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  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited September 2019
    AMA - I use TecNu. It is a special gel/cream/wash specifically for poison ivy/oak. I carry some with me on Jeep trips or anytime there is a possibility of poison ivy around.
    It is about the only thing OTC I have found that helps at all. Other than that, I have to have Rx drugs to treat it. I have severe reaction to poison ivy because not only do I get a horrible blistering rash that can leave scars, but my body will swell up similar to an allergic reaction.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Lynn - my back held up amazingly well considering all the bucking and jumping around we did! i have been a LOT better since that physical therapy. i have been doing my little exercises and stretches too.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    AMA--oh, your kiddo is having a rough time. I hope the meds can help soothe any pain or itching!

    Kathryn--so glad your back held up. Sorry to hear about the grandpa and kid--I hope they recover. And maybe served as an extra reminder to everyone else to be safe!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member
    I was walking in the parking lot at work and someone backed up and I had to walk around to her drivers side to look at her like "????" she said her "beeper" didnt work, she was so sorry - would you trust your car so much that you just dont look when you back up?? Wow.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Ack! I see a typo, or missing word, in my reply above to AMA. Insert, "Oh, I'M SORRY TO HEAR your kiddo is having a rough time..." goodness.

    Nope--I would always look. But, maybe people with back-up cameras don't. Scary!
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 277 Member
    Ama - domeboro powders is a good cold compress that soothes too. You soak and put on skin. Relieves itch.

    Sara - i agree dangerous not looking where you are driving!!

    Kathryn- great photos! Very impressed.

    Nik - keep at it. Hope your foot keeps improving. I like your investment in exercise wear. Why is it leggings always go on the inside seams? I’m
    Constantly finding I need to find new leggings as holes appear! So depressing.

    Waves to all👍👐🏻
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    ama3387 wrote: »
    brennerjlb wrote: »
    Sara - good idea on the sweet potato!
    Ama - I missed the poison ivy and went back. Don't suffer too much - go to Dr. and get prednisone. Helped me immensely the times I got it. I wasn't sleeping, etc. Horrible stuff!

    I ended up having to bring the boy child back to urgent care this morning due to him spraining his finger in gym class and while I was there I asked the nurse practitioner to give him a script for prednisone. Poor boy has it spreading everywhere. I’ve stripped all his sheets off his bed and threw them and his pillows into the wash. Our dog must have gotten into some. Mines not terrible except it’s on my face and neck so it’s more noticeable. My poor husband has it all over his arms and hands.

    Something that really helps dry poison ivy up for me, is Lye soap. I don't know if you have that where you are. Check pharmacy. That's where I first found it. My mom is terribly allergic and used to have to get steroid shots, about once a month. I'm allergic, but not near as bad. Hope you all feel better, soon. That stuff is miserable... make sure to bathe dog!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn- holy cow! Hope that the Grandpa is ok. That would be so scary. Glad boy is ok. Glad your back is better...

    Sara- Proheart is good 6 or 12. We're finding, many people are switching to the injection. Even if it's a little more, it's better than worrying if you forgot to give chew. (Which i'm bad about) hope Miss T's itching and toe gets better... good idea with sweet potato... never would have thought of that

    Nik- hope foot is better, soon. Unbelievable, how sore feet can really affect you...

    Update on boy... he is doing GREAT! His talking is clearing up, he is able to keep food down (was very nauseated), was able to walk today, his Daddy even made him laugh. They are worried about the swelling in his face. Hoping it will decrease and he'll be able to go home, tomorrow. What a lucky, lucky little boy...
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    oh Laura that is such encouraging news about the boy!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member
    edited September 2019
    Cheese worked tonight with pill! Taking one day at a time and will get vienna sausages as well when I go shopping. Sweet potato had gone bad and even the "good parts" didnt smell good, so cheese was my only option.

