Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Sara and Missy and Dawn and Kathryn and Lynn and Tracy and Tracey and Eryn and Saltine and
    Tess..... I think that the Cabana Boys will be having a rousing Happy Hour today to help us recover from the shock of Labor Day Weekend being over.

    Tess, where are you? Are you still up in the Adirondacks!? I hope that you are safe and sound.

    Dawn, tomorrow I and my in-laws are going to Hannibal MO to look at a couple of art museum/galleries and eat at a restaurant that is Hannibal spelled backwards....Labinnah! :smiley: Crazy.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Kathryn, your questions for your doctor are very valid and your symptoms not unusual "side effects" of strokes. Ask for any intervention that you might be able to do with word/writing.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Kathryn - Jeeping sounds fun! Glad you had a great weekend, you needed one! And yes Dr follow up as everyone is telling you!
    Lana - WW - wow has gotten expensive. But worth it if it helps you obtain a healthier you. I will be over for the extra cabana boys happy hour!
    Eryn - good luck with Whole30. I did that once. Kind of made it the entire 30 days. Concept seems simple, but it is difficult. I felt better - hmmmm one wonders why I do not stick to it then ):
    At work we started a Smartest Loser challenge. I am accountable to a team now and they are encouraging smart changes. This week is logging sleep hours and eating protein every breakfast. So I stepped on her scale this AM and am on my way for an 8 week accountability plan.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Missy- looking at all the posts... people losing 20+ lbs in 1- 2 months... makes me want to try...I just can't afford and, only meetings in my area are Thursday evenings...I'm hoping, I can at least get some yummy food ideas... hope you don't walk into too much craziness at work...

    I just checked the ww website for the 6 month option you will get a free month, free registration and a free cookbook but would be committed to 6 months-5 months paying 44.95. It’s just a bit expensive. This offer is good until sept. 12th. I know this month is a bit crazy busy so it probably wouldn’t be ideal to do so now for me. I am a member of a local FB WW Group. They post recipes on there.

    $44.95 a month?! Wow...I think I used to pay $30... maybe.. been about 10 years ago or so..I would love a cookbook... but, can't commit...the group I follow isn't local... but, they do post yummy recipes...I'm trying so hard to be good... cutting portion size is a big thing for me, right now...I do that better than eating right... it's a start... thanks for the info
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- I have to share a snoring story...I was lying in bed this morning and kept hearing this awful noise and could not tell where it was coming from... it was like a loud revving noise, over and over...SO was in other room, so thought he was up to something... finally, I sat up in bed and really listened... it was my dog! Let me tell you... she was loud enough to wake the dead! Boston's are known for their snoring... she's got it down pat....hahaha
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- WAVES! Hannibal is a neat place. I have not been since I was young... hope you enjoy! I also love Carthage.. the Precious Moments place is there and it is beautiful... have a good visit
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,812 Member
    Wow, I didn't really check in over the weekend. I find it so hard to keep up with the message boards on my phone or tablet.

    My MIL was kept in the hospital all weekend and was transferred yesterday to a bigger hospital about 3 hours away so she was there for some tests today. Just talked to my SIL and she is still waiting for a call to see how things went and if she needs to pick her up today or not.

    I had a fairly productive weekend, I was trying to get my craft room decluttered and organized so that I felt more peaceful when going into it. I managed to get that done and in the process cleaned and organized my hope chest so I could put more items into it. I have a project in mind for the winter now from all of this organizing.

    Looking forward to a walk tonight, missed last night because as the Grands were getting ready to leave it started down pouring.

  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    Hi all -

    Well, ya’ll seem like a great bunch of folks! Just been lurking over the weekend. My back has been bothering me and coupled with my insomnia... my biggest goal has just been to drink a ton of water and try to stay within my daily calorie goal at least 5 days of the week.

    I’ve done weight watchers before. I think I used to pay $35 a month or something like that. But I was also trying to check out SparkPeople and working with a trainer for a bit... I just overwhelmed myself. Stuck to SparkPeople for awhile because like MFP, it was free, but I like MFP better for my own reasons. Right now I need to just make the changes I know I need to make and hope for results. Because whatever I do to lose weight, I have to do to keep it off... so I have to really work on my determination and attitude.

    Went grocery shopping last night. Bought soups and salad fixings 🍲 🥗. Better than the pizza or pretzel I was thinking of 🍕 🥨 from the gas station or delivery.

    Have a great evening!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited September 2018
    Kathryn, I hope this doesnt sound like nagging, but put all your new scary symptoms on paper since you had your "stroke". Take to next Dr apt, so that even if you dont have the guts to say it to him/her give them the paper. The better the description and examples happen mornings/evenings only and how often etc - may give Dr better idea for physical therapy/medical/medicinal intervention. Scary is one thing, to get the wrong meds or treatment plan because of something you were afraid to say - is unimaginable - do it for yourself if nothing else. People are afraid to say something to the dr quite often, but then they pay for their silence. Okay I am done.

    I was at work and too distracted and bothered by neighbors to write too much.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Found lunches in freezer (zucchini enchilada and fried rice) so while I have lunch today at the cafe, it will be the last
    day for this week. Hope to make another batch of Chickpea patties tonight for 2 salads /dinners?

