

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Hello everyone - I'm finally feeling emotionally in a place that I can check-in. I don't remember if I told you that my mother passed away on July 2nd and the next day I broke out with shingles, or not. I drove to CA for the funeral and was gone from 7/13-7/26. While I've made that trip many times myself in the past this time I was just exhausted the whole trip and couldn't drive more than a couple of hours without starting to nod off. I'm sure it was a combination of grief and still healing from shingles. Ever since I got shingles I just have not been eating the same - nothing sounds or tastes good so the result is I have lost 14 over these past 4 wks. I still have some lingering numbness around my side and back where the blisters were but other than that I'm on of the lucky ones who will probably not have pain for years.
    I have missed you all and thought of you many times. I have no idea what has gone on with you over the past month or so but if there are any important updates about people on here would someone please PM me as I am not going to go back and read through the posts.
    Hoping to be on more often. Love you all - Gloria in WA <3<3<3

    Gloria so sorry for your loss and having shingles during this trying time. Be kind to yourself and take the time to heal properly. Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts and prayers.

    in muggy rainy central TX

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,116 Member
    edited August 2016
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 95
    BP-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 85
    BR-5X5X 85

    Kettlebell Swing
    Russian kettle bell swing-22X 10 X 35
    Week 2, day 2, transitioning from the 30 pound to the 35 pound kettle bell during StrongLifts workout. I feel really strong during the swing and am confident that I will be able to transition to the 40 pound kettle bell at the end of this four weeks.

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles

    We have had company just about every day of August and my DH started his "staycation" this week. We have his DGS' S for the next three days. Fishing, biking, and a lot of fun!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
    [/GloworminWab] I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom- my heart is with u

    morning peeps
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon - Former horse owner here. DD started riding lessons at age 6 on school horses. We looked into several horse leases for her around the age of 10 since she had shown a commitment to riding and wanted to start competing in horse shows and the schooling horses were not allowed to leave the farm.

    Eventually we bought a 6yo gelding and started training him up as a show horse. I became a 'show Mom' from that point and we competed at horse shows from Feb till November each year, sometimes as often as 2-3 times a month. Fast forward to 2010 and the sudden passing of my husband. DD suddenly stopped riding and we sold the horse in 2011 after it was clear DD's show days were done.

    What I learned - Horses are very expensive. Not only do you have the cost of Vet, farriers, dentist, feed & boarding, trainers (for the horse, rider training is another expense) but there is the always famous 'they did stupid in the field' medical emergency. They have minor lameness that can only be treated by resting them, so no riding for awhile. You must clean and groom them frequently, walk them, ride them and be there when the health professionals are working on your horse. If they need shots for treatment, you will learn to give dermal and muscle shots to a horse that doesn't want them. They think they are being stung by a bee.

    Equipment is expensive and of course you need more than one of almost everything. If you want to take your horse someplace, add in the cost of a trailer and a car/truck to tow a trailer and weight of a horse. Of course horses are like potato chips, you can't have just one. They are a herd animal and being by themselves causes them to stress. We boarded our horse with others, so we stopped with just one. :smile:

    What do you get if you own vs lease? You get to own your own riding schedule, go where ever you want with your horse, get tack that fits both you and your horse perfectly and a world of animal health and management experience. It is the perfect way to keep kids on the good side of life if they are responsible for a horse because they will have no time left for mischief making. Your horse could be a dream horse to own or an expensive problem. Yes, you will fall in love with the horse and bond with them.

    We loved that big goofy guy to pieces and miss him terribly. Personality plus and as smart as they come. We still have most of the expensive equipment in the basement but gave away to the new owner all of his custom sized equipment so he could still have something familiar (and fitted!) while the new owner slowly bought new things for her new horse.

    The various lease horses we looked at all had some form of restriction (couldn't leave the farm, couldn't use on Saturdays because the owner wanted that as her ride day, etc.) that didn't work well for our intented goal so we bought instead.

    My advice would be if you can find a lease or partial lease to begin with you will be better off financially and if the horse develops health problems you are not stuck with a lawn ornament that can financially drain the pocket book.

    If you decide to buy a horse, make sure you have an experienced horse person with you to evaluate the prospect and be prepared to walk away from a horse they do not recommend. Also, make sure you get a Vet check before sale!! There are so many ways problems can be hidden and you really need to know what you are buying.

    Good luck!

