

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Pip, be safe on your ride and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

    :'(Katla, you really tried hard today to find the lost key..it will probably turn up in a weird place like the freezer, the day after you buy the new one

    <3Cheri, I agree that this is a very safe place to share what you might not share with others face to face

    :'(Penny, I'm so sorry to hear about your job insecurities

    :'(Allie, I'm sorry about your continuing pain.

    :) I got a call today from the neurosurgeon's nurse today with more questions....she will pass the information along with MRI and nerve conduction results to the doctor....he might want to see me sooner, but just in case, she set an appointment for me for October 31. I've lived with this pain since September so I guess I can keep on keeping on. One day at a time, I can walk through this....compared to what many others are dealing with, my problems are tiny.

    :) Another day of line dance class in the morning, followed by riding the exercise bike and watching the Olympics. Life doesn't get any better than this.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Melanie: Adding my prayers and hugs to all the others this group sends you. Please say something if there is anything we can do. <3

    Katla: DH's dementia has caused him to misplace our keys. We've always found them, usually in a pocket or in the hamper. I agree with Carey to stay open to possibility it will turn up. Ironically, I just got back the Fitbit I lost on Maui last May. Someone found it, sent it to Fitbit's HQ in San Francisco, and they could see it was registered to me.

    Penny: Job insecurity is the pits. But you are bright, talented and just cheeky enough to make lemons out of this lemonade. Step into your awesomeness. Anyone who can recreate that beautiful stone floor every year has real grit.

    Joyce, Allie and all others struggling with health issues... I will be sending Reiki to help energize your healing.

    I was worried about getting on the scale this morning after 4 days away. I felt like the Puffy Princess (Thanks for that term, Re) But, happy to report there was no gain. Whew! Now to get back to clean eating, hard exercise and finish this month lighter than when it started.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, there is nothing wrong with admitting that you are human.

    Feeling better tonight. Charlie is enjoying his car. He is out doing his karaoke thing. He has already called to see if I am OK. Really if I would admit it, I am bored. I do have a load of laundry to do and could do that. I know I can't do anything like sweeping, vacuum, etc. I could also load the dishwasher. But I am not as much in track and field as I was in gymnastics and diving. But less shortness of breath with activity.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Forthright Frauleins!

    Well, it’s a minor miracle that I managed to get caught up with reading today… I kept my notes from yesterday and I apologize in advance for the long post. But DANG we are chatty.

    Not much going on, here… which is good. Since the AC is fixed, life is proceeding along its usual smooth track.

    So, it’s more workout, work, eat, sleep, repeat… which is all good.

    I have been eating too many carbs… Staying in CI/CO – but eating pasta and bread… which is really not so good for the Insulin Resistant… I need to get back on my Protein kick – but otherwise, things have been pretty ok.


    Pip – Hey, if Twinkie works for Kirby and for you… then roll with it. :] AWESOME on the ride sponsorships! Glad you have the bracelet – but hope you NEVER need it!

    Betty – Great work on hitting the bike! And I think any water exercise is a winner… you get all the benefits of exercise, but have less overheating and no impact on your knees and ankles. Win-Win.

    Purl – so glad you got at least one day of peace. ((Hugs!)) And Men… the poor darlings would starve if we didn’t feed them. Don’t sweat the five pounds… stress and pain are not conducive to good food decisions. You can do better, as you start to feel a little better.

    Mary - <3

    Karen/VA – (Hugs!)

    Barb – Hello. I feel you on the steps. Even doing consistent workouts every day, I just don’t get the steps in. But, thankfully, having the ten thousand steps does not appear to be a requirement for losing weight. So long as some of your steps involve and elevated heart rate – and perhaps a bit of sweat – you should be fine. Nothing wrong with going slow.

    Joyce – lol – some swimsuits are designed for silicon women… I agree – throw the thing away. Changing medications is always a little daunting…(Hugs!)

    Margaret – (Hugs!)

