

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie, so sorry you are sick! <3 I’m still fighting a sinus infection and just want my head to feel clear again. One of the girls I work with talked me into ordering a neti pot so I’m waiting for it to arrive and see if that will help.

    @joannadavison, breakfast idea. Do you like Greek yogurt? That is high in protein and if you had some chopped pecans or walnuts that would give you some healthy fat and stay with you until lunchtime. Yayyy for your loss on the scale! :)

    @its_cleo, I hope the new chair does help your back and that it goes together easily. I looked up Palak Paneer and it looks yummy!! Hubby bought me a food processor for Christmas and that is something I could now make! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, haha! No, my mom is not a good cook. She is very basic and my knowledge of cooking came from Food Network and reading recipes. She is however very good at cleaning and any chore she feels like doing is going to be great with me. My sister who she lives with now is an OCD clean freak and I am much more relax, so mom is going to have to learn to chill until I get around to cleaning or do it herself. :D

    Good morning and hello to everyone who I didn’t mention above. <3 I got caught up with DH and I’m now running out of time to post much more. I’ve got a full day of work today and a workout when I come home. I got my mom’s room mostly cleaned out and yesterday we went up and bought her a recliner and a mattress. I went to the furniture store I used to work at and got a really good deal. The rest of her furniture is coming from another girl that I used to work with who is now at Ashley’s Furniture and she will also give me a great deal. Pays to know people! ;)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    Hello all! I stayed up too late last night and am paying for it this morning lol.

    @joannadavison You are welcome! Yes, I have been here for many years and love it! That's exactly where I live!!! :)

    @cbabie That's awful! I hope you feel better's awful to feel bad but even worse to feel sick twice in 30 days! Thank you re: the family member.

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you like the recipes. Thanks! I hope it is becoming a habit. I like taking a walk with DH and the gives us a chance to have a family meeting without calling it one...I wouldn't be able to have one if I called it that lol.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm sorry you are fighting a sinus infection, those can make you feel terrible. I'm glad you got good deals on your mom's furniture, it does help to know people!!!

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I was MIA this weekend. Friday I had yoga and drinks with friends, Saturday I had judo, ran errands, and had my SO's holiday party, and Sunday we had family lunch and friends over for dinner/movies. I am exhausted. Luckily I planned nothing for this upcoming weekend so I have some time to recover. I made okay food choices, but they were by no means stellar.

    Today I start my own spring term classes and classes start at my place of employment so it is absolutely crazy here. Sorry I can't connect with you all individually today, but I'll try to do better tomorrow.

    In other news, I completely forgot to weigh in this morning (re: exhaustion) so I guess I'll be doing that tomorrow!
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    edited January 2020
    @cbabie very busy group! I hope you feel better soon. You sound run down.

    @theslightedgeforever I love Pinterest. I've also got "A pinch of Nom" which has some good slow cooker recipes. They also have on-line blog.

    @TeresaW1020 I used to do overnight oats with greek, then later soya, yoghurt. Advised to drop oats to reduce carbs- like the idea of using high protein additions instead. Thanks.
    Looks like you're almost sorted for your Mom moving in.

    @trooworld -small world! What are the chances??? We could meet for a coffee!! I am looking fwd to real Tex-Mex food and craft shops. Any 'other than the obvious' tourist advice welcome. Planning on Zoo, Balboa, Coronado, USS Midway & Topgun sites! She works part-time at the Opera & freelances at various theatres.

    @mswatson0777 gosh- I thought my weekend was busy!!! Like you some of my choices weren't so great. I looked at details on Sunday & looked to tweek things. I've booked some pamper time for next weekend- hope you find some 'me' time too.

