

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Sugardarlin, congrats on being offered the permanent position. Good luck on the eating thing - I blame about 50 lbs on high school cafeteria food. It was good, cheap, and convenient but very high calorie. The yeast rolls at ours were the best.

    Pip Dave and I need to get us a bracelet for walking our circle for the same reason.

    DJ, both of those are cute, cute shoes. Sexy toe nails, too.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lenora - I started with a 10 lb weight when I started doing the Kettlebell swing. You are doing a great job of exercising.

    DJ- I love the shoes!

    Re- I wish my life would settle down and be routine. We have had company or been on the road since the beginning of summer and no break in sight until after Labor Day. It's hard to stay on the healthy eating track! CICO helps!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I know I don't want to do anything rash or act out of anger, but my DH said something that cut me to the bone! If you've been here a while you may remember my DH and I have had issues with his DD's alienating us and in fact his DD with the newborn twins will only text with him and we haven't even seen them and they are 3 months old. We have his DGSs here and we were in the middle of playing Dominos and my DH is not very tolerant of Shep (my dog) he has a shock collar on which I usually use the tone to get positive behavior but my DH isn't that way. He took the control from me and I told him to give it back and he refused. I said that I'm starting to notice that you're not very nice! He gave me the control back and was quiet the rest of the game. We put the DGSs to bed. I was still upset about how he treats my dog and I told him I decided to give him to my DD's in laws ( their German Shepard is on its last legs) not the first time I thought I should let him go because of how my DH is around him. He came back at me and said I don't appreciate you saying I'm not nice in front of "My grandsons" which he emphasized 3 times to make sure I heard they were his DGS'S. As you notice I never call them mine but that was because of his daughter and his ex wife not him. But, now I totally feel like I'm not part of this family. Right now I don't even want to be married to him!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    So so Mary~ I know how it is to feel like that.. although my husband treats the dogs better than he does me...
    We have blended family and my DD will not really converse with Tom but knows that Tom adores Taliah.. I will keep you in my prayers and know we all love you here <3
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Mary, (((((hugs)))) plus more (((((hugs))))

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Oh no Mary! I am crying for you. :'( I am in a second marriage (his first) My children have never treated him with anything but love and respect. Actually even though they don't care for their dad's choice in second wife, they are respectful to her as well. While my youngest won't allow her to keep her children, she would never not allow her to visit! I am blessed by that. We even do things as an extended family. As for the DH, they DON'T understand how they hurt us. After 22 years together and 7 years of that married my DH still doesn't realize how badly his words and actions have hurt. A year after we got married we had a HUGE fight. It was bad. I told his sister that never had anyone broken my heart as badly. I was shattered. While things have gotten better, the heart always has a chunk out of it. I am sending you prayers and hugs. Please know you aren't alone!
    Kylia still bruised in Ohio
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Ladies, I have to catch up but lack of time and Mary's post screamed for attention. Have a blessed day!
    Kylia getting her self together in Ohio
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth glad that DS is settling in and that you are considering this as a clean slate-start anew opportunity. I love starting fresh when faced with a new month, season, school year etc.

    Mary so sorry you were hurt so badly by husband. Make sure to let him know just how hurt you are before you decide about your SHEP, sending hugs

    DD's 18th bday today, but celebrated yesterday with a blowout NYC theatre marathon--very unusual for me. I embraced the chance to indulge her love of theater and saw 2 discounted shows (les Mis and Book of Mormon). Unforgettable day!

