Serial Starters



  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Wednesday (Hump) Day, all!

    Weather continues to be gorgeous in DC and it has gotten SO QUIET now that Congress is in recess and lots more people are on vacation. Just a few of us left, with a ton of tourists. :smile:

    Sara, I appreciate how you feel about health issues at a certain age. I'm 50+ and now when things crop up, they take on a certain urgency where they didn't before (ah, the resiliency of youth!). So know you are in good company here. Hope you are able to see the doctor soon (and have that pedicure- perfect combo!).



  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Starting again today. Any tips? I tend to want to over exercise so I can eat more- otherwise I struggle to stay within my calories budget.

    Hi alwaysbloated - welcome back! I'm Tess, and I just started posting here a couple of weeks ago.

    First, good for you for starting again (or, as I like to think of it, "continuing the journey to health.") I restarted/continued at the beginning of this year and found this particular group of amazing folks helpful for keeping on track. Here's what's worked for me so far, in case it would be helpful to you:

    * track everything, every day. Even if it's a "bad" food or exercise day. It helps me see the patterns in what I eat and how certain exercises affect the scale

    * I only weigh in once a week, usually Sunday mornings. Whatever the scale says it is, that's what I write down. Sometimes, it's discouraging, like a couple of weeks ago when I had exercised hard during the week and the dang scale hadn't moved an ounce. In that case, it was helpful to review what I ate during the week to see if I could tweak anything. Then I came on this forum to read about other people's lives to get out of my own head.

    * Realized that exercise won't solve everything. If I did a ton of exercise but then ate away those points, the scale still wasn't going to move.

    * Slow and steady. Targeted 1 pound per week and that's about where my average has been. Lost a lot the first month (11 pounds) but it slowed down right after that to the 1 pound/week average. It adds up and I find myself now wondering how it happened "so quickly" when it wasn't quick at all!

    * Portion control. Looking back, I realize I haven't eliminated anything from my diet; just now eat less of it. I love ice cream - I still eat it but now it's 1/2 cup instead of 1+ cup. I have also found that there are foods I don't feel like eating.

    * Think about what my body issues are. As I lose weight, people are noticing and commenting. What does that kick up for me?

    * Surrounding myself with positive images of people of all sizes, ethnicities doing things in the great outdoors, since nature soothes me. My Instagram is filled with images from #UnlikelyHikers, #OutdoorJournalTour, #NatGeo and others (including cats, because I like cats). Instagram has become the positive place I go to when I'm feeling low.

    I don't mean to make it sound easy. It's not - it's been damn hard at times and will be. I just try to forgive myself and move on, keeping an eye on the bigger prize.

    Hope some of this helps and I look forward to learning tips from others! Welcome again.


  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Lana - sure hope that head cold clears up soon. summer colds seem to be the worst!

    Going to the state fair tomorrow. Anything I get I will be splitting with friends so that will keep calorie count down a smidge. Will try to stick with the healthier options like grilled chicken, corn on the cob, etc. But I do know I will have to get a small shake at the dairy barn - that is a state fair tradition!

    Scales this morning show I am down another pound. Yay! Now I hope I dont ruin it with state fair.

    *lying on lounge chair, impatiently waiting for Cboys to apply sunscreen*
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Kathryn - yay on the weigh in!! Enjoy your food at the State Fair - shake flavor? Massage oil with that sunscreen on your lounge chair?? I will have to give them the evil eye they are being slow today. I will throw things on the ground for them to pick up. I am so rotten sometimes >:) hehehehe.

    Got a dr apt today and will be my last thing to do. Save the best for last ?? Hmmm

    Tess you and I are in the same decade and things dont heal as quickly . I see babies falling on their butt knowing that would hurt me..... Just better to be safe with our health. Nice to do list for "alwaysbloated" I need to reread it myself......

    Lana - should the cboys bring facial tissues to your door??
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello all!!!

    I am back from vacation. Mom is getting transferred to a rehab hospital near to me tomorrow yay.

    I had such a fun time on vacation. We visited hubs' uncle's cottage and it was us, the uncle and aunt and their son and his two kids. We took the kids to this place they could swim the one day and that was neat. I made cookies with the cousin's daughter. Most of the other time we just hung out. I found the cousin super easy to get along with and we spent every evening sitting on the deck just hanging out. I needed that relaxing, fun, easy going, staying up until 3 am drinking and just laughing and being silly. I really needed that after the past few months and especially the last week.

    But back to the land of normal. Gotta get mom sorted out and the laundry done and I should get back on the ice. I'm pretty sure no weight was gained on vacation yay
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Hello All~~

    Sara - I hope you get answers at the doctor today - let us know how it went.

    Ali - Glad you had a great vacation. Is your foot the same? Better?

    Kathryn - Congratulations on the great weigh in. Go easy at the state fair; the sharing idea sounds good. Add some exercise, and you should be all set.

    Tess - that is a wonderful thing you wrote out for "AlwaysB." Keep it on your computer and paste it here for us once in a while. Lots of good advice! Thank you~~
    Oh, and enjoy the quiet city. I understand.