    Checked & analysed positive & negatives last night. Increased protein & decreased carbs but not at this months target regularly yet. Looking at further tweeks. Sugar cravings are a problem at the mo- need to find solution. Tired tonight- had eldest's parent's night (parent teacher Conference)- last one before final exams in May-June.eeek!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited January 2020
    @teresaw1020 I have a neti pot and I like it. I think the food processor is the #1 thing in my kitchen that I must have at all times. I honestly don't think I could cook with out it. I'm on my third one I think through the years. I'm laughing about the culture shock your mom will have moving in from an OCD house. The older I get, the more OCD I get. I'll admit it. Interestingly in every place but my bedroom. In my dining room the chairs need to be put back in the same place so the little round things on the bottom don't make more round indentations on my carpet. Your mom sounds like she's the same kind of cook mine was. I learned to cook just like you did. Yes, pays to know people. So in all this getting ready for mom business, are you making good food choices?

    @trooworld Hopefully you'll get to take more walks and make that a habit. Saturday is the day I walk with my hubby. I don't remember how it started. We've always gone to breakfast on that day but then one day afterwards we went to the mall and we walked. Then I mentioned it again. Now we just do it out of habit. We tried walking outside and different venues but he didn't like it. He just likes walking the mall for some reason even though he used to complain about mall walkers. lol

    @mswatson0777 Sometimes all we can do is okay and then next time we'll do stellar. That's the way I look at it. It's a life long journey and we can't do stellar all the time. Same thing for checking in individually with the group. Sometimes I can do everyone and sometimes it's all about me. I'm learning "no guilt" over this. The important thing is I checked in. That means I'm focused on my journey. I'm putting it first. I do think of it as my AA meeting.

    @joannadavison I'll have to check out a Pinch of Nom. I also like Taste of Home. I used to get their magazines and would love looking through them and trying new recipes. Especially the sweet treats. lol Then I got to a place where I was getting fatter and fatter and decided I'd better cancel that subscription. Now I'm more balanced and I subscribe to their emails where they send me digital recipes and such. Along with Teresa's greek yogurt recipe, I add in either blueberries or a diced apple and layer it with the yogurt and walnuts. I put it in a wine glass so it's festive and pretty and eat it that way. With your positives and negatives, are you heading in the right direction? That's the important thing. If the gap is too big from where you are to where you want to go then the brain will start fighting you on this. It doesn't want you to change. But change comes in small tweeks. So you'll get there.

    Green Day- Stayed OP 223/238 carbs Exercise-Rest Day

    January Week 2 goal: 3 glasses of water daily. Met goal 3/6 days This water thing hasn't worked so well the last 2 days. Back at it.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    Good morning everyone! I got a "GOOD" rating for sleep on my FitBit for Sunday night for the first time ever...usually it is "POOR" lol. I can only attribute it to the relaxing bath I took before bed: I soaked in a bath with scented Epsom salts while reading a book and drinking a wine spritzer and listening to music. It was very, very relaxing! My sleep was back to "POOR" last night...maybe I'll have to take another bath lol.

    @mswatson0777 Wow, what a busy weekend! But fun, I'm sure. Good luck this week with the first week back!

    @joannadavison I would love that! Message me privately and I'll give you my cell number. What kinds of things are you interested in and maybe I can give you some "other than the obvious"?

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I wish I had time during the week but that doesn't really work out. I do enjoy it on the weekend though. That's funny he used to complain about mall walkers now he IS a mall walker lol.

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited January 2020
    @mswatson0777, just remember to take a moment every now and again to breathe. ;)

    @joannadavison, I hear you about having to figure out how to manage carbs and sugar cravings. Since I went off Keto my eating has been a little wacky. Just because I can now eat carbs shouldn't mean I eat all the carbs! :D

    @theslightedgeforever, I used the neti pot for the first time last night. It was like jumping in a pool and forgetting to hold my nose! :# I'll keep it up and see if I can get used to it and get the benefits from it. My sister once had this rug under her dining table that had fringe on it and she was obsessed with that fringe always being perfect. One day my brother-in-law had enough and cut the fringe off the rug. That didn't go over very well! :D>:) I am doing pretty good with my eating. I'm really working on just eating food and trying to get a calorie deficit. It's weird not having a particular "diet" plan to follow and I admit to feeling a bit lost but I also really like it. The scale was down again this morning! :)

