

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Diane you sound like you are moving in the right direction. CICO and moving a little bit is where it is at for me. The details will become clearer to you the more you read and try new things. Portion awareness, not eating after dinner were big changes I made but a lot of other women here have even more strategies. As we are all different, what works for one person doesn't work for another. Hang in there keep checking in! You are on the right track. NYKAREN
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Diane, congrats on your weight loss! Like NYKAREN making a commitment to not eating after dinner is important to me as is making sure that I get at least some exercise. That's what I really need to think about. Other strategies: If I log my calories immediately after dinner and I'm low by more than about 300 calories (this happens on heavy exercise days), I make sure I eat more. I have to eat most of my exercise calories or else I succumb to overeating the next day. But I only learned that by looking at my log. I've lost about 15 lbs since I started logging in late May--about a pound a week. It will take me until next spring to lose all I want if I keep losing at the same rate, but since I'm already feeling so much healthier that doesn't bother me.

    I also discovered that I'm more comfortable if I make sure to keep the proportion of fat in my diet at 30 percent or even a little higher. So I eat a lot of nuts and cook with olive oil. I could not exclude nuts from my diet. Nor would I be happy excluding fruit. But I easily stay away from chips, ice cream and other desserts. (Chocolate is a problem, so I don't keep it in the house.) I have become attached to my liter water bottle, and that seems to keep me from getting hungry. But I've always drunk a lot of water, and if the bottle is by my side I'll drink it.

    As Karen said, what works for one person may not work for another. Trial and error is helpful. Some people decide what they're going to eat for the day and log ahead of time and then go back and adjust as necessary. I don't think I could do that, since I want to choose what I want to eat in the moment.

    CICO is the bottom line. After that there's a ton of flexibility.

    Today's workout:
    Kettlebell swings: 12x10x15
    Kettlebell halos: 4x10 each direction x 15
    Kettlebell snatched and press: 1x6 each side x 15
    Squats with band: 4x15
    Clam shells with band, weak side only: 3x15
    Bridges with band: 3x10

    I've got to get some cardiovascular in--off to use the elliptical...


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    YEAH - Sun came out and I spent 90 minutes exercising in the pool!!!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Just one more thing…

    Grits: I am almost ritualistic about where I put my car keys but I have looked everywhere that I think I might have set them down without luck. I think I just plain blew that one. :embarassed: I am keeping my eyes open but I don't have much hope. :ohwell:

    Becca: My mom used to recite "Whether the Weather." Your post reminded me how witty she could be. Thank you. :heart:

    I've been busy unknitting a baby blanket for our expected grandbaby and finally got all the way back beyond the mistake and have been knitting again. I have re-knit the whole thing to the point I had stopped & I'm now beyond there & moving forward. Yay!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2016
    Re in TX - Must be something that a lot of people are experiencing. I can't get to my "Home Page" either. Just the food, exercise, and community. I'm going to 'ask others' if they are experiencing the same issue. Maybe Barbieca will know.

    Are any of you having trouble getting to your "Home Page"? Is this something that MFP knows about? How to contact them about it? Any responses would be greatly appreciated. I would not have 'known' it if Re had not told me that her Home Page was not loading. I usually just go to the food, exercise, or community unless I am adding new measurements and weight. Had not even noticed my Home Page; but, isn't that where the number of days we have tracked our CICO would be?

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well, today I survived the Luncheon...(I knew I would...but I was sweating like the dickens!) Right now I am watching a old plane making slow lazy circles in the sky. It has the pontoons on the bottom so it can land on water. We have a bi-plane that takes people on rides from Seaside, but this is not a bi-plane.

    I sang at the luncheon so that was fun! One Jazzy song and an opera song in English. One guy said I should try out for "The Voice". Nice guy... Another gentleman got my contact information to give to the "North Coast Singers group. He said that you need to sing for more people not just us. Well see on that one. I have been hesitant to try out, because of my husbands illness and all the trips we take to Portland, etc, but it would definitely give me joy. Scary joy but joy!

    I wrote in my journal last night. Therapeutic most definitely. I have a lot of stress from my sister, and I need to just put it somewhere. There is nothing I can do about how she lives her life. What I can do is handle my own life. Appreciate what I do have. I am truly blessed.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Home page not loading has been an issue reported, please see this help link for more information

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Marcelyn how do you make your enchilada sauce?

    I wasn't looking for Christmas trees in August, but in my area there are tree farms, horse farms, orchards and corn and wheat fields past the sudivisions which are lovely places for a bike ride. One house even had a few chickens, which got us wondering if there is invisible fencing for chickens, or do they just not cross the road...

    Lillian, what is wrong with a gas dryer, anyway? In my area they are cheaper to run than electric. Sounds like a lovely house.

  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    I worked in the cafeteria at the high school today. I was able to make myself a healthy salad there. I like working at the high school and at the jr high. The elementary is a bit too much for me.
    When I was in elementary school there was a lady in the cafeteria who knew a friend of my family so when I went through the line she would give me extra of what I liked and not give me what I didn't like.
    I also remember the smell of homemade rolls :smiley:
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello, Stylish Sisters!

