Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- does not seem there is a liner... not heard of, from what I've been told. Also, concern of it affecting wax melting, because of lightbulbs being used to melt it... anything in dish, may keep it from melting properly...I do know, they sell "spatulas" to help get wax out...I believe, I would have to purchase that in the Scentsy store for Consultants and then, I could sell/give to customers...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - I was just shown a creative trick... put a piece of ribbon in bottom of dish... make sure, it sticks out just about an inch or so on one side, the other side, just let it hang... when wax dries, you just lift and it all comes out, attached to ribbon...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Kathryn - Glad to hear upbeat report on Cal. Also good that he is not home for the cleaning!

    Dawn - Make hay while the sun shines, my dear!

    I think it is time for a Group Nap by the pool......
    *snapping fingers for Cabana Boys to bring warmed blankets to all of us*

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Dawn, for now I will just use my pine tree scent and mix with new flavors as they arrive, but good to know for down the road.

    At work. Broomsticks flying around, bbl.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good evening,

    Dog fed, burrito in toaster, will sweep again tonight.

    Over on calores - hmmmm cookies and biscuits, what a shock. At least I am not hiding oops need to add some dark chocolate.

    Hope to stop by before lights out.

    Swept leaves, gardeners come tomorrow- ran into one neighbor - her plumbing backed up so I took her the box of French macaroons and she took one. Another neighbor was coming home and she said that not only is the hospital busy with pneumonia cases, but families drop off dementia cases for 2 weeks to go on vacation - after my initial disgust I thought well maybe that's the best 2 weeks for the patient!! Takes all kinds.

    Hand sore from sweeping,so maybe reading to round out the night.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - that sounds like a good idea...I have done the same... let me know if you find a new favorite scent mix...

    Well.. did not make it to dinner... came home and got comfy... so cold, just wanted to curl up in bed...I feel bad...I should have gone...I'm just uncomfortable in situations like that... and, my bed was calling me... dinner was probably not the best choice... homemade goulash... but, might not be as bad as what I might have ordered out... Sis is feeling better so am going to visit, tomorrow, gotta think "string"

  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    happy Friday!

    I miss one day and come back to 22 notifications! I'm slacking!

    it is a brisk 21 degrees here in NKY, I'm hoping for a white Christmas but no more before or after that. 4 more days of work until break. perks of working in a school. downfall, I have to make 8 dozen cookies for cookie exchange. thankful I have two kids and the SO has a male dominated job. they will eat the gifts.

    6 days until surgery! or should I say 6 days until a full night of sleep!

    bravo to all of you for your goals, struggles and accomplishments. always remember, in order to appreciate a win, sometimes you have to lose. (kind of missing my sons football season)

    have a great day all!! xoxoxoxox!


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Kristina - it took us a long time to our first 100 on the board, but we have become such chatter boxes that 200 is close approaching... I used to make cookies for presents and found I ate too many. How will you do Christmas with your surgery?

    Where I live is having their Christmas party and I will take my knitting as it is 2 hours long. They give out door prized at the end so some people show up towards the end......

    Wave to all who follow. TGIF - just had to one more time.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Annmarie - no spoilers! but was the movie good? am going to see it with DD sometime this weekend. (no popcorn for me unless i sneak my own seasoned & air popped in.)

    Dawn - I remember back when you were so worried/scared about that PRN position and here you are - did so great that they ask you back! Am sure its the same with the vet office. Are you still enjoying the job?
    Love the idea of the ribbon in the wax. Would make removing it so much easier! I will tell my DILs that one!
    Oh - a cousin has started selling Scentsy! :( I told her I had already promised my business to someone else so she will have to wait til much later in the year for anything from me. Am worried that it will really cut into my online party for you because so many of the people I would sent invites to are her friends/relatives as well. Wont stop me from asking them though.

    Sara - families drop off dementia cases for vacation? are these things pre-arranged or are they "dumping" their loved ones?? I know there are hospitals & companies around here who offer "vacation services" for caregivers, but they are a tad pricey.

    Lana - from what I have seen on the news, it looks like NY got blasted with snow. Do you have much where you are? I have friends who go to NYC every year for Christmas shows and to see the city. They love it. Their photos are beautiful. However, I think I am too much of a farm girl to appreciate all the hustle, bustle, traffic, and noise.

    Time for mediation, laundry (1/5 mile walk away), and then the BC group support at MSK.
    I am trying to do meditation and was going to ask if you did guided meditation or did it on your own until I read it again as mediation.

    Annie - good luck with the upcoming move and all that entails. If you are doing budgeting and such, I found a program through Lauren Greutman called Financial Renovation.
    Super program. Its more than just budgeting though - its kind of a lifestyle change and includes ideas on how to make extra money to pay off bills. She makes it very easy to understand and easy to follow/do. It may seem a bit pricey up front, but it includes all the tools/spreadsheets/videos/etc that you need plus lifetime access to all the materials & videos. Plus you can connect with her personally. I was in her very first course, kinda of a beta tester. Its much improved since then.

