

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2016
    DJ: "Katla, sorry about the key. I just hate it when I do things like that which end up costing good money I could use for fun." This is exactly right in expressing how I feel. Thanks for understanding. :smiley:

    Michele: I'm not sure what is inside the key. I know there is a physical key that I insert into the door or ignition and also an electronic signal for locking & unlocking the car doors. I am grumpy with myself over this. :grumble: I love your turtle. Is this Vince's work or yours? :flowerforyou:

    We need to be at home for the rest of the afternoon. Direct TV is sending a repair person to get our signal back and our TV working as it should. The person I talked to today was more knowledgeable than the person who gave me bad advice a couple of days ago.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK

    Melanie So sorry to hear about your troubles can't imagine how you cope.
    Welcome to Di and any other newbies.
    off to DDs tomorrow to help with moving house
    Michelle love your sea turtle
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Melanie, so sorry for your loss. Try to keep in mind that they are just "things". When I escaped my abusive marriage I had my three sons and a car with the trunk loaded up with clothes. Left everything else behind. And we were never happier. It is hard, and I sometimes think about the family heirlooms I had to leave behind to escape safely. But the safety of my family was far more important. At times it may feel overwhelming. But try to think instead about the opportunity this presents- to redecorate/ remodel/ refashion your wardrobe. And maybe to go more minimal so you have less to take care of. In the 23 years since I escaped, I have inherited from an aunt and a great aunt, photo albums, etc. and at times it seems more of a burden than a benefit after having been free from "stuff" for a while.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    exermom taught both ways
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Gloria, so sorry to hear about your mom. And your shingles. I'm glad you're feeling better, and thank you for the discussion on shingles. I've been meaning to get the vaccine... sounds like sooner is better than later.

    Purl, I'm sorry about your dad and glad talking to your acquaintance helped you feel better. Sometimes we don't know who will be able to help us. I'm sure your friend felt good about being able to help.

    Re A home-made swamp cooler. How clever! Glad your AC guy could come on Saturday.

    Melanie, How dreadful to lose everything. Please stay safe and healthy.

    Joyce, Sometimes my DH is less than tactful, too, and I have to give him the same kind of talking to before we go into some places. And he responds, sort of. ;)

    It looks beautiful outside, but still too warm. I swam the last couple of days and couldn't wear my swim cap because it made me too hot. When it's a choice between my comfort and my dye job, I'll take comfort. But the chlorine has done a number on my hair...

    I haven't been getting my steps in. :/ but have been exercising.

    Pilates, 55 minutes
    Strength training:
    Kettlebell swings: 11x10x15
    Kettlebell halos: 3x10 each way x 15
    Kettlebell deadlifts: 2x10x30
    Bridges with band: 2x10 with 5 sec hold
    Clam shells with band (left leg only): 2x15
    Squats with band: 1x15

    WELCOME Di and other newbies!

    I'm so very bored with cooking... I've got food in the house but no motivation. Oh well, motivation or not, somebody needs to cook! And don't tell him, but my DH is not a good cook. He makes great meatloaf, but not much else. He just doesn't have a feel for it. I can tell by the sound of onions sautéing if he has the heat too high, but he doesn't believe me when I tell him. So the other night he scorched the food...

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    ((((Hugs)))) to Gloria, Purl and Melanie. Sending good thoughts to JanetRs Lisa. :heartbreak:

    I'm going through a rough stretch but everything pales in comparison with those losses so I'll just shut up and cope.

    /Penny feeling bluer than usual near the North Pole

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Penny Mom used to say that even a hangnail could make you miserable. (((Hug)))
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    (((penny))) Your troubles matter too.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny and others facing troubles: I agree with Karen & Miriam. Troubles are part of life for us all. Your troubles matter. I hope they resolve in positive ways for all of our friends. :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    MissDi321 wrote: »
    Good afternoon ladies--I am a 62 yr old grandma and wife and mother of 2 sons. I am fairly new here and have posted in a couple of places. Not hearing from anyone--so I read some of the posts here and would like to join in the conversations and get to know others. I need motivation to exercise. My tracking is going well and my water intake is great--ofcourse it is so hot and the house isn't airconditioned so I drink water to stay hydrated.
    I live in PA and today it is beautiful.
    Looking for people to come along side me and help me to stay motivated.
    Call me Di.
    Blessings to everyone.

    m1277.gif I started on MFP when I was age 62 after decades on no success losing weight....thanks to logging food and exercise regularly, seeking every opportunity to be active and joining in with these great women, I lost the weight I wanted to lose and have kept the weight off.

    :) Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,874 Member
    Hi Ladies: Good day today. Got Lucy the barn cat to the vet, I did not know that fleas give cats tapeworms. We now have medication for both. She thankfully was easy to catch and did not object too strenuously to the carrier. I am thinking I need to let the horses out into the back pasture earlier in the day as there is more shade out there. I miss water exercise at the YM especially when it is hot like now but I have gotten in over 7000 steps already so that is good. I should make 10,000 easily. Fish for dinner tonight.

    Betty - Deep water walking usually involves a flotation belt and various arm and leg movements. The PTs at the pool I worked at used it quite a bit for patients who needed non-weight bearing exercise. It is easy on the back and joints. It can also be done with other equipment such as cuffs or dumbbells to increase resistance and strength.

