Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Hi Kathryn- welcome back! Glad you had a good trip and the pup seemed to enjoy it too. What part of Michigan? At one time or another, all 3 of my siblings lived in MI, and my brother & SIL now live near Lansing. I've spent a lot of time in the state!

    Lana, hang in there - what goes up will come down again. Now that you're back home and to your routine, the pounds will come back off. Im at a stage where the pounds don't seem to want to leave me no matter how intense of a workout I do. That's when we concentrate on NonScale Victories (and Cabana Boys.) :)

    Sara, Happy Anniversary! 5 years is an impressive amount of time in a job, especially one that sounds like a challenge.

    Dawn, sorry to hear about your Grandpa and the stress it's bringing out on your family. These situations always seem to highlight the cracks on family unity.....

    Ali, hope this is a better week for your Mom.

    Hi to Missy, Annie, enichols147 and anyone else wandering by. Sounds like it's getting crowded under Lana's palm tree - hope the Cboys bring out more lounge chairs.

    Good night all.

    Thank you...I never imagined my family being this way... really makes me sad for Gpa and upsets me with them... he deserves so much better... karma will get them one day
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    tlsb - my family lives on the left side of the mitten, Montague/Whitehall area

    enichols - like Sara said, focus on fruit/veggies and drink lots of water especially if you are walking a lot. drink at least one full glass before any meal. hope that helps!

    Annie - focus on positives! if you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop and start counting all the positives.

    Lana - am glad i got a little overspray of your Happy Dust to help me get through today!

    has anyone used riced cauliflower as a rice or potato substitute? if so, what is easiest way to "rice" it and how did you cook it?

    am sooooo tired at work today and cannot figure out why. i thought i had slept well and even gotten to bed earlier than usual. maybe I got too much sleep?? is that even possible?! LOL

    *slathering on the sunscreen and waiting impatiently for Cboy to get over here and start rubbing sunscreen over back*

    I am the same, today...I have been falling asleep around 9:30, and slept pretty well all night...I even made breakfast this morning... but, I am so tired...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Today was one of those questionable days...14 week old kitten declawed...2 yr old cat put down, pretty much just cuz owner didn't want to care for his "issues" I had to go out back and cry... people... why?!

    Sara - congrats on 5 years! Extra pampering for you by CBoys...

    SO will be home, tonight... then, back outta town in morn...I like that he'll be home... but, I have to drop him off at 5:00am tomorrow... so, I'll be tired again... oh well... no complaining...I love him... just tired of being tired...

    Better get back to work..
    Waves to everyone!
    Have a great afternoon...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    kathryn - I used a food processor with a very well dried cauliflower - and made "fried rice". Turned out okay. Price of cauliflower is Stupid.... check the frozen section I have seen it "riced" and frozen at safeway.....

    at work. will chat more later.....
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    I will have to pull out the old food processor and give it a go.
    Do you cook the cauliflower before you make fried rice? Is it just like a regular fried rice recipe?
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Lana - I need to limit the stuff in my fridge/pantry to only healthy things. my DH would starve to death though. he says doesn't eat "anything green" and has to have doritos, poptarts and little debbies on hand at all times. ugh! he works hard and doesn't gain any weight even though he has the worst eating habits. its so frustrating that i have to watch and count each calorie and he gets to eat whatever! grrrrr
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Thank you! Will definitely try this!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    ENicols - good luck in Las Vegas. I've never been there, but the buffets sound dangerous. Drink water and get exercise!

    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Lana - I need to limit the stuff in my fridge/pantry to only healthy things. my DH would starve to death though. he says doesn't eat "anything green" and has to have doritos, poptarts and little debbies on hand at all times. ugh! he works hard and doesn't gain any weight even though he has the worst eating habits. its so frustrating that i have to watch and count each calorie and he gets to eat whatever! grrrrr

    Ew Kathryn, I have to say that the Doritos (too salty), the poptarts (just not wonderful enough), and the Little Debbies (don't really know what they are) sound gross to me. But I get the idea.
    Chin up! DH won't starve to death - just have plenty of meat, potatoes, and vegetables for him to eat. Plus his junk food. I hope that your home is just big enough that when he eats the extra stuff, you can slide into another room. That's what I would need to do, I think.

    Dawn - hang in there. At least the person with the cat had some decency to bring the cat in instead of abandoning it somewhere. It's tough to witness though, isn't it.

    Waving to Annie and RSGold and Tess and Saltine and Missy and Sara and Ali.

    Ali check in with us soon, OK?

    Waves to anyone else who stops by.

