Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I wish my phone had the option to share pics...I had to chuckle...a Scentsy post with a pic of adorable kitten...the quote was, "We're out of Scentsy? You gotta be Kitten me" had to share in my Group...hehehe
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Dawn - diets for all creatures if the right one can do wonderful things - so why do I keep eating stuff I know I shouldnt??? Miss T with the right food/ quantity and walking has lost half her weight (she was very overweight when I got her) it took a lot of time for her (and myself...) so we just keep going.

    Scale was 1 pound less than Monday - as Lana says if you see it on the scale during the week, you will see it again on weigh in day (just maybe not that week).

    Apple and banana to work last couple of days have kept the extra sugar treats away. Another piece of my success I let slip.

    Enjoyed the posts yesterday as I lurked from work.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • izenzo
    izenzo Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning all B) . Thank you for the welcome.

    Today is our last day and a half day for students....Yay!! Summer break is finally here! But that also means eating lunch out with colleagues (a luxury for a teacher during the school week). A lot of unhealthy choices around us, but I am determined to make good choices for myself. I will be putting my previous go-round before/after pic in my profile photos. I am very determined to get there and stay there. Motivation for me, and maybe some of you.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Good Morning, everyone!

    Yesterday and last night in general was a success for me. I managed to stick to my calories, and make healthy choices, even while out to eat with family last night! I chose a restaurant where I knew I had options and stuck to it! I felt pretty good about that because I usually love going out to eat and having a few drinks, etc.

    I also tried on bridesmaid dresses for my friends wedding. I was a bit nervous about this considering I am not physically where I want to be, but it went pretty well. And it just made me more determined. I took photos and hopefully when I go to order again and eventually wear it I will look even better! Photos are great motivation.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - good going with the fresh fruit/better choice at work! Good for you!

    Eryn and Izenzo - good reminders that it IS possible to go out with family and friends and make healthy choices. I have a very hard time changing my thinking of associating restaurants with freedom to go wildly off plan.

    Waving to Dawn and Tess and Kathryn and Saltine and Missy and Tracy and anyone else who stops by later on.

    Special Happy Hour today at the Cabana Club; foot massages and extra pillow fluffing to go with Zero Calorie umbrella drinks. We will have made it to Thursday of a long week.

    *tossing floppy hat and beach bag onto favorite lounge chair for later*
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Waving good morning to all!

    I splurged on fries with my salad at lunch yesterday, but limited myself to 25 fries (fresh cut from a local restaurant.) Stayed under my calorie limit for the day even with that splurge. Enjoyed an hour of hot yoga in a super small class--Instructor, one other yogi, and myself. It was great! I've been back in the gym for 3 weeks now and even though the scale isn't dropping very quickly, my clothes are looser and my legs are losing some swelling.

    Meeting a friend for lunch and will do the best I can. No gym today due to Moose meeting, but may go for a rare outside walk afterwards.

    Today: 213.4
    Highest: 375
    Goal: 118
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited May 2018
    Happy Thursday everyone!! I have Friday off for a 4 day holiday weekend!!

    Drove the big Jeep into work today without doors or top. Amazingly my hair is long enough now to pull into ponytail and I didn't end up looking like a shocked sheepdog from the wind when I got to the office!

    WI this morning showed down 5.5 pounds from yesterday. Cracks me up how much weight can vary day to day!! I am having fun with seeing how sawtoothed this can make the graph on my weight report! LOL

    DD got me hooked on So Delicious cashew/almond milk frozen dessert. Just like ice cream but a whole pint can be less calories than a couple scoops of regular ice cream (depending on flavors)! Will be nice guilt-free treat on hot summer days! Also have started the habit of "slicing" the actual container into 2 or 4 "slices" and popping them in freezer bags or plastic wrap makes portion control super easy (and doesn't make me run around kitchen looking for an ice cream scoop!)

    Dawn - i cracked up when i saw that post in your Scentsy fb page! :D By the way, i think DH is hooked on the Scentsy blueberry cheesecake car bars now!

    Lana - if the estimators are Cboy material, surely at least one of the workers will be too! ;)

    Sara - Is the sweet potato shepherds pie from the skinnytaste website? Or what is your recipe? it sounds delicious! what kind of things do you like to do for fun and/or what frivolous little thing have you been wanting lately? would think either of those would make a good non food reward!

    Well, back to work.....
  • izenzo
    izenzo Posts: 57 Member
    Went out to lunch and made great choices. Seared ahi over salad greens. What a treat on a school day!! 12 pm tomorrow cannot come soon enough!

    I begin with the one on one training right after I finish tomorrow. I am SO ready for this!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    NSV (non scale victory) - I asked a question in our department meeting and was told rather patronizingly to check the process flow - email later in the day said the process flow I was referred to got updated..... I did a virtual run around the cubicles - so who is the stupid one??