    Temps up for weekend but until then things are forecast to be okay.

    Dog is fed and back to her vacuum self. We are up early but she also didnt ask for a middle of night outing. Take what I can get. Will try and get more zzz before her walk.

    Been keeping up with my walking and it becomes a happy thing to do instead a chore.

    WW - we didnt pay by month we paid by "semester" like 8 weeks up front which was pricey. We had a WW at work which made travel to meetings very easy.

    Lana - enjoy your adventures into Mark Twain "land".

    Okay oatmeal is ready. Wave to all who follow. Lurking at work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member
    Kathryn, I hope this doesnt sound like nagging, but put all your new scary symptoms on paper since you had your "stroke". Take to next Dr apt, so that even if you dont have the guts to say it to him/her give them the paper. The better the description and examples happen mornings/evenings only and how often etc - may give Dr better idea for physical therapy/medical/medicinal intervention. Scary is one thing, to get the wrong meds or treatment plan because of something you were afraid to say - is unimaginable - do it for yourself if nothing else. People are afraid to say something to the dr quite often, but then they pay for their silence. Okay I am done.

    I was at work and too distracted and bothered by neighbors to write too much.

    Sara - this is excellent advice for everyone here !!! Thank you~~


  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited September 2018
    I have a doctor's appointment this Friday. I have been writing things down, more simply for the fact I would get to talking about one thing and forget to mention something else. But Sara your advice (no its NOT nagging) is spot on! I also had DH be sure to write down if he sees/notices anything as well.

    The blood pressure monitor i have lets you print out your results, so that is one less thing to have to worry about writing. I can just print it and go!

    I have been slowly transitioning to healthier choices in my diet. Picked out lots of good stuff while grocery shopping. Now I have to focus on getting the calories under control. I have a kitchen scale I know I will have to start using again to make sure I am not just guesstimating portion sizes and eating way more calories than I think I am.

    Still working on fitting more walking into my schedule. Have been parking farther from work & stores, etc. I use the standing desk more and make sure I get up and walk up and down the hall about once an hour. If I can just shift my schedule a bit so I could get to my office gym for some treadmill time. That is easier said than done though.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Kathryn / Lana I know you both have kitchen scales, what brand are they and are they worth the price?
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Kathryn / Lana I know you both have kitchen scales, what brand are they and are they worth the price?

    Weighing in on the scale question (pun intended >:) ).

    I have a Biggest Loser branded kitchen scale I bought several years ago. I love it! It's digital, measures ounces or grams, has a tare button (very important), nice sized weighing platform.

    Paid $20 usd at Bed, Bath, and Beyond three years ago. Only had to change the battery once so far.

    I'll be out of pocket for the rest of the day, but if you have any questions, I'll address them tonight. Off to tend to my basket weaving!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Tracy - you are posting before me. Hope your basket weaving goes well. Thank you for the feedback on scales. What is a tare button? Are the numbers large or do I have to squint?

    Have a leftover chicken sheet pan dinner from freezer (put 2 there) and will have that for lunch. We have a "biggest loser" competition at work starting which means I will probably see more people walking at work. I will not enter but keep an extra eye on my non necessary food and keep the steps going.

    Week is almost done, wave to all who follow.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Thank you!

    What is a tare button? It's used to subtract the weight of your container. You put an empty bowl, bag, or sheet of paper/foil on the platform. Then you push the tare button to zero the scale. Then you put the food in/on and it shows only the food weight.

    Are the numbers large or do I have to squint? Not terribly small. The display is regular black and gray lcd. You might prefer a brighter led display if you have dim lighting.

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Happy Thursday! Good morning to all!
    Kathryn - congrats on the healthy changes!
    Also weighing in on kitchen scale - i have one, not digital - i would buy digital if you wanted to use. The old kind is a pain. I only use it for canning and making my wine (: I have always resisted measuring - probably one of my problems lol.
    I am going to share because I felt it was interesting - we have a required visit with a health coach to get a discount on our health insurance. I was ready for the normal blah blah eat less, exercise more. But she talked to me about what I wanted my life to be like when I said skinnier and healthier. When at my goal weight what am I doing in that life, what am I eating, wearing, participating in and how does that feel. She told me to really think about that and focus in on that. I admitted that portion control is probably my biggest downfall, because I don't drink soda, eat alot of sweets, etc. So then she gave me a hunger control chart. I will try and upload a picture of it. Anyway concept is you try and avoid the full-so full you are sick feeling and the very hungry-empty feeling. You eat to stay satisfied, but only eat to fuel your body. Hmmm. I have it posted on my fridge and desk.
    Envisioning myself at the healthier weight (:
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - I have an Amazon Basics digital kitchen scale. It sells for $11, I got mine on a lightning deal for $6. Good sized digital readout. Tare button. Can measure in oz or grams. Had it a bit over 2 years and haven't had to replace batteries yet. (of course, I haven't been using it like I should lately)
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - in 2008, the office i worked in had a Biggest Loser contest. almost entire office was in it. we each paid $5 per week for 10 weeks. the winner got the pot. i was the winner! that paid for my wedding dress & accessories for our vow renewal in 2009! :)