Serial Starters



  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Needing some puppy prayers today. DH called and said Callahan was hit by a SUV. Lots of road rash but lungs and heart ok. No broken legs or ribs but did have dislocated hip. They were able to pop it back in but there is not enough socket left there to hold it securely. He is scheduled for surgery to repair it.

    Tasting blood from biting my tongue, trying not to admonish DH. I have been on him ever since the obedience training ended to keep working with Cal and keep an eye on him at all times. (DH works from home, is with Cal all day) He hasn't worked with him much at all since training over. He wasn't watching Cal or keeping him close when he went to put the trash out at end of the lane this morning. Cal was running back and forth across road and got hit by an SUV coming over the hill.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Kristina - I think I found it... it doesn't say HIIT, does it? Is it animated, kinda...the one I found, has Challenges, connect with friends... loses hearts if you miss a day...

    YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!! and its like a teal color!!

    Yay! I will download and see if I can get started. It's great that you "sell" something you love/ believe in...I am that way about Scentsy...I just can't "push" it... I've posted so many things on FB, most people just ignore... if I talk to them in person, they just walk away... it's very discouraging. Sara was my very first customer and I greatly appreciate it...I don't do in home parties... mostly because I haven't earned enough to get product.. and, I don't know enough people close to me, that are willing... so, I try to convince people to do online or FB parties... it would be so simple... and, you only have to have 5 people, willing to spend $50, and you have a qualifying party and earn product...

    Ok, I'm rambling and need to get back to work. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. That's why I love it here..

    Have a great day!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Kathryn - Sending bushels of Puppy Prayers for your fur baby. When is the surgery?

  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry I have been so out of the loop lately, just so much going on. I do have a NSV to share...I have progressed from running 5k in the mornings to 10k! :D only for about a week now but I am so happy to see I can do it even though it takes me about 90 min to complete. Tomorrow is my last day of work before I take my holidays so we'll see if I am dissaplined enough to keep up the 10k a day while at home for the rest of Dec.

    Kinda thinking of joining Stepbet in Jan...but wondering if anyone has done it & what their experience was. I think it would be great to earn $ while doing all this walking/running ;)

    I hope you are all doing good, I haven't had a chance to read all the posts and just may catch up on my down time.

    Welcome to all who are new and big waves to everyone!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - good puppy thoughts! Oh my, that has got to be so scary! I know, he is injured, but it could have been so much worse.. hope surgery goes well and he's all better, very soon... hugs
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Saltine - that is awesome! Great NSV for you! Good to see you!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Kathryn, the kitties and I are sending positive puppy healing thoughts your way. Deep doubt DH is feeling terrible right now.

    Saltine! Great to hear from you and congrats on the amazing NSV. Enjoy your holiday.

    Sara, thanks for the reminder to give ourselves comfort. Needed that right now!

    Dawn, feel free to post info about Scentsy here periodically, just to keep it top of mind for us. Don’t think of it as pushing - think of it as sharing information about a great product that can bring us comfort (right, Sara?) and peace. If we had a problem and you knew the solution, you’d tell us, right? Think of Scentsy as providing information about a solution that helps our well-being.

    Lana, are you in NYC or NC now? I’ve lost track...fortunately, the C-boys seem to be plentiful no matter where you are!

    Waves to all,

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good evening,

    Okay where my last post went ??? I did take bandage off and is all good - can use 'normal' size one. Chose not to take shower and used kitchen sink for hair/face and "kitten" areas.

    I emailed lady at work and wrote I will NOW reward myself with food and meant to write, NOT reward myself with food. So I ended up with a treasure of cookies ( I gave 2 to a coworker). See the subconscious always wins.....

    Cubicle update - there is another move opportunity so the issue is not if but where. Me doing the dance of joy


    or those who remember this show


    okay hot water bottle time and cuddle up with dog.

    Kathryn sending good dog thoughts/hugs - let us know.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - I love that show...hehe... hopefully, you'll be able to do the dance of joy, soon!

    Tess - thanks...I am always cautious about posting, since we're here to help motivate our weight loss journey, not advertise for our personal business...I am greatly appreciative of Sara for letting me post as well as ordering from me...I guess, I could always just end my post with my website? Or would that be annoying?

    Lana - good question... where are you? NYC, yes? I see lots and lots of snow, there... if you are there, stay safe and stay warm!

    Got talked into working 4 hrs at last job, tomorrow...I truly don't want to... but, I really need the money... so, I will survive... not sure about weekend plans, now...Sis seems to have contracted some kind of bug... sore throat, earache, low fever... she thinks she'll be better by Fri... guess I will see... I'm honestly ok, either way... I'm excited to spend time with her, for first time in 14 years (Ex SIL) at the same time, staying home this weekend is perfectly fine with me...

    Tomorrow evening is clinic Christmas "party" ... dinner at a local restaurant...I want to be good, cuz I know if I go to Sis' I won't be making good choices... but, I have never ate at this restaurant, and I've heard it's really delicious... going to be a tough one... gotta stay as string as possible... no dessert for sure...hehe

    Thank you all for all your words of encouragement... it means a lot to me... have a great night...

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited December 2017
    I love your post above because it has a cool typo in it: You said you want to be a string as possible at that restaurant, and I think that you will make "skinny" "string" choices!

    I belly laughed out loud when I read about YOUR typo that caused the avalanche of treats coming your way. The best intentions....... Ha ha!
    Very happy to hear that there are relocation choices for you at work.

    Waving to Saltine - good to see you here my dear. Glad you could stop by! Congrats on the NSV!

    Tess I am in NYC through all the holidays. Going south on Jan. 8th, but do not know for how long.....hopefully at least a month. I need warmer weather, even if it's only a few degrees warmer.