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Hey all. Busy day. Mom's surgery is scheduled for noon tomorrow. It was a revolving door today of Dr's and visitors. I decided at 4:30 it was time for us all to leave and let her rest.

    Tomorrow will be a long day.

    Hope everyone is having a good week. I keep having to ask what day it is...maybe I'm as crazy as my mom haha
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Thinking of you, Ali. Your comment about not knowing what day it was brought back memories of being with parents and in-laws in the hospital - time seems to slow down and shrink to whatever is happening in the room. Wishing you, your Mom and family a successful day. Remember to breathe.

  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all! I have some good news. I have lost 2lbs in the past 4 days! My appetite hasn't been the same as it usually is, but it isn't a bad thing. Thanks for the advice on the Vegas stuff. I can taste the victory in my weight loss journey!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Dawn, your story broke my heart. We have two wonderful rescue kitties and they happily run our lives. I can see how your job must be emotionally draining at times. How wonderful for the patients and their humans that someone as kind as you works there! Hope you were able to set the day aside and enjoy the evening with SO.

    Lana, you've hit on what I love about the MFP app - you can pre-plan your meals. Even when I'm going out to dinner, I try to pre-plan what I'm going to order (many of the menus are already in the database). Has helped me avoid pitfalls.

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    That's fantastic, enichols! Good for you. It's a wonderful feeling to see results - and inspiring for the rest of us!

    Good luck in Vegas. Others have covered everything I had thought of, save one more thing - you might want to tuck some healthy snacks in your bag so you won't be tempted to splurge when you need a snack. I'm attending a conference on Thursday & Friday, and am going to take a granola bar (along with a water bottle) so I can avoid the cookie breaks!

    Have fun in Vegas - and congrats again on the 2 pounds down!

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Thanks Tess. I was collecting garbage today and told hubs it's for garbage day tomorrow. He was like you know it's only Tuesday. Oooh ya. I'm just all discombobulated. Time flies but goes slowly it seems.
  • enichols147
    enichols147 Posts: 13 Member
    Tess I'm one step ahead of you. I'll be going to the store to stock the hotel room for those late night cravings
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    Good evening,

    Late here but that is a rare thing. Had too much to eat and I am in the red - how often do I get to celebrate a 5 year anniversary? Like being the bride and not eating cake??? That would be sad.

    Ali - keeping good thoughts for your mother tomorrow. Hardest is waiting outside.....

    107 today - lady who picked me up to have dinner would not leave her car and I did not blame her. Cooler tomorrow.

    Foot massages under Lana's Palm Tree......

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Stepped on scale - not pretty, ate too much last night. Drink more water and keep going.

    only 103ish today - at least that's what they said. Hard to sleep in this weather and hard to keep ahead on the water..... luckily it stops being extremely hot soon this week.

    Young lady I had dinner with is looking to eat better, so you know what I am going to tell her? Take her breaks find something that makes her happy and drink an extra glass of water. When she gets back from vacation we will work on food.....

    Saw former dogs vet tech she changed jobs and works for the pet company that houses the veterinarian - nice to see her again. Too many changes. She reminded me where my dogs favorite scratch place is!!

    Will lurk from work. Hang in there and stay cool - if you cant make sure to drink extra water.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Holy smokes it's 103 degrees?!?!? This Canadian girl would be melting haha it's been hot and humid here the past couple of days but you'd probably need a sweater

    That's nice you will help someone out with making her life more healthy. A kind gesture that's for sure
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited August 2017
    Ali - my thoughts are with you! hope all turns out well

    enichols - way to go!! :) have fun in Vegas!!

    Dawn - I agree with Lana, at least the owner brought the cat in to be put down humanely instead of abandoning it or something more horrible. My best friend works HR in a large vet clinic & ER. She loves the job but says it has intense highs and lows which just emotionally exhausts her some days.

    Sara - so cool you are helping someone get healthier

    Lana - I guess I need to pre-plan more with the MFP app. I use it to log everything but not so much to plan out meals.

    Had my shoulder worked on last night. Could not get in with regular therapist. The woman last night did a good job, I guess, but I didn't feel as good as I usually do after therapy.

    Am getting a little frustrated with work. Am supposed to working on a project but given no real guidance. I asked one person for some clarification and he says go ask this other guy. I ask him and he says go ask the first guy. grrrrr..... Right now they are both out of the office so I cant get anything done. <beating head against wall>

    Hope everyone else has a good day!
    *waving to all who stop by*

    Lana , which one of the Cboys has the Happy Dust? I need a healthy dose of it today!
    *kicks off shoes and flops down on lounge chair under palm tree*