    Katla – sorry about the key… it’s highway robbery what the dealerships charge. If you can find a local key place, they might be able to replace it for you – at a much lower cost. We lost the key to the Ford truck – the Dealership wanted something over $200 for a new key… because “it has to be programmed.” Uh, unless you have a NASA engineer on staff, it shouldn’t cost that much, friends. Went to a local shop, and they were able to manage the programming for something like $65.00. It’s just a little machine they put the original key in that reads the programming and copies it to the new key - one of the big key stores will have it. Gratz on getting the TV up and running.

    Rori – So glad the princess passed you by! She is never any fun to have around. The cow won’t let you wear the crown, or anything. ((Hugs!))

    DJ – A lazy day is always nice.

    Kim – That salad sounds fantastic. I might have to go get me some greens…

    Barbie – so cool you are using your Olympics watching time to exercise. Purging is good… hard sometimes, but very good… and you never have to do it, again – once you are done. (Hugs!) And you have done more than keep the weight off.. you have kept us all together by keeping this thread updated every month! Thank you!

    Charleen – YAY! I was worried about you on that ladder.

    Mary Headley – Prepping the food is half the battle… Gratz!

    Carey – you’re past the halfway mark… lol.

    Liz – Sorry you missed your pool time. Great job on the walking.

    Heather – Nice that you and DH’s daughter get along. My DH’s daughter is only 8 yrs younger than me… so it is hard to see her as a daughter – but, I claim the grandkids! Brave to go out sleeveless – I bet you looked fantastic.

    Glo/WA – thank you for the info on Shingles. I think I will invest in the shots… as it sounds like something to be seriously avoided. And nice that there is a silver lining. Do you suppose your docs will let you keep taking the anti-virals? EEEK – Fleas are my nemesis – I get eaten alive. Thank goodness that the fleas in my neighborhood are all but extinct from those lovely back of the neck drops they use on cats and dogs, now.

    Allie – glad you will get to spend some time with you DGD. So sorry about the gout.

    NYKaren – Good Luck with your AC!

    Miriam – Music is a time machine… it takes you RIGHT back to wherever that song resonates for you. (Hugs!) Sorry you never got the nurturing you needed. And I am in that place where I don’t need as many “things.” Right now, I could live in a 1 room condo with my computer and be a happy camper – unfortunately, DH has not yet arrived in that place… *sigh* Oh well, I am working on him.

    KJ <3

    Tracey – You can still meet some goals… 15 days left! Stay Cool, Sister. And you can do it! Find the best music, the music you love more than anything, and load it into your music player of choice… then put on the headphones and head outside… if the music makes you want to dance – then it won’t be so hard to walk…

    Carol – I have wondered why you keep the rental…. I suppose the rents would be nice – but there are expenses involved – and a lot of work, obviously… perhaps you could give it to your Son, sooner? Or sell it to him at a steal of a deal price – to keep the income flow for a few years? Just a thought.

    Cheri – ((Hugs!))

    Lily – thank goodness I am just eating in moderation! I don’t think I could handle any diet that tries to take my coffee away! Hope you get some “down-time” soon.

    Lenora – the Dallas Zoo has misters everywhere… it’s the only way to survive the visit… that and the little guys in their golf carts that you can hire to give you a driving tour once your feet wear out.

    Melanie – So sorry, Hon. I hope you have good insurance!

    Jane – Hugs back at ya!

    Di – Welcome! You will find a number of fabulous exercise role models here…Our Mary is the Kettle Bell Queen and Pip is our Two Wheeling Wonder and there are many, many others. Good luck!

    Michele – I love my Aldi, too. I never buy half and half or eggs anywhere else… and the Pane Turano… best bread ever. Your Turtle is adorable.

    Janet – Get your kicks on Route 66! Enjoy the Wanderlust.

