Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Sara - thank you for the birthday flowers. They are cute and pretty, and I'm going to "save" them for inspiration for a future little painting.

    I got less than planned at the store: a couple of canvas pads and 4 new sable brushes in the tiny sizes. I would have bought more, but my brain totally misjudged the time, and I had to leave soon after getting there to scurry home for the grocery delivery. I'll go back soon and snarfle around the paints--get something I don't need in a color I don't have......LOL!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited December 2017
    Dawn, got my scentsy and it was hard to chose between the vanilla chai or the cider/cedar. I chose the apple smell and will let you know how the mix works. Could I use dental floss as a "ribbon" for the wax? Had to specify as I think of thong underwear as 'floss' - sorry if anyone was eating or drinking while reading that.

    Had to go chase a cat off the ledge it was making my dog bark too much.

    Lana - sounds like you had fun even with limited time. I thought you might be inspired by that image - heck I took a chance.

    Found that when I made more fried rice my weight # were better, so I will be making more fried rice in the future and we shall see.

    Hope to stop by before lights out.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - not eating thankfully... that was funny..."floss" hehe...I'm sure you can try floss... it might actually work..I would definitely give it a try... you may have found a great new trick to help remove wax... waiting anxiously to hear about scent "recipe ".. glad you got your goodies.. enjoy!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning. Dog up and fed and I am back for more sleep.

    Dawn so far I am smelling more of the apple cinnamon than pine, but maybe that will change when I turn the warmer on or maybe the ratio needs to be different. Like the new scent so far.

    Groceries then home, BBL
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good morning Sara~~

    The coffee tastes good this eye open!



    243.6 today (I guess yesterday was a salt/water thing? Scale is very reliable.)
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal for Fall 2018
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Morning all!

    Spent yesterday running errands including taking my 90-y.o. MIL Christmas shopping. Thanks goodness DH came with us or I would have lost her as she is short and moves quickly!

    Spent hours yesterday afternoon on baking cookies and pumpkin bread. My sister was doing the same as her house and we did the cookie exchange this morning. This will be a good test over the next two weeks! I expect to gain but want to minimize the amount. My NSV goal is to finish the season still feeling healthy unlike a year ago when I was certain I had tipped into diabetes (which started me on my MFP journey.)

    Today we work on Christmas cards (yes, we still send those out!) while watching football. Hope you are all having a good Sunday! BBL to check.

    Waves to everyone,

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Morning all!

    Spent yesterday running errands including taking my 90-y.o. MIL Christmas shopping. Thanks goodness DH came with us or I would have lost her as she is short and moves quickly!


    That is too funny! 90 years old and speedy!


  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    hello all!!

    I hope everyone is having an amazing day!

    I seriously tweeked a muscle in my booty doing my 7 workout this morning. I moved up from one circuit to three.

    if anyone is interested, I started following the Tone It Up chicks on youtube. they look to have some great videos

    I needed 7 dozen cookies for work cookie exchange, somehow finished with 40 dozen spritz cookies. using the Pringle can gift tubes (Pinterest) and I made bigger cookies and iced their initial on them. they better like this Betty Crocker crap!!

    have a great day! loves and hugs!!

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    hello all!!

    I needed 7 dozen cookies for work cookie exchange, somehow finished with 40 dozen spritz cookies. using the Pringle can gift tubes (Pinterest) and I made bigger cookies and iced their initial on them. they better like this Betty Crocker crap!!

    Kristina, this made me laugh out loud in the middle of Starbucks! And sorry to hear about your injured booty....

    Lana - the odd thing is my MIL has rheumatoid arthritis in her feet which usually impedes her mobility....until she gets in a store. Then she takes off like a shot!

    Kathryn, how is Cal doing?

    Sara, Dawn, everyone who is wandering by - hope you’re having a good Sunday!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Kristina my booty hurts in sympathy - gives credence to the idea that that area is not just flab.... hope it feels better soon.

    Tess - your MIL is motivated and selectively athletic. Usually it is the children that get lost in stores.... glad you both made it through.

    Too lazy to make fried rice today, hope to make it tomorrow night.

    7 dozen cookies - eek gad. Talk about too many - great use for Pringles cans. Hand made always tastes better.

    Dawn the mix that I think will work is 3 pine/1 apple cider, still waiting to see how it works tonight.

