Serial Starters



  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Interesting...this message board substituted "kitten" for the anatomically correct term I used!!! LOL. I appreciate the discretion but I don't think I'll look at my two kitties in quite the same way....

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Good morning Tess and Sara~~

    Thank you for good advice. The divorce will definitely not be tackled until months from now, likely in 2018.

    Poor kittens!

    *waving at Cabana Boy for more coffee*

    I'll be on the farthest lounger on the beach. Still have this darned head and chest cold!


    242.0 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Sara - forgot to say regarding counseling, that I have coverage, if the counsellor takes Aetna. However, at least here in NYC, they say the really good therapists don't take insurance, and the therapists that do are usually just starting out.

    A small experiment pre-cancer verified that. I found therapist in my neighborhood who took my insurance, but I was getting "therapy-Lite". It wasn't challenging, and I skated through it really.

    Then I got counseling from MSK. My psychiatrist is there permanently; there is the group support/therapy every Thursday, which is excellent.
    I had had a one on one therapist there, but she graduated and left! She was extremely helpful for when DH up and left me and moved west.
    Now I'm thinking I might hunt around the NYC Insight Meditation place and the Shambala Meditation place and see if I can find a Buddhist therapist. That would be most comfortable for me.
    Insurance should cover 80% of reasonable and customary, if counselor is out of network. So if that ultimately covers half, that would be great.

    Later, gators

  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all,

    Well walking the dogs has not happened this week :( really bummed with myself for not doing it. This feeling of disappointment when I don't do what I plan to do really gets me. It's not that I don't have time, I just don't make the time I will get better!

    Have been doing the low/natural carb, higher fat & protein eating, last week I saw a good drop in the scale on Saturday -3 lbs (229) I was so happy to finally break through the 230's & into the 220's...only for it to go right back up by Monday a whole 6 lbs (235). Not sure if it was water weight...alcohol weight or the fact that I had spaghetti on Monday (dam carbs). I have since been hovering between 234 in the morning & 236 in the evening lbs for the last 2 days now & have been sticking to my new way of eating not perfectly, but no one is perfect. It looks like I have the maintenance eating down pat...hahaha, now just need to fine tune things to see a drop in the scale a bit more consistently & have to go back to not thinking about my morning workouts and just get up and do them! This worked in the past...It will work again...I just have to want it badly enough!

    Arniedog, I really admire you working in a vet, I really don't think I could do that! As much as I love animals I would bring them all home with me so they didn't have to be euthanized, that just breaks my heart!

    Have a great day!
    **waves to all** :)

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Just got back from getting mom settled at rehab. We're trying to cut back in visits as she's getting dependent on us to do everything it seems and I think if we're not always there she will progress faster as she'll want to leave. I told her she's just seeing us in the morning as I want to take the boy to a movie and swimming. I still need to get my dishwasher repaired and the lawn cut.

    Can I have another vacation??
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Saltine- thank you...I really struggle at times... most of the ones I've seen, the animals were at the point, that the humans were selfish to have kept them alive any longer... doesn't make it any easier... but, more accepting
    I understand the way you feel about bouncing up and down on the scale....I was 9lbs from goal and it just went right back up... it is so incredibly frustrating...I track every day, good or bad.. I'm getting in more steps, not enough...I have no one to blame but myself... and, I can't seem to figure out how to fix it

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Well, that didn't take long... finished "Christmas Jars" what a great, great I read it, I kept thinking of my friend and how I believe she will make it a new tradition in her family, including her young children in the saving of change to fill the Christmas Jar...I'm hoping to start a jar for myself as well... it will be a great way to help with Christmas, as we usually struggle, terribly..I don't know that I've ever seen this book in a store (or it's sequels) but, if you come across it, you should put it on your reading list...I'm so thankful I received it and can't wait to pass it on...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    Done for day, dog out in a bit. Blood I gave at dr came back okay.... referral is being processed..... blah blah blah. Coworker is willing to drive me to apt when it happens which she wont let me pay her for (she is taking time off work....) we shall see what gift she gets. Maybe yarn.... I inspired her to crochet.

    Kittens - poor things what did they ever do?? Hehehehe - I would have understood "my friend down there".....

    Twice this week I forgot to clock in at work, out of the ballpark behavior for me. Too much on my plate to think about - so will get my act together again.

    Hot chocolate for dessert. Had leftovers from lunch.

    Lets see- Lana glad to hear you have options available with support groups etc. - Ali glad you are keeping your visits short so that she can do what she needs to and you get some time for yourself. Saltine, sounds like you have a plan that works - one day at a time.

    Okay dog out, snoring soon under Lana's Palm Tree.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Missy - Thank you for the nice photo!

    I wish I could have gone with you on that hike. Love hiking; love paths. What is it about paths in the woods?

