90 Day Fitness & Food Challenge



  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Skipped the yoga this evening and did a YouTube Jessica Smith video for 64 minutes. Pilates yoga fusion flow. Felt good to move.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Awesome job Rinde! Sounds like you are killing it!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Ladies promise a very long reply tomorrow but just wanted to make sure I post today.

    Becs day 25 of the 90 day challenge.

    I weighed today and I was the same weight as last week. I am actually ok with that because last weekend I had a Binge (emotional eating) weekend and not being UP feels like a win.

    Today was my rest day. No gym and dinner at my folks. Ofcourse it could be grilled fish tonight.... Nope. Chicken fried steak, gravy, mashed potatoes and rolls with green beans. Look a smaller serving than I normally would have and lots of green beads. Still not great but best I could do.

    Tomorrow and Saturday good food and good workouts planned.

    Tomorrow will respond to everyone else's awesomeness!!!! Nite ladies.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs Day 26 of the 90 Day Challenge.

    So far so good. Busy day at work. Munching on some beef jerky as we speak. THis stuff really helps with my protein levels for the day. But have to wash it down with tons of water (a tad sodium high). Never was a jerky person still I started getting healthy and giving a darn about my protein consumption. Easy snack that I can eat anywhere.

    Tonight ELLIPTICAL and a healthy dinner. Tomorrow.... BODYCOMBAT with the instructor that is awesome but intimidating as hell. Really trying to keep myself in a good healthy groove this weekend. Weigh in on Wednesday for the end of the first 30 days. Want to feel confident going into the second phase of the challenge. I am feeling good about it right now.. just have to keep it up.

    terrimaricle - What do you think of the book. I am hoping to finish it this weekend. But so far I really like reading it. I am really trying to educate myself on my body and health so hence my HIGHLIGHTER and dorky amazon prime purchases lately! Been eating based on the book all week.... EXCEPT last night at family dinner night. My mom cooked CHICKEN FRIED STEAK, MASHED POTATOS, WHITE GRAVY, GREEN BEANS and ROLLS. YEP that was not what I was hoping for. I ate the meal and just tried to be careful with portions. I am not hiding all the time from family dinner and events. That is no way to live. HOWEVER this weekend I plan on be SUPER GOOD TO MY BODY with healthy food and workouts.

    aliem - HOORAY for the 130's. That is so awesome. Congratuations. I am in my 130's right now too. 2.9 lbs away from getting back to the 120's That might take a while but slow and steady wins the race. And losing inches is the real gauge. Way to go! Also walking is always a great plan. As long as you are moving you are burning!

    Rinde99 -I am dying to visit Charleston. Never have and it is on my list. Hoping to do a girls weekend with my two sisters and my mom who is 75 (almost 76). Want to create some more great memories. We went on one 5 years ago. I was at my heaviest at around 180 lbs. I look back at those pictures and think how sad I was and how far I have come! For Charleston.. I want to be smokin!!! - Sometimes we all need the snooze button. Good for you! Can't wait to hear about Sunday's weigh in. I bet it will be great!!!!

  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Finally finished with my hour of activity! I did a little bit of this and a little bit of that to get it done today. Started off with 24 minutes of dance from a YouTube video. Followed immediately with 4 minutes of body resistance from 30 day fitness challenge app. Couple of hours later I downloaded another fitness app, Freeletics and did 5 minutes more of body resistance(mt climbers kill me). Then I did 20 minutes of yoga, again a YouTube video, but was still short of my 60, so finished it off with 7 minutes of yoga for flexibility.

    My meals lack any excitement with my 2 a day smoothies. Did add some almond butter for protein and fat. Had cheese and spinach ravioli with red sauce and more spinach for lunch. I'm trying to be more diligent about my protein intake but getting over 20 is something I struggle to accomplish. I may have to resort to beef jerky like Becs!

    I'm feeling like I haven't lost any weight this week which may not be such a bad thing as I lost 4 lbs the week before. Really don't know how that happened. Still my competitive nature wants to see the scale go lower each and every week even though I know slower is better.

    Becs- Charleston is such a wonderful city to visit. Lots to do and you can't buy a bad meal. I hope you get to go with your mom and sisters! You'll have a fabulous time and you WILL be smokin'...no doubt about it!

  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Sounds great ladies! Today has been pretty unhealthy. For breakfast I had a homemade breakfast sandwich I had in my freezer (eggs w/veggies, cheese, salsa and a ciabatta roll). the roll was pretty big. Next time I am using english muffins. I followed that up with watermelon (I was starving this morning!!!!!) My company catered Chick fil A for lunch and they didn't have any grilled chicken. Needless to say this was pretty unhealthy. Tried to keep it reasonable. Dinner will be a nice and healthy salad though. Did my circuits and walking this morning. Nothing tonight and then off to Texas! Probably won't be able to work out beyond walking around.