    Doing better with extra fruit and fewer sweets.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good morning,

    TGIF - I am lucky enough to have Monday off. Have not always in my work history, so I am grateful. No big plans, so will be setting up foods starting Sunday for my food prep for Fridays procedure. Yes, I did just roll my eyes.

    I was awake anyway when rain hit at 2, drinking extra water does have one side effect.....

    Wave to all who follow.
  • kyubeans
    kyubeans Posts: 135 Member
    Good morning,

    After a nine-month hiatus (where I gained back what I lost last time), I'm back. I'm feeling a little low but happy to really have committed to starting again. I'm reading some of my old posts from last year and remembering how great it felt to be doing this and having it work. I want to get back to where I was then, mentally.

    As always, it starts with the first day back, but I'm glad I chose today and not tomorrow or next month.

    Thanks all
  • izenzo
    izenzo Posts: 57 Member
    Only a few hours left until my summer break begins. I already have workshops scheduled starting next week. Teachers never stop learning :smiley: Starting off my summer break right....have my trainer scheduled for an hour after I get off of work today. Added benefit, my hubby is meeting me there to also workout <3
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Waving from the edge of the Memorial Day weekend! I can see it on the horizon from here.

    Yesterday was a bit of a bust for me foodwise, however, I did spend some time with my daughter and that was very satisfying.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Friday - we made it!

    Tracy - what is a Moose meeting, and where do you live? (rare outside walk made me wonder)

    Kathryn - congrats on that great weigh in. Human body and scales have a special relationship, don't they? I love when it jumps down and hate when it jumps up. (see my number today) Enjoy your 4-day weekend.

    Sara - Good on the at-work NSV. Ah, so the procedure is a week from today? Getting your food ducks in a row. A pox upon the patronizing mouth at your work place. Hate that.

    Welcome to Kyubeans! What's your name or nickname we can call you? So cool that you are starting today and not putting it off until after the holiday. Smart!

    Waving to Izenzo - You are very fortunate to have a trainer. Amazing that your hubby will be working out too. So helpful to have the other people in your house helping rather than working against you, as can happen.

    Waving to Tess and Saltine and Missy and Eryn and anyone else who stops by later on~~


    239.2 today I did it to myself, again. Moving on. Today can be better.
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • kyubeans
    kyubeans Posts: 135 Member

    Welcome to Kyubeans! What's your name or nickname we can call you? So cool that you are starting today and not putting it off until after the holiday. Smart!

    Thanks! I figured -- why would I want to stuff in those extra calories when it'll only make me feel worse? :smile:
    My name is Kyu! Pronounced like the letter Q.

    Have a happy holiday weekend, everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Welcome new people! You have found a great place to come for support and encouragement! Hope you visit often.

    Went to dentist, yesterday. Boy...I knew it wouldn't be good... it was pretty bad... and, the cost of a crown! Holy cow! I would rather just have it pulled, because of cost (molar) but, they say it will affect my bite... ugh... so, I am going to try to sign up for I need to make multiple visits for special cleaning...I would love for them to knock me out for that. I do not do well! I curse my parents for blessing me with these teeth and gums...haha

    I have noticed something about myself... even tho, I am almost back to my highest weight ever (3lbs shy) ... when I look at myself in the mirror, fully clothed, I don't feel like I look as bad as I did then. I still have to watch certain things, of course... but, most of the time I think I'm ok...maybe, part of it is the relationship I'm in now compared to then..I was belittled so much before.. now, I am told I am beautiful no matter what...I still beat myself up a lot... but, I don't feel as bad as I used to.

    Well, gotta get back to work. Everyone have a great Friday!

    Oh... funny note... there was a scent "recipe" from Scentsy... Cabana Boy! Hehe love the name!
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member

    Tracy - what is a Moose meeting, and where do you live? (rare outside walk made me wonder)

    Hi, Lana!

    I'm from Newbern, TN.

    Tl:dr; Moose is a charity/social club.

    Moose Intl is a charitable organization focusing on the care of disadvantaged children, veterans, and senior citizens. The local chapters raise money for an endowment fund for Mooseheart, IL (the disadvantaged children's city) and for Moosehaven (a retirement community in Florida). We have social activities to fund our contributions. Men's groups are called Loyal Order of the Moose and women's groups are called Women of the Moose. We work together within our Lodge to further the cause. We meet on Thursdays for Lod

    Children at Mooseheart are fed, clothed, housed, and educated from birth to 18 years of age. Scholarships to college of their choice are available for those with good grades. They are provided a laptop and cell phone upon graduation from high school.

    I have just recently become involved since our Lodge is new (less than 3 years old.) My significant other and I joined in December and my daughter will join next week.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    dawn - how do your dogs do with thunder/lightning? another storm came through this morning 4am and dog finally was tired of sitting /shaking/ fussing with me and went into her safe/hiding place - when I was able to get some sleep.
  • izenzo
    izenzo Posts: 57 Member
    Twiley- fellow Tennessean here.