    @trooworld, yes it sounds like you need to incorporate a bath into your routine so you can get a good night's sleep. You made that all sound so lovely that I think I need to take a bath now! :D

    Good morning! :) So, yesterday I started week three of my BOD workout LIIFT 4 and the trainer on the TV convinced me to up my weights. It was triceps day and some of the sets I used my new 12 lb. weights. I thought I would be dying today but I'm barely hurting. I think that is a good thing! Today is biceps so maybe tomorrow I will be dying. One thing that is annoying me is that my knees haven't been happy with all the squats and lunges so yesterday during the HIIT portion I just jumped on my treadmill and walked at a really fast pace. I got my heart rate up and didn't hurt my knees. Gotta make it work for me, right? ;) Tonight my ladies Bible study starts back up and I'm excited to be with the girls again. Have a great day! <3
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @joannadavison I love that you've booked some pamper time just for you. I hope it ends up being a very relaxing weekend! I have no advice on sugar cravings. I have to fit in a sweet treat every day or I straight up binge

    @TeresaW1020 Great job adjusting your workout to fit your body! And 12lb weights are impressive!!!

    @trooworld That bath sounds so dreamy! I used to love bubble baths but have gotten out of the habit again, maybe I need to start!

    @theslightedgeforever You're absolutely right! I had a favorite blogger who used the term "What you can, when you can" (wycwyc). Basically you make the best choice you can at that moment. I need to embrace my WYCWYC lifestyle, since I'm definitely in a crazy time of life.

    So apparently my scale wasn't a dirty liar (or it was artificially high since it was running out of batteries). Either way I recorded the weight since that's my new normal now. Next week's weight loss will feel more like a "win" since I'll know it's legit, but I'm still excited to be over 2lbs down since my weigh in before the holidays!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @mswatson0777 congrats on the loss! Every time I type your name it makes me think of James Bond.

    @TeresaW1020 lot os people love the neti pot, I’m not sure if I could use it.

    @trooworld sounds like a nice bath. I think I would stress out over the fitbit at night lol. Last night I dreamed I was on vacation somewhere. It was nice.

    @joannadavison a trip to Socal, I’m jealous. I want to go on vacation but I can’t seem to get it together to organize.

    @theslightedgeforever food processor is that like a blender?

    So I’m pretty much still like Eeyore I don’t know what’s wrong with me. A lot of little things. My credit card that was compromised still hasn’t been replaced and the bank still hasn’t refunded the money from the fraudulent charge and they’ve screwed up my online account. Then yesterday I thought I lost my wallet and cancelled my other cards.

    It’s my own fault, just not paying attn.

    I’m on track with calories but really struggling to get my usual exercise done. It’s all emotional. I did see my trainer last night but he’s off now for 10 days.

    Anyway I will try again tomorrow.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Afternoon all,
    I am a little better, but I came home from work 2 days in a row and took a nap. I told my DH, I had to get some rest or I would be sick forever and I am not a good sick person. My GGD, has not been sleeping well today, I am hoping the two teeth finally come through. I am not tracking or watching per say what I am eating...I just want to get well. I still have had no "sweets" . I wonder now if I would eat the half of the birthday cake that is in my freezer if I would OD..LOL . But I am determined to get my health back!!! I just ordered lots of things I put off due to tight budgets from Young Living, but know I can't do that. My health is too important. So that's done and 2 days of naps..what has happened to the person who always take care of everyone around her? LOL . I am sure she will come back.

    @its_cleo My girlfriend loves Eeyore . She is kind of like him. :) I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. I hope you bank steps up and takes care of you!!! I still think you and I have a lot in common...I couldn't do the Neti pot either...I can not even take medicine that tastes icky...But then I don't know, I guess we also would do what we had to do to get I have learned to not say never. " I just think it" . LOL

    @mswatson0777 remember take care of you..sounds like your running on air or steam right now. We are just glad you checked in so we don't have to send the hounds out after you. LOL .