    Hope to stop by before the snoring starts - Tillies or mine.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Kristina, Tess, and Sara ~~

    Sleep well everybody.
    See you all tomorrow~~

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I discovered an amazing new way to get in my steps... playing, Find the Sr Citizen in Wal Mart! I walked that entire store twice, because she just couldn't go where she said she was going, or stay where she said she would stay! 81 years old, bad leg and gone in a flash! Mom and I were gone no more than 5 minutes...looked for her for 30 minutes! She actually did the right thing just not what she said she would do. She checked out and sat at front of store, knowing we had to walk by.. unfortunately, I went out wrong door and missed her when I came back in. I admit, I was a little panicked. But, thankful she was ok.
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    That face you make when you walk and HIIT all week and the scale goes up instead of down. :s

    It’s my fault because I didn’t eat so well.

    Three days of work then Christmas break, couldn’t be more excited.

    Three days until surgery.

    Have a great Monday everyone!

    Loves and hugs!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited December 2017

    Good morning - down 1.2 and under the weight I was last Christmas. Key?? drink extra water, leave the extra goodies alone and quit whining when the dog wants to walk longer...... if only it was that easy. I found readypac snacks that have fruit/veg as the main item - will use to detour from the obstacle course of this week food wise.

    Dawn - oh my!! I know the feeling. I had to look one year for dried fruit. All the extra steps. Glad to know she was okay in the end. But you are right we dont realize how getting lost in a store can add up the steps and be exhausting for someone older.

    Kristina - good morning! Hey - spin it another way - at least you did your HIIT all week, imagine what the scale would have been if you didnt?? 3 days? It will happen so fast. Glad you are having surgery - how long is your holiday break?

    My holiday is small, family is in Mexico (my father, stepmother and her family). I am not her family, so I am bought off. As Steve Miller band sings "go on take the money and run"..... Knitted headbands for ladies at work and got a tea set for a couple of people. My aunt sent me some money which may go to a facial as the lady also massages my neck and shoulders.

    Food will be ham, vegetables and a special item tbd - can only be one serving. What food plans do you have this week to ward off the flood of goodies?

    QOTW: In the crazy week before Christmas how will you take care of yourself?

    AOTW: I will live within my limits and give myself comfort when I can.

    Paper is here. Wow essay time here....sorry. Will lurk from work.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    AOTW: avoid as many goodies as possible! Today is last day for girl having baby so Dr's ordered pizza.... I was good with 1 piece and half a bread stick, then I kept smelling it, and went back for another. I always eat the smallest piece I can find... but, maybe that was my mistake today... not sure... but, I am avoiding the container full of goodies that just came in...1 girl mentioned how we haven't really had any, and boom, they appear! Ugh... they're in a closed container, so I am less likely to get in them... just gotta walk by and not look at them...

    Another crazy busy week at work...we will have at least 18 and cat... so, we will be super busy... and, it's my weekend to work... which means, I will have a very short lived Christmas... but, I will be ok... that's why I made the trip this weekend...

    Everyone have a great day!

    - Dawn
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Hi All~~

    Dawn! I gotta say that is funny about your Senior Citizen and the activity points/calories looking for her!

    Sara - ***********CONGRATULATIONS*****************
    A big round of applause for your weigh in, your accomplishment over last year, et al. You rock!!!

    Kristina - Forgive me for forgetting: what surgery are you having in three days? Good vibes coming your way from The Big Apple.

    Waves to all who stop by later~~
    Running to appointments. BBL

    *tossing beach bag and towel onto favorite lounge chair*

  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    BAD NEWS. I missed 42 of your posts because I was too busy eating horrible food. I dropped the ball again and had about four days of bad eating, Christmas candy, etc etc. Then I woke up today annnddd ate fast food for breakfast and lunch. Why am I sabotaging myself and why can't I keep doing with this? I'm at my wits end and I feel terrible. I just don't even know what to do. I need some kind of major mental breakthrough.

    In other news, happy Monday all!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Hey there Annmarie!!

    Do not be hard on yourself. Hang in there. One of these day, it will click into place.

    Make sure to stop by here often, even if you are totally off program. Just check in and say hello. Hang with us.
    You will get there.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Scentsy on, will put frozen lasagna in and take a nice hot shower before diving under the blankets.

    Annmarie - I second what Lana says - stop by anyway. This is not the "perfect saints" message board. Is there one here? I dont know......

    This year the gift at work is socks- which is wonderful as it helps us keep warm - I did not read the notice - it said to give 2 socks not 2 pair of socks and I gave a pair (2 socks) and that was it. Okay so I got it wrong, but the person got a nice pair of socks so phooey.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    at work, my morning message did not go through...... food food food as presents, now to figure out how to ration.
