

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I haven’t been on in ages. Hope everyone is doing well. Don’t have the time to get caught up. I say this ever time that I am going to check in daily and I don’t.

    Been doing alright. Just trying to get back at things more serious. Hockey should be winding down by middle of February so hopefully will have more time. Did a weight workout today and plan to hit the treadmill tom.

    Changed my goal weight from 135 to 140. Once I hit 140 will reacess. Currently sitting at 155. Have major toning to do as well.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Sounds like you had a good little meal with your protein bar/sausage/banana. Each day I feel a bit better but the lingering cough is still there. I did look at the Women's Health magazine challenge and once I get back to some real exercise want to start that. Although at this point I'll probably due half to start off. The energy levels just aren't there.

    @mswatson0777 B's get degrees! I like that. Yes they do. Plus it's so much less stress on your body. My dd was losing hair and her periods stopped during school at one point. But thankfully that's all over and she's working now which she says is stressful too. lol I said just wait til you become a mom. >:) I'm glad you got in some self-care. The cruise will be here soon and just enjoy the time away. Part of health is relaxing our bodies and minds.

    @its_cleo I think arthritis is common now because of all the additives and junk they put into the foods we eat. I'm reading a book on that subject right now. What I'm focusing with on my hubby is not to avoid the inflammatory foods but to increase the anti-inflammatory foods. It's easier that way. Legumes, fruits and veggies. I'd be up for citizen senior discounts. Especially for pie. lol You sound like you are in a much better place right now. I'd like to have a makeup artist come visit every morning and take care of my undereye bags, dark circles, and red skin.

    @joannadavison I'm getting there. Well despite your little mishap you look like you have a plan to get right back to it tomorrow. That's what it takes to stay consistent.

    Yellow Day- Stayed OP 162/164 Exercise 10 min

    February goal- 3 glasses of water- check

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hello everyone! Boy, yesterday was a crappy day. On my way to work, I rear-ended someone. Luckily, it was from a dead stop so I didn't hit them hard, but it was enough to cause them to make a claim. :( I don't need the added stress or the added cost to my insurance (my insurance said that if it costs more than $1,000 to fix their car my insurance will go up. They had an expensive car so I'm sure it will). The good news is that today, I'm going to work early and I get off early! So that's nice.

    @mswatson0777 Yeah, it's a bit of a pain to make, especially during the week! But it was delicious! Bs do get degrees and you will be fine! I used to stress over my grades but I graduated with a B average and nobody asks me what my GPA in grad school was. It did matter a bit going INTO grad school (I had to have a B average to get into my grad school), but not once I graduated I got my dream job and am living my dream life and you will too lol so don't stress it. :)

    @its_cleo Thanks. Some days are better than others. My husband is like that (a klutz in the kitchen and drops things) lol.

    @joannadavison I'm glad your Hunter's Chicken was good. I started collecting the recipes years ago, and have collected them over the years and add to them practically every day so the collection continues to grow. It's quite unmanageable lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, it was a good breakfast. That's good you have something to look forward to. ;)

    February goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, I am so sorry about the accident! I hope their repair comes under $1000 so your insurance doesn’t go up. Yayyy for coming home early from work! I hope you have an enjoyable evening. And I’m glad to read that you found a breakfast you like! :)

    @renaegry, glad you are doing well! Come when you can and at least say hello. :)

    @joannadavison, you have a lot going on and I hope that you at least try to take some time to take care of yourself. <3

    @its_cleo, glad that you are doing OK. I’ve been really working on tracking my calories and keeping it at my goal so I understand how hard it can be. Have you tried other calorie calculators to measure against what MFP tells you? If you are really hungry then maybe your body is telling you to eat more. :)

    @mswatson0777, sounds like you are in a good headspace and having a dream where you are on vacation is a great way to wake up! I have a friend who is on a cruise and keeps posting lovely photos of herself on FB having a great time. I’m soooo jealous!! :D

    @theslightedgeforever, the back is better but it’s always something that I have to be mindful of. I lost a half-pound in January which doesn’t make me happy at all, but at least it wasn’t a gain! I’m really trying to do better this month. I hope your plan to drink more water doesn’t involve you getting sick again!! :o