    Katla - Good luck with the key problem.

    Purl - Sorry for your loss.

    Melanie - Glad you are safe. That must be so hard. Sending good thoughts for everyone suffering from the flooding.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Sending angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    When I think of everything I am going through right now,it pales to comparison to loosing my home and all of my belongings. I can not imagine the feeling Melanie is going through. Miriam, I like your comparison to leaving your abusive relationship.

    Miriam, I do not have V tach. Mine is called PAT or paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and all those big words is that the top chamber of my heart, one of the atrium is calling the shots instead of V tch when it the lower chamber which can be deadly. The paroxysmal just means they did testing and there is no reason and it is OK as long as it is controlled. Tachycardia regardless of whether it is atrial or ventricular means a heart rate above 100. Mine was 200. I have never been able to get it caught on an EKG though. But one day at work it happened and a cardiologist was there and he took my pulse and listened to my heart so it has been documented. I think I may have to leave my Olympics and go out and buy one of those lounge pillows to use to go to sleep. I know what it is going to feel like trying to be flat. This is one of those times I wish I had spent to bucks to get one of the sleep number beds that has the elevated head.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    Hello all
    Today was a busy day as I do physical therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but a good day. I got some exercise in along with Increasing my steps so feel pretty good about that.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a great tomorrow morning.

    Barb Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :'(Katla, I hate doing something that makes me feel foolish and forgetful even when it doesn't cost big money to fix the error...I feel your pain at having lost the car key. When we drove a rental car while our Subaru was being fixed, the keys for the car had a tag on them that said how much it would cost to replace a key if it was lost...it was a terribly high price.

    :'(Melanie, I am so sorry for all your losses from the flooding....I can only send cyber-hugs to you and may gratitude that you are safe <3

    <3Joyce, sometimes I have to sleep with my head elevated so I use three pillows behind my back.

    :) Once again, I spent a lot of my day watching the Olympics while riding the exercise bike and knitting....at least it's more productive than just sitting in the recliner.

    <3 Barbie

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    15,000 steps
    182 minutes of dog walking
    128 minutes riding the exercise bike
    45 minutes puttering in the garden

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    stats for the day:
    Rde hm 2 gym- 8.57min, 17.2amph, 147mhr, 2.5mi = 101c
    JOG- 9.13min, 9.13ap/min mi, 6.5-7.0sp, 138ahr, 153mhr, 1mi = 102c
    other- 20min, 8# ball toss, 2sts 15 4diff types, bosu balancing, etc= 141c
    ride gym 2 dome- 4.31min, 13.9amph, 141mhr, 3mi = 47c
    ride dome 2 hm- 15.51min, 153mhr, 9.7amph 2.5mi = 168c
    total cal 559
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    i have $735 beans so far for my ride!!!! EEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 395 Member
    Melanie, I must have missed your post...are you totally flooded out? This situation sounds horrific; come and vent here any time!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Liz – good luck with the budget review!

    Heather – I know what you mean about the look of the plate! Yesterday I had a small piece of quiche (traditional with crust) and about 2 cups of beans!

    Melanie – thinking of you – had been wondering how all down south were doing…

    Miriam – ((((hugs)))))))))))))

    Joyce – sending good thoughts

    Janetr – what a great compromise

    Penny ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))

    So had a bigger lunch than I usually do and was trying to decide what to have for dinner, a caprese salad sounded good, but nothing sounded good with it. So I did ½ lettuce and ½ torn basil leaves, chopped tomatoes, chopped mozzarella and a balsamic dressing --- I have fallen in love with Bolthouse dressing most is 35-45 calories per serving, and is made of stuff I know what is...-- it was so good.

    Kettle/dumbbell PT swing

    August Goals:
    2 fun things a week, visiting with college prof, walking tour of tea gardens, birthday hike, learning to set and catch a gopher,
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • darvit207
    darvit207 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello All I'm just starting back to my getting healthy journey this week. Just coming to the end of rehab after knee surgery. No more excuses! Today was day 2.
    Goals for this week:
    1 log everything I eat
    2 eat more fruit & veggies
    3 drink more water
    Just scanning through all your posts & you all are amazing. I hope to find inspiration from your stories
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    ....I miss the idea of a mom and dad who were loving and caring much more than I miss my actual parents, who were not. I did not grieve when my mom died at all- I had already grieved not having a mom in the sense of a mothering, nurturing person, all my life..... My dad was not home much because my mother was so awful, so it isn't really him that I grieve, either.

    Thank you for sharing this as I thought I was being an awful daughter to a mother who "took care of us" but did not provide a "loving home environment" to grow up in. I have worked very hard in making sure I understand that it is not and has not ever been me that was the problem. This only becoming a reality in these last few years. I had already grieved not having a mom in the sense of a mothering, nurturing person, all my life. I think this is what I was going through for so many years!

    Another reason I love all you lovely ladies! s0317.gif Sharing our innermost feelings about topics I would not/should not/ could not speak of with others has allowed me to grow in many ways.

    tired and ready for bed in rainy, damp, humid Central Texas