    back to reality today with clearing the decks, my house is a mess, including the fridge. So I am going to buckle down and clean sweep every corner and cobweb! :# Also as an introvert the past 3 days have been so social for me I need a break and be by myself for a while!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    And oh yeah, 13,780 steps in NYC yesterday! NYKAREN
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Beth in Buffalo- My nephew is at Lipscomb also! For Mechanical engineering. Small world! Maybe they will become friends.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday! Today is my last "work" day of the week. I took tomorrow off so that I will have a long weekend to prep for the next two weeks. Last two weeks of summer (before school starts). I like to end the summer on a high note; so I plan a "party" or "theme" for each day. The themes I have chosen are: Island Adventure, Mad Science, Superheroes, Wild West Camp out, Merry Chris-summer, Around the World in 80 days, Big Top, Sports/Olympics. I need one more idea, so if any one can think of something let me know. Last summer I included a Big Art day, that went over okay, but not great as we do a LOT of art normally.
    DJ- Love the shoes and the toenails!
    Pip- I love your wristband and I love that the pups are mentioned.
    Lenora- starting at 10lb weight in NO Way makes you a wimp. You are one of the least wimpy women I have met (online or IRL).
    Cheri- Loving your little hugging emojis! Right back atcha!
    Ali- hope your gout goes away quickly.
    Penny- Sending hugs to you as you work through the temporary work/scheduling set back. I say temporary, because I am sure it is. There is some one out there, looking for some one like you with your talent, passion, and skills. You just have to find the right fit. <3
    Mary- Men and their egos. I bet that he reacted because he felt embarrassed in front of his DGC. I know my own dh sometimes says hurtful things when he is angry. This doesn't happen much now, but every once in a while he will bring up something in our past (my past, before we were married, and while we were not dating) and he does it to hurt me. Now, it just pisses me off and I say "REally?! You are still not over this thing that had nothing to do with you? Feel free to leave whenever you want!" Maybe by the time he dies (because I do plan to out live him) he will get over it. Sending love and hugs to you <3
    Beth- So good to see you!
    Re <3 right back atcha! I didn't weigh in this week. It's another one of those "bloat" weeks. I can feel it. Can't face the scale.
    Love and hugs to all that I haven't mentioned, but I have been reading and thinking wonderful things about/for you!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Mary That sucks. Your husband was angry and may have felt humiliated, so he targeted your area of vulnerability. He probably knows that you are right...he is impatient with your dog (he is probably jealous of your dog). I am guessing that your grandsons (yes, your grandsons) think of you as a grandma, even if the ridiculous adults want to try to control that and have it be some other way. My little granddaughter who is 7 set her parents straight on that very issue concerning my partner about a year ago.

    If he is a good guy and you love him, even though right now you don't want to be married to him, then after you've licked your wounds for a little bit, you can tell him how successful he was at harpooning your soft spot, and ask if he is jealous of your relationship with your dog, and get it all straightened out. ((((Hugs))))

    I bet those boys adore you.

    <3 to all.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Morning all <3

    I showed my parents house yesterday to potential renters. Arrogant kids!! They all expect a mansion. I think they should be grateful to have a roof over their head. Yes the house is at least 55 years old but the roof doesn't leak and it is a warm house. The windows have been changed and the floors are all laminate. They come from the city and have been living with her parents for 20 months since they lost their jobs in the oil patch. And just because they don't understand hot water heat (boiler) instead of forced air furnace and the house has a gas dryer doesn't mean I should drop the rent. It also has all new appliances in the last 5 years.

    Enough ranting......

    Packing the suitcase again to go to the city with my DSIL. She is going to have a heart procedure to hopefully help her heart to stop racing.... she has A fib.

    Later all.....see you Sunday

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    FrankiesGirl ... My son's roommate is studying engineering ... His name is Jake...???

    Mary ... Sigh ... Isn't it awful the way we are capable of hurting those we love? Hope things get better today...

    Lillian ... The house sounds lovely to me! Not just kids have unrealistic expectations ... My SIL refuses to live in a house that has been "used!" :D only new for her!

    Well, my lab work is back ... SMH .... I really really detailed ... And a uti to boot.

    Have a great day ladies!
    Beth near Buffalo
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Mary sending t4608.gif!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    I derailed not detailed... Not letting me edit.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    KJLA: I'm not as creative with naming the activity but here are some themes: Gardening, Astronaut/Star Trek, Creative Chefs, Prehistoric Park - paper mache dinosaurs