Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Smog check took a whole 20 minutes tops only one row of baby blanket. An hour before toe apt and got a nap in. So back to knitting it is.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    *reclining in lounge chair near Lana & Sara*

    Sara - what all do they do for a smog check? I am assuming that is an emissions testing of some sort? what happens if someone doesn't pass?

    Dawn - may have to take Gracie back in to vet. she has been having dry heaves like she is trying to cough up a hairball or something but its happening a lot - like at least 6 times since i had gotten home yesterday and a couple times through the night.

    I have not logged food consistently since before I was sick. I really have to get back into that habit. Have had too many carbs and too much salt lately. Am all swollen up like a puffer fish now, rings dont fit, my ankles have disappeared, and my legs hurt.

    a co-worker has lost about 40 pounds using Herbalife shakes. she had me taste one the other day. roasted peanut. i don't know how they do it but it tasted just like a roasted peanut - not peanut buttery, but just like an actual peanut. she sometimes mixes it with chocolate or banana caramel shake...mmmmm..... i dont want to do the diet plan she is on but i am considering getting some of those shakes to make for a quick breakfast out the door workday mornings.

    going on another Jeep trip this weekend. running around trying to get everything ready. i feel so unprepared this trip, usually i am pretty much packed and ready to roll by now!

    *waves to all who drop in*

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member

    Hello All~~

    I read through all the posts, and my head is spinning a bit.

    Eryn - can you post a photo of your puppy please? I have dog envy.

    Sara - hope that your day went well in addition to the smog check.

    Kathryn - have fun this weekend on the Jeep thing. Keep us posted on your tests and your headache event. Oh, and your cat.....let us know.....and the mammogram. I had dense breasts; they are Trouble with a capital T.

    Tracey - you do your exercising whenever you can do it conveniently for you. The only reason not to exercise at night is if it revs up your metabolism so much that you have trouble falling asleep. Morning workouts aren't the Be-All. At that point you are just burning up the glycogen stored in your muscles. People think you are burning fat. Not so.

    Waving to Dawn and Tess~~
    Welcomes to the new peeps~~


    241.2 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Helicopter overhead, man with gray shirt black shorts and red bag..... part of the neighborhood charm. I was on my way home, lady with her greyhound named Penny were in the shade I asked her (dogs names I remember but people's names not so much) if she had a phone just in case....still circling overhead half hour later.

    Smog checks here are strictly emissions but some states check brakes too. Car is over a certain age but in good condition. Man on street with sign for business with huge earphones signing to his music with hat on (sunburn) made me laugh so I honked as I left.

    OPI name polish on toes - hair stylist this morning had on a nice bright pink and my colors in my bag are darker. So new color for today.

    Kathryn come sit on the lounge chair with Lana and I - we have a meet up with Leandro scheduled as well - lets discuss your first step to take to stop the swirling down the drain effect.

    Hope to stop by later before zzz time.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Puppy photo! Her name is Luna. She’s getting bigger and such a cutie. 😁
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member

    This is me trying to cuddle all 3 of my babies! Jake is the white staffordshire terrier mix, Zoey is my chocolate lab, and there’s Luna our new staffordshire terrier/mystery puppy. 😊
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Back to work. Walking at night is helping with the shape of my thighs, now to keep up the walking.

    Dog was not eating her dry food, put a little wet dog food in with dry and she prefers it to her liverwurst (has meds in it). She ate both this morning, so at least I know she ate.

    20 hearts and counting.

    Lurking at work - wave to all who follow.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Good morning all - at a conference today (and yesterday). 2,200 fundraisers packed into a hotel....the sessions are good and am picking up some good tips. I’m trying to track food as best I can (decided to forgo the hotel croissants in favor of a Nature Valley Fruit & Nut bar — NSV!). Also took the advice of several of you regarding hydration and brought my own water bottle.

    Session is starting. Waves to all.


  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    I have given up for now. Too many variables in life at the moment. But, hey, that's why we're here, right? I will start again soon. I come by several times each day to read all your posts. Keep being awesome!

    *Throws towel over beach chair and floats in the pool.*
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    ErynVee wrote: »
    Puppy photo! Her name is Luna. She’s getting bigger and such a cutie. 😁

    She's so adorable!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    ErynVee wrote: »

    This is me trying to cuddle all 3 of my babies! Jake is the white staffordshire terrier mix, Zoey is my chocolate lab, and there’s Luna our new staffordshire terrier/mystery puppy. 😊

    Such pretty pups! Your couch looks like my bed... my pups are smaller, but still have to fight for space... love them all, tho
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - we have had quite a bit of gagging/heaving at work lately. Seems a lot is allergy related. Best to take Gracie in to get checked out, in case it could possibly be something more...
    I always want to try shakes, especially if they are yummy... but, they never fill me up as advertised... they do make for a great on the run breakfast. Hope JEEP weekend goes great!

