Senior Golden Sneakers - July 2010



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello everyone, having a rest day. I've been working very hard in my basement, lifting, ripping, hammering, and sweating. But good progress is being made. My arms are brused, and my back says you know the bar bells felt much better! Any hoo should be done by next week, and then the easier stuff like washing and painting will start.

    Diet and calories are still in tact and my clothes are starting to feel too loose. Oh well a good belt will help.

    Hope all of you are well, Sandy, my prayers are still on you, and your family.

    Keep smiling everyone, ta ta for now.


    Regarding that belt, were you thinking Jack Daniels or a little vodka?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sorry, I can never pass up a straight line like that!!:blushing:

    Seriously, congrats on the looser fitting duds. Hope your remodeling is going well.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sounds like fun Barbie, My son and I are going out to see about me anew computor tomrrow. He said he would hook it up for me, This one is driving me nuts.
    So you and barbs are getting togetting again That is real nice,She is such a nice gal.

    How is the weather up there. We are still in the hot zone but not as bad as last week, Aug is coming up and we will be winding it up for this year, And then you all can hear me complain about how cold I am. They still have our neighber in ICU,

    Gayla how was you new dish you made? I got me a new diabetic recipe book. wonderful soup and salads in it, and desert.

    Irene, I sm still thinking of you, and saying my prayers,

    Sandy. Still thinking of you and your family.

    Beth. I need to fo and see what a running skirts look like, Proud of you for losing weight

    two of the girls got sick going to the renunion lsst Sat, so glad i didn't go it was a way too hot, they posted some pictures and the daughter who held the party has a beautiful home and a really nice swiming pool Wasn't too many show up tho not near as many as last year,Too fancy for me,

    Jeffrey, Hope uou are havin a nice weekend.

    Jake my son brought his golf clubs down but said it was way to hot to play Him and my brother like to go when he comes down. Hi blue Spor Mustang covertible was a cut car. He calls it his baby. His toy.But he was not driving with the top down. Had to have the air condiion on.So They are out on the lake now trying to catch our fish for a party Saturday evening.

    Well hoping you all having a real nice day.:heart: Marie
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hi everyone,
    The days are going too fast, last friday we picked up our grandson at the St Louis airport, he will be with us for a week, keeping Gigi very busy. He loves to golf, taking a few 1/2 days off to keep up with him.

    A BIG thanks to everyone for the welcome, you're all terrific.

    Gayla no exercise this week the grandson is exercise enough.

    Ladies I forgot the year on my birthday 11-28-46

    Looking forward to the weekend, has been raining everyday, we're going to have a break no rain for the weekend.

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    HI Gigi and Marilyn, glad to have you with us on our journeys to healthier living. :flowerforyou: Thank you also for the kind words and prayers.

    I went to visit Phil today and according to him the doctors said he will make a complete recovery with no damage to his liver or his kidneys. That would normally be wonderful news but by the way he is talking I still don't think he realizes how lucky he is to be alive. He was his usual self in telling his wife what he wants the doctors to do to expedite his recovery. Do I sound a little angry?
    I guess I still am mostly because when I asked his wife if he was going to go to rehab she said no because he said he can do it on his own. He told her he knows if he drinks again he will die and if he gets the urge to drink he will ask for help. I really hope he can do as he thinks, but when all the doctors tell you that you won't be able to do that alone what makes him the expert? Knowing what I do about alcoholism, I have my doubts about anything he does. He has to be in control of everything and everyone and along the way he gets all the enablers to enable him. I am done talking about Phil, except to say I am exhausted from all the running around I do and from watching Marisa (who I love) but it is tiring.

    My husband is still not feeling good so I am taking him back to the doctor tomorrow for a re check. I think his voice is a little better but he says he is still weak and not getting better. I don't think it helps when his son, yes he will not be mentioned calls and tells him he sounds terrible and why hasn't he been back to the doctor? The same son who never takes care of his own health. So as you can tell I am a little cranky, tired and feeling a little sorry for myself. All things that I am not supposed let bother me in my program. I will get past this and I will get my serenity back, I will be going to my meeting tomorrow.