    Charleen in Colorado (Topic really hit my button)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    Wow Miriam! I truly don't know HOW you do it! :flowerforyou: One day would finish me off. My two DGC have no behavioural problems and I have DH to do most of the playing, but I still find it exhausting.

    Went into town today as DH wanted a hair cut, so I thought I would run to the pharmacy for bits and pieces. Ended up buying the "eye of round" from the skinnytaste.com Barbacoa-beef recipe that I mentioned the other day, which is what made me resurrect my pressure cooker. My butcher, with whom I had a long discussion, looked it up online and said we call it "silverside". He didn't have any, so I ended up buying two one pound pieces of braising steak. They are in the freezer now waiting for a good day to make it. Most will be tucked back in the freezer once it is cooked and shredded. With some frozen gravy.
    I had a lot of trouble finding yellow split peas to make my ham hock soup. No one had them. I ended up buying ordinary dried peas. I'm sure it will be delicious. The ham hock has been sitting in the freezer for ages. Now I have my PC on the go I will make the soup . Will cook it tomorrow and have it Wednesday night, after I've been out for lunch.
    I also made a hair trim reservation for tomorrow afternoon, so I'd better get on and dye my roots today.asap.

    Then I reserved a lovely hotel, that I have been to before, for the night of DGD's birthday party. It's the top choice in Brighton on TripAdvisor. I did think about staying at another one that has a swimming pool, but some reviews weren't brilliant, so I've opted for this sure fire, slightly cheaper one. Got the last room. Now to pick a restaurant. It will be like a mini holiday and we can spend the Monday exploring Brighton, which DH hardly knows. :D

    Now to do my hair.

    Heather UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    Glo - so sorry to hear about the passing of mom and shingles, but glad you are back and doing ok.

    Miriam - I was thinking of you with all the kids, and wondered how everything was going, you are amazing.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Carol/Peach - happy birthday! Sorry if I'm late... busy is kinda understating the case.

    Love y'all
    Lisa in West Texas
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Miriam - Is this neighbor of yours already having EST's? If no, why do you think he needs them? Especially, since they cause memory problems? He could basically loose the ability to remember how to do something or have problems doing them or problems with learning? Isn't any kind of medication or combination of medication working for him or not? EST is 'extreme', especially if one needs several of them. What is it that he'd need to do in between?

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,116 Member
    Lenora- roflmao! Very true! I was lucky to find built in bras at Macy's and I bought 3 since that is very unusual!


    DH took DGS'S fishing for some bonding time. I'm mowing the lawn and playing with Shep!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK

    Lenora[/bI laughed like a drain reading about the swimsuit choice, love your sense of humour
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, All

    Happy Monday!

    I will be back later to read, at least. Geez you guys - 168 posts this weekend?

    In the mean time... Challenge stats for today:

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    Hugs all round!

    Re in TX
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Re in TX~ I have noticed that on most days when I I don't get on here until late, the average posts are 80-90. We are a chatty bunch aren't we?? ((((hugs))))
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Oh Lenora, that was priceless! You are now officially my favorite person in the world! Please next time give me a heads up so I am not sitting here laughing while my boss is trying to talk to me!!! :D
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sugar ~ Congrats on your successful first day!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wow, what a difference a good night's sleep makes. Of course it took 2 Percocets and an Ambien. But I slept well. My girls were quite concerned that my heart rate was 39-41 and made sure Charlie checked on me during the night. Since he gets up about twice a night to empty his ileostomy bag that was no problem and I had no problem going back to sleep. I am going into this appointment tomorrow knowing that I may have several problems and am ready to get fixed. I am tired of being winded going down the hall way, setting my pillows up in a reclining position after i go through everything to get ready and get in bed. I just can't catch my breath to relax my breathing. Usually just having my c-pap on takes care of that. So if she says I need a heart cath or anything I am going to say I am ready today, let's do it. I think Charlie is concerned enough he is going with me even though it is at 7:45 AM. He is even taking a shower for me! Then we are going to our local medical supply store and try to find a nice hard pillow or something that will give his butt more support when he sits in our soft love seat.

    Lenora, you had me rolling on the floors reading about 'the swim suit'. I hope this wasn't an actual experience.

    Love all of you, you keep me going every moment of every day.

    Just live streamed the last of the individual routines in the women's gymnastics. Now I don't have to stay up until 11 PM to see it on NBC.