    @TeresaW1020 yes it pays to know people, especially in the furniture world. I am so glad you are getting things in place. Yea we have too many OCD people in our home. I am learning to relax a little, but still things bug please move your chair back under the table when you are done..LOL . This is another season of life, you have a great attitude! You are doing great!

    @trooworld I always get poor on sleep, yes sounds like the bath is an add in your schedule.. I liked your family meeting comment. My DH always hated family meetings..that meant it was always his fault. LOL

    @joannadavison take one thing at a time. make the little tweaks, it's now all or nothing, it's everyday living. You got this. Its good you are analyzing and retooling..LOL .

    @theslightedgeforever It's funny how we reverse roles in our lives..LOL . You are doing great and I am so glad you have a program that works for you. I still have only used my food processor 3 times..I am hoping I get to cook more one of these days. But for me..I would rather chop by hand that clean the processor...OMG I am mom..LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld I'm always in the "FAIR" category partly because it registers the hour I sit and watch TV while laying in bed as being awake then I'll go into a light sleep according to it then awake and so forth. I am not sleeping. lol
    So you can make a weekend habit. Now how is the food tracking going?

    @teresaw1020 Neti-pot: Yes, slightly hold the head forward and to the side. Took a couple of times for me to get the hang of it. Yaaaay on the scale being down again. Your "plan" is working. It's Teresa's plan. Yes, personalize your exercise plan too.

    @mswatson0777 I'm pretty well the same about sweet treats. It works better for me to just control the portion sizes than avoidance. I love that wycwyc That's great about your scale. Either way you are down 2 lbs. Whichever story keeps you motivated.

    @its_cleo Food processor is more like a slicer/dicer/shredder thingy. But I also make bread dough and cake mixes, etc in it. Eeyore is my favorite character from that book/cartoon. He's a great friend. I'd have to slap Tigger if I was around him all the time. Sorry about the bank stuff. My anxiety would be through the roof. I never used to have anxiety but I've become worse as I age. I have to talk myself down. Woohoo on being on track with your calories. That's usually the hardest thing for you.

    @cbabie Please put your chair back under the table. :D:D:D That bugs me too. Especially when we are out at a restaurant and people in my family just get up and walk away from the table. There I am scooting all the chairs under the table and they are already in the car. I had that conversation at my house tonight. I have a new helper for my mil and she had been sitting at the dining room table. She left the chair askew and it was making an imprint on the carpet in the wrong place. Didn't I just talk about that pet peeve of mine recently on this group? lol I bet she was thinking REALLY, LADY? It takes seconds to move the chair back in place. I'm just glad to have the help so most of the time I keep my mouth shut but some things just need to be said. lol Actually I thought of you when I wrote food processor the other day. I was thinking, I bet she still hasn't used it. lol It is so easy to clean except when I make dough in it. Think of the time you will save on all that chopping. Unless that's therapeutic for you. My friend likes to iron for that reason. Yuck. I'm so glad you put yourself first and took 2 naps. End of time must be near. ;)

    Green Day: Stayed OP 229/238 Exercise-Rest Day

    My company is leaving tomorrow morning so next week I'll be back off maintenance and back on regular plan. I think this first trial at maintenance plan will have worked unless the scale changes drastically before Thursday morning. But it will be 4 red days next weeks. I can do this. I've done it before.

    January Week 2 goal: 3 glasses of water daily. Met goal 3/7 days :s

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I don't think I would like the neti pot lol! I took another bath last night. My sleep wasn't as good as the first night but it was better than usual. Yes, go take a bath!!! Way to make it work for you, yes, make it customized for you and your body!!! <3 Have a great day!

    @mswatson0777 Up to this point, I have hated baths lol. But I did enjoy that bath, with some nice jazz music playing and my wine spritzer, and my book...low was really nice! I highly recommend it! ;) Yay for the scale being honest!!!

    @its_cleo It really was, and I usually hate baths lol. The FitBit at night sometimes bothers me, it sometimes wakes me up or I get worried about what it's going to I don't always wear it. When's your next vacation??? Maybe it's a sign you need to take one? I'm sorry you are feeling like Eeyore. That's a terrible ordeal you are going through with your credit cards. I hope it gets straightened out soon.

