Serial Starters



  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    Good morning. Missy, so sorry to hear f your loss. Thats always so hard. Hugs.

    My 4 year old dog has vertigo occasionally and emergency vet noticed a low heart rate when she was sedated. Things to keep in mind if she has future issues.

    I’ve had a rough week in some ways. Took prednisone for allergies, and I swear I swelled 3 lbs over night. Hoping it “lets go” soon. Between antihistamines, antibiotics, and steroids, my senses of smell and taste came back this week and that’s nice. But I need an alley test for metals and have to stop antihistamines for 5 days. Maybe I will wear a mask that week. Ugh.

    Just had an Afib alert from my Apple Watch. Too much caffeine probably. Bad dream and woke too early and I’m cranky. Maybe I’ll just go back to bed.

    I hope your day starts better!

    I hope you feel better soon! Allergy season is the worst! Thanks for the heads up! I guess they had a few dogs were come in recently with the same problem most likely due to allergies and my girl does have allergies plus high blood pressure which she has medication for both.

    Hope your day goes better! Sounds like a stressful start.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member


    Maureen - So sorry to hear of your troubled start to the day.
    I hope something can cheer you up and turn things around.

    We are having 3 days of rainy weather here in Chapel Hill. I hope that Charlotte gets this too in order to tamp down on the seasonal allergens.

    I am grateful that my lower leg pain has eased up a bit. I wonder if low pressure is helping it?

    Sara - I'm wishing you a good, restorative weekend. Work and allergies are getting you too. Big hugs.

    Time for me to jump into the shower and get going.

    Waves to Missy and all who stop by later on. 🌴


    forgot to weigh
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member

    Hope everyone’s day is getting better! Almost forgot it was Star Wars day!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member

    OMG - I have never heard of this! That's hilarious!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Hair cut color and facial today. The salon I go to has an introductory offer for facials at almost half off, so you know me. Lana good idea about baking chocolate,thank you.

    Rain and cold today. Someone said it should be 90 by next weekend. Very unpredictable weather.

    Tomorrow is costume jewelry sale at church and I hope things go well.

    Watching soccer, will have to find one of my "eye candy" teams.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 638 Member
    Good morning. I ended up getting more alerts and had to go to ER—and nothing is wrong with me. I just need to get back in the groove and yet I’m lacking motivation. Usually a good start on a Sunday sets me up for success so I’m going to try to make myself get the exercise I need WHILE NOT OVERDOING IT! Deep breaths and realistic goals.

    Lana, we have had a lot of rain too. Not letting it keep me inside today.

    Hoping all have a good day.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    Good morning. I ended up getting more alerts and had to go to ER—and nothing is wrong with me. I just need to get back in the groove and yet I’m lacking motivation. Usually a good start on a Sunday sets me up for success so I’m going to try to make myself get the exercise I need WHILE NOT OVERDOING IT! Deep breaths and realistic goals.

    Lana, we have had a lot of rain too. Not letting it keep me inside today.

    Hoping all have a good day.

    Sending hugs and prayers that’s got to be scary.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sunday I had planned to go to church when the Bishop was visiting and coming home to clean, etc. I made it to church but not the cleaning. Took my grandma out to lunch and grocery shopping with her. It was a good day. She’s 90 years old and can’t drive. She had a stroke last year and then COVID and it’s just been a declining since mostly memory. It’s awful to see and she is aware that she can’t remember things that she should remember.

    Kiara is doing great, never would have known she wasn’t feeling good on Tuesday. She turned 14! yesterday. Rest of the pack are good! Bronco turned 9 on Wednesday. Keep praying they all stay being healthy and live a long healthy doggie lives.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member
    *** May 6 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Missy - Sending hugs for your grandmother. You are a shining blessing of hers during this most difficult time of life. 🌼

    Maureen - I must have missed something in the recent past. What alerts do you get that send you to the ER? Do you have an implanted heart monitor? I had one for years, but it had to be removed for the mastectomies in 2016.
    I hope that you are OK.

    Sara - Your day of beauty on Saturday sounds divine! Ah!
    How did the church sale go?

    Today is a decluttering day. I tend to let every surface in the house collect tons of stuff, and it is out of control now.....


    266.0 today

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member
    *** May 7 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Just getting us started~


    266.0 today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member
    edited May 8
    *** May 8 ***

    Ah, Wednesday~

    Today is the regular dentist for the new crown. Blech.

