Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Cookies made and in the freezer. Cookies out and about do not last long.

    The air show is 2 days but they practice 2 days ahead of time.

    So glad you were able to find recognizable coffee!! Phew. Keep up the good strolling on the promenade deck.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** September 24 ***

    Good morning everybody 🌼

    I have been clocking just over 3 miles every day. It feels good to do something right for a change!

    Also, I've been eating a ton of veggies at lunch every day.

    Sara - Good for you for putting the cookies in the freezer. You are one smart cookie! (I couldn't resist that groaner 🤣)

    Time for a shower....

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** September 25 ***

    Well look at that: Xmas is three months away. 🎄

    The sun is out up here in Maine, and I am very grateful for that. The scenery all around is quite pretty. This would be a great place to have a summer home and then run away to warmer climes once winter comes.

    I hope that everyone has a good start to the week.

  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello friends! Hi Lana! Hi Sara!!

    I know I disappeared for about 6 weeks but I had a lot going on and needed a break from a lot of things snd tracking weight loss was 1 of those things.

    I decided last week that was going to be the last week of my negligence and today is my restart. I did put about 5 pounds back on which wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Thankfully I am still in one-derland! Whew!

    I went shopping yesterday for all my regular healthy food. Although I am thinking the ham I ate for lunch needs to go… my stomach is telling me this LoL.

    Im very inspired by the 3 mile walk a day. Now that it’s cooler in the evenings I can take the pups for walks too. My one schnauzer has been eating some of the other ones food so she is desperately needing walks as much as I do.

    Hope everyone has a great day!


    198 today
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    Hello all. I’ve log in to this thread before but as the group is called I am a Serial Starter. I’ve worked off and on and some times as much as I want to lose weight I just give up. Due to life’s obstacles, fighting with my husband, getting frustrated with the kids (2 on the spectrum but high functioning). I’ve heard when making the choice to lose weight you have to want to do it for YOU. I’m only 5’ 4” and am way TOO heavy for this height. I need to lose a good 90-100 lbs. So yesterday I tried to START AGAIN. This time with my baby, she’s 22 y/o (on the spectrum) and recently aged out of LAUSD. More about why I am home with her later. Although she was measured in the doctors office and I was told she was the same height as me, she is not. I stand in front of her and have to look up a little. 🤭. So yesterday we walked 1.93 miles. Today our goal is 2 miles so we’re going to try a different route. Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning friends! Welcome Packersfan. Life does get in the way at times it’s true.

    I was thinking about growing up and how my mom basically taught us to comfort ourselves with food. What’s interesting is that my sister and I were raised the same way, right? She never really used food for comfort the way my mom and I did. Now she took after my dad and he didn’t use food that way. Neither does my sister and when she goes through stressful situations she loses her appetite or still eats healthy. I wish I could do that.

    I was a pound lighter today. I successfully stuck to my healthy eating and it paid off. I know I will drop some water weight but I am pretty sure I probably already dropped some when I was sick last week.

    I didn’t get to walk like I wanted to bc I got busy doing stuff around the house and by the time I sat down it was after 8. Hopefully tonight I’ll get in a walk.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Lisa 💐

    197 today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Hello to Everybody 👋🏻 Good to see all of you!

    I'm just doing a quick check in - must get going....

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Hiding under a rock for the rest of the day, I have done enough damage-need duct tape for my mouth.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** September 27 ***

    Well, here we are in the middle of the week.

    Sara - did you use your flamethrower on The Dragon? 🤣

    Lisa - our problems of weight are more complex than just the food and our mental condition. There's the mystery of how much of what hormones our body makes that signals whether we are hungry or not.
    I think that thin people are fortunate to have bodies in balance that way.

    We'll just keep plugging away to eat mostly healthy foods and get our exercise 🏆

    So now I'm off for a walk.

    Have a good day everyone~

  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    Checking in. Not walking today. A lot to do around the house. Thinking of baking cookies though. I think a sweet treat is okay now and then. Especially if it’s home made. 😋
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** September 28 ***

    Hey all~~

    Today my back is protesting. So far only 2 miles. It is what it is.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    I wanted to post last night but dr dilates my eyes so strongly that the screen glare is hard to take.

    Lana - I wish I had a flame thrower. I just applied for an internal transfer and I have done the work before but it was 20 years ago....I think that still counts. I can describe the process....

    Packer - I would be a lot thinner if I had not eaten so much ice cream this summer. I would be thinner but absolutely grumpy. Quality of life during our weight loss is mandatory.

    Rho - my job is exhausting as well. What can you do to lessen the effects of your job?

    It is almost Friday - I have 60 cookies to divide up and put into bags and take to work tomorrow. I said if we made goal I would make cookies. We did and so did I.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    *** September 29 ***

    Good morning all~~

    It's the last day of vacation. Boo hoo. But it's been a good trip. I am grateful.

    Sara - I am excited and hopeful for you to get a transfer. A change would be great!
    In the meantime, fly under the radar in stealth mode.

    The Cabana Boys are setting up for our usual Friday Happy Hour. Foot massages and umbrella drinks for all~ 🌴⛱️🍹

    Waves to all who stop by today~~

  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday everyone. We’re going camping this weekend so I won’t be online. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I’ll check in with everyone on Monday.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    Good morning all. Did 2.6 miles on my walk. So tempted to shove comfort food in my mouth after sad and pitiful game last night. I do have fresh baked cookies. Maybe I’ll just have a few and not the whole plate. 🤭 Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Packer - can you freeze those cookies and nibble on them for the next few days? Great walk and that is not an easy length. That is usually what I get done in a day (buttocks stuck on chair at computer rest of day).

    Lisa -camping is wonderful (did it when I was a child). Fresher air, long walks - good for your soul/spirit to get away. I hope you have a great time.

    Lana - those cboy umbrella drinks will hit the spot tonight. Time to dance the night away. Glad you enjoyed your trip.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    Good evening,

    Packer - can you freeze those cookies and nibble on them for the next few days? Great walk and that is not an easy length. That is usually what I get done in a day (buttocks stuck on chair at computer rest of day).

    Lisa -camping is wonderful (did it when I was a child). Fresher air, long walks - good for your soul/spirit to get away. I hope you have a great time.

    Lana - those cboy umbrella drinks will hit the spot tonight. Time to dance the night away. Glad you enjoyed your trip.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.

    I didn’t know you can freeze cookies. How long can they stay in the freezer?

  • 3tansunnee
    3tansunnee Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all lovely people,

    I just restarted my diet routine, 3rd day today. I'm following the FAST800 programme plus I reduce my carb intake to about 30g net carb/day.

    Been having dreams of me eating food, cakes to be specific. Haha. In the past when I restricted my calorie or did water fasting, I also had dreams of food.

    Does anyone here experience the same?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Packers - most cookies can be frozen.

    Can most homemade cookies be frozen?
    Make-Ahead Cookie Baking Tips: Freezing Cookies | Land O'Lakes
    For cookies that are already baked, here's how to freeze them successfully for up to two months. Be sure the cookies are completely cooled before freezing. Place the cookies into an airtight container lined with aluminum foil or plastic food wrap. For best results, wrap the cookies individually in plastic food wrap.

    Anything like puff pastry based cookies are not recommended to freeze. The paragraph above is Google. I only use large enough zip lock freezer bags and in my house no cookie lasts that long frozen or otherwise, so I dont have to worry about freezer burn :D

    Hair colored and the large wide white roots are no gone for awhile. Bought pork bulgogi to make for a meal tomorrow and Monday

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.