    Waving to Annie and Dawn and Missy and Samuels and Saltine and ENichols and anyone else who stops by later on.

    The Cabana Boys have gotten the notice that we cannot wait until Friday and need a special Happy Hour today. They have zero-calorie drinks and snacks and our favorite lotions at the ready for 5PM. Also, I asked them to get us a bunch of new pool noodles in a rainbow of colors....

    *tossing hat and bag on favorite lounge chair for later*


    242.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I was just thinking of going to State Fair... ours starts, tomorrow...I do enjoy it... it's just a bit of a drive and tons of temptations.... but, it's always fun to walk around and look at stuff... don't do the rides, anymore.. guess I got too old...

    I think I have decided, there is no good weigh in time for me...I weighed myself in the evening and it was lower than the morning (after bathroom break)... but, still higher than I really feel it should be... maybe I'm wrong... or maybe it's time for a new scale?

    A friend of mine went to Dr few weeks ago, just to get her thyroid checked and she was dehydrated...I messaged her to see if she was feeling better... turns out, she has several ovarian cysts and has to go to Dr next week to find out what they can do... she is only 30 and has 2 small kids at home... hoping it all goes well for her... definitely not what I expected to hear from her. ..

    We got an older Yorkie in, yesterday...her owner had a stroke, so we are boarding her... sadly, she's terrified and has had no socialization.... so, she growls at you, not sure if she's a biter, not pushing it... but, I've been trying to spend some time with her, to see how "aggressive " she truly is... they are discussing euthanasia, because of that word...that drives me crazy, if they're just truly scared... and, it's not the dogs fault, if she was never around people... people don't realize how much they're actually hurting the animals by not socializing them and then it comes to this... so sad

    Ok, enough whining..
    Have a good afternoon...
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - i haven't ridden rides at any fair since i was a teen. saw a ride come apart once and that did it for me. also the recent tragic accident at the Ohio state fair reinforced my fair ride phobia.
    may just need a new scale. mine old one was psycho. gave different weight almost every time you got on it. i usually had to get on it repeatedly & take best 3 out of 5 each morning i weighed myself!
    are they just cysts that your friend has? like polycycstic ovaries?
    so sad about the yorkie. i put a paragraph in my living will regarding "custody" of my pets should i ever be medically incapacitated.

    Tess - i will be printing out your words of wisdom!

    Sara - any new news from the doctor's visit?

    Ali - sounds like a great vacation! i need one! LOL
    good to hear your mother continues to improve!

    *waving to all who drop in*

    Lana - thanks for whipping those Cboys into shape! *reaching for the blue pool noodle*
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Today is my Friday. Woo hoo! We were supposed to go camping but the weather is going to be pretty rainy. We decided not to go in our tent. Instead, tomorrow the younger kids and I are joining my sister at the county fair to watch my niece ride her horse in the 4-H competition. Will try to be good while I'm there!

    Sore from massage yesterday, but it is a good sore. I hope I see improvement now. New bed was delivered today. We bought two new dressers and a new bed frame (headboard, footboard, side rails) from IKEA and this is the first time in our 23 year marriage we have had an actual matching bedroom set. I bought new bedding over the weekend and our room actually looks like a grown-up room! The bed is so high I might need a step-stool to get into it! Hoping it improves my back issues a bit (I know it won't be a cure-all).

    Doing so-so with my low-carb diet. I have stayed away from pop (Day 3) but having a hard time with sweets at home since we've had leftover dessert on hand from Monday. That should be gone tonight or I'm going to throw it out!

    More drama with drug-dealer neighbor. My husband was outside mowing yesterday and a police officer who patrolled through the neighborhood stopped to talk to him. She stated that the owner of a truck that was sitting in the driveway has a warrant out for his arrest in a neighboring county for drug possession. She asked if my husband could call in to the police when the vehicle left the house so the cops could have a chance to pull it over and arrest the owner. So, last night my dear hubby hopped in one of our vehicles and followed the truck while he called the cops and continued to follow it until he knew the cops had it. But much to our dismay, the truck was back at the house this morning when we got up and we don't see any bookings online that appear to be the guy. We also learned that they did find drugs in that house during the drug raid, including meth, but not enough to arrest anyone. I do not understand that. If a drug, such as meth, is found, how can there "not be enough" to arrest someone? It's illegal! So, my DH is back to talking about moving. He really wants to buy that house even if it's a stretch for us because the cop told him it's so hard to get rid of these people and these drug houses. He felt disheartened after talking with her and after it appears no one got arrested last night.

    Hoping I win the Powerball tonight!

    Have a good evening,

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    So much news popped up while away at work....

    Kathryn, congrats on the scale! Our county fair starts next week and is actually a bigger deal than our state fair. Fairs bring back happy memories - I belonged to 4-H as a kid and while I didn't show animals, managed to win a few blue/red ribbons for baked goods and sewing.