    Based on when you guys are posting I am assuming you are both pretty far east. I am all the way out here in Southern California. I have never been to NC in general!

    Becs - soooo jealous of your chicken fried steak! That sounds yummy. Also, way to go staying flat! It is always so discouraging to go backwards even after a week of badness. Hopefully you will be back in the 120s soon! It sounds like you have a plan to get there very quickly!

    Rinde - Great job with the hour of workouts! I know its frustrating not losing, but sometimes it is because you are gaining muscle and are probably losing inches instead! Regardless, 4 pounds is great! For protein, I would suggest putting an egg or two next to that smoothie. They can be pretty portable if you hard boil then. I try to include a protein with all of my meals. Either way, everyone is different, so what works for one person, might not work for the next. Good luck!

    I am going to be in Taxas this weekend, so I will probably keep my next two days short. I should check in both days. Here is to the weekend!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey Aliem, hope you have a great time in TX this weekend despite the overflowing beer and too tasty barbecue. Thanks for the egg advice. I'm so stuck on my smoothies I just don't think of additional foods. We'll see on Sunday if there's any loss this week. I'm still hoping for at least a pound. I love in South Carolina between Savannah and Charleston.
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 27: I've finished most of my exercise for today. Did a Zumba workout for 30 minutes and body resistance training for 18. Will finish my hour off with some yoga later today.

    Took a sneak peak at the scale this am and no weight lost this week. I'll weigh again tomorrow and hope for a few ounces.

  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs Day 27 of the 90 Day Challenge.

    Had a fantastic BodyCombat class this morning and have a tennis lesson this afternoon. I find BodyCombat class very empowering! Tomorrow I will be sore. Food today is going to be perfect on my macros. No surprises. Have lunch at my folks tomorrow.... Please no chicken fried steak or rolls!!!!

    Aliem - I am in Louisiana. I live about 45 mins north of New Orleans! Hot as hell down here right now. Tennis at 4:30 might kill me! Have a blast in Texas.... I have been there.... But never California!

    Rinde99 - I got on the scale today too. No change but i am not worrying until my weigh in next weekend. Just focus on how great you are doing. You rocked it today!!!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey Becs, sympathize with you on the heat and humidity! It's cooled off a little this week in SC and I'm very grateful for the break! Checked out Body Combat online...looks pretty cool, no wonder you feel empowered. Great job on sticking to your macros today.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've done a really good job on my exercise this week so I need to be happy with that and not worry about the weight. It will come off as long as I stick to the program. My goal is 135. I used to weigh between 115 and 125 before I gained weight in 2012 , but I think 135 is a better weight for me now, especially if I can put on some muscle.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Definitely chalking today up as a loss. Let's just say even when I am not dieting, today has been crazy. Also, not very many steps today. Oh, well. At least it has been fun. I'm sure I'll be back in the 140s by Monday. Hopefully I'll be able to take that off ASAP!

    No time for responses. I'll make sure to do a long one on Monday!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    I weighed in this am and lost a little weight. I'm at 158 now! Will post more later.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs Day 28 of the 90 Day Challenge.

    I am sooooooo sore from body combat. All the punches etc.... The area of my back between my shoulder blades is on fire. Bring on a little Advil. Was gonna try to run this morning but I needed some Extra time in bed just chilling. Till hit the gym at 11 instead. Planning elliptical and some
    ABS work. Got on the scale today and I am
    Down about .8 lbs but my phase one weigh in is Wednesday so got to stay focused!!! Lunch at the folks today so fingers crossed on the "healthiness" of the meal. Ha.

    Rinde99 - congrats on the loss that is awesome. And you are correct.... If you stick to your awesome plan it will move. And hooray for muscle. I love feeling fit and strong. I don't have a "skinny" looking body type and I am ok with that. I would love to lean out a little more but never getting rid of the muscles.

    Aliem- enjoy your trip and don't worry... You will get back on track when you get back.
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 28: Today is my rest day(supposedly). Just finished 1/2 hour of yoga. Was gonna do an hour but felt pooped. May do another 30 minutes tonight or just call it a day. Also finished day 10 of the 30 Day Fitness Challenge...4 1/2 minutes of body resistance. Glad my weight moved some...hope it continues for big weigh in and measurements on Wed.

    Becs: I can just imagine the pain from Body Combat. Wow! Way to work the upper body! And glad the scale moved some for you as well. Hang in there at the parents!

    Aliem: I second Becs' advice. Just enjoy the weekend and jump back in on Monday!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Recovered some energy and did a 10 minute HIIT workout (my 1st one) and later a 16 minute hip- hip Zumba workout to finish my 60 minutes.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    RINDE99 - You did so awesome yesterday. WTG!!!! I was not as "exercise productive" last night but I ended up working on painting Christmas ornaments for my store for the holidays (to sell) for 5 hours last night... Between that and the soreness of body combat I am now calling the pain in my back the TRIANGLE OF DEATH. Ha!!! PS: That was sooooooooo NOT a rest day sunshine!