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Checking in late. Today was a vacation day. Spent it at a local county fair watching my niece compete in 4-H horseback riding competition events. She will be a senior in high school this year so not sure how much longer she will ride. We surprised her by attending! It was nice to spend the day with my sister. I had my two younger kids along as well.

    Faced the scale this morning. Not as bad as feared but it was 160.0, which puts me in a decade I didn't want to see again. Today did not help eating "fair food" but tomorrow will get back to tracking everything. My sister inspired me with losing 6 lbs and some inches in the last month by simply watching her calories and getting her protein in. She is also doing weight training 3 times per week. I am limited there with my back issues, but I certainly can count my calories, add in protein shakes to hit that target, and do what training I am able to do using our TRX system.

    Neighbors at it again tonight. She's screaming at him about how he cheats on her and he's leaving to go to his *kitten*. She wants him to "go away from her" but yet all I can think is "you live at HIS house, maybe you should leave." Makes me go online to look at houses again...

    Tomorrow is another vacation day. No plans. Probably get groceries and do laundry. Saturday is the same. We were supposed to go camping but weather is rainy and we decided we weren't up for camping in a tent in the rain. Sunday we are going school clothes shopping with Grandma!

    Putting my feet up and finishing my bad eating day with some ice cream and a hard lemonade.

    Good evening!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    one more "kitten"..... hmmm made me laugh.

    Missy - nice picture thank you and good for you for hiking.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    have to have kittens
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member

    have to have kittens

    Kittens again! That's what I love about this group...started the day talking "kittens" in colonoscopy prep and finish with pics of dancing kittens (while my own kitty is having the night crazies instead of calming down to go to sleep).

    Thank you for the smile, Sara. Needing that after a too-long day at work and a delicious but diet-busting and guilt-inducing dinner of steak-and-cheese sub and ice cream. Gulp. Tomorrow is indeed Friday, and another day to try again.

    TGIF all.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning!

    Remembered I left a serving of chicken /roast veg in my bento box to take to work to try - 2 things- saves money in that I dont buy another cafe lunch and I use up the food I make. Luckily brain is working this morning.

    Not uncommon for people to work in the SF bay area and commute to the Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley - best of both worlds better pay and lower rents.... neighbors up early ( I also heard baby crying a little). Will have to make sure to keep my sleep schedule.

    Oatmeal almost done. Beautiful cool air this morning.

    Wave to all who follow - TGIF!!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Thinking of Dawn this morning as we wrangle my MIL's cat for his annual vet visit. He's a sweet cat, just had an early tramatic vet experience and doesn't trust my husband or the cat carrier, so it takes some work and subterfuge to get him in the box.

    Overcast in DC but with low humidity so far so that's a win!


  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    This is my 86 year old Day who is visiting me in RI. I'm so thankful that he's here but the regional food favorites he likes to have are killing my diet ! Still I lost again this week but it's truly only the MFP community that has been keeping me on track ( & hitting it hard at the gym ) . He leaves Tuesday & it's really back to clean eating ! I've forgotten what a vegetable looks like it seems
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi Ladies~~

    Yep, I just tried it: if you type in an offensive word, it comes out *kittens*. Maybe I can get myself to just use "kittens" and curtail some of my "stagehand words", as a colleague's little girl calls them.

    The head cold and cough is hanging on, but with a headache that is tenacious, which is really painful when I have to cough. I can breathe through my nose. I don't understand this one.

    Time for brunch.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Wow! miss a day, miss a lot!

    Did not make it to state fair yesterday. Woke up in wee hours with a migraine. Took 4 doses of meds to get pain down to a dull roar and still had to wear sunglasses inside the house. Did not even get in to work Thursday. Feel better this morning but still feel like i have all of a bad hangover without any of the fun of the night before. I refuse to give in and take the daily migraine preventative because of side effects but if these migraines keep coming more frequently and closer together, i may have no choice.

    am at work in a dark office trying to focus on work instead of headache.

    Sara - i have never had a colonoscopy (yet) but DH and DD both have. Both said they prep was not as bad as they had been led to believe. Hopefully, you will have an experience like theirs!

    I have had more than my share of mammograms. I do have very dense tissue. Since age 21, have had 6 lumps and a set of lymph nodes removed. thank goodness all benign. But I have mammograms every 6 months. hospital now has a a 3D mammogram which is recommended for dense breast tissue. my insurance wont pay for 3D so I have to pay what they wont, about $124.

    Lana - just throwing this out there - i started seeing a great therapist a few years back. at first i was paying out of pocket but she did not want to let us go without therapy so she applied and was accepted as a provider on our insurance. that was a great thing for her to do for us! if you can find one who works well with you, perhaps that is something they could consider.

    Dawn - amazing job with Yorkie. so glad she gets to go home!

    Ali - smart thinking regarding your mom. i hope she gets back up and around soon.

    *waves to all who drop in*

    *dropping into hammock to rest in the shade*