Serial Starters



  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    I totally suck!

    Didn’t check in this morning.

    Surgery is on my hand for those who asked. Carpal tunnel. Our break ends January 2, same day stitches come out. (12/21-2/3)

    Don’t worry about having a couple bad days. I did on Saturday and Sunday. We are all human and we do human things. Pick yourself back up. You got this!!

    Have a great night everyone!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Okay I am home and can spew at my own pace and not get into trouble.

    I dont like my calorie limitation today. I was able to stay green so long as I eat nothing after dinner. I got a wonderful Italian cake from lady who runs the cafe - 300 calories a slice so what do I give up?? Right now not bothering to do the math.

    Kristina - only one hand or only one hand at a time? Glad you can get it done while you are on break.

    Christmas exchange and who got my name?? The one who sits next to me. Got a gift card to a craft store and a bag of chocolate and a candle. I gave mine 4 bottles of hot sauce (one says you can use it to strip paint!!!) and hot chocolate mixes and dark chocolate with chilis. She got socks/headbands nail polish too.

    Another coworker brought wife/daughter in (the other twin baby died earlier this year) and they passed out goodies too. Flavored popcorn. I hope this is the last of the food gifts.

    Dinner is ready and yes I am hungry, I intend to enjoy my calories.

    Plopping down on lounge chair in my "kitten" mood - hope the cboys can help. Miss Tillie will flirt with them.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - treats are everywhere! I'm doing fairly well at work... but, Gma gave me 2 big bags of Brookside chocolates... grab a handful every time I walk into kitchen...ugh..I just can't stop myself... have to start Christmas baking, soon... that's another challenge for me...I love it, love doing it...I just can't help but lick the bowl or sample something.. blah...

    Kathryn- how's Cal? Anxiously waiting update :)

    Lana - waves to you... stay warm

    Ammey - it's ok.. tomorrow's another day...

    Kristina - good luck with surgery.. stop by when you can and let us know how it went and how you're doing...

    Tess - waves! Hope you are doing well

    Annie - getting ready for the big move?

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    This time is just awful for treat-food everywhere! Gah. I feel bad for you guys and also very jealous too. :o

    I have no treat food anywhere anymore since not working and no family, so what do I do? After my last appointment of the day, I'm almost home, and I march myself into the grocery store, buy some sushi for dinner + a bag of Dove chocolate. I ate 22 of them. 990 calories. We (the Imperial "we") are not in the green here at this end of the beach.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    I left 8 green calories left on my plate!!

    Lana 22??? oh geez - I have never gone that far into a Dove bag of chocolates!

    Lavender / Chamomile tea and then lights out.

    *stomach pump for Lana on the way!! -- lets hope you dont need one.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Lady at work we had a lunch before Christmas last year- will be out of town so she gets her present today - she is on WW to keep her weight down for her wedding April (fitting tomorrow has her nervous). I bought her 2 good sets of measuring cups (and bought one for me!) and a tea set so she can use loose tea and strain it and use teacup lid to steep and hold strainer (also bought one for me!). Message is 2 things I learned on WW - measure your food to keep you honest and dont eat cheap food - I dont mean price. If you are drinking tea/coffee dont try and save money buy and use what you like - take the hit on calories if you must but to me american cheese/ velveeta is plastic and I would rather have real cheese.

    Dog up and fed. Oatmeal on stove. Enjoying the warmth and comfort of boot socks. Dreams the Lavender/Chamomile tea is giving me.......

    Lurking from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning Sara~~

    Boy yesterday, I just wanted that chocolate.

    More importantly, even though I have been eating treats and sweets at the end of each day lately, I have not stopped with morning planning and eating well earlier in the day + getting around 2 miles of walking each day.
    I haven't thrown it all down the stairs--to use an old reference from WW.

    I've been using those old print ups of past MFP daily printable diaries.
    Next step: take the best meals from different days and put together a couple of really good days: Days with enough protein, low sodium, and decent amounts of fruit and vegetable, oh and fat within guidelines---then put them into a mock day and print them up. Maybe tomorrow. Way too much on Do List today.

