Serial Starters



  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Thank you all for the positive thoughts for Cal! Sorry for the novella i posted earlier, but it was so aggravatingly funny I just had to share! :D

    Kristina - glad surgery went well! heal quickly!! need to get a nice voice to text program so you don't have to type! ;)

    Lana - sorry i seemed to have missed your birthday! happy belated birthday!!! :)

    Dawn - i dont know why people think senior citizens are so slow - I swear they can get away from you faster than any toddler!! :D
    i am thinking late Jan or early Feb for online party. Would that work for you?

    Ammey - good luck with the long workdays. great job on staying in a good calorie range! usually long work days make me want to eat everything in sight.

    Sara - fantastic news with weigh in!!! not so great news to hear of a rent increase? and especially with all the trouble you had to go through with the leaks and mold and fans and all.

    Co-worker gave me a copy of a Leslie Sansone dvd that we do in office. Now I should be able to squeeze in a mile or two at home if I have to miss our time at work. Think I will check ebay for some of her other dvds. They are older so hoping they are super cheap!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Kathryn, at work but I did have to laugh because I deal with that kind of "would you like fries with that?" cannot think outside of the box at work ( I also do it, so I shouldnt complain).

    Mold gone, new faucet/kitchen light and dishwasher, my rent is based on what is "normal" in the area. I have until early next year to not worry about it.

    Callahan thoughts on their way.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Home, ahhhh such a nice feeling. Got 4 more pair of wonderful soft socks that I can wear with my boots as a present from coworker. She also gave me a box of peanut brittle, so I hope to ration that starting tomorrow.

    Oatmeal for dinner so I can have another slice of the Italian Fruit cake. Something warm with comfort is what the girl wants.

    Hot chocolate (spiked for those who need it) and foot massages under Lana's Palm Tree.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - oh my what a story... you confused the heck out of them... that's funny... was it cheaper to get at Pharmacy? Only asking as we prescribe that at clinic and dispense as well... it is difficult to keep some dogs calm...I always hate, when we have to use the cone of shame when they won't stop licking... yes, Sr Citizen's amaze me... there one sec, completely invisible the next! And, she has a bad leg! She sure can go when she wants to! Party time sounds great! Just let me know and I'll get it set up for you... thanks so much, again! Oh...I almost forgot..the month of Jan, is double host rewards... so, instead of 1 or 2 half price items, you get 2- 4 with qualifying order.. just in case yer interested!

    Sara - I love socks! My co-worker gave me some last year, along with another co-worker...we were both so excited... she couldn't believe it...hehe... great gift I say!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Confession time...I braved scale last night... highest number I've seen in a long time... even tho, I feel like I've been avoiding treats like crazy, eating smaller portions... anyway, ever since I saw that number, it's like I don't even care... baked cookies tonight... sampled more than my share... ate treats at work, not horribly, but more than I had been... this isn't the first time I have done this...I don't know why I do it...I am conscious of my choices, know that I shouldn't, and do it anyway...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Fruit/veg box here, as I didnt go in and "order" online- it was good surprise, I know how to cook everything;Broccoli/Bok Choy I will saute/steam, Butternut squash and carrots I will roast, Spinach probably boil. Apples and pears are my fruit. Today is half day at work they close at 12 (Catholic organization), so I will probably do my roasting this afternoon.

    Dawn - if we had all the answers to why we eat - diets would be easy. When the Holidays are over, start with a new plan for the new year.

    Depending on what the med was Kathryn needed sometimes they have to go to human pharmacy - my Vet doesnt carry some of the "high end" ones for security reasons.

    Great deal on Scentsy for January. Tempting but too many people I know sell it.

    Oatmeal is ready and this will become an essay - lurking from work. Find comfort today - mine is new socks and hot water bottle. Just an idea.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Kristina, sending more healing thoughts your way. I hope that your hand isn't hurting too much, if at all.

    Dawn - Just balance out some of the treat-eating with making sure that you take your vitamins, each a piece of fruit each day? Some veggies? Get in your protein, and enjoy the holidays~~

    Sara - Thank you for your frequent examples of how to provide ourselves with comfort and rewards with things other than food. It really helps me when you tell us what you are doing for yourself.

    Kathryn - I LOVED hearing your dog story at the pharmacy!
    What probably added to the confusion is that trazadone is an anti-depressant for humans. My DH took it years ago.
    I hope Callahan is doing well.

    The Cabana Boys are wearing their Santa outfits today. A few will be taking Happy Holiday spray out to Annie and Tess and Annmarie and Samuels and Saltine and Missy and Ali and Liz......

    Waves to anyone who pops by later on~~

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Oh my, I’ve missed a lot.

    Kristina, congrats on the successful surgery. Hope the pain is tolerable.

    Dawn, I laughed in solidarity with your Wal Mart senior citizen story. In my case, it was a 90/yr-old MIL with rheumatoid arthritis whom I lost several times in a TJ Maxx. How do they get so fast?

