us to go to ER. That seems a little backwards to me, but cant complain since it is pretty good coverage.

    Lana - hope you're feeling better. let me know how you like Trapped. Had seen it available but haven't watched it yet. you reminded me I need to hit grocery to get more soups, salads, fruit, and oatmeal

    rsamuels - sounds like a fun video shoot plus great exercise - win-win! Is the holiday on Wednesday called Woman's Day? What is the backstory on that as a public holiday?

    Dawn - that is a very neat arrangement that happened between senior center and thrift store.

    *waves to anyone who pops in*
    *sitting in lounge chair still in dark glasses & sipping rhubarb lemonade*
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Samuels- thanks... not sure I deserve a high five as I still made bad choices... but, I ate less than if I had just let myself go... so, guess that's a plus... back on track today...

    Lana- it is good when people are willing to help each other... even if it's a little bit, it all adds up... yer show sounds interesting...I like stuff like that..

    Sara - lots of people around here choose ER over Dr...a lot I think is because Dr's don't have late hours, nor does Urgent Care... guess that's a downside of living in a small town...ER is an hour away from my home... so, better hope your not dying before you head over there...

    So far, today is better...we have a little kitten that's been here just over a month... she had some health issues, but is now ready for a home... a woman lost her dog on Fri and just kept thinking about the kitten... she came in today and decided, she wanted to "give her a try" her house was "too quiet" without an animal so, she took her home and we'll see how it goes...the woman is a wonderful pet owner and, it was so hard losing her pup...

    So tired today...I know it's cuz I ate so poorly the last couple days and just had a lazy day, yesterday... getting back on track and hoping to be more alert, tomorrow...

    Have a great afternoon...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Samuels~~ Good for you with all that dancing! Enjoy Wednesday!

    Kathryn - I'm not a good judge of TV series. Things that so many people love are not my type. Often I feel sick and don't have the patience to watch something that is perfectly fine. I will say that those northern countries do come up with some doozies. I am glad we get to see so many international programs.

    OK, back to the drudgery of sorting through stacks of mostly junk mail to tear off names & addresses and shred. Blech.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Am trying to come to terms with the results from my older brother's CT scan he had last week. He has always been as healthy as a horse. Early last year he had a sudden issue with congestive heart failure. That finally worked itself out and he was fine. Then late last year he went to ER thinking he had appendicitis - dr said it was actually stage 4 colon cancer. He had surgery to remove it and started on chemo. All previous scans show the chemo was working. However, the scan last week showed the chemo has stopped working and the cancer has grown and now spread to liver, kidney, lungs, lymph nodes, and even into his skin. The family is devastated. I have always tried to be there for him but right now I feel so incredibly helpless. I dont know what to do for him.