    Cal having surgery today around 12-1pm. Vet is great about calling me with updates - 2 or 3 times per day. I have only called them once (and that was to return a call I had missed!). The tech this morning said she just wants to take Cal home with her cause he is so sweet and well behaved. He has been responsive and wagging his tail, but she said they can tell he is still hurting a bit even with pain killers. I will be anxious until I hear from them once he is in recovery!

    Got in to work later than usual because I took time to spray carpet with scotchgard stuff the cleaner left for us to use once carpet was dry. He said lots of companies either mix it in while cleaning carpet or spray it immediately after cleaning on wet carpet. He said he doesn't because most of it will evaporate with the water as it dries. So he leaves cans of it for customers to apply (work into fibers with clean stiff bristled brush or broom) or he will come back to treat it, no additional charge. It evaporating with the water is something I had never considered before. He is so swamped during holiday season, there was no way he could get back here to treat it.

    I will have to seal the tile/grout tonight when I get home for work. Or I may wait until tomorrow when its is supposed to be a bit warmer because I will need to have open windows for ventilation.

    Amazingly, Gracie, our bratty cat, has done incredibly well with all the mess and moving around at home. I had gotten some calming diffusers and some calming spray which I spritz now and again in her areas. If that is what has her behaving so well, I will paint the house with it!!!

    Last few nights have been pizza & breadsticks because of the house being torn up. So way in red on calories. Hope to get back on track once we move everything back.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - good to hear about Cal... Will be thinking of you, today... please keep us updated on surgery...i know you will be so happy to have him home and safe... thank you for promising your business to me...I don't want to cause hard feelings between you and family, tho... let me know if/when you would like to do an online party...i know you have a lot going on, right now... maybe, co-workers would order? I am still really enjoying Vet Clinic...I have started online courses to become CVA... clinic is paying... haven't got very far in it, yet... trying to keep from getting overwhelmed...

    Have to get myself ready and head to work, before heading out of town... this hours are so odd... hoping, after girl leaves and they hire someone, I will have normal hours, again...

    Have a great day all!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Everybody~~

    Today got away from me, and I am coming here late in the day. Tired.

    Kathryn - I do not like the hustle, bustle, and noise of NYC. I'm hiding in my apartment, which is on the quiet back side of the building thank goodness.

    Time to watch some Netflix....

    You all have a good Friday evening~

  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    long story short, my 16 year old killed the data this month on our phone plan so I have to limit my MFP use if not at home.

    I needed you ladies today (we are all ladies here right?). I did my circuits this morning, had a busy day at work, ate like nothing but garbage, closed my apple rings, walked out of work but I didn't do my actual walk!!! I am beyond disappointed with myself. I think if I checked in with everyone here I would have stayed on track. oh well, back to the hard work tomorrow.

    Kathryn, I hope all will be well soon with your fur baby. I have three and I couldn't imagine not having them with me. thoughts and prayers!!

    I do not know everyones actual name to their screen name so....TIllies mommy, Christmas will have to be wrapped and ready to go no later than Wednesday evening as the SO refuses to wrap. Luckily my work is allowing me to borrow equipment to simplify the Christmas dinner items.

    I'm watching Long Island Medium right now. I'm skeptical but the other stuff is amusing. I'm the typical reality show junkie. RHOBH!!!

    have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good evening,

    Holiday party went well, I knitted for most of the time and got 30 rows in. Bypassed the cookies they served (high calorie frosted lard things) and will eat 2 of the French macaroons in my fridge instead.

    Kathryn, can you get your steps in before you go to bed? walk up and down stairs? Oh, I am Sara. What do you do that you can get equipment at work for Christmas dinner? Where do you work? Oops I forgot school /food.

    Drank too strong of coffee so water it is for rest of night.

    Stay warm and good night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    SATURDAY, Dec. 16th

    Good morning all~~
    I couldn't sleep, so I am up. There will be a nap sometime today.

    Kathryn - I was confused when I read your post, so I looked back, and sure enough, I was "helped" by the auto-correct feature. I do meditation on my own; very rarely I might listen to a guided one.
    What's the latest on Cal?

    Today is my birthday. I am taking myself to a Dick Blick art store and buying whatever strikes my fancy.

    *tossing hat and towel onto favorite lounge chair for later*



    246.6 today (ugh--highest in a while)
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed back for a little more zzz.

    Normal errands, will look for treats for 3 day holiday weekend (have to work half day Friday - ghost town time).

    Moisturizer is word of the day - winter air is torture.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Hope your trip to the art store is a wonderful one - details please! Find comfort in your day.

    Have a wonderful Birthday!
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    happy birthday Lana!!!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Birthday, Lana! May the day bring you as much pleasure as you bring us here. :smile:

    C-boys, you know what to do.


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Happy Birthday Lana! Hope you have a wonderful day! CBoys will bring drinks and all the zero calorie snacks you can handle!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    .......thanks Ladies~~

    I'm on my way to the art store now......