    Kate - *waves*

    KarenE – Round here, the AC guys work pretty much 24/7 – AC is NOT a luxury item… it’s a necessity. Sorry about your Dad. I hope you work through it. ((Hugs!))

    Penny – ((hugs!)) Sorry about the change in work-climate. All the formality and bidding is evil. Can you do international work on-line? Put a web-site up? I would think that at least the translator part would be very marketable – world-wide – if you could organize it and make yourself available. I suppose, worst case, you could go to work for one of the big boys… but, ick. Thinking good thoughts for you. Your Honey will be home, sooner or later… Hope for your sake, it’s sooner.

    Sue – Glad you got Lucy all taken care of. Great work on getting in so many steps!

    Darvit20 – Hello and welcome!

    Kylia – So sorry about your parents. Your Mom will wake up one day and discover that she has only cheated herself by “unfriending” you all. How silly is that?

    Marcelyn – Sorry about the drainage… it’s a lot of work to fix… or a lot of money to get it fixed. I have a little of that to deal with, too.

    GLo/MA – that’s IT, you’re fired! LOL – no worries. This is just us being accountable to ourselves. You are doing great! 8 lbs is twice what I have lost, so you are rocking this challenge.


    I have to get home and make Breakfast for Dinner…

    Hugs for Everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    First week of school and first time to work as a lunch lady in a school. The first 3 days have been 3 first days, Jr High, High sch, Elem sch. Worked at all 3. I signed up to work as a sub but the lady who hired me is wanting to make me a permanent part-time employee working 11am-2pm at the High School starting next week. It may be only 3 hours but its 3 NON-stop hours. There is way more than just serving the food. The trays need to be placed in dishwasher, put away, tables wiped down, floors swept then mopped. I should lose some weight from the work to be done. That being said if I arrive 30 minutes before clock-in I can eat whatever I want at no cost and also after I clock out. I get there early more for getting to know my co-workers but I feel like they expect me to eat. At the high school we all made or put together our lunch which is what is eaten at 10:20am, everyone sits down at a round table in the dining room and together we say the blessing, which is awesome. Eating healthy can be a challenge. Today I carried a water bottle and a Quest bar and ate it while everyone else was eating grilled cheese sandwiches, soup, baked potatoes. I want to fit in but I also want to eat what is healthy for me. Tomorrow I will be back at the High school as a sub then Friday back at the elementary. I don't really like the elementary because there are more grades therefore more trays etc.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of deep water today. At least the water at the Y is refreshing! The plan for tomorrow is to do Jari Love's Extremely Ripped and Chiseled DVD

    Lenora - was that step machine the kind you have to push the step down or the kind that is like a set of moving stairs? I so much prefer the type that is like a set of moving stairs. I find that if I use the other type, when I get tired I make smaller steps unconsciously.

    Joyce - sending you real big hugs

    Exercised then went to Sam's to get some chips for the pool social and Vince needed milk. Their price is competitive with Aldi's. then Vince and I went to the Goodwill, he wanted to look for Christmas ornaments, I checked out the clothes. Got two shirts. They are definitely more expensive than the Salvation Army. Then I went to Aldi to get a few things and he went to Home Depot, then home to help keep the pool clean (my latest excuse). In to get dinner prepared then ceramics tonight. While I was in the pool the new power washer came and Vince put it together

    Penny - unload all you need to. I'm so sorry you and your hubby are going thru this

    pip - cool bracelet. But you'd better NOT get splattered on the road! You and Kirby are wonderful parents to your kids

    Michele in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    total stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 8.32min, 18amph, 151mhr, 2.5mi = 100c
    SPIN- 42min, 83r, 97w, 11-17g, 147mhr, 11.3mi = 344c
    ride gym 2 dome- 4.44min, 13.3amph, 143mhr, 3mi = 67c
    ride dome 2 hm- 15.58min, 9.6amph, 152mhr, 2.5mi = 168c
    total cal 679
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    edited August 2016
    thanks for all the comps on the id bracelet. got one for kirby but his is leather so his is taking longer, his says he's allergic to tetracycline and has central cord syndrome and got dogs and has my phone#

    the ride is coming up sept 10-11, twinkie should be ready to pickup on Saturday! $5800 bucks
    nite peeps
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    SugarDarling .... I was a lunch lady back in my early 30s ... Nonstop work is right! I did it because I could be available for my disabled son ... Who was then in elementary school. Worked out well.

