

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    It's Monday!!!

    Well I didn't track yesterday I really didn't do much but lay in bed went to church came home and was in bed basically the rest of the day. So I start my crazy week today. I won't have really any downtime, so I think it'll be a good week to keep me on track. It looks like the board was quiet over the weekend, hopefully I'll get to see everybody back here today.

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi girls just wanted to share with you got great result with scan today the tumour hasnt grown so they will re scan me in 6 months time & monitor but expect it to be very slow xxx thanks for all the prayers & thoughts ill be able to return to work next month ive been off since january so im really looking forward to it have a blessed day kate xxx
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    good morning lovelies i have zumba clsss today then taking mum & dad out for meal later hopefully see small loss at thursday wi kate x
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning gals

    My computer died so I'm typing off my phone I hope y'all have a good day I didn't eat much yesterday nerves got the best of me so I don't know that's a good thing but that's what it is..
    I'm not get my walks and either life a little bit crazy right now this week it's going to be super crazy I'm gonna check in when I can then Dankaa:I'm so proud of your report that is just good news
    Jackie keep up the good work
    health guard:you're doing great I love your enthusiasm
    slight edge:your company is gone you need to come see us
    Karla:hoping you're enjoying your vacation

    I know I'm forgetting someone I'm sorry I hope you guys have a great day
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Hello to all!! I hope this week is better than last week. My youngest grand-son shared his sore throat and cough with me. Gee, thanks! Not. I am starting to feel better but it seems like the cough hangs around forever. The only good thing about not feeling well is, for a couple of days I didn't really have an appetitite.
    peruvianswee.. your stir-fry looked delicious. I love some stir-fry.
    cbabie.. sorry your computer died. Glad you had a good time with your grand-daughter. Grand-kids are awesome, when they don't share their colds. Lol.
    health guard.. Hope your scratchy throat is all gone. What are "EO Theives" for your feet?
    dankas001.. Zumba is fun. The last time I did it I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Lol.
    bugmom92.. I hope you are feeling better too.
    sonkissed... It is awesome your Son is a chef. I hope you all had a good time.
    Okay, I better get off here and go do my exercise. I think I will do one of my Leslie Sansone Walking Tapes, I really like them. Not as boring as my treadmill. I prefer to walk outside but I am not a fan of going alone. Sometimes my sisters and neice go with me when they can. Have a blessed day!!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,250 Member
    cbabie Hope you have a good week I hate when I lose my computer. Do you have an Ipad or similar notebook? That's how I have to type now. My space bar doesn't work on my computer. But it beats typing on my phone.

    danka What fabulous news. What a relief. How was Zumba?

    health guard isn't it nice to walk in the cooler weather. I love this time of year. I don't mind company. Just this particular company. lol For a week. I guess it could have been longer. Can't please her no matter what. But then I inherited her through dh. So now I just please myself. New houses are so much fun. I'm 4 years in and still need some stuff. I keep finding things on the outside I want to do. I went looking at outdoor furniture today. I need more seating when I entertain. I only have two rocking chairs on the porch. I have some clothes with tags on them that I'm waiting to get into. I hate returning things. May not even be in style anymore though. I go through the bag each year and only keep what I really want.

    lore Sorry to hear you were sick I like Leslie Sansone too. I get a better workout calorie wise with her versus my treadmill.

    So company left last night. spent the evening driving back and forth to airport and then a good book and alone time. I ate too much calorie wise. I think I was celebrating. So back to it and I'm planning on taking a walk today.
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi everyone had great class again yesterday really enjoying zumba xx my hubby goes bac to work tonight im sticking to no food after 7.00 most of the time still having the odd hiccup had a lovely evening out with mum n dad hubby & mother in law made very wise choices stuck to diet soft drinks so hopefully ill get decent wi tomorrow have lovely day kate xx
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning gals this will be really short I'm out of town on business. MIssed my flight yesterday had a horrible time and yesterday was long. However I made it to the hotel I'm on my way to a meeting.? I want to check in. I had about a half a bag of peanuts yesterday and those peanut butter crackers that was my food yesterday, not a lot of walking either other than the airports, so I hope everybody has a good day I'll try to catch up on personal's but I don't know I'm in meetings most of the day today and tonight .

    Everything worked out and I learned a few things (some were expensive). But what can you do but learn and move on. Met some great people with a 4 hour layover. Lol.