    See you all tomorrow~~ Kathryn you keep us posted.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Dawn, when you say last job - do you mean the group home or the animal place? I went looking in your Scentsy site to see about Warmer "liners" that can be removed so people can melt different waxes without too much fuss. Could not find and will not worry about it.

    Took me awhile to remember the name of that show - Perfect Strangers.

    Dog woke me up to go outside - I fell asleep I was so warm.... reheated water bottle so I am going back.

  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm back again, and finally feeling better other than a sore throat. Between being sick and having to work while sick, that was about all I could handle. I ate a little bit more calories too, and kind of feel guilty about it. But maybe it helped me get better? That's what I'll say.

    I'm going to try to read through the posts I missed before I go to sleep... Wish me luck. I hope all of you have been having an amazing week!

    Starting weight 2.5 weeks ago: 180.8
    Today: 175.0
    Wedding goal: 150.0
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member

    Sara - I hope your knee is feeling better! Congrats on the new cubical location options! I just moved desks and for some reason, it makes a big difference. Love the story about the cookies!

    To whichever wonderful lady complimented the butts - that made me laugh.

    Annie - you talked about budgeting, and I just wanted to quickly recommend YNAB, if you've never tried it. It's online budgeting software that also has Apple/Android apps that go with it, and it's the best one I've found. It has a bit of a learning curve and also a yearly membership fee, but I think it's worth it.

    Kathryn - so sorry to hear about your puppy. I've got two and they are my fur babies! That's gotta be so tough.

    Dawn - good luck at the restaurant! You can make good choices. We believe in you! (but also treats every now and then are good too) ;)

    Lana - I can't believe that you're in NYC. I've never been there, but so many people! I think life in Minneapolis is crazy enough :) how do you like it?
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Oh, also. Does anyone know anything about Zika? We're planning a trip to Florida/Mexico for our honeymoon in April and my fiance, Bill, is quite concerned about it.

    Star Wars comes out this weekend! Bill and I are going to the first showing at 6pm tomorrow. I am having a mental struggle over whether to eat popcorn and it's still a day away. Sigh.

    Good night, all! Oh, and belated hello again to anyone who I forgot to mention in my last post.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Paper just hit and so, yes it is time for the dog's paper "dance".

    Annmarie- ask your dr about your concerns for zika. Eat your popcorn and enjoy the film. Consider it one of your treats... good stats by the way!

    Annie- what kind of budget will your DH work with? Does he know of one or have any ideas?

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Good morning Everyone~~

    Sara - you have a good memory......I forgot about the group home.....

    Dawn - when you mentioned working at your last job, I forgot about your time at the group home.
    I remember that the animal rescue place (or whatever it is) was someplace you really disliked.

    Annmarie - very glad to hear you are feeling better. As for the popcorn, maybe enjoy it and pull back everywhere else around it?
    BTW, I've lived in NYC my whole grown-up life, and when I was young, it was exciting. Now that I am old, it is overwhelming and I do NOT enjoy being here anymore.

    Kathryn - we will be waiting to hear about your doggie's surgery.

    Time for mediation, laundry (1/5 mile walk away), and then the BC group support at MSK.



    244.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Popping in with a Callahan update: He is still at hospital but responsive and wagging tail. Surgery has been moved to tomorrow. Barring any complications, we should be able to get him home on Saturday.

    Almost glad he is still at hospital. Today we have carpet/tile cleaner coming to the house. I had tried to reschedule but with the holiday, there was no way. Our house is a hot mess because 2 rooms of furniture are lining the hallways and stacked up in dining room. Poor Cal would had to have be moved all over the place and I know he would have be freaked out by the stranger and loud machinery in the house. So glad he didn't have to deal with that but cant wait to get him home though!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I love your post above because it has a cool typo in it: You said you want to be a string as possible at that restaurant, and I think that you will make "skinny" "string" choices!

    I belly laughed out loud when I read about YOUR typo that caused the avalanche of treats coming your way. The best intentions....... Ha ha!
    Very happy to hear that there are relocation choices for you at work.

    Waving to Saltine - good to see you here my dear. Glad you could stop by! Congrats on the NSV!

    Tess I am in NYC through all the holidays. Going south on Jan. 8th, but do not know for how long.....hopefully at least a month. I need warmer weather, even if it's only a few degrees warmer.

    See you all tomorrow~~ Kathryn you keep us posted.


    I didn't even see that! Maybe, that is my sub conscious....I will make "string" choices...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Dawn, when you say last job - do you mean the group home or the animal place? I went looking in your Scentsy site to see about Warmer "liners" that can be removed so people can melt different waxes without too much fuss. Could not find and will not worry about it.

    Took me awhile to remember the name of that show - Perfect Strangers.

    Dog woke me up to go outside - I fell asleep I was so warm.... reheated water bottle so I am going back.

    The group home. When I left, she asked me if I would remain PRN... so, every once in a while, she will offer me a few hours...I kind of don't want to, but it's a little extra money... so, I do it...
    I will ask about warmer liners...I have not seen them, myself... but, I am part of a few groups that are amazing at finding things/ know everything...I will let you know...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - so glad Cal is doing ok...I know it's so scary... but, I'm sure he will be fine and surgery will go well... recovery may be a struggle... hard to slow some dogs down... working at clinic, I am just amazed at how quickly some bounce back... it's almost like they never had surgery or anything was ever wrong... hope he's home soon!

    Ammey - glad you are feeling better... enjoy the movie and popcorn! Maybe, just don't add as much butter (I have to add too much butter)

    Lana - I would love to help out at shelter... but, that will never least, not unless Mgr leaves... it breaks my heart...I know it's best to not even try...