    @cbabie, are you tracking what you eat? You need to put the peanut butter on your tracker and not eat more than you have allowed yourself. You need to find a plan that you can stick to and one that fits your lifestyle. And maybe you need to get rid of the peanut butter like I did and bring it back once you feel that you can control it and not let it control you. I know that you will figure it all out! <3

    Good morning everyone! :) So, last night I was faced with another temptation. The ladies Bible study is doing a book where the author ends each chapter with a recipe and one of the ladies brought in a huge dish of Fiesta Dip and chips. This time I choose to have just a little along with the other ladies because this woman had gone to the trouble and I wanted to make her feel like it was worth it. The dip was so good!! I wanted more but I didn’t go back for seconds and when I got home, I tracked it! It did put me over my calories for the day but the scale was down this morning! B)
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @its_cleo I feel you on the bad skin thing. I had horrible acne when I was younger (that still hasn't entirely gone away, nor do I think it ever will) and it definitely takes away any 'youthful glow' I could hope for. There are times I debate fillers, but who's got the time or the money?

    @Joannadavison A full day of teaching AND parents night!? No wonder you struggled with food yesterday. I hope today goes smoother for you

    @TeresaW1020 Way to go on enjoying treats in moderation! And the scale down is definitely a great reward!

    @trooworld That is so stressful getting into an accident, I'm glad everyone was okay and it was minor! I hope your insurance doesn't go up too much!

    @theslightedgeforever Your daughter must have entered into a very stressful field! I'm stressed but luckily my hair is staying put (I wouldn't be TOO devastated if my period went away for a bit lol)

    @renaegry We're weightloss twinsies! I just hit 156, so lets motivate each other to get into the 140s!

    I have -20 motivation at work today. I just keep dreaming about warm weather and sandy beaches. On the bright side, my stress bubble has broken and I'm starting to feel a lot more zen about things. Downside is the clock is moving at the speed of slow. I weighed in this morning and stayed the same on the scale which I could as a win after my chinese food/wine night. Now hopefully I can maintain or only have a small gain during vacation!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Sorry to hear about the accident. You certainly don't need another stressor in your life. I'm certainly losing it as I thought what do I have to look forward to and had to go back and reread what I wrote yesterday. lol Exercise. Right now I just want to flip a switch and be good as new. Or drink a bunch of red bulls. So what good choices did you make today?

    @teresaw1020 I hope I don't get sick again either. Although I feel the first round really hasn't left me yet. I think I need a good date with my Neti pot. My plan involved tying in a mug of water with an activity versus me saying I need to go drink 3 cups. That's what all my habit books say. Tie it in with something that you are already doing. Piggyback it. So that's my plan. Worked well the first day, today not so much. So we try again tomorrow. That was a huge win for you. You tried the dip. You didn't go back for seconds. You tracked it. Scale was down. Now repeat at next gathering.

    @mswatson0777 My dd started in biochem then after all that flipped to biomed. She went to med school for Surgical Asst and now working at Mayo. First season of Grey's Anatomy she wanted to be a surgeon. She was 14. lol Then she decided at the end of her junior year she did not want to keep going to school forever as she put it. She decided on becoming a Physcian Asst. But couldn't get accepted into med school. Then the med school contacted her and said what about a Surgical Asst. So she gets to do what she loves and not have the stress of the surgeon she says nor the malpractice insurance load. I wish I was triplets with you and @renaegry. I do have the 56 part of it. I'll turn 56 on Tuesday. That's hard to believe. But if I could live as old as Kirk Douglas, I'd only be half way there. Perception. So back to my healthy habits.

    Yellow Day- Stayed OP 156/164 No exercise

    February goal- Drink 3 glasses :(
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hello everyone! Well, yesterday was a better day and hopefully, today follows that path. I'm getting ready to go on a business trip next week for 4 days, Tues-Fri so I won't check in starting probably Wednesday unless I decide to bring my laptop with me.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! Me too, but I don't have high hopes. At least nobody was hurt! I did enjoy coming home early, that is a rare treat. Yes, I did enjoy the breakfast but I can't repeat it every week, unfortunately (I get sick of things) so I'll have to switch it up. Also, the bars I'm eating are giving me gas lol! TMI I know. That's great you were able to stop at a little of the dip and I'm glad the scale was down in the morning.