    Sara, how did it go at the doctors? And the pedicure? :smile:

    Ali, welcome back! Your vacation sounds like heaven (and congrats on keeping your weight stable!). Glad to hear your Mom has progressed to rehab.

    Dawn, so sad about the Yorkie and her owner. The poor pup must be terrified. How good of you to try to comfort it.

    Annie, your new bedroom sounds beautiful! Definitely something we need to do. So sorry about the druggie neighbors; we had that problem in the neighborhood next to ours and fortunately that ended with arrests and foreclosure. If I remember correctly, it sounds like the parents of your neighbors are happier news, good luck to your niece tomorrow!

    Kathryn, Lana, Sara - your kind words are making me blush!

    Waves to Missy, enichols, Samuels, Saltine and AlwaysB / and anyone else wondering by. Lana, I'm grabbing my lounge chair and dragging it over to you. Put in a good word for me with the Cboys.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good and better news about Yorkie... her owner will be coming home in a few days, so Yorkie will be going home soon..yay! And, I was able to pet her, fix her harness and walk her... she even let me pick her up and carry her inside! Everyone was so surprised...I told them, you just have to get on her level, be calm and patient...I'm not there tomorrow, so hope they can work with her...

    I'm not sure about cysts that friend has...I'm hoping it's something they can remove and not cancerous...I decided last night, but forgot to mention, I am going to pass the Christmas Jar I received last year, to her...I had pretty much already decided that, right after I received it... this just makes me positive she's the one...I know she will greatly appreciate it... now, I just gotta finish the book... guess that means I should stop spending so much time online...hehe..

    I truly feel like my belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger... I've cut down on soda..sweets have kinda won me over, lately..definitely need to get that under control, again...being incredibly discouraged
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Long day - a lot done. I think I read all posts.....

    Pedicure /haircut good.

    Dr. visit bp was under the #s that worry them. I am being suggested to get a colonoscopy to be on the safe side. I have never had one. I see a huge reward in my future - any ideas??

    Oatmeal for dinner - had chicken/roast veg for lunch - will have hot cocoa after dinner.

    Hope to stop by before lights out.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Sara - thank you for the pictures. Unfortunately, I am heavy on the "Keep thinking without acting". I have so much to do, and some things on the list are HUGE, like get a divorce. Ugh.

    You'll need someone to bring you home.
    The prep is the worst part. All that running to the bathroom.
    For the actual procedure I was dead asleep, gone, out like a light, and I've had two in my life.
    Bonus: I think I lost a couple pounds. LOL.

    Also, while I have the soapbox:
    Ladies - get those mammograms! ASK whether or not you have "dense breasts". If you do, insist on annual ultrasounds of your breasts; the mammograms will miss the cancer.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Talked with former co worker that moved away... she shocked me with the news she's getting divorced...I loved her and her hubby... they seemed great together... she also shocked me with pics of herself.. wow! She was beautiful before... she is absolutely stunning, now... lost 20lbs and tanned... again..I'm discouraged... there is a possibility, she will be moving back... so, I am already hitting her up to be my walking/ jogging partner... we'll see what happens... but, she is the one that had me running around shelter building in the mornings... so, I know she would be a huge help to me...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    edited August 2017
    One of the ladies I know online who knits is an endoscopy nurse and said I could ask her any question.....

    Mammogram also on my "to do" list - I have had 1 month this past calendar year when I did not have a dental or dr apt. Wears me out. Next apt is 8/23 eye doctor. Keep plugging away.

    Lana - wait until you are physically stronger to tackle the divorce if you can.

    Window open cooler outside.

    Cafe lunch tomorrow taking to go container for dinner......

    Wishing all a good night.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Thursday -- or as my bus driver just said to me, "Happy Friday Eve." :smile:

    Sara, like Lana, I'm a veteran of two colonoscopies and she is spot-on: the prep is the worst part! Because of the "twilight sleep" anesthesia they use, I felt really refreshed afterwards. One additional piece of advice that someone else gave me that helped immensely during the prep: Vaseline is your friend. Apply it to your *kitten* before and between eliminations and it will keep you from getting sore. (Apologies if this was TMI for folks first thing in the morning!).

    Lana, your to-do list is heavier than most! The guidance around too much thinking before acting is probably more applicable to exercise...or laundry...than s major life change like divorce. :wink: Sometimes taking your time is key especially when you need to build your endurance first. Sending energy your way.

    Will peak in later. Waves to all - have a good day.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Window open, oatmeal done. New neighbor moved things in starting at 9pm, I am hoping for a little more sleep before work.

    Tess - I had read that petroleum jelly was helpful in one of the readings I did online, nice to know it also helps with the prep.

    Cafe today - to go box in lunch bag.

    Lana - does your insurance cover counseling? Just wondering if talking about the recent events and upcoming events might help.

    Need to scoot, will lurk from work - waves to all who follow.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Interesting...this message board substituted "kitten" for the anatomically correct term I used!!! LOL. I appreciate the discretion but I don't think I'll look at my two kitties in quite the same way....