    FrankiesGirl21 ... My son is attending Lipscomb University in Nashville. Studying contemporary music/songwriting.

    Thanks ladies for the encouragement. I only cried a little bit when hugging my son goodbye. He's been keeping in touch. Doing pretty well all things considered. He's where he wants to be and that helps with he separation sadness.

    Melanie ... So sorry to hear you've lost everything in the floods.

    Hugs to those grieving and suffering with health issues.

    Well my counter reset itself yet again to day 1. I'm going to go with it (even though I've been on here over 3 years). Went to the doctor today. Up 33 pounds from my lowest... So might as well consider it day one and the beginning ... Again!

    Beth who is back ... Near Buffalo
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    DJ: Love those shoes and the nail polish is my absolutely favorite color!

    Michele: I love your turtle too and like DJ I'm looking forward to seeing all of your creations

    SugarDarling: Congrats on being offered a permanent position

    Re: "workout, work, eat, sleep, repeat… which is all good." - Its also called habit and consistency. It's the creation of new habits that will make you successful! Way to Go!

    Joyce: So glad you are feeling better!

    Cherie: Have a good night :)

    Carey -Northern Alberta
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Jantr - Ain't that the truth!!! :D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2016
    DJ (Janet #1) - Love the shoes, but I do hope you have two of each lol Also I love love the pedicure color. Almost an identical match to the color I currently am wearing :) Great minds, I guess.

    Carey, I just read your comment on the DJ's pedicure color. Guess we ALL have great taste :)

    Janetr OKC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sprayers didn't come today for the fleas because they were in the hospital (not the fleas - the sprayers). So now between 8-10 tomorrow morning. Ugh I don't like early mornings! All beds are piled with stuff because we had to have everything off the ground so we will not be sleeping in our beds tonight. I am exhausted - don't feel like moving. Anyone experience this with shingles? I started on Centrum Silver in case I'm low on B12 or something. Still not eating much so that could be part of it too.

    Pip - Hope you and Kirby have a wonderful time!

    Barbie - someone has got to get to the bottom of why you are in pain! I don't understand how it can be so difficult to determine but then I'm only a lay person.

    Lenora - loved the swimsuit story!

    Off for the night - have to finish the vacuuming and moving a few things for the morning. Talk to you later

    Love to all - have a happy and healthy tomorrow!!!

    Gloria in WA

  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Today was pretty typical day for me! Routine work was ok, Than to the Y for my water class, home than out to Midweek at our church, now home getting ready for the next day! Able to take a rest put my feet up and catch up on My Fitness Pal.

    Now off to bed!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, love the shoes and the pedicure. I have never had one and I don't think I could successfully have one if I wanted to. I have one toenail that is big with fungus and have had two nails removed so my feet aren't pretty.

    I have felt better as the day has gone by. Charlie called me tonight while he was out. My heart still beats kind of hard with activity. And right now activity means walking to the bathroom and back. But just sitting and watching TV it is OK. I am trying to decide whether or not to take my miniscule dose of Atenelol. The pill is 50 mg, I have been taking 1 twice a day. Then it was decreased down to 1/2 pill in the morning and a full pill at night. So she said I could take 12.5 mg if I felt like i needed it so that's what I did last night. But I know I need to get completely off of it since my pulse is still anywhere in 40's all day. I call the office tomorrow to give an update on what B/P and pulse is. I think they will be surprised the heart rate hasn't changed at all. The half life of that pill must be pretty long.

    JOyce, Indiana