    @mswatson0777 Thank you, yes it was stressful and my adrenaline was going, even over something so minor, for hours! When do you leave for your vacation?

    @theslightedgeforever No, I do not. The stressors keep piling on and I'm wondering just how much I can take? Good choices: I didn't eat at the cafe at work, I drank all my water. I resisted getting a fancy coffee drink from that same cafe at work when I was super cold. That's about it.

    February goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Alright ladies, last post before I'm incommunicado for a week and a half (I'm coming back, I promise!).

    @trooworld Do you get to travel somewhere fun? I hope you get some relaxation and downtime amidst the work

    @theslightedgeforever Happy almost birthday!!! Are you doing anything fun to celebrate? And I hope to live as long as Kirk Douglas too, and have a remarkable life on top of it! Your daughter sounds like she has a fantastic career, I'm so glad she gets to do what she loves

    Only 4 more hours of work before I get to go home, get ready, and have some fun in the sun! Wish me a smooth travel day :)

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Enjoy @mswatson0777!

    @trooworld I hope the business trip goes well, safe travels! That sucks about your car. I don’t have a car anymore, but when I did- the very day I brought it home I hit a parked car in my underground garage. I felt so stupid. It was a Kia, but the bodywork to fix it was still like $800. I was lucky they let me just pay it out of pocket.

    @joannadavison I like tofu too. I also find it hard to cook. But if I go to veg restaurants they can do so much with it. At the moment I do throw it into soups or sauces sometimes. I feel bad eating meat, but I tried to go veg and I just couldn’t do it. I’m not sure that it’s the best thing for me physically either. But I think it’s great for the people that can do it! I suppose they could on my hand if needed but so far it is very mild, so the key is to figure out how to keep it from getting worse. I’m going to see a physio next week, hoping he can give me some exercises. Hope you get some down time soon.

    @theslightedgeforever, sorry you’re still sick. Yeah when you go back to exercising I would start slow. You will be back to where you were quickly…..Anti-inflammatory foods. I do eat a lot of veggies, probably not enough legumes

    @TeresaW1020 the calories….I think my appetite is up this week bc I’m ovulating. I started tracking it and my appetite goes through the roof. I did read some women had that issue. So that is what I’m hoping what it is.
    Well I had a lighter week for activities this week but it’s going ok. Saw trainer twice and it was nice to get back to it after he was away. I went for a run in the snow today and did really well. I took walking breaks but I ran a total of 24 minutes. That is my max. I run slow though!

    Calories- I think my weight has come down slightly. I have one goal- cals under 1800 – and a bonus goal- meet the MFP target for me to lose .5 lbs a week. I haven’t met the MFP goal, but I’m closer than I was in my last 3 month goal series.

    Not too much else to report. Quiet week at work. A friend of mine is doing some kind of health challenge at her job and for part of it she has to make 2 goals and tell a friend. So I’m supposed to check on her periodically. These are goals running to end of June. I felt good that she chose me.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Good morning everyone! I lost a pound this week. I can attribute it to an increase in water consumption and tracking more. It's a step in the right direction.

    @mswatson0777 No, not really, I'm just going to AZ and I go every year lol. I will unfortunately not get any downtime while I'm there but the good news is that it is a short trip! Have a wonderful trip!!!

    @its_cleo Thanks, I leave next Tuesday afternoon, so I'll pop in here a few more times. Yes it did suck about the car! That's great that they let you pay out of pocket. Eh, you shouldn't have felt stupid, I'm sure people hit people in those underground garages all the time. That's nice that your friend picked you to check in on her. She must think of you as a health-conscious person. :)

    February goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @its_cleo, Yes, when I was ovulating, I was always extra hungry too. :/ That is great that you were able to get out and run and break your record! I think that it is great that your friend chose you to help her with her goals. And because of that, you might find it helps you stick to yours as well. ;)

    @mswatson0777, have an awesome vacation!! B)

    @trooworld, some bars that I’ve tried had that same issue. It could be the type of sugars or the fiber that they use. Look and see if there is chicory root in the ingredients. That stuff is lethal for me! :o I cannot eat Fiber One bars because of that stuff. I hope you have a good business trip and get in a little fun for yourself. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, yesterday at staff meeting three of us went on and on about how much we love our neti pots. Pastor finally just told us to shut up or he was leaving! :D Yes, that is a good plan to piggyback your water drinking to something you already do.