    Tonight I'm going to see a neighbor in a cabaret Christmas show. A 9:30PM curtain time! :O I will need a long nap this afternoon for tonight.

    *waving to Cabana Boy for a coffee refill*



    244.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited December 2017
    Sara - I completely agree with you about the weigh and measure and do not eat cheap food, understanding what you mean by that.

    Those were really nice things you got for lady at work on WW before her wedding. Good stuff.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited December 2017
    Feel like I have been off this page for weeks instead of days!

    Several developments with Cal:
    Thursday they had Cal sedated and prepped for surgery. Dr didn't think his hip looked like a hip needing this surgery should, so they did another check and more x-rays.... Dr said it was a Christmas miracle! The hip was where it should be, ligaments mending and where they should be, everything looked great. Said this is EXTREMELY unusual and a one in a 100k chance occurrence.

    We got to bring him home Saturday in a sling, several staples holding wounds closed, and a cabinet full of medications. First couple of days was ok. Then Monday night was a bad night. Cal had been fighting his sling ever since he got home. Stretched it almost all the way out to where he was trying to walk on bad leg. Also pulled back bandage and opened the wounds. The pulling on sling tightened it around belly and paw so his paw swelled to more than twice it's normal size. Ran him back to vet.

    Vet took off sling. Said as much as Cal fought it, if he put it back on, we would be right back in same predicament. Had to get another prescription to keep him sedated. I hate to zombify him but if it keeps him from needing surgery, then I am all for it. He had pulled his paw wounds back open and where he pulled the sling tight on his belly, it tore some skin open. So more wounds we have to watch. But as dr says, he is one lucky pup considering what happened to him.

    If he stays quiet and does not pop the hip back out, with some therapy to strengthen it back up, he should not need surgery. But if he cannot stay quiet and it pops back out, then he has to have the surgery.

    We are watching him like a hawk, even taking shifts sleeping on couch to stay beside him. He has been eating and drinking with persuasion and taking meds with no issue.

    I have been horrible about eating. All junk food. No time to cook, its been grab & go. This is first day I have been back on to even try to track again. Am trying to make better choices.

    Will have to pop back on here later to try and catch up with whats going on with everyone else!

    *snapping fingers for CBoys to add more hours to the day for me!*
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Oh my goodness Kathryn!
    You and your doggie and your family have been through the wringer!
    Keep us posted, and wishing you the best to get through this all with a happy ending~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Met up with some ladies who have been where I live for a long time and taking notes on how they negotiate for new things with the rent increases.

    Having first piece of Italian cake as I had leftover lunch for dinner.

    Kathryn, what a lucky dog, sending good thoughts for you and dog.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - Merry Christmas to you and Cal! Wow! That is one lucky dog... hoping you can keep him calm, long enough to heal...

    CBoys on their way with magic dust for Cal and, zero calorie snacks and drinks for you!
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    Kathryn, thank goodness that Cal is almost in the clear!!

    surgery, carpal tunnel, right hand only in less than 9 hours. 6:30 in the am, bright and early. should take about 5 minutes for the surgery but two hours total for prep and release.

    no therapy only exercises. there goes my push ups and tricep dips during my circuits.

    we had a cookie exchange at work yesterday. I'm still doing pretty good avoiding the 7 baskets of goodies in my kitchen. my SO on the other hand is not.

    I may be out for a couple days. ya'll take care of yourself and each other and I will talk to ya in a few!!

    have a great night and merry Christmas!!!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi again all!

    Doing my check- in again today - happy hump day! Kathryn, I'm glad to hear about Cal again! What a rockstar of a dog. I'm sure you're glad to have him back home, even though it's tough. Sounds like you're handling it as well as you can.

    I think I missed a birthday! Lana's?! Happy birthday!!

    Kristina - good luck on the surgery! Let us know how it goes.

    Work is NUTS this time of year for me. I'm expecting 12-14ish hour days every weekday from now until a bit into January, and also some work on the weekends. Wish me luck. Eating is so hard when worn is stressful, but I've been doing better the last few days. Not great, but slightly under maintenance calories.