    Well, my Home Page is all messed up – can’t see anything there, and can’t access news feed on anybody else’s profile page… no Likes from me til it’s fixed. I also noticed that the friend page shows none of my friends have logged in for the last three days… er… a lot of you are here and posting – so we know that’s wrong, too. Hope they get it fixed, soon.

    I am back on the protein path, today. Had my Black Forest Ham and Cheddar roll-ups for lunch and some lovely Greek yogurt for dessert. LOVE those 80 calorie Greek yogurts. Not quite as good as actual strawberry cheesecake – but, hey, what do you want for 80 calories? Next on the hit parade? Increase the liquid intake…

    Think I am going to blow the few bucks to invest in a Kettle Bell, I could use a little huffing and puffing at home, in addition to my trips to the gym. If it does HALF for me of what it did for the lovely Mary – I will be a happy camper. For me, it’s ALL about the exercise…


    SugarDarlin – Do they have veggies for the kids to eat? At least you can eat those…and any time they have a lean protein.. although cafeteria food is always problematic. Good Luck! You can do it. And yes – all that physical activity will be fabulous. It’s amazing what a steady change like that can do, assuming you don’t eat the difference in calories, every day. Gratz on the permanent gig!

    DJ – oh those shoes are cute! Nice! And love the perfect pink pedicure!

    Michele – Hon – your exercise is fabulous… maybe a change in diet? Try Intermittent fasting? Maybe switch from carb to low carb for a couple of days a week? Or vice versa… a little body shock might (MIGHT) shake things up.

    Cheri – How you holding up down there? Did you guys get the cool weather this week? It’s a little blast of fall in DFW… so nice.

    KJ – Wow – you really do make that last couple of weeks into a party for your kids. Fantastic! Dance Party USA? Lost World? Alice in Wonderland? (Mad Hatter’s Tea Party – Queen of Hearts Chess – Some take on growing and shrinking?) And I think the only cure for that bloat is to drink more water… unless it’s for the same reason I had… then you just have to wait it out. :\

    Pip – I totally get the need for the leather bracelet – I can’t wear much of anything against my skin – it gets all red and itchy. Leather would be the alternative to gold… lol. I am thinking a gold ID bracelet might be a bit over the top.

    Beth – don’t worry too much… you can ask the folks at MFP to fix it… I know there are some technical issues right now… Sorry about your labs… UTI is no fun… take care of yourself!

    Carey – Thanks- I hope so! I am a creature of habit. Nice to know I can build a few GOOD ones. LOL – And great minds think alike.. Lost World is a dino theme. Love the Star Trek idea, too – so many treks to choose from, too. Thanks so much for that link. I knew it couldn’t be just me when I tried both at home and at work. I logged in and gave them the details so they can (Hopefully) figure it out.

    Janet – oh yeah. For realz… I would know I was dead.

    Glo/WA – The sprayers are in hospital? I do hope they get there, soon. Fleas are evil.

    Liz – *smiles* No news is good news…at least for me. I hope for you, too!

    Joyce – ((Hugs)) So glad you are feeling a bit better…

    Kay - *waves*

    Mary – I am so sorry…. Apparently shaming him in front of the DGS’s was the only way to get the control back… so, you did what you had to do. I hope you guys get it worked out. Give it a little time to breathe, get past the immediate anger, and try to talk to him about it. It isn’t right that he tries to exclude you by claiming the GS’s as “His” – or for that matter – that he grabbed the dog’s collar controls from you in the first place. (Hugs!)

    KarenE – I am with you on the higher fat intake – I swear that’s why the low carb thing works for me – because with all that meat and cheese, I get a healthy dose of fat. I love the fact that I am seldom hungry after I have eaten my meal… I swear it’s the fat that makes that happen.

    Kylia – (Hugs!)

    Allie – Any luck on the Meds? Hope you feel better, soon! 3i3cz28s235l.jpg
    AC is good…

    Barbie – Love you back! Hope you are having the best day ever.

    NYKaren – Awesome steps! LOVE live theatre… But totally do indulge your inner Hermit. (Hugs!)

    Tracey – How cool that you and Beth both have boys at the same school. I forsee a meeting at the next “family” event there…

    Karen/VA – LOVE that your DGD set the record straight… From the mouths of Babes…

    Lily – Younguns! LOL – so many of the younger folk have had so much just given to them that they have NO idea when they have it good.

    KatJane720 – Welcome!

    Dar – Kudos for passing up the roll… I totally understand the love of a good roll, but today, I am back on my heavier protein regime. I always do better when I eat lower carb, so… *sighs*

    Heather – OK – Apple and Blackcurrant Stew? I am unfamiliar – but intrigued… Pork? My toes are naked, right now, too… I dropped a refrigerator on my toe a while back when I was moving it… lost the nail. So, until it finishes growing back, it’s closed toes for me! (in Texas, Naked Toes are just NOT done.)