    Good morning! TGIF!!! :D I am happy to report that I lost a pound this week! B) I was just telling my husband that I really think the key for me is to pre-track my day in the morning so I can tweak as needed. I usually always know what I’m going to eat so it’s just a matter of doing it. Yesterday, I didn’t pre-track and I was up in my calories. I was looking at my weight chart this morning and saw how close I had come to Onderland and then the holidays came and I quit Keto and up went the scale. I am not going back to Keto because I feel so much better with just watching my calories and eating whole food. Hubby says that my body is really changing from all the working out so that makes me happy. :)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Those are great choices you made. All those little things will add up. So do you have a plan for your trip? Woohoo on the pound. I lost 0.1 :/ Oh well, a loss is a loss.....but I've not exercised in two weeks time. This is a great time of year to go to AZ. Although you live in CA so probably not that big of difference for you. lol

    @mswatson0777 I was thinking about you today wondering when you leave for your cruise. So bon voyage although you won't read this. lol I do absolutely nothing on my birthday except for whatever strikes my fancy. Plus eat whatever I want.....I already have a mini blueberry pie in my freezer waiting for me. My friends are throwing me a bday party on the 20th.

    @its_cleo 0.5 lb a week is still 26 lbs a year. My goal is about 30 so I'm right there with you. I figure this way it will become more of a lifestyle choice versus dieting/exercise. That's great that you are an inspiration to your friend and she wants your help/input. I'm doing that with a small group of two ladies and then a good friend of mine I'm helping with her diabetes. She's at the either do it right or she's going on insulin stage.

    @teresaw1020 Woohoo, you too are a loser. A changing body is a good thing. My shoes are getting looser. Plus my bracelets. I'll take it. I'll take anything at this point. My energy is coming back so I'm hoping next week to ease back into some exercise.

    Green Day-Stayed OP 178/238 no exercise
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @its_cleo - It's great that you are finding ways to exercise, even with arthritis. I need to do a lot more in the exercise department... Future goal. I laughed at your post about having something done with your eyes. Me too, they make me look tired and worn out, and older than I am, it's my genes.

    @trooworld - You sound like a fantastic cook. Just reading about the Sichuan Braised Tofu with Beef you made sounded delicious.

    @joannadavison- you sound very busy, but you still find time to exercise.

    @mswatson0777- a cruise sounds Heavenly right about now. It's good to have something to look forward to when life is stressful.

    Weighed myself this morning and I'm down 1.5 pounds from a week and half ago. The struggle is real, I watch every morsel that I eat. Why do calories taste so good?

    Another snowy couple of days where I live, we had the prettiest snowfall last night.

    Work has been a bear, we are in constant crisis mode. I had a spreadsheet I needed to work on before I left Friday, but I didn't have time. I decided to go home at a reasonable hour on Friday, I'm not going in on Saturday, and I took Monday off. Tuesday I'll take cover. My kids are all staying at school this weekend, so it's just me and DH, no plans really.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @trooworld congrats on the pound! woot!

    @TeresaW1020 yeah pre-tracking can really help. I hate doing it, but it does work. I've been trying to do it all week

    @theslightedgeforever a bit of loss is pretty good considering you've been sick and probably not up and about as much as normal. Happy early birthday!

    @thenighthazel01 yeah the eyes. So I talked to my colleague at work that got me thinking about this and she actually (at 41 ish) gets a little bit of botox once a year, plus she gets some kind of face peel twice a year. She looks 5 years younger than me even though we are the same. I don't really want botox but it just got me thinking about things I wish I could change. I can't afford anything right now anyway. ....congrats on the loss!

    Well not the best day, I tried to go for a run and it was kind of a bust, I just didn;t have any oomph. I have a good run, then a bad one. I can't do it consistently. I made a chart to track and see if there is any rhyme or reason to the days I do well vs the days I don't.