    I'm up in NYC, and the Tanita scale will be giving me my numbers for a few days.
    Years ago, when I was married, DH and I were regulars at the Chelsea Weight Watchers meetings. DH always did everything to excess, so he bought us the same dang scale as they use at Weight Watchers meetings. It plugs into the wall, for heavens sake. In fairness though, the Tanita can weigh very high numbers, and he was a big guy - bigger than most home scales could manage.

    We're having thunderstorms here! Missy probably has them too~

    Wishing everyone a decent day today ✨


    264.0 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good morning,

    Lana, good luck with the dentist. With any luck short term loss, long term gain.

    Missy so glad your little one is doing better. Always keep furbabies in my good thoughts.

    Have today off - financial issues were piling up and I had to just stop and take care of them. Made over $100 on the church sale. Had 3 ladies go " I thought it was next week" so maybe more stuff for another sale in the summer - $340 so far from my efforts. A lot of people gave extra money as most things were dirt cheap. All $$ goes to church fund.

    I am at a weight I have not been since before COVID. I will celebrate by dancing after I get home from grocery shopping. Have no meals set up this week and need to get back on the ball.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member
    *** May 9 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - I am thrilled for you at your being at a pre-covid weight. You must feel so good to see your efforts pay off. You have inspired me--thank you!
    The church efforts are paying off as well. Such good karma 💛

    I was looking through my photos, and I saw once again a photo of myself that I like.... It is from 2018. Of course I was 6 years younger, but I checked my journals, and I weighed 235 when it was taken.

    I've decided to make 235 my new goal weight, just to change things up in my head. Having a final goal weight in my head doesn't serve me well.

    * waving at Henri for more black coffee 🌴*


    266.0 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Dragon has decided to spend tomorrow and the last 2 Fridays at home. I am happy for her.

    Lana - new weight goal is close enough to see = good for you. Now find ways to get moving. See if any music can get your "groove thing" going.

    Thought I was under the weather at work. It may just be allergies. Wind again today and seasonably warm.

    Went to a store that some of the church ladies go to to get food pantry items. I did well and found some items for myself (chocolate and another yummy). Challenge through work was to not put sugar in my hot tea or coffee. Their coffee is marginal, so sugar helps it. I had to shift gears on the coffee- but I forget how much sugar I dump in. Those calories add up.

    Wishing all a wonderful evening. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member
    *** May 10 ***

    Sara - So nice to hear that you have been having Dragon-free Fridays lately. That's a good start to the weekend.

    I fly home tomorrow, thank goodness.

    Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend~


    266.6 today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,887 Member

    *** SATURDAY MAY 11 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Just getting us started for the day.....

    *tossing beach bag onto favorite lounge chair for later ⛱️*


    265.4 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 638 Member
    Good morning. I am FINE. Stupid Apple Watch. Now I have to have a cardio work up even though irregular rhythms run in my daily. My older sis went through this last year. And all I really care about is getting my darn knees fixed so I can get back to running.

    Sara, could the church make more if they helped you buy supplies? Could be worth investigating.

    Missy, how lovely you can help your grandma. My last grand died 30 years ago and I miss them all.

    Lana, we had 2 F1 tornadoes in Charlotte and some schools were closed due to power outages and trees down on Thursday, including mine. Most were open. There were still trees and power lines down along the road school is on when I went in early, early on Friday. Spooky. I think one of those tornadoes went right down our road.

    Life is good except I’m falling apart—knees, allergies, teeth, heart, appointments in the next 2 weeks. I feel fine but jogging hurts like heck. Maybe time to let go until Ive got 2 new knees . . . Just not ready to give up yet even thou what I can manage now is pathetic.

  • 19LauraS82
    19LauraS82 Posts: 3 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!!

    Going to try to get back on the wagon, so to speak. I am currently the heaviest I have ever been! My biggest obstacle is fast food. I work at 2 locations Monday through Friday. My biggest pit fall is Dairy Queen. I can get a meal with ice cream for just under $10...but the "low" cost comes with high calories/carbs, etc.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Happy Sunday,

    Laura, Welcome!! Okay you have hit your top, now time to go down the slope slowly.

    Fast food - okay $10 I understand and the "payback" is not good. Take as many foods with your when you work on location - fruit/cheese sticks/raw nuts so that when you go to fast food places you are not starving and eat more modestly. Can you also increase excercise to balance things out a little? Can you substitute another drink for soda?

    My "illness" on Friday was my cycle. I have to call a dr. I have not had one for 3 years and I am too old to "need" one - so gyno hell for me. Need to do it. Rewards will be created.

    Wishing all a good Mothers Day (a little late). Stay safe and sane out there.