Serial Starters



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,812 Member
    Lynn - That was awesome advice!

    Years ago, before the internet was where I got all of my information there was a Woman's World edition that had a "diet" in it. It was all about mindful eating and portion control. It said to not do anything while you ate, and to help with portions to use a smaller plate. You were to eat until you just started to feel full and eat at the first sign of hunger.

    It worked so well for me, I lost around 25 pounds. I should have kept it up. I went to a plate that was about 7" in diameter instead of the big dinner plate. I found once I got used to it, it was just the perfect size to make me get to the full feeling. I actually said recently on another group that I need to go back to that smaller plate again.

    I also need to set down the electronics and remember to put my fork down between bites. Those small things made a huge difference.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Hello hello, everyone!

    All of this talk of kitchen scales reminds me that I need to buy a new one! I know how important it is to properly weigh our food.

    All I've wanted all week is some pizza and beer (ha!) but I have stuck to my whole30 guidelines. I made buffalo turkey meatballs with roasted sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts for some lunches, and today I had the salad bar, but brought my own dressing (mainly just some olive oil and vinegar).

    Dinner tonight was a 4 oz beef burger patty with fresh guac, onions, mushrooms, and I baked some sweet potato fries.

    Probably eating a tad more than I should, but at least I'm making better choices, anyway.
    Man I am ready for the weekend!

    Hope you all have a great night!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening.

    Thank you Lynn for the hungry scale - copied to my computer at work and shared with a coworker. Helpful hints on that one.

    Greek yogurt with frozen (hopefully thawing) blueberries and strawberries w/ granola. Had no interest to cook.

    Just realized I have another 3 day weekend with a Dr apt Monday. Hmmm what to clean or project to get started.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    All junk food out of the house.. Husband buys it. Wonder how long this will last?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    12Sarah - make your husband lock up his junk food in a cabinet so only he has the key.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    12Sarah - make your husband lock up his junk food in a cabinet so only he has the key.
    Well he has committed to a diet.. He goes on and off them (used to be morbidly obese but overweight now). Chips etc is up high but the icecream and Popcorn isn't. Then there's the juice and zero sugar soft drink (which still is bad for you). List goes on! I used to be very healthy pre marriage :) Just found out we don't have fluoride in the water in the town we've moved to so very keen for my children not to have junk food.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Hi Everybody~~

    It was a busy and long day today. I'm flying to Chicago tomorrow--must get up at stupid-early hour, the only time this entire trip, so I'll live.

    Big hugs to all~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning.

    Found my dinner medication on my table this morning. Forgot to take it. Luckily of the 2 this one I can miss a dose. So close and yet so far.

    TGIF!! almost 100 today and with any luck the weather forecast says it is the only day..... we shall see.

    Usually the grocery fliers give me ideas for meals, but not this week. Hmmmm.

    Lana safe trip let us know when you get home. Wave to all who follow. TGIF
  • Mominajourney
    Mominajourney Posts: 26 Member
    Started again 4 days ago....this morning I had gas station breakfast pizza and a mt dew...why can I not stay on this plan!?!?!?!? A co worker started and has lost 4 lbs.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Livinwith3boys, love your board name - welcome !! you are in good company here so stop by and post when you can. Why you cant stay on this plan? Perhaps you are on the wrong "plan" - are you on a particular 'diet'? The key is to find something that is a change in your lifestyle without feeling like you landed on the moon...... start slowly and add habits as you go.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Doctor appointment today went ok. He said BP not an issue, neither is cholesterol but suggested Lipitor and a BP med in addition to my low dose aspirin as a preventative program. I am not a fan of taking any more meds than absolutely necessary so I am not very happy. So many meds have side effects which make you take even more meds to counteract. Dr said its really up to me because I am "young" and healthy. I told DH that I would try them for a few months but if there were lots of side effects, then I would talk to dr about stopping.

    Did discover there may be an issue with one of my migraine meds. So have to talk to neuro about what I may have to change.
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    @hickchic67 I hear you about the meds and side effects snowballing. I was once taking 8 or 9 prescription meds a day. And half were just for the side effects of the other half!! I refuse to take anything now unless I look up the side effects first. Docs usually only give the first 2 or 3 major ones, but I have been having such strong reactions this past year... I won’t do it unless I am sure. One doc tried to give me a med that wasn’t absolutely necessary and told me side effects were minimal and rare... I looked at the list myself later and saw “irreversible twitching or ticks”... and flat out said no.

    In just the last year I have been rendered bed ridden by 3 different meds that made me so sick and a another medication that doctors keep trying to give me even, though it only works for a few days, now gives me hives - which is extremely rare for that med. Unless my doctors want to pay the extra fees that result from some of their guess work, I won’t do it.

    I was just in ER last month after trying a new medication and my BP was reading at 220/200! But the ER docs weren’t too concerned because I wasn’t typically symptomatic. They did nothing but observe me for several hours. They gave me no meds... I drank one glass of water... between the ambulance, ER fee, and Dr fee, it cost my insurance about $10,000 for me to lay there and take a nap while they ran some blood and urine tests - all of which came back normal. I am starting to understand why people seek out holistic medicine folk. The pharmaceutical industry has become too dangerous for my health!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog was being strange yesterday and could not figure out why and I was getting concerned until I saw a lizard on my dining room wall. I have seen them out and about, but how it got into my place? No clue. Dog is not happy with our new house guest. I could not reach it at the time and it is hiding. I am thinking about keeping patio door open to encourage lizard to wander out today.

    Regular errands. No new meal ideas other than using the cauliflower pizza crust coupon I have and roasting some vegetables for it.

    Time to find more sleep. Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    A friend talked me into joining a virtual race on Yes.Fit. So, as I type this, I am "running" in the Cinderella 18.2 mile race. Weird, huh?
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    I have heard about virtual races, but don’t really understand them.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed. Roasting Vegetables today to hopefully go with a cauliflower crust for pizza. Will also have makings for fried rice/black bean burgers/chickpea patties in house and will see what strikes me.

    Groceries then home so time to clean out fridge/freezer. Cooler temps as well. Forecast is looking fall friendly.

    Kathryn, I also need a little help with this, do you run against people online and post your times?

    Wave to all who follow. Breakfast and then some more zzz
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    A friend talked me into joining a virtual race on Yes.Fit. So, as I type this, I am "running" in the Cinderella 18.2 mile race. Weird, huh?

    I've thought about doing a virtual race...see them on FB all the time... just wasn't sure how legit they actually are. Definitely would be a way to make me