    My friend and her new husband are visiting from NC on Saturday, so I'm trying desparately to clean in the evenings this week after my long work days. Doesn't leave much time for TV (sad day - I love my TV shows) or posting on MFP. You'll see me back again more before too long though ;)

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Oh, and who posted about the sock exchange? Sara? I got such a kick out of that. 2 socks should not = 2 pairs of socks. Just saying!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Tomorrow will be a ghost town, hoping for a little of that today at work. I am glad people are gone as I kept getting good food gifts as presents. Italian fruit cake is wonderful and reminds me of the stuff we used to buy when my family lived in Europe. Calories are insane, so will do the best I can.

    Kristina - will think good thoughts you are probably at the hospital or on the way. But you are right the prep is huge and the surgery may take 30 minutes. How did you end up with 7 baskets of cookies - that is a crazy amount. Can any of them freeze? Guests coming by??

    Oatmeal is on and time to scoot. Wave to all who follow. Wishing all a great day.
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    Alright ladies!

    I’m alive! Can only type with my pinky lol

    Surgery took 7 minutes but the prep and after stuff took two hours. My hand is now a lovely swollen shade of Oompa Loompa

    Thank you all for your kind words!

    Now to get sleep that I have missed for four months!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Get well Kristina!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kristina - glad surgery went well...thank goodness for the pinky! Thanks for letting us know you are ok... get some rest... check in when you can!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Cal has a bit of an "Unbreakable" attitude. He keeps trying to walk on leg. So doc prescribed something to keep him sedated. I took it to same pharmacy to be filled like I do all our prescriptions. It was hilarious. I nearly laughed out loud several times. By the time I finally got it, I was feeling a bit Scroogish though. But soon as I got to car, started chuckling to myself. The experience went as follows:

    I drop of the script and the lady is looking it over, asks if she has filled for me before, I said "well, yes, for the humans anyway" she didn't even blink an eye, says "ok, we have the birthdate here" I said "well, we think that's the right date" Startled look. I explain "it's for my dog" She looks back at script a minute, back at me, then asks for my address and phone number. Stares at it a moment more, finally gives me an "Oh, ok. It will be about 20 min"
    I grab a cart and do a bit of shopping. (pharmacy is in grocery)
    Go back to pick up the prescription in 25 minutes.
    Tech asks my name. "My last name is Crafton. The prescription is for Callahan." Blank look. "What's the birthdate?" I reply "Not exactly sure. I think they were guessing October 2015" Not sure if it was confusion, aggravation, or fear in the look he gave me. "It's for my dog." Blank look. Blink. Blink.
    He goes to look for it. Comes back with "Insurance says there is no coverage for Callahan" to which I replied "I know. Callahan is my dog." Puzzled look.
    "I am trying to get a prescription filled for my dog who was hit by a car." He gives me a totally blank look and glances back down at the script. "So what insurance do we run that through?" Now I give him a blank look. "None. It's for my dog." Blank look. "So you will be paying cash?"
    "Maybe" I reply and get a very confused look. "Depends on how much it is. I may need to use a credit card." Relieved look and he tells me it will be about 20 minutes.
    *22 minutes later*
    Different tech: "What name is it under?" I say "Not sure. My last name is Crafton but my dogs name is Callahan." I get a look as if I told him I had given birth to a puppy. "My dog was hit by a car. I am trying to get a prescription filled for him." Tech actually looks to each side like he thinks his co-workers are pranking him. He looks at me questioningly and says "This is for trazadone."
    "Yes. It's to sedate my dog who is not supposed to be walking on his dislocated hip or licking his wounds." He gives me grossed out look.
    "What insurance did you want this run through?" He gets an incredulous look from me. "None. I am paying for it because it's for my dog." Not so blank look. Finally, some ray of understanding seems to have poked through to the man.
    "Ok, $32. But it will be a couple minutes" Am sure my face was not one of joy of the season at this point. "I was told that almost an hour ago." Blank look. Blink. Blink. "Wait here." He goes back to talk to someone for a few seconds and comes back with a bottle and rings me up!
    OH. EM. GEE.