    @cbabie I'm glad you are getting some naps in. You have done so well with no sweets!!! You are a model for us all. I'm glad I'm not alone with the poor sleep. I had another bath last night. It was good but didn't make me sleep as well as the first bath but I will keep it up when I can. lol to your comment about your DH and family meetings.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah yeah, it's definitely not perfect (the sleep tracking). My food tracking is on point. Thanks for asking. I'm sure you've enjoyed your company but will be glad to get back to your routine.

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @trooworld Especially with the wine and the book that sounds so dreamy! I can't wait for this weekend when I have some downtime so I can get some relaxation like that in!

    @theslightedgeforever Way to go with the maintenance plan! I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in weight loss and forget the importance of also understanding how we can maintain our weight.

    @cbabie You've got to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. I'm counting down to this weekend since I purposefully made 0 plans so I can focus entirely on self care. I hope you feel better soon!

    @its_cleo I totally relate to your Eeyore meme. I get like that about once a month *cough cough hormones*. Even though I know it's coming it still feels awful to be in the middle of. I hope everything sorts it out with your cards and you start to feel mentally healthier soon.

    We made it to Wednesday!!!! I ended up training with a young kid yesterday (okay...probably 19-20 year old, but he seemed REALLY young) and of course he was spazzy and now my back feels off today. I did yoga this morning and gentle stretching, but it means I didn't sleep very well last night which was frustrating. I also ended snapping at my SO twice yesterday for things I probably wouldn't normally snap about so I was clearly not doing well yesterday. Hopefully today is better, work already feels calmer which is much needed. Counting down for the weekend!
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I'm pleased I'm mot only one who sees OCD getting worse with age. Pinch of Nom was started by 2 chefs who joined Slimming World (not sure if that's just UK or global), they pointed recipes for SW & WW. They have blog & searchable on-line recipes. I'm definitely moving towards goal for this month- even if I get half way there, that is huge step. I'm all about little changes & habit change at the mo. Commit- in it for long haul. I even got my tutor group to have a word of year!
    You can definitely do this back on plan.

    @trooworld I'll have to find out how to send pm's! I'm also trying to improve sleep. I'm getting closer to 7 hours but I find sometimes it's not logging. I got a Ragdale Hall Spa "pack" for Christmas & it had the lavender "sleep" spray- appears to help.
    We are hoping to go to Zoo etc, USS Midway, maybe drive up to Disney. Might get onto some Military/Naval bases (sister's BFF is retired senior rank with connections). I also want to tour craft shops that sell scrapbooking supplies & Happy Planner supplies- there used to be independent ones but struggling to find them- my favourite (I used to email & they'd pick stash for my sis to buy for me) has closed.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm pleased I haven't craved sugar today! I like the cross trainer- takes pressure off my back & old knees!

    @mswatson0777 well done on loss. I've binged a bit with sugar- just little ones & tracked but need to get over it. Really looking fwd to Saturday-hair colour & style.
    Haha-"training with a kid" I like ppl watching when I train when using crosstrainer or stair master- quite a few younger weight lifters- find their effort motivating & I do like watching the muscles work! I've got some yoga advice from a crafter friend- I am hoping it might help my back. So fed up of muscle stiffness.

    @its_cleo oh no!! More card hassle. I hope you can get sorted soon. We are so dependent on cards these days. I can relate re:eyeore. It's one of the few Disney pandora charms I have. My kids thought it was like me!!

    @cbabie sorry you're still feeling ill. Hope you feel better soon. It's worth just taking time out to recuperate.

    Went to dentist for lower tooth today. Supposed to be simple but needed root canal once he got in. Decay was right up to nerve- ooooooowwwwww.
    It's packed & temporarily filled to be finished next appt. I am very grateful for our NHS at times like this- it costs but not much for the price of the procedure.
    I have another part-time day tomorrow so rearranged personal training as it was supposed to be today.
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @cbabie -Rest is a good idea, I hope you're feeling better soon.

