Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    I figured it out:

    I will build another day around that salty soup, to which I will add lots of fresh cooked vegetables, and I'll have it on a day where nothing else is processed or very salty.

    And then I likely will not buy it again, no matter how wonderful it looks when I'm shopping in the winter season.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited December 2017
    Lana - at work - but now you know why I make as much as I can - a real "kitten" kicker that sodium. Can you dilute with milk and make 5 servings?

    Tess - some of my scarves are garter stitch so brain dead knitting. Most people dont know the difference and I have need mindless knitting. One of my scarves is a pattern. Multi colored yarn I do garter stitch so it doesnt look like it hit the garbage disposal.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Christmas Eve Eve spent making freezer meals for a friend who is expecting baby any day now and for another friend who has had a child in the hospital last month. Delivered all on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning spent with family - our first grandchild's first Christmas! DH had me in happy tears with his gift to me - repairing and refurbishing an antique safe that has been in my family for generations.

    I have been trying to make better eating choices but I am with Dawn this season - I know I shouldn't but I do it anyway. Almost like I don't care. But I do care. But that doesn't stop me. Ugh! I refuse to get on the scales right now.

    And I guess 2017 isn't done with me yet because I found out a good friend and my aunt had both passed away. Then found out that my aunt had passed on the 20th and no one in family had let me (or my siblings) know about it or what the arrangements were.

    I can only hope 2018 will be a new beginning and a better year.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Kathryn - So much in such a short time: So sorry about the passing of your good friend and your aunt. I don't know what to say about your not being told about your aunt. That is upsetting, and now frustrating because it is over with, and you can't do anything about it! If your aunt meant a lot to you, can you still try to get a memento from whoever has control of her belongings?

    On the flip side --what a great gift from your DH re the safe! If you feel like it sometime, post a photo for us. So cool.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Sara - Good idea about the milk in the salty soup! Thank you!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Good morning! Up early, thanks to the nagging cough, but also feel refreshed enough to wrap that pile of presents that needs wrapping, ho ho ho!

    Sara, thanks for the reminder about the healing effects of herbal tea. Am headed to my cabinet now...

    Dawn, I join Sara in thanking you for taking care of the animals with so much love. I’m so grateful to our vet assistants who seem to love our two kitties as much as we do.

    Waves to all. BBL.

    You are welcome... all the animals that come here are treated just like our own pets..I'm so thankful that I work for such wonderful Dr's and caring co-workers...I'm glad you have a great place to take your kitties...they are family to us
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member


    Moosies are my favoritist! Merry Christmas Lana!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Kathryn, so sorry to hear about your good friend and your aunt. This is an especially cruel time of year to lose loved ones (having lost both my parents in December, albeit different years), and you have had an especially cruel year. Here is to a much better 2018.

    Glad to hear you had some happiness for Christmas, with your first grandbaby and the sweet, thoughtful gift from DH.

    And life moves on....


  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Tess - some of my scarves are garter stitch so brain dead knitting. Most people dont know the difference and I have need mindless knitting. One of my scarves is a pattern. Multi colored yarn I do garter stitch so it doesnt look like it hit the garbage disposal.

    Sara, funny you mention this - I’m working with a tricolor yarn right now (a strand each of black, green and red twisted together) and I attempted to do a pattern. Didn’t like the way it was coming out so unraveled all of it and started over using the garter stitch. MUCH better. Love your
    “garbage disposal” reference - that was it exactly!

    Sometimes the simplest path is the best one.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    New pcp ins card in mail -not only not the dr I asked for but also not the medical group I asked for. I was referred by my Ophthalmologist to 2 drs in the group I did not get - so this will involve me being politically correct while trying to get them to fix my medical group if nothing else - while I feel completely "KITTENED" by the whole thing. Oooh there may be a reward here if I behave myself......Hmmmmm.

    Tess I made a baby blanket with a multi color and a small square pattern thinking it would highlight the wonderful colors - did not highlight colors or pattern, hence it looking like it hit the garbage disposal. Elegant patterns are best done on single colors or colors where there are large blocks of each color. Most yarns dont do that ($$$$), so I just make my life as easy as I can - it stops me having to "frog" or rip out knitting ("frog" is a real term - the sound the ripping out makes can sound like a frog).

    Looking for comfort "in all the wrong places" - wow there's a flashback.

    Eye candy needed, but then I think most people would say the same.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    okay not too bright ate more chocolate than usual and then fell asleep - drinking herb tea as too much chocolate made tummy "bleh". Over on calories and upset stomach - not a nice combination.