    This afternoon at the gym to do upper body work though I don't feel like it. But I will test my bicep out a little bit and see how it feels.

    Calories- I may barely squeak by my weekly goal, depends what I eat today. But it was a real struggle this week. I know why- strong appetite, plus a few drinks, plus a meal out, plus a lighter week on the exercise. So next time I have to reduce one of those things! I think I can make it, it's just a mental challenge today bc I feel grumpy and like I just want to say screw it and get a big piece of chocolate cake.

    Also I am soooo tired of winter.

    Last week I bought a nice new pink Adidas top for working out in. Tomorrow might go shop around for a couple more tees and pretend it;s summer lol
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Good morning everyone! I've already picked up my healthy groceries for the few days I'm going to be in town, now I'm getting ready to go to the grand re-opening of my favorite bookstore, which moved locations. That's about all I've got planned today! :)

    @TeresaW1020 Girl, I ate 4 of the bars this week and gave the last bar to a coworker (that I don't sit near lol). No chicory root: PROTEIN BLEND (SOY PROTEIN ISOLATE, CALCIUM CASEINATE, WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE), MALTITOL SYRUP, VEGETABLE GLYCERIN, WATER, ALMOND BUTTER, COCOA BUTTER, ALKALIZED COCOA, CHOCOLATE, SUNFLOWER OIL, LECITHIN, SODIUM, CASEINATE, NATURAL FLAVOR, TAPIOCA STARCH, MILK FAT, SALT. I don't know what it was but I'm not having Think bars again! re: the trip...thanks, and you bet I will get me a little something! ;) Congrats on losing that pound, woo hoo!!! I love pre-tracking, it really helps. What a nice compliment from your hubby! <3

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! I'm going to try to concentrate on salads and healthier choices and saying NO to dessert (my officemate, whom I'm going on the trip with, insists on her ordering dessert with EVERY meal). Yes, you have been focusing on getting back to normal not feeling like a zombie, so I'd consider 0.1 a win considering you could have gained! Yeah, it's not a big difference to go to AZ right now for me but I'll still enjoy it. :)

    @nighthazel01 Thanks, I try! My husband is a really good cook...I need recipes, but him, he can whip things up without a recipe. Congrats on the loss, that's awesome!!! The struggle IS real, it is so easy to gain weight but such a freaking struggle to lose. grrrrr! I love the way snow looks but don't like to drive in it or be out in it, it's too cold lol. I hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend!

    @its_cleo Thanks! :) I'm feeling grumpy as well. Maybe it is winter. I can't wait for spring. I'm sick of being cold!

    February goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Okay, I just looked it up and it's the MALTITOL SYRUP that caused the gas lol. Stay away from that stuff!!! ;) Fair warning.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @nighthazel01 Woohoo Your plan is working. Congrats on the weight loss. I think it's great that you put yourself first this weekend and will just deal with work on Tuesday.

    @its_cleo I have lots of friends who are always getting botox, fillers, etc. Some love to point out my lines saying did you know you have (fill in the part of the face, now my upper chest too). Yes, they are my wisdom lines. I earned every one of them. I usually respond with I'm secure in who I am; I prefer to spend my money elsewhere. They just look at me and move on. lol Of course I would look better with a bit of botox and restylane but it is what it is. you sound like me. I was at the mall today thinking I'm so ready for spring. Bring out the spring colors. It really improves my mood. You are doing a good job of staying aware of your choices.

    @trooworld Great job on getting some healthy groceries. Sounds like you have a good plan for your trip. I'm reading a book right now about processed foods vs whole food and when I saw your list of ingredients it made me think of the book. I looked up malitol to see what it was and it's a sugar alcohol. I know some people have digestive issues with those.