    I hope your anniversary was wonderful Marie, how great is that to be married that long to the same man. :heart: :heart:

    Barbie, I hope your knee is better. :flowerforyou:

    Barb, you sense of humor still amazes me, you are awesome. :laugh:

    Gayla, thank you for all your kindness. I hope Neils surgery goes well with no complications. Prayers to all of you. :love:

    Jeffrey, I know your problems are as bad as mine so I hope you also find some serenity. Sorry about the job, I hope things turn around for you soon. Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement.

    And last but not least, my son came in from Arizona yesterday and it was wonderful seeing him. Daisy was in seventh heaven playing with him. He is giving up the Fed Ex job in Arizona, not enough pay. His best friend is an over the road truck driver and makes good money. He bought a new truck and is giving my son his old truck so he came to Illinois to take the written test and get his permit. He will then get his license and begin his new journey in life. I hope it all works out for him, so keep him in your prayers. :heart:

    Have a good night's sleep.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I went to dinner at Outback tonight with my friend and I found a broiled chicken breast with pineapple and grilled veggies and a great dark bread......I didn't eat the rice :bigsmile: She had to be at a meeting in Tacoma and I went along so we could have two hours in the car each way to was great......Jake and the dogs stayed home and watched a movie and ate popcorn together

    :flowerforyou: marilyn, congrats on thinning down.......I found a good belt so I can wear jeans in two different sizes

    :flowerforyou: marie, when we traveled to warm places Jake played golf at sunrise so it wouldn't be too hot for him.....up here it's in the 70's during the day......perfect weather

    gotta get to bed so we can get up early and head south in the morning.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    Well one postitive thing! I posted a new weight! It has got to be about done now! LOL Things have calmed a bit for now. Amanda is doing well and it now looks like a Savannah, GA wedding on Sunday, April 3. Sam is down visiting her now. They will have a ball together. It is great when sisters are best friends.

    I have been looking for work, anything! No luck yet. I have had several interviews but when they discover my age I never hear back again. And so it goes! I have also been working in my garden. It is finally showing a little sign of life. I have gotten a few tomatoes but that is about it so far.

    Day is fine and doing well with her running. We both ran a race last Friday night and she came in second in her age division. I had a good run and won mine. I am doing another triathlon in 2 weeks up in Michigan. It will give me a little focus and keep my mind occupied. I am up to running 10 miles at time now but it hurts! I do that about once a week. I just back on my bike last night and rode a little over 14 miles then ran 2 and I am paying for it this morning. The heat and humidity last night was brutal. I will back off a little today and just do my everyday strength workout and maybe a swim if I can find a place.

    Marie congrats! A little belated, but I am thinking of you! Jerry you too!

    Sandy hang in there! Our luck will change!

    Everyone else I will catch up by tomorrow!

    God Bless and Keep Us All!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Good Morning,

    So good to hear from you Jeffrey and stop losing weight you are going to disappear.:laugh:

    Although I am not exercising I am trying to watch what I eat. I also like to walk with Daisy so I am getting some exercise but I miss my strength workout with Julian Michaels. Although right now I don't have any strength to work off of, I am just really tired. Hopefully, he who shall not be named, will be home soon and I can get back to my normal life. :bigsmile:

    I am going to an Al Anon meeting today and then back to the doctor with Babe. In reading my books today I read this paragraph and it works for all of us. Have a great day.

    "I will remind myself.....that I am powerless over anyone else, that I can live no life but my own. Changing myself for the the better is the only way I can find peace and serenity."

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    Here is one that I live by that is very similar:

    Budda says: "Seek peace from within, do not seek it from without."

    Tell Hubby that I wish him a full and speedy recovery!

    Hang tough girl!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member

    Here is one that I live by that is very similar:

    Budda says: "Seek peace from within, do not seek it from without."

    Tell Hubby that I wish him a full and speedy recovery!

    Hang tough girl!