    Will put more hot water in hot water bottle and see if that helps.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good Morning! Day off for hair coloring and pedicure. Both will be appreciated.

    Will work on one of the 3 items to get done by New Years - I bought a table on wheels (actually it is for food/drinks) to put my knitting on so I could move it from place to place - but all my projects landed somewhere else :s . Other 2 items involve cleaning and throwing out, so it depends on what I feel like doing.

    Back to sleep with dog. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Good morning Sara~~
    Have a nice day off and day of beauty~~

    Waves to everyone else who stops by~~

    Off and scurrying to appointments.


  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Windchill of -24 this morning. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    I have always wanted to learn to knit or crochet. However, when someone starts teaching me, I realize I do not have the patience to sit still and do it. Nor the foresight to really envision the project completed. My complete admiration to those of you who not only knit but knit well and profusely, giving to those who need!

    Sara - enjoy your "you" time. I am going to get about 6 inches of hair cut off and have it colored...maybe. Am still iffy on the coloring part.

    Kristina - how is the recovery going? i had to chuckle at your doctor description. i recall one of the doctors who treated my son when he broke his back was such delicious eye candy :D his clothes were so well fitted that you couldn't help but sit there and drool! hahahaha

    Annie - is it moving time yet? i cant recall how long you had until you got possession of new house.

    Lana - we are trying to reach out regarding something from my aunt but i am not holding my breath.
    Here is a pic of the safe: oawvz6apcfl1.jpg

    *waves to all who drop in*

    Will continue to lurk from work!

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Hmmm.... picture not showing up for me. then again, no one's pictures show up. must be my work computer blocking everything as usual. *kitten*
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Kathryn, seeing safe just fine - what is the plan? To make it work as a safe or make it into another type of storage unit (wine etc - I am thinking yarn myself.....).

    Got on phone to Insurance company and was able to get the dr I had originally asked for over the phone- so that is at least taken care of and I got off the phone and went "??????" like why couldnt they do that the first time? I could have fixed it online, but I am not trusting the process at the moment.

    Took dog bedding in kennel she came with to dumpster - asking those I know if anyone needs a kennel. Stuff in her kennel had almost 10 years of dust in it :s which is why I wanted it done. Other to do's are organizing dejunking and cleaning. Things that I can do this weekend.

    Hair apt in half hour, will sew together some knitted squares I found - dusty too - this batch of scarves will get washed before sent.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - no yarn! haha it is a working safe. will most likely end up use it as a table/end-table kind thing in addition to locking up a few valuables. of course all that depends on if we can get it into the house.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Kathryn, that safe is beautiful! Your DH did an amazing job.

    Sara, you pack a lot in a day off! Hope your hair and pedicure turned out the way you wanted them to.

    Lana, hope your various appointments went well.

    Hanging out in a coffee shop, indulging in a chai latte and (half) a sugar cookie. Will get back on schedule next week. (Sara, I joined you last night in chocolate indulgence. Ah well, ‘tis the holidays and MFP is for life.)


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hello Tess - bless your soul: you can eat half of a cookie? I envy whatever brain chemical you have that allows you the control to do that--you are almost like a civilian!

    Kathryn - Your safe is absolutely beautiful. What a nice job DH did restoring it. I'm sure you are very proud of him. Some men are amazing!

    Waving to Dawn....

    Hey where the *kitten* is Annie and Saltine and Samuels and Kristina and Annmarie? And Missy and Liz?

    Something tells me that Liz has her hands full with a couple of new babies, but that is only a guess on my part from scraps of pages I put together on the internet. Nothing for sure. Liz started this group originally. The man who I think is her husband has a photo of two tiny babies on his FaceBook page with no explanation of who they are, so I am making assumptions...

    Stay warm and snuggy everybody.

    Lana, wishing fur coats were not tabu.....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana - was thinking of Miss Liz not too long ago and babies makes sense, especially two.

    New neighbor upstairs is a young ish man - so we shall see how he walks on floors.

    Making ham fried rice for dinner and will freeze the rest. Pedicure shop usually sells Christmas ornaments someone they know makes on a machine (looks like lace) and did not sell as many this year - so I picked up 2 stars and 1 heart shaped - who knows they might be nice add ons to presents throughout the year - they were a little more than the price of a Frappichino at Starbucks so I did good.

    Wishing all a good night.