    Green Day- Stayed OP 229/238 carbs- (over 96 cals) Exercise 24 min walking

    February goal- Drink 3 glasses of water :(
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Hi everyone. I kept tracking but haven't had much time. Been very busy week teaching/getting used to new room. Girls been busy too- with music lessons/choirs & their cadets.Plus family car in at The Garage for new timing belt- that's on me too as it's near my school. I had a lovely Saturday planned to go to a Crop with my Scrapbook girls. I went via little supermarket for the ATM machine & noticed flat tire when I came out. Thankfully did see it & not drive off as there was a massive RTA on the Motorway a few mins later- I would've been present & with flat tyre at speed the whole pile up would've been a lot worse! Ended up not making it to Crop & had pretty low day. Although I did tour a few Prom dress shops with eldest to get a feel for stock & prices- bumped into one of my students in one of them!
    Thankyou for all the comments about looking after myself. Today I'm in Durham with DH & eldest, about to meet my cousin & niece- youngest somewhere in city with her friends for her birthday- her group meet up, have meal & shop!

    @its_cleo re:tofu- I'm not the greatest cooking it either. There are a couple of Chinese Takeaways that do it really well. Hope wrist sorted.

    Apologies for not replying to everyone. I will try & keep up this week!
    I got my liver function test results back- totally normal. Relieved- fatty liver & diabetes were playing on my mind.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @Trooworld, Yes!! It's the Malitol is a killer for me too!! Quest bars use Sucralose in their bars. They might have caused me a bit of an issue when I first started eating them but for the most part, I never had an issue. I actually miss them and have been thinking about going back to Quest once in a while to help control my calories more than I have been doing. If you do try them microwaving for about 20 seconds is a game changer!! ;)

    @its_cleo, I really think once spring hits and you get some sun and warmer weather you are going to start feeling so much better! Yes, it’s all a mental challenge for sure. This is a rough month for me with several eating off-plan things scheduled so I’m just going to have to really buckle down and watch it or I will end up with a huge gain. I LOVE chocolate cake too!!! <3

    @nighthazel01, congrats on your weight loss!! I hope you have been having a wonderful and relaxing weekend! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, loser shoes are a real thing! After I lost 50 lbs and started IF last year all the swelling in my feet went away and I had to get rid of several pairs. My rings are starting to get really lose but I don’t want to resize just yet so I have to be really careful. The other day my wedding rings went flying across the room when I was playing with the dog! :D

    Good morning!! So, yesterday was very exciting because we got a good amount of snow that actually stuck to the ground for a good part of the day!! We didn’t get one bit of snow last year and yesterday was unexpected. My dog ran around trying to eat it from the air. Sooo funny!! :D Tonight is our annual chili cook-off potluck dinner at the church. I am pretty sure that I’ve made the award-winning chili this year. B) Hubby and I had it for dinner last night and he finished eating before me and that rarely happens. Have a good day everyone! :)

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I hear you about managing the off plan events. Next Friday I'm going on a hike with my group and then stop for a drink. I'm going to limit myself to 2 beers. But then I will try to leave a few calories extra each day this week to cover it. I'm hoping that will work. yeah chocolate cake. I have a store near me where they pakage up individual slices of cake from their bakery...I used to always stop by and grab one. Now I just do it occasionally. ....

    You're right about the warm weather and spring. I'm okay I just find I'm up and then down. At least it's not consistently down lol. Definitely things have been better than they were in January.

    So glad you got some snow! It is pretty.

    @joannadavison so glad your test results came back ok. Shopping for prom sounds fun. I never went to mine. Here though we don't call it prom, we call it a formal.

    @theslightedgeforever good job with the walking....malls are great in the winter. I'm going today lol

    @trooworld hope the bookstore opening was fun! I used to love going to bookstores, a lot of good memories growing up.

    I just squeaked under my calorie goal for the week with like 3 calories to spare. I'll take it. Unfortunately my weight is up, but I'm focussing on the fact I met my goal for 2 weeks in a row.

    I went to the gym yesterday and tried some upper arm work. I had to stop bc the bicep tendonitis was acting up. I read that it can take 6 weeks to 3 months to heal and that is only if you give it a lot of rest. It's only been about 3 weeks for me. I feel good that I felt the pain and stopped- I can't tell you how hard that is for me to do. I actually felt and tried a little bit more and then quit. It felt ok after so I was very thankful I did not cause a setback bc apparently that is easy to do.

    Today I will do some core work and a bit of shopping as I didn't go yesterday. I'm making roast beef for dinner.

    Hope everyone has a nice Sunday!