  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Morning, spent my morning doing errands (mostly driving) and I'm pooped
    Gonna push through and go for a walk not sure yet, but hoping to do 5 km
    Have a happy hump day all!!!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!! I did my 4 mile Walking DVD yesterday and it was really good exercise. Today I am going to my Niece's house and we are going to do another Walking DVD. My two sisters will be there. It is always more fun to exercise with people. It seems to make the time go by faster. Have a good day everyone!!!
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA...took a bit to recuperate from our convention 2 weekends ago, went out of town with hubby for our anniversary last weekend, and been crazy prepping for my class tomorrow and a convention this weekend. I will have time to sit and catch up after class tomorrow, so I'll back read and do just that. Not been tracking or making the best choices, but not too bad. Today is my weigh in day (though I won't go to WW til tomorrow night) so I'm back to tracking and remembering to ask myself those questions every morning. Ate good today...I find that eating good balanced healthful meals is satisfying and helps me stay away from the sweets.
    So glad to see lots of posts here, and I'll respond personally tomorrow.
    Have a great day!
    Karla :-)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,250 Member
    healthguard Do you have any walking trails or parks that you could walk in where there are loads of people around?

    danka sounds like you are making good choices. Did you have a happy weigh in?

    cbabie sorry about your flight. flying can be a nightmare sometimes.

    jackie did you walk? I got in some walking yesterday with dh.

    lore Sounds like you have a good walking support system. That always helps

    karla You know when you don't check in with us your habits go by the wayside. So here's a question to add to your list each day. Have I checked in with my peeps?

    I've been having a party in my mouth it seems since my company left. I was under calories today just not anything nutritionally good. So time to stop this before it gets out of control.

    tracked under calories and carbs
    - for exercise at end of day
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi everyone gained 2lb this week oops didnt track everything but ill have agood week this week. did go nice brisk walk last night 45 mins its getting darker earlier now so ill try go out earlier tonight have a good day kate xx
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    edited September 2016
    Did 2km yesterday and 4 so far today,
    Started a new scrapbook project (my nephews 1st year) a great way to keep out of the snacks
    Speaking of snacks, I've even gone as far as counting and bagging my rice crackers, cause I know that 10 of them is 80 calories!
    I'm determined to get this weight gone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,250 Member
    jackie I love rice crackers. That's a good idea. I do that with my Doritos. I bag them up and put all the little bags in the original bag. I just haven't thought about it for the rice crackers.

    health guard What did you learn at your meeting?

    I did nothing today except some gardening. I ended up with a back ache because of it. Plus I've started sneezing and have the chills. So while I really need to exercise, I didn't. Just don't feel that good. And with not feeling well came bad choices. I must get off this insanity train. I haven't ridden it in a while.

    tracked over on cals and carbs
    gardening 36 min
    - for exercise at end of day
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Good Friday Morning Gals:

    I am back at home finally. I for sure did not make good choices. I was on a business trip for training, touring a manufacturing plant and it was in the midwest where food is plentiful and rich. I decided that I was going to enjoy their great beef, chicken, vegetables, but also their great cooking and deserts. We were given treats upon treats. My body is now is shock from all the sugar..LOL But it was only a week in my life, I have another one of those in October, but it's in CA and shouldn't have all the great cooking from the midwest. Oh it was cool, green, beautiful. :)

    Well it sounds like you guys are doing great, I see my friend Peru hasn't been here, hopefully you are reading in the background and just not posting.

    I will try to catch up on personals later, but not sure. I have alot of work to get done today. I am not going to get my walk in, got in really late last night and tired, but have to work and tomorrow is packed as well. I will get back on the walking trail tomorrow. I can't get off the good habits I had created before this week of tears and emotions.

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    I got out and mowed this morning and was almost finished and it started to rain. It was really light so I just kept on mowing. Lol. It actually felt pretty good. I also vacuumed the carpet and am tidying up. I have company coming in from out of town tomorrow and they will be here for 9 days. We always have a good visit but I may not get to post as much next week. We will have to see how it goes. Everyone have a great weekend! Good luck to all....
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 75 Member
    Busy day, lots of cleaning today at work and at home, lots of stairs, too many to even count (stopped counting after 8, down & up as 1 flight)
    Not the healthiest food choices but was under my cals!
    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi everyone xx beautiful sunny day today have my laundry out blowing in the wind & sun managed really well to stay within points yesterday & so far so good today. Helping out mum n dad tomorrow they are having new appliances delivered to their kitchen tomorrow but i know what my mum slike with flowing tea & goodies so ill try n stay on track hope your all well kate xx
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning, will try to get on later today..On my way to church to start the Christmas program practice at church...Got to get on the fast track back to begin day 1...