    Romance novel -snapping fingers for Alejandro - tea and treat for Miss T please.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning! Thank you everyone I am taking all of your advice. My husband and I are thinking it’s from around where we started taking trees down. So we are stocking up on all of these suggestions and we’re going to take way more precautions when we are disturbing the woods behind the house. The boy child started his steroids and didn’t sleep last night. So selfishly I’m just going to let him stay home from school. I have to get into work I have so much to do there.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Gah. Middle of the night, can't sleep. Have been up worrying over my child's school photos--like, do I have all of the digital copies from prior years in order. 4:15am now, must try to get a little more sleep.

    Sara--I'm so glad Miss T went for the cheese! You are very creative in administering Miss T's medication!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member

    Good morning,

    So glad I slept as well as I did. HOT here for a couple days. Ergo eval and last monthly eval with sup before changing jobs. Such a crazy month I forgot I have Friday off- did not write it on calendar.

    Will buy hot dogs/Vienna Sausage for dog over weekend.

    Niki how are your feet? When I got my inserts from Good Feet it encouraged me to walk more. Of course it took even longer to connect it to weight loss and aim for a step goal. I dont connect dots too well sometimes..... Mine have lasted more than 10 years and were an investment at the time.

    Okay need to scoot. Lurking when I get to work.

    How is everyone's pets doing? Here is it smoke / "fall dust" / allergy chaos. Vet is swamped.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • Morning all,

    Dawn, really glad to see that the lad is doing well. I hope he gets to go home today.

    Sara, thank you for asking, the supports I ordered from Amazon have been a godsend so far. It doesn't make it pain free but does allow me to move rather than just shuffle along holding onto the walls or furniture! I have my English Setter, Alice laying under my desk at the moment keeping my feet warm. One of the pleasures of being able to work from home, animal cuddles.

    Weather here is not very nice at all today but I'm in a good mood as my daily weigh in shows a 2lbs loss for today, so I'm not worrying quite as much about not being able to use my treadmill as much as I'd like for the moment. Rather get the foot better and then gradually increase carefully again. Really do need the movement to help me shift the weight to stop it happening again!

    Hope everyone has a good Tuesday! BBL
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    Just got off the phone with my sister - she is taking classes to be a life/health coach. She did a practice interview on me. Interesting. Total transformation is what she calls her program. Wouldn't be able to do it with my sister - too many hang ups with family LOL.
    Sara - I read once that if you through a medicine in the air like you would a treat the dog will just chomp it down. Worked for the heartworm medicine my lab usually turns her nose up. But she eats everything - except her heartworm tablet lol.
    AMA - keeping a suffering child home from school is not a bad thing. After all my kids went through school I have come to the conclusion - we put way too much pressure on them and the schools put too much pressure on the parents for them to get to school. Important? - yes. But it should NOT be a source of so much pressure and stress. Let him home to take care of his itchy body. Would be miserable in school. In the big scheme of things in life - this is minor(missing a day or two of school) :smile:
    Have a great tuesday!
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning all!

    Nik--I am so glad the supports are helping. I hope you can figure out how to get your movement in in a way that doesn't cause you pain. Is swimming an option for you?

    Lynn--I wouldn't be able to have a close family member be my life coach, either!

    Ama--I agree with Lynn--this is one of those cases where your child is probably genuinely really too sick/miserable for school. Can the teacher send work home?

    Sara--good sleep does wonders!

    All: I'm really struggling with weekends. Anyone have any great tips for staying on track? I might make an outside post, too. I do really well on weekdays where there's a lot of structure and routine (and for which I cook and prepare in advance), but I seems to have a pattern of binge eating on weekends, and, really, alcohol isn't even a factor. Any strategies that work for you?

    Waving to all who follow!

  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Woohoo! Bring on all of the cabana boys and electricians!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Wow, Lana, there was a spark there for Brian? I guess you seriously felt the electricity between you two!! ;):D
  • Well, great evening for me tonight. Hubby fell over and cracked his head open so we are sat in the A&E department waiting for him to be stitched back together.

    If anyone wants to send me a cabana boy I'd be grateful!