    Kathryn, also howled at your pharmacy story! After that experience, you probably needed the meds yourself! Glad Callahan is doing better.

    Sara, great advice as always for the holidays, and Lana, greatly appreciate your encouragement and gentle nudging as well. This is my first holiday season after having lost weight and I’m determined to both enjoy it and not overdo.

    After 4 hectic weeks at work (I’m a nonprofit fundraiser so this is our busiest time), surrounded by Dick people battling a nasty cold virus, I am now on vacation....and sick. Damn, was hoping to stay healthy for Christmas. Ah well, am off until Jan. 2 so enough time to get well.

    Back to bed for a nap. Waves to all - will check in later.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Tess, thank you for the laugh. At work bbl
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Just noticed my typo...was surrounded by SICK people at work, not “dick” people. Sigh...they are really very nice people....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Fruit/veg box here, as I didnt go in and "order" online......Spinach probably boil.......


    Sara - Do you like spinach?
    If not particularly, grab a big frying pan that has a cover, and put some olive oil or butter into the pan, and then throw in the spinach (maybe trim off the bigger ugly stems) and cover to cook on low and wilt it down to almost nothing. Then you can either eat it with some grated parmesan cheese, or put it into containers to later add to soup or omelets, or anything that could use some green color---dips, potatoes......endless.....

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Tess, yes some auto-corrects or typos are quite interesting! I do hope you kick this cold very very soon!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Story of the day - get your hankies handy - lady at Cafe not only gave me the chicken salad I ordered but also container of Pasta salad and a banana - so I could take leftovers home for dinner!

    Tess -sometimes mistakes are Freudian slip and that one is a doozy! We believe you when you say you work with really nice people, but still makes me laugh.

    Spinach ideas are good ones Lana - thank you. I like Spinach however I can get it, except creamed..... what were they thinking?

    A couple of trips to dumpster to clean out some of my acquired mess and then who knows?

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Awwww, Sara - hanky-inducing story indeed! Always heartwarming to be reminded there are good people in the world.

    (Thanks for the empathy, Lana!)


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Just noticed my typo...was surrounded by SICK people at work, not “dick” people. Sigh...they are really very nice people....

    And, the truth comes out...hahaha...I didn't even think about that typo... guess after coming from bad workplace before, I just thought you were being incredibly honest...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- very true...I just wish I knew what was going on in my head, to control my bad choices...I think, it's just frustration... trying to make good choices, smaller portions, then the number goes up... so, I say to heck with it, I'll just eat whatever, it doesn't matter... thankfully, I don't stay in that mindset very long and get somewhat back on track fairly quickly...

    Well...the winter weather has finally hit... under winter weather advisory until 6:00am in morn... not supposed to accumulate... sleeting at the moment... of course, I have to work all weekend... hopefully, it won't be bad... heading home Christmas Eve and back Mon night.. dislike the quick trips, but at least I get to go...

    Merry (almost) Christmas Eve Eve
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Normal errands today and then home. Dog is up and fed so we shall be back under the covers soon.

    Dawn drive carefully and stay warm.

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    To-do for today: clean house, wrap presents, drop Christmas goodies off to the neighbors. Then take a nap because I’m still feeling crappy.


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    We did get a little bit of snow... just enough to say the ground was white... it's mostly gone, as sun is out... only 32 degrees... but, it's not bad... possibly more tonight, but less than an inch of accumulation...

    Tess - feel better soon! No fun to be sick at Christmas!

    We have a very sick pup at work... not 100% sure what is wrong... waiting on bloodwork, which of course takes longer with holiday...Dr thinks it's Ketoacidosis, which can also cause pancreatitis... so, she'll be spending her Christmas with us... hoping, fluids and meds will help, soon...

    Have to finish Christmas goodies and have no desire to do so...ugh... back to work this afternoon and tomorrow...I'm thankful to have Christmas Day off, just wish I could head home before evening...I will be grateful and appreciative...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Tess- drink different kinds of herb tea - I just bought a box of peppermint herb tea today.

    Dawn - thank you for caring for those animals. Glad you get some family time too.

    My comfort today is washing my winter robe, well overdue and I was able to make a full load of clothing. Warm jammies and robe. Not a bad way to end an evening.

    Neighbor dropped off a box of designer chocolate (a chocolate shop in town that makes their own). She is vegetarian and reminded me of Butternut Squash Ravioli which I hope to find tomorrow at the store. I have a healthy fear of knives (when cutting into things like Butternut Squash) - they sell precut items at store- I hate to waste the money but in this case it might be money well spent.

    Dog walks today have helped with the calorie count. We will take walks tomorrow and Monday for the same reason :wink:

    Find me with the Cboys in their Santa outfits - so I can sit on their lap and ask for what I want for Christmas - with my warm jammies/robe, Miss Tillie and a cup of hot chocolate. I consulted the label for calories and have been putting 1/3 too much in - need those calories for Christmas special items.

    Wishing all a good night.