    Becs Day 29 of the 90 Day Challenge.

    Can't believe there are only 2 more days left in PHASE 1 of the challenge for me. Looking forward to the weigh in on Wednesday. I think I should be pretty close to my goal for the first 30 days. Tonight I have body pump. Might not do elliptical because I am still pretty store from the weekend. Tomorrow night... elliptical and ABS!

    Ate well at my folks yesterday and my treat for being so good all week was a 170 calorie vanilla cone from McDonalds. It was AWESOME! Might be my new SUnday thing if I have been good.

    SIDENOTE - I "might" have a blind date Sunday. We met on the dating APP bumble but we live about 2.5 hours away from each other. We would meet in New Orleans for dinner... IF it works out. I have terrible dating luck (last blind date cancelled the morning of the date with a lame excuse) so I refuse to get too excited. However the POSSIBLITY of the date might help to keep me in check this week. SATURDAY (college football at my folks with all fatty football appetizers for lunch) but should be my only bad day and I plan on killing it at body combat in the morning!!!!

  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Sooooooo I was planning on doing a big update today. However, last night someone made some false calls to the police about an active shooter at LAX. So on the bright side, no one was hurt and there was no shooter. On the down side, I added a surprise trip to "America's Friendliest Airport" in Phoenix for a few hours and got back home around 3 am instead of the planned 11 pm. I got some walking in this morning, and was able to piece together a menu for day that is at least around my calorie goals, but definitely not what I would consider healthy. I might try to get an easy workout in tonight, but I am running on fumes and it is only lunch time.

    I weighed myself and I am not hopeful that this Wednesday check in will be as good as last weeks, but I have come up with a good plan on the airplane to get me back on track. I am going to do a Whole30 for the month of September, with the exception of the 3ish days I am in Seattle for my BF's niece's b-day (she is turning 5, so how cute!) and my b-day. I have done Whole 30s before with a lot of success. The first time was for the true meaning of a Whole 30 and the subsequent because it is a diet that my body does really well on and when I am super restrictive, I can stick to things better. I'll go into more detail tomorrow and respond to ya'lls weekend/Monday.
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Just posted around the same time as @aliem but somehow mine has disappeared into the nether world. So I'm starting over...

    Becs: Sounds like you're doing great with food and exercise, except for that nasty little triangle of death. Ouch! Hope it abates soon. I'm looking forward to end of the month as well....hope you meet your goals..only 2 days to go! And let's not forget the upcoming date! Woo-Hoo! Can't wait to hear how it goes! ( Dating at my age isn't so bad...if you like old men, that is! Lol)

    Aliem: Bummer on the end of the weekend and the late flight home. Glad the hysteria was false, however. Had to Google Whole30 as I wasn't familiar with it. Can't wait to hear more detail tomorrow.

    Day 29: Started out today with no real plan for my workouts. Found a 1 hr cardio ballet and thought I'd give it a whirl. Holy plie!! I lasted all of 12 minutes until my thighs were screaming at me to stop! Reverted to a low impact 30 minute I did last week with no body parts on fire. Then did Day 11 of 30 Day Fitness Challenge(6 minutes), HITT for 10 minutes, and cooled down with 10 of yoga. Feeling proud today.,. I've come a long way in 2 months!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Finished my hour already: 40 minutes of yoga and a 25 minute body resistance workout( trying to build my strength).

    I'm still on target with my eating. When I first started with MFP a month ago I struggled to get my 20% protein. Started to make a concerted effort last week for 20 to be my minimum and now I'm holding steady in mid 20s. I'd like to bump it up to 30, if I can. I eat primarily vegetarian at home so I don't want to add meat to the equation. Just gotta make a little more effort and I'll get there.

    Looking forward to your posts!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs Day 30 of the 90 Day Challenge.

    Got up and weighed.. even though tomorrow is the actually weigh in and I am up a little.. Bizarre. Hopefully tomorrow is good. Today I have elliptical and ab work at the gym after my work day.

    and FYI the date is off.. He was dishonest about a few things and I got a BAD VIBE so I cancelled, explained why via text and then blocked him. So now.. SUNDAY is all about me.. Maybe workout and a mani and pedi! ha.

    Rinde 99 - YOU ARE AMAZING. Finished your workouts before you even got to noon. So awesome and inspiring. Protein is so good for you. I get it some a few things that aren't meat. Protein shake, peanut butter, almond butter, and eggs.

    Aliem - OMG I heard about the LAX thing. That sucks.. I'm so sorry. But glad you back home and safe. Whole 30 is a great program. I did PALEO for a while a few years ago and they have a lot in common.