    Carol – With Chinese – you can probably get away with eating a bit more… Go for the veggies! Mmmm.

    Marcelyn – oh, you are so smart! I should be doing that – cause seriously – those hatch chilis are the best!

    Becca – Glad you survived the Luncheon – did the Seniors help out? Scary joy is a growth experience… you should try it! (Hugs!)

    Katla – It would be cool if you could get all your “in Town” errands done at once. Portland traffic is icky. *Did you look in the car, between the seat and the door? I am forever dropping stuff down the passenger side – and my DH finds it whenever he gets into the car with me.

    Diane – Low Red Blood Count can mean you need more Iron in your diet… leafy greens and that sort of thing, I think. And if you have been exercising at all, 1200 calories might not be enough. There is such a thing as eating too little… And a lack of energy does NOT equate to lazy. Take care! Gratz on the Loss! And we are ALL “trying to figure it out…” it’s a process. Eventually, you will find whatever thing works for you. Some folks do the food pyramid, some do low carb – some do something totally different. Eventually, thru trial and error – you will discover what is best for you. Keeping under the calorie goal is the main thing, getting in some exercise – after that, it’s just fine-tuning.

    Lenora – I am with your DH – a sheet girl except for deepest winter. Then I use one of those knit blankets with my sheet. DH loves to cuddle up to me – cause I generate heat. I suppose a house with one of those fans to suck the heat out at night might work without AC… but my house rolled right up to whatever the outside temp was. No heavy drapes – and the house is NOT built for insulating… it was built for Central Air… lol.

    Jane – Good luck with the new doc!

    Betty – LOL – how could chickens NOT cross the road? Isn’t there some law?


    Well, my day is nearly at an end... so I am off to eat a deliciously bad dinner of pizza... 1 slice of really, really good Chicago Style pizza... That's why I had to be a good girl and eat my protein, today. :D

    Hugs for everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    My father died this morning very unexpectedly although at soon to be 98 I guess I shouldn't be surprised. His goal was 100 and I really thought he'd make it. He's been in a lovely, upstate NY nursing home since a fall last year left him wheel chair bound but his mind was as sharp as ever he enjoyed his newspaper, tv & conversing with the staff or on the phone with his children & grandchildren. He was my second best friend after my husband and I'm sorely going to miss him.

    GLo very sad on the North Shore of Ma.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Oh GLo... I am so sorry for your loss! (Hugs!)
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    GLo....hugs to you. :'(
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    glo, so very sorry for your loss but rejoice with you that you had such a wonderful Dad and he had a good life.

    My heart rate was actually 50 this evening!!!!!! Now that's hopping. Maybe it was the two brownies I had today though. I feel so down in the dumps when we went to the grocery store I just could not stop myself. They were good. i'm not sure if I mentioned that cardiologist office asked for me to have my iron level and a poop for blood tested. Well they were normal so my family doctor just says I have chronic anemia due to my hypertension and diabetes. My hemoglobin should be around 12 and it is 10. I get it rechecked in 1month. I just ant something to give me some pep. The chocolate tasted wonderful but it didn't give meany pep except raise my heart rate a tiny bit. i hope it lets my heart settle down to go to sleep tonight. I did enjoy sleeping on my back last night. I still have to start out at an incline then eventually go flat. Can you tell that I am just really down. I told my husband I needed a hug from my sister again and he offered to drive me over there. I told him that I would gladly have it from him instead but it needed to be a big hug instead of just a slight hus with pats on my back. hat I really want is to talk to my big ol' Dad and have him tell me it will be OK and he will take care of me.

    Katla, I hope I don't insult anyone but when I lose things, I do pray about it and it is surprising how often God leads me to it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :'(<3Glo, I am so sorry for your loss.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    katla - the surest way to get something lost is to buy a replacement!

    Melanie - you are constantly in my thoughts

    Powerwashed the upper patio this afternoon. Vince was saying that tonight he may put the new filters in the pump for the pool so I may powerwash the sidewalk down bottom. Update: now he says that since it's a multi-hour project, he'll do it tomorrow. Depending on what time we get finished, we may go see Independence Day.

    KarenE - I like to log foods that I think I'll eat and then delete what I don't eat before I close out my diary.

    I don't seem to be having a problem with my homepage, fortunately.

    Re - I don't know that I can do any kind of fasting. I guess once my body got used to it, I probably could. But in the meantime...... I usually don't eat much in the line of breadstuffs. I do love my veggies and fruit, tho. Vince says "I think you're going vegetarian". Nope, I'm not a vegetarian, I just love veggies. We were at a holiday party and my dessert consisted of sweet potatoes and carrots. Honestly. what kinds of carbs do you eat (and avoid) when you are on a lower carb day?

    Glo - I'm so sorry about your dad. I miss my dad every day of the year

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    GLo , so sorry for your loss. Your memories are special, hold them close to your heart and cherish them. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr okc
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    glo <3 so sorry for your loss. Will keep you in my thoughts. NYKAREN