    @joannadavison -Going to the dentist is the worst, too bad I love my teeth so much

    @theslightedgeforever - You got this, you've made a plan and you're sticking to it.

    @trooworld- a bath before bed sounds like a great idea, it's been along time since I've soaked in a tub, it's also been long time since I've had a good nights sleep-- coincidence?

    @mswatson0777 Good job on the 2lbs.

    Tonight has been hard for me, I have the munchies so bad, so I'm here typing on my computer instead. It's been a long day, work has been a pain, there are a lot of special projects going on, which means long days. I feel my motivation waning, so I need to change up my routine a bit.

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all, getting back to my routine. Still eating too much candy, but have been getting on treadmill, so getting my steps in. Yesterday DH came in & said so nice outside, lets go for a walk. I looked at the thermometer & it said 33, didn't sound so nice to me, but we went anyway. Wasn't too bad as long as not in the wind & I enjoyed the fresh air.

    @trooworld Your bath sounded relaxing. I always wear my Fitbit to bed. Doesn't seem to bother me, but sometimes the report is frustrating. Don't get as much deep sleep as I think I need, lol.

    @joannadavison Ouch on your tooth. Yeah, found out how expensive root canals can be when dh needed one this fall!

    @its_cleo Hope your bank gets things straightened out.

    @TeresaW1020 Hope your neti pot helps you. I use a Sinus Rinse bottle which squirts water in your nostril. Not sure I am coordinated enough to get the neti pot to work, lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Congrats on staying on plan with company. My brother's dog is also called Freckles.

    @mswatson0777 You sound so busy!! Hope today was a better day.

    @cbabie Glad you have been able to get a few naps. I am terrible without sleep. Is Young Living the oils? I had said about gs having a cold, & dd said she used some oils on him & thought it did better than the cough medicine.
    She gave me a diffuser & some oil for Christmas, but haven't started it yet.

    Well, hope everyone has a great next few days. (Figure I probably won't be on til then, lol)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld I'm so glad you are doing well with your tracking. I actually did very well with my plan and her being here. My goal was to maintain during the two week stay and I checked and lost 0.5 lb total so that would be right on spot. Now back to losing some more weight.

    @mswatson0777 My goal for 2019 was to learn to maintain 65 days out of the year. First 14 days I did fine. Then I helped my daughter move cross-country and it seemed that week long of eating out every meal and not exercising plus not weighing put on 9 lbs. Then I maintained that for a week until I returned home. But damage done. Then those last two weeks I just finished cause I postponed them. So really it was only one week but boy was it a week. Lessons learned though. I really wasn't following a plan back then other than calorie counting. Let me check to see if I tracked my food that week. Nope. Another big lesson.

    @joannadavison I wonder if it's a control thing. As I age I might feel I'm losing control(kids, body, mind) so it comes out in things I can control if that makes sense. I do know it drives my family nuts. Especially the thing of Did I lock the door? Yaaay on all the little steps that you are taking. That will get you there. The book I'm reading now is Mini Habits for Weight Loss. Ouch on the tooth.

    @nighthazel01 Good for you for finding a distraction when really all you wanted to do was munch. If we can just get past those little windows of time we will win this war.

    @retiredandlovingit I don't get as much deep sleep either but can't really control that. 33 degrees doesn't sound like a fun walk but then it would be better than walking in -2 degrees. Kudos to you for walking. Another Freckles. Yaaay. I miss her. So do you have a plan to cut back on the candy? Is that the only thing preventing you from getting to goal or other things?

    Red Day- Stayed OP 100/100 carbs. Exercise Didn't do anything. :( More like a "company is gone and I'm not going to do anything day"

    January Week 3 goal: 3 glasses of water daily. Met goal 0/7 days

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    @mswatson0777 It was! I do hope you can find some time to get some similar relaxation. <3 Hang in there, the weekend is nearly upon us!!!