    Sara - did they find person of interest? That always worries me. A few years ago, there was a man on the run, very close to home. They had him in custody and he kept escaping. Thankfully, he is still locked up, now..

    Tess - stay strong at conference... good job with NSV!

    Waves to Lana!

    Managed to get my walk in, yesterday. A bit warmer than day before. Probably my only chance to walk for a bit... temps to be in triple digits, soon... hello August!

    Have a great day all!
    Check in later...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Kathryn on insurance hold........ if your car does not pass they give you a list of things that need to be fixed and 2 weeks to get it done and retested. Merry Go Round time.
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I have been MIA for a while, just really busy & have been depressed (guess it is that time of year).

    My pup Mocha had to go to the vet & we found out he had gastroenteritis, so he had the medication and seems to be better now...this was totally my fault...I like to make homemade dog treats for them & saw one that was yogurt, bananas & peanut butter & thought this would be a nice frozen treat on a hot I made them & between the two of them they ate about half an ice cube tray so I thought this is great!! then he got sick & then I remembered he doesn't do well with dairy....yogurt!! I felt so bad that I made him poor pup! Good thing he is

    We have inherited 2 black labs...big dogs for the next 3 weeks (SIL is out of town & we are pup sitting) it is sooooo funny to watch my little pups boss the big ones's like you can come in this room, but don't even think about going into that room & if I get in the house before you I am not letting you The labs (Homer & Lady) are probably 15 years old now & just let the little ones do their thing & look up at me like are they for real...hahaha

    I am still plugging away at my walking & on Fitbit I walked 98,000 + steps last week...ya me! I am shooting for the same if not more this week, but I am only at about 70,000 so far & am in first place again so we will see.

    I hope everyone is doing okay & enjoying their summer.

    Welcome to all the newcomers & waving to all the regulars in this fantastic club!

    Lana~come to Winnipeg & you can take your pick as we are running a dog house right now...hahaha

    Talk to you all soon,

    ~Saltine~ >:)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member

    Busy morning, then forgot to come here and laid down in bed during the huge thunderstorms.

    Sara - I wonder if they ever found the guy?
    Good for you with your evening walking!

    Eryn - your new puppy is adorable!

    Saltine - I will be taking the Cabana Club private jet to come up and see you in your House of Dogs!

    Tracy - Yes, please stay connected with us even though you are not at all on program. It will help.

    Tess - I applaud your NSV with choices at your conference. 2,200 people is a LOT of people: that must mean a LOT of food flying around....Yikes.

    Dawn - I was not aware that Missouri can get into the triple digits. That's terrible. I guess you can eat lots of fruits and vegetables and good protein to counter-balance not getting as much exercise as usual. Drink your water, for sure!!! No dehydration.

    I walked 2.7 miles today and did a whopping ten minutes in the pool between T-storms. Scale has been scary, along with my bad attitude. *kitten*

    Waving to Missy and Tracey Snowflake and anyone else who stops by later on~~


    241.2 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Saltine - don't beat yourself up about pup. You were trying to be helpful and give them a cool, tasty treat. It's amazing how animals can have a lot of the same issues as humans. Glad meds are helping. Never fun when pups are sick.. sounds like you have a house full... it cracks me up that the little ones usually rule the roost...hehe...

    Lana - usually, July - August we see triple digits...the heat indexes really get us, quite often... good job with NSV of walking and swimming...hope your "kitten" mood is short lived.. more time on lounge chair with Leandro giving you shoulder and foot rubs!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Fruit/veg box this morning, blueberries, pluots, grapes and carrots. Hmmm I see a theme here, bored with my fruit choices.

    Up early with dog and box delivery. I thought I saw a pluot rolling on ground, it was dog's favorite toy rolling into kitchen - for me that is the best sign of my dog's health- she wants to play.

    Leftover/frozen zucchini enchilada with black bean/rice for lunch. Dinner is ??? Regular weekend plans so wondering what I will make for lunches. Black bean burger "hamburger" salad was a big success, so that one is easy, maybe fried rice? I have pork and maybe chicken in freezer.

    Wave to all who follow. TGIF

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Friday all! Just read this MFP Ask the Dietician blog on “How Do I Break a Cycle of Overeating?” The first point especially resonated with me and I thought of several themes emerging on this list - Appreciate Yoir Body. Accept your body, no matter what your weight loss goals are (or aren’t, at the moment). Look at ourselves with love and compassion, much like we are able to react to others who are having a tough time. (Personally, I’m kinder to others than I am to myself). Sharing the link in case it’s of interest:

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Tracey - Congratulations on your excellent losses for July!!! Enjoy your weekend/visit with friend~~

    Sara - Tillie has perked up and wants to play--yes, good sign of how she is improving.

    Tess - Thank you for the link. I will be going there once I post this.

    Waving to Dawn and Kathryn and Eryn and Tracy (Twiley) and Saltine and Missy and anyone else who stops by to say hello~~


    240.6 today is heading back down, whew
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal