

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Sending strength and peace to those who need it. Cheers to those who are hitting their daily goals and sharing all the NSVs that inspire us all!
    Reading all posts but no time to respond.
    <3 NYKAREN
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Melanie I have seen so many pictures on TV of the flooding. So scarry. ((((HUGS)))) to you

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning all.... I hope your day is awesome!! <3

    I have my morning coffee and peace and quiet time all in already. The whirlwind of a threenager and his little sister will arrive in about 45 minutes.... I am going to believe I am ready for the day...LOL

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
  • darvit207
    darvit207 Posts: 46 Member
    MissDi321 wrote: »
    Good afternoon ladies--I am a 62 yr old grandma and wife and mother of 2 sons. I am fairly new here and have posted in a couple of places. Not hearing from anyone--so I read some of the posts here and would like to join in the conversations and get to know others. I need motivation to exercise. My tracking is going well and my water intake is great--ofcourse it is so hot and the house isn't airconditioned so I drink water to stay hydrated.
    I live in PA and today it is beautiful.
    Looking for people to come along side me and help me to stay motivated.
    Call me Di.
    Blessings to everyone.

    Hi Di! I am relatively new to this group and I am also from PA. It was relatively nice for awhile yesterday but then we got a huge thunderstorm in the afternoon and we got all the humidity back.... In the same boat with the exercise thing. Maybe we can motivate each other. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Melanie, so sorry to hear about your flooding. Hope everything works out as best it can.

    Hi Di & Melanie! I'm new to this group too & from PA. I can use all the motivation & support I can get right now. I think this group will be great.

    Dar in PA
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for all the welcomes!!! I really appreciate it. @frankiesgirl21 I don't have AC in my house and this humidity is AWEFUL!!!!! Is there an end in sight???? @darvit207 Nice to meet you too. I hear you about motivation. It's hard when it is so hot and humid and rainy. Sunshine IS coming I hear. Hold out for a sunny day. ;)
    Well, today I did go to Silver Sneakers exercise class. Our instructor, Judy, really got us moving this morning. I feel so much better than I did yesterday. I guess there is something to be said about exercise and mood. I have to run the vacuum cleaner, the dog hair is piling up. I think I will do that while there is still a cool breeze blowing.
    Those who are struggling, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Melanie--how are you holding out?
    Blessings on everyone's day
    Di from Western PA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Melanie: I am happy you are safe and hope you will be able to recover your losses. (((HUGS)))

    Joyce: You sound uncomfortable. I hope the procedure goes well and you feel better soon. (((HUGS)))

    Gloria: It sounds like the shingles have led to at least one good outcome. Pssoriasis gone is a good thing. I'm sorry you had to go through shingles, though. Good luck getting back on with the state. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: My mom suffered with a gouty toe. I wish I'd been more sympathetic at the time. I didn't understand what she was going through. I hope you're able to get help with your pain asap. :flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome! We were all new once upon a time, and some of us like this group so well that we may never leave. :wink:

    TV is back in order. When I called in to Direct TV with difficulties I talked to someone who told me to do some dumb things. They eventually sent out a technician and our original problem was very minor and would not have needed a technician. I called in and complained, and they've "forgiven" the house call--so at least I won't have to pay the $50 charge for the house call on top of being unable to watch the Olympics for several days. They told me that this advisor has given bad advice before & would be talked to. I actually got to see part of the equestrian competition on the TV instead of my computer, so that was a pleasure. Show jumping is something I expect to never do but it is fun to watch. I wouldn't mind jumping a small log on the beach some day, but those huge jumps are beyond my desire and physical ability.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    Morning peeps and welcome new peeps!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    Hidee Ho ladies~
    foot still in alot of pain, and it is telephone tag with the drs...had DGD this morning and she is a sassy little thing.. sounds just like her mother did ...I am sitting with my foot up until I go to work.. and telephone tag with Drs office, nurse will call Dr and hopefully they will just call the script in...wearing lightweight mesh mary janes that dont squish my foot to much.. working 5 hrs 1-6 today and tomorrow off, have to get hair cut tomorrow and then to the pig roast at the nursing home, Taliah keeps whining that she doesnt want to go, told her sometimes we have to do thing that we aren't fond of to help other's that need us..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Hi all!

    Oh poor Alison! Ouch! Hope you get that script soonest!

    WELCOME newbies! Stick with us and wonders may, just may, happen. :D You do have to work it though, it doesn't just happen all by itself! :laugh:
    My older step daughter emailed my DH, declining a lunch meet up next week - too busy. :grumble: She was complaining that she had put on so much weight that none of her work clothes fit her! Oh what a surprise! She said it must be "an age thing". No - it's sitting at a computer all day and eating too much. Plus the odd beer. She has been slim all her life and used to run regularly, plus walk around a lot. Now she has a sedentary job, goes out for pub lunches and eats the wrong things. Last time we saw her I mentioned to DH how much weight she had put on, but I don't think she had noticed. Now the penny has dropped. She said she has bought a treadmill. ;)

    I went out with my BFF to a gorgeous pub for lunch. We both had two starters. Goats cheese, pumpkin and beetroot salad and scallops, black pudding and pea puree. They were small, portions, so I have guestimated 500 calories. Plus some white wine - 300 cals. Fortunately I did a full 600 cal workout this morning and I'm going to have soup for dinner, the ham hock and pea soup I made yesterday in my pressure cooker. Should come in on target. :D
    I was delighted to wear heels, because she was driving, plus I wore a pencil skirt and a sleeveless black top!!! This is almost unique for me as I hate my white legs and my wrinkly arms. :laugh: My BFF gave me loads of compliments. :D I also wore a beautiful necklace by Butler and Wilson that belonged to DH's partner, who died in 2000. It's got a jewelled crocodile and parrot on it and very fancy. I never get a chance to wear it, so seized the day with the plain black top. Altogether a successful outing.
    Normally I wear an elastic arm sleeve because I have lymphodema from breast cancer, (hence all the wrinkles) but I left it off for the lunch. That is rare for me as well.

    Love to all. Thinking of Barbie and Joyce as they go through their health consultations.

    Melanie - Sending hugs. (((*)))

    Much love, Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather ~ Because I collect vintage jewelry, I had to look up Butler and Wilson. Very nice pieces!

    Made a pot full of potato soup again yesterday and added noodles and chicken to it for dinner last night. Way too many carbs but very, very low fat. Bad me ate a cup for breakfast and another for lunch. Stick to your ribs satisfying. So good!

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Love the boulders Penny!

    Lots of rain this week. Good for the grass. We won't talk about the drainage.

    Marcelyn in Houston
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – I feel for you. I get winded sometimes, then I get ‘dizzy’ and the ‘faint feeling’. MD has done several EKGs on me; I’ve taken a ‘stress test’ before (normal). My BP was down (bottom number) was 70 – felt like $#*T warmed over. Already had an appointment (follow-up) for something else later that day. She got the appointment moved up; and by the time I saw him bottom number was back up to 80. Another EKG. Felt like I could not breathe. Not a good feeling. I did my pool exercise for only one hour; but it started thundering off at a distance. This AM thought I’d try something else. Got a ‘new’ kettlebell (only 10lbs); but, when I picked them up in store – bought the lowest weight I could. Tried a 20lb, and the 35lb. Could not even pick it off the shelf.
    Tried a step machine; could only do that 3 minutes; did the kettlebell 3x20x10 and was totally worn out.

    To anybody – I have added exercises to my list; now I can’t seem to figure out how to add any more to it? What do you have to do to make them ‘show-up’ on the list you have already made? The step exercise I counted as elliptical (probably not right because on it, the movement is like walking up and down) and not forward and up and down. I did not see ‘kettlebell’ on my list at all. What do you call it, if you even track your exercise? A LOT harder than I thought. So only did 3x20x10. Wimp!

    Purl62 – So sorry about your friend. Hopefully, now she will have someone with her. I’d be ‘fighting’, too; although they tell you not to. As for me; I’d be aiming for eyes, neck, groin, shins; but, I would ‘fight’; and, I would also be scratching like a cat!

    Did you tell her about your father? While you ‘feel at peace’ doesn’t mean your ‘body’ feels it.

    My DYS and his ‘bride’ (DDnL#2) went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. The place they stayed was a condo that one of her clients ‘gave to them – free’ as his wedding to them to stay at; and, one of his bosses paid for their rental car and a deep sea fishing expedition. They went ‘zip lining’, too and a lot of other things. They stayed on one of the ‘northing islands’ – only saw Pearl Harbor when the pilot banked the plane so that everybody could see it. I know when DH and I went to New England for a ‘sales convention and wives were encouraged to come along’; the pilot banked the plane so we could see the Statute of Liberty. Was amazed how big it looked. Just like the stature of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil. All compared to the size of the people walking around it. I’d like to see both; and, also the Pyramids in Egypt. My BF has been to Egypt twice (to see a boyfriend). She says the blocks are huge – about 2 or 3 stories high. She's got several pictures of them in her house. She also bought some silk with some Hieroglyphics painted on them. The last time she went she brought home a cartos (necklace with your name in Hieroglyphics for her sisters and me and a couple of other friends. She’s always wanted to go see the Mayan temples, and has gone rafting down the Colorado River/seen the Grand Canyon from that perspective.

    DH hopes that he could ‘slow down’ one day so that we could travel the USA, so much to see. We have a place down here called “The Little Small Cannon” and I haven’t even seen that. DOS and his family have gone. It’s pretty big; but, tiny, I am sure compared to the real one. I just would like to ‘go west’ and just stop at every ‘tourist attraction’ we could. My parents went to every state while he was still living. My ‘oldest’ sister and husband have been to just about every state; and the later have been to Israel, France, Europe, London, and, Italy this last trip. I’m not ‘envious’ but I wish I could go see Italy and Israel. But, with ISSI all around there, in that area of the world, that has made me unwilling to go. Maybe I will take a tour by going on the Google Earth map.

    I’m on Groupon.com and Monogramhub.com; one tied to the other. I think they are both “free” to join. I ordered 7 necklaces from them and got them for a total of $47. That is when I go through “Groupon” and they get them directly from Monogramhub.com for a greatly reduced price. You just need to make sure that you use their 'coupon codes'. They would have cost $150 (for only 3), if I had gone directly to Monogramhub.com. I’ve also ordered a ring from them as well – only paid $20 for it. I haven’t ordered anything else. The necklaces are for my 4 granddaughter and 2 DDsnL#1 & #2; and, then I have one left for myself. Gave the DYGD hers for her birthday. DDnL#1 says she wears it a lot (but, not every day). Told her to NOT allow her to wear it in the pool. The say “I Love You to the Moon and Back”. Actually had one left over, for me. I wore my “Nana” necklace … but, made the mistake of wearing it in the pool and ruined it. I don’t think that it can be re-plated. I had taken something else to the ‘jeweler’ and that is what he told me. But, I think I will take it to him and see if he can do something to it. I wore it daily. I get protein bars with my Weight Loss Program. Some I like, others I don’t … so I should write down the ones that I like. Holly knows the ones I don’t like and she tells me the ones that have a ‘rice crispy base. To me, they always taste somewhat ‘stale’ or they have a covering that I don’t like because it is way too sweet.

    Are you a ‘teacher’? My DOGD had decided to ‘not try to get into Vet School’. She’s not sure she could actually handle what she’d be required to do. She wants to be a Biology/Science teacher, which is her major. She'd like to take a break from school and then work on her Masters online (as much as she possibly can). The ‘jobs’ for that subject are pretty much easy to get because they are so ‘hard’ to find teachers that are qualified in that subject. If you are a ‘teacher’, what grade(s) do you teach? She’d like to teach in ‘middle school’ if she has a choice. Definitely, not HS. She is very short and she says that she believes that they’d try to take advantage of her; and, they don’t care or are as interested as a student in ‘middle school’. That’s when she got excited about Science. She had a ‘good’ teacher.

    Glo – That’s interesting about the ‘shingles’ vaccine cure (or making) the psoriasis go away. I’m not sure exactly what my DGDs have; but, all 3 of them had rough skin – like having a rash but not red in color. DMGD has a birthmark on her arm; but, she isn’t, at all, self-conscious about it. It’s red and in blocks; has about 16 of them, all together; looks like a patchwork quilt. To her it is the 'unusual' thing and gets asked about it all the time.

    We broke up my Mother’s belongings so that she could see who got what, when the decision was made that she’d have to give up her house. She had sold the entire block she lived on to the church in the next block; and, at least, we did not have to put up with that headache. The church rented it back to her at a very good price for rent; given that she basically only used 4 rooms, unless we came up to visit. We were hoping that the church would keep it maintained and use it for their business offices, small weddings and receptions in the back yard, which had been professional done; but, they didn’t. The front stairwell into the large foyer that opened up by double sliding doors would have been perfect.

    A friend of mine and her husband were going to take it down after it had to be abated because of the asbestos in the walls and ceilings. They were supposed to keep the salvage; which they could have made a fortune on it. I took her though it; and, showed her all the ‘very interesting’ things that they might have overlooked. She was amazed at all that I showed her. They had already sold (or promised) a neighbor that they could have one of the mantles in the DR or LR; but, before they got to it, after they had put up signs ‘not to enter because of the asbestos’ somebody from the church told the members they could go get anything they wanted out of the house. The next day, they went to the house to start tearing it apart; and everything had been taken or destroyed. I asked her to look under the stairwell to see if they had taken the 12” floorboards; and she sent me 12’ of unpainted floorboard they found in the closet. It was hidden by the way the door was cut in the bead board. She told me that somebody had taken a saw to the mantles to see if there were any coal grates inside. My Daddy had taken them out when we first moved into the house; because he had been told that none of the chimneys were safe to use. There were 5 of them … then they cut out all the windows. They were that antique wavy glass. The house was Pre-Civil War. They were most upset about that because they could get $100 per square foot. Each room had double windows and the ones on a corner had 2 sets of windows; the DR and the BR above it had bay windows. They had been ‘out-of-town’ when all this had occurred. It had ‘double shiplap siding’. But, like she said, the people who did it; will someday meet “Karma”. I had seen the chimney door that covered the LR chimney set off to the side. I wanted to take it; but, she said they had not gotten the appraisal on the house. When they went back … it was gone as well. It was iron cast and had a picture of an angle and cherub on it. I had wanted it to make a ‘false’ fireplace in our DR or in our MBR. Both had tiles around them as well. The tiles in the DL had English Pea Pods that were in raised base relief. I'm just glad that my oldest sister and I got the 2 lead glass colored windows out of it. I had to take the one I got down to Jacksonville, FL to have a broken piece replaced and she also re-did the lead around the panels as it had bowed in one place due to the broken pane. She did a beautiful job; but, I had to drive my car down by myself because of the size. The front and back seats in our Mazda would lay out flat. We have it in our mud room; but, 'if' we ever redo our bathroom, I will put it vertically, up high, in the shower at the end of the room.

    What is “CL?"

    I guess I am ‘lucky’ … mosquitoes and fleas don’t bite me, maybe because of all the medications I have to take. But, we don’t have a ‘flea’ problem, even though “Cracker’ goes out several times a day; but, she is on ‘flea and tick’ medication, as well as ‘heartworm’ and we get the house sprayed every month, inside and all around the outside. I wish there was a way to get rid of the spiders that build webs all over the cypress siding of our house. But, I have been told by bug man that spiders have pads on the ends of their legs; and, unless you see them and spray them on their bodies, there is nothing they can do. He does spray for carpenter bees that have a season of about 3 months in the summer. They make a mess; and then DH has to plug the holes up after they are gone. He just shoots brown caulk in the holes. They bore their holes in the bottom side of the siding. He might need to take the shutters off the house because a ‘few’ of them have gotten in the backside of them. One, in particular, sounds like he is going to bore a hole right into the inside of the house over by the built-in bookcase' droves me crazy when he does.

    Gramdmallie – Both DH and I have had ‘gout’ once. That was enough for me. I broke my big toe on my left foot and that is where I had it. My son diagnosed my DH’s gout. He is so stubborn about ‘having’ to go to the MD.

    Fanncy0626 – I tried the kettlebell today – WOW, harder than I thought it’d be. Such a wimp. And mine only weighs 10lbs. I did the 'swings'. But I had done my ‘step machine’ and could only do less than 5 minutes on it before I got ‘short-winded’. How do you count yours, I don’t see them on the list of exercises; but, I count my ‘step machine’ as ‘elliptical’; but, I have ‘forgotten’ how to add both of them to my ‘regular’ exercises.

    Bipolar, in women, usually causes extreme mood swings; in men, quite often, they ‘drink’. It does tend to ‘run in families’. But, if the person that has it takes and stays on their medication, ‘episodes’ are minimized or completely go away. Or that has been my experience. I don’t really consider myself that ‘bipolar’ because I usually just get ‘manic’ and then go back to what I consider ‘normal’ for me once my medications have be corrected. The times I have been ‘in the hospital’ have been because my medications need to be tweaked and that is when I have had periods of depression. I don't see how people deal with 'depression' all the time. I just wanted to stay in bed, and, not wake up; and, I felt like a 'rock' sinking further and further into the mattress. When my BF got there to take me to the hospital, she could not get me to open the door, I wouldn't go to the windows either. My my car was in the carport so she knew I could not have gone far. Louis had put the deadbolt on the door and taken the key with him. She called DH and then she called the EMTs. He told her where to find the 'extra' key. I was totally unresponsive. They wanted to take me to the 'city' hospital. She told them that she was there to take me to Macon to see my MD. She told them to let her try one more thing to see if I could respond; if not, then they could take me there until arrangements could be made to have me moved. I will NOT see any PsycheMD in the area that Phoebe has any control over; and, they owns a lot of the hospitals in the SW GA area. They actually have a monopoly going on, unless you go to Columbus, Thomasville, Valdosta, or Macon. She put ice on my back and I came up 'swinging'. I hate anything cold on my body. I slept the whole time going up there. A little over 2 hours. The MD thought that Louis had brought me up the night before after talking to him. He called to make sure the reservation for the bed was still there. Then he had his 'cute' little resident take me over. It is in the next block from his old office. I got treated so much better in the Macon hospital than at Phoebe.

    Kylia – Glad that you liked the story; I got it and just ‘knew’ I needed to post it here. I don’t wear a bathing suit in our hot tub; just get in it at night. We’ve got to get a ‘new’ top; but, our deductible on the house won’t actually pay for it, because of our deductible. DH and DOS, are ‘trying’ to figure out how to build something that would cover it; but, not be too heavy to raise it. DOS was supposed to check with his BnL to see what he might be able to do to help us. That hasn’t been done yet; but, he is in the ‘pool’ business and very busy. Like my door to my glassed-in porch. Carpenter is very busy. I won’t wear a 2-piece until I get to my goal weight (and my tummy goes away with exercise). It’s getting there; but, slowly!

    To all that are in states that don’t normally require A/C. I know you must be miserable. We get the heat and humidity down here from May – sometimes as late as November; but, we have also been ‘in shorts’ on Christmas Day. This last year was really hot during ‘hunting season’, so the guys that are here did not hunt much; but, DYS is going to ‘hunt’ as much as possible regardless of the weather. Except when it is so hot and humid that even wearing shorts (and painting on camo paint) would not help.

    Katla – We have DirecTV as well. Calling them … to get help can be ‘challenging’. I have sometimes gotten a few ‘technicians’ that could ‘walk you through the problem and get it fixed’; they ‘hate’ to have to send out a real technician to work on the TV problems (or more so, the satellite). We had one that showed up at 5:30PM and stayed until 9:00PM working on ours. Then he had to come back the next AM to finish.

    I’d probably fall of the horse if I tried it.


    I guess I should try to come on the site more than I come to the 'community' part of it so that my posts would not be so long.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Re my last weight post was 8-9...so busy with DH back injury

    SW: 218
    CW: 210 as of 8/15
    Tot. Lost for the week: 3
    Tot. Lost all weeks: 8
    GW: 194
    Tot. From goal: 16

    Mary p I've started kettlebell just 1x10x10 but it's a beginning...along with my regular yoga, free weights, core & swimming I'm really seeing results...I'm measuring but I can already see my knees are losing without even measuring!

    Must get DH in the pool for PT

    I admire how you all, even with very busy lives, post all you do...I'm lacking big time! Hope to do more tonight.

    GLo on the North Shore of Ma
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Penny love the rock garden!
    I am sorry to hear of your job frustrations.

    Working on getting projects done around the house.

    :heart: Margaret