    @joannadavison I just sent you a PM! I just clicked on your name, and then clicked on "SEND A MESSAGE". I also have lavender-scented Epsom salts, I'll try those now that my other scent is out. Maybe that will help more than the scent I was using (spearmint with peppermint). I'm glad to hear that you are getting better sleep. I used to want a Happy Planner, they look so cool, but then I realized I am more a digital person. Maybe someday I will get one though. All your activities sound fun and a perfect way to explore San Diego. Let me do some thinking and I'll see if I can come up with any other suggestions. Oooooow to your tooth! I've had root canals too, I know the pain! I hope you feel better today.

    @nighthazel01 Maybe so! Give it a try. ;) At least you are on the computer typing instead of munching, WTG...computing is a good distraction.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt That's great you went for a walk. 33 is cold!!! My bath was relaxing! Maybe it's my band, I have a metal band I got from Amazon.

    @theslightedgeforever That's great, congrats!

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie, I’m glad to read that you are feeling better and that you are putting your health as a priority. <3

    @theslightedgeforever, last night I found myself looking at different diets and then I said NO, I’m doing MY diet and it’s going to work!! I love how you have made it work for you having your company and now you are back on your plan. That is how it should be, isn’t it? :)

    @mswatson0777, ugghh a hurt back is the worst! I hope you are feeling better now. <3

    @joannadavison, that is too bad that you have to have a root canal. That is great about your sugar cravings? How have they been today? :)

    @nighthazel01, changing your routine is a good idea when you are stressed and feeling like turning to food. I’m working on that too! :)

    @RetiredAndLovingIt, yes that Sinus Rinse bottle is actually what I have too. I just called it a neti pot because I assumed they are about the same thing. Water up the nose!! Still not liking it but I have 100 of those little pre-mixed packets so I’m committed to it. ;)

    @trooworld, how is the sleep coming along? I can’t wear my FitBit at night. It moves up my wrist and annoys me, which wasn’t helping my sleep at all. I do miss all those extra steps I was getting up through the night going pee. :D

    @ its_cleo, you are in my thoughts that things are going to get better for you very soon! <3

    Good morning! I've been crazy busy the last couple of days. We had to pay a guy to come to take apart my treadmill and move it to the other room, so now that is all done and my workout/storage room is combined and my mom's new room is all cleared out for her. I also reorganized my kitchen, which is something I was going to do anyway. I'm heading off now for my weekly staff meeting. Have a great day! :)

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @joannadavison That sounds so painful! I am intensely jealous of your country's medical system. I'm fortunate that I have good health insurance, but there are so many people who are uninsured or under-insured that it hurts my heart. I hope now that the procedure is over you feel better!

    @TeresaW1020 it sounds like you've had a busy week! It's always so nice to get projects done that have been looming over us for awhile.

    @trooworld SO excited it's Thursday! How are your January goals going?

    @theslightedgeforever 9lbs in a week?! That is bananas! That is honestly my fear with the upcoming cruise since I think that happens to a lot of people. I'm going to focus on going to the restaurants instead of the buffet for my meals since the restaurants have their healthier choices starred and the portions are pre-set. It will also keep me away from grazing all day. I have to remind myself that this vacation is NOT ABOUT THE FOOD! It's about the experiences, and I can have amazing experiences (including food experiences) while still keeping my health in mind.

    @RetiredandLovingIt 33 degrees sounds like a dream. I woke up to below zero temperatures (January is a rough month in the north!)

    @nighthazel01 Are there low calorie snacks you can fit into your budget and munch on when the urge comes? I often find the chewing sensation is sometimes what I'm craving. I tend towards pre-cut veggies, low calorie popcorn, gum, or a hot tea with stevia and almond milk.

    One day closer to the weekend! I'm still pretty sore (didn't help I still went to a 2 hour class last night...whoops). I will rest up over the next two days before my Saturday class. The problem is I'm addicted to the endorphin rush after class, and I miss seeing the people when I'm not there. I hope everyone has a good Thursday and makes good food choices! I have a coworker happy hour so I know it'll be a challenge, but I'm going to do my best!