People/Things at the gym that piss you off?..



  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    I haven't posted on these threads before, but lately two things have been happening that bother me, and both are while I am working out with my personal trainer in the early a.m. (6-6:45), when you'd think that people who are serious about their own workouts would be focused on themselves and not others. Kyle and I work out primarily in the weight lifting section (pulley machines, benches or free weights) or at the edge of it, where he can set up TRX or suspended rings for my workout.

    1. There is this guy who always stops to watch what I am doing. I've told my personal trainer that the guy makes me very self-conscious and my PT thinks the guy is impressed and interested in the workouts I'm doing, but that doesn't make me feel better. Now my personal trainer blocks the guy's line of sight to where I am and when the guy moves to be able to see, Kyle moves again to block him. You'd think he'd get the message!

    2. People who walk up to my PT and try to talk to him while he is working with me. That is so rude! Fortunately, his standard response is "Hey, man, I'll catch you later, okay?"
  • elizabethzdrodowski
    elizabethzdrodowski Posts: 1 Member
    I agree! People on the treadmill either chatting with their friend or on the phone. If I can hear you OVER my iPhone/earbuds, you are too freaking loud. I always give them "the teacher stare" until they go away or shut up.
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    People who fart REPEATEDLY in the weight/cardio room. I can understand having an errant toot (we're all human) but when the entire room smells like old cheesy eggs/gym socks/a sewer because you keep bombing the place, it's time for you to leave. This one dude would always fart on the treadmill and keep it up for the duration of his 30 minute treadmill workout....rude! And I knew it was him too because we were frequently the only two people in the room and I know I wasn't responsible for the stench. :sick:
  • Tenster
    Tenster Posts: 278 Member
    - People who throw the weights down after a set.
    - Slow music which makes me want to lie down or go to sleep
    - People who lift heavy with bad form
    - When people bicep curl on the squat rack
    - When i see overweight people toddle along on a cross skier

    Loads more....
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    the "wolfpack" of buff guys who come to the gym to do a couple reps then hunt down some girls..
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Taking a class, girl comes in late or later than you and has to move into your spot. So they slowly move closer and closer till you either smack them or have to move somewhere else. Or those who just refuse to give you the space to workout, arms length as best as possible people. if there is room next to you, move over.

    Leaving your stuff on the machine in between sets even though you are stretching, let others do a set in between.

    Lifting in front of the rack so you can't get your weights.

    Missing weights because someone took them to a different room and didn't bring them back.

    This didn't happen to me, but my daughter's girlfriend. Kid is 19yo and starting a lifting routine, she tiny and thin and not strong yet. So she was struggling to lift the lightest weight on the machine and these two big guys stared and her and then one said something to the other and they laughed. I mean she is a kid, she is going to feel self conscious, be aware and don't be mean.

    People come to do a workout, but don't put any effort into it. You see it in classes a lot, they just kind of move and don't even look they are trying. Its in the attitude and movement.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Circuit trainers and equipment hogs.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Probably pretty general, but I see it the most at the gym.

    People who can't park their cars between the little lines they paint on the ground for you to park them in....

    I'm not sure if it's the "me now" generation who just don't care about anything but themselves, or if they literally can't get the car into the cubicle with imaginary sides.

    I think it's a mix....
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)
    DYEL x2
    so wait a second. ive got 405 on the bar doing deadlifts..I hit it 5 times with perfect form and 2-1-4 range and you turn into a biotch cuz im giving my atp and glyco levels some time to catch up to the 3 scoops of jacked and hemavol I took?

    DYEL x3

    DYEL x 4

    DYEL x 5