    @jeffrey................... :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    I'm learning to use Photo Bucket so I'm practicing on you :):bigsmile:

    We are in the hotel with the Columbia River right outside our window......I am also practicing not walking with all my free time......the chiropractor said I could walk slowly for short periods of time so I took a 10 minute walk then put ice on my knee and am now playing on the computer until it's time to go to the meeting we came for.

    We had lunch at Subway on the way down and there will be a potluck at the meeting we're going to.

    Barb and I will meet in the morning.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    OMG Barbie, your pups are so adorable!! They are posing so cute for the camera, how sweet!!
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Hot Afternoon Everyone!

    95 and climbing here! I have my first workout in already. Are you ready for this???? I am canning beans today! Real Men Can Can! ROFLMAO! I have canned for years and just now getting back into it. I am also going to process some squash later on.

    Barbie great pic!

    Just touching base today!

    Take care and enjoy!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy canning, Jeffrey.

    Hello All,

    Did meet with Barbiecat this morning. As I write this, she and Jake are driving north to their home, having completed their business in my town. Poor Jake has a hot date with a chiropractor later today, due to a crick in his neck.

    Barbie and I couldn't have planned it better. The hotel they were staying at had Welsh Corgi owners' convention, so we were in the middle of "doggies R us" --doggies in the lobby, doggies outside being walked, even doggies outside in the parking lot of the hotel being bathed!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    We greeted a few canines and their owners and headed for Starbucks. We had a good visit. It was good to see her!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have to get moving, as I have to do some things this afternoon. Have a good weekend, everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey....good luck on your canning.....I canned one year and it was great fun and a lot of work

    :flowerforyou: Barb and I had a great visit......we had to forgo the walk we had planned because of knee but we took a short walk from the hotel to Starbucks where she had coffee and i had tea and she brought tiny tangerines so we could avoid the high calories was hard to drag ourselves away from the hotel and all the cute dogs but we wanted to have some time to talk and our time was limited by the fact that Jake and I still had a four hour drive to get home. Jake took pictures of the two of us and I'll post one of them as soon as Barb and I decide which one looks the most like us.

    :flowerforyou: I fixed roasted veggies and baked sweet potato for dinner:bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    This is the happy Barbs together for a visit on Friday morning.

    We wish you all could have been there.
    Thanks to Jake for taking the picture :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member

    This is the happy Barbs together for a visit on Friday morning.

    We wish you all could have been there.
    Thanks to Jake for taking the picture :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Great Picture of the two of you, did you know each other prior to joining MFP? Glad you had a good visit together.

    My husband woke me at 5am to tell me that we were flooding. We had 7 inches of rain in 24 hours and our street was underwater and the finished basement started to flood. My husband has a gas pump that he uses to pump out the basement but the seepage was just as bad. We have it under control for now, but more rain is expected later. We have a huge retention pond behind our house and if that overflows we are in big trouble. Every time it floods I say let's move, but he is set in his ways and we will battle floods forever. Luckily they come every few years and my son was here to help this year. I am exhausted and need a nap but I will post pictures later.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member


    This was the front of my house, it has now gone down. :bigsmile: More rain is expected. :explode:

    And how was your day???
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :cry: OMG Sandy, what a mess you had at your house.......what a mess it will be to clean it up...:sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Barb and I met on MFP....we both post on another thread besides Senior Golden Sneakers and when two women on the other thread met up when one traveled to the other's town, Barb and I got the idea that we might do the same January I had occasion to go to Barb's town in southern Washington and we agreed to a meeting which turned out to be dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant......this week when Jake and I headed south again, I contacted Barb and arranged another get together.....Jake had to meet a friend for breakfast so that left the door open for Barb and me to spend time together and she was available.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    My thoughts are with you and your family. You mentioned having a retention pond, but I didn't think it was supposed to be your entire yard!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: I am glad you are all safe.:flowerforyou: How is Daisy dealing with the weather?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    My thoughts are with you and your family. You mentioned having a retention pond, but I didn't think it was supposed to be your entire yard!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: I am glad you are all safe.:flowerforyou: How is Daisy dealing with the weather?


    Thanks Everyone!! There are worse things that could have happened so we will be fine. Daisy is fine with storms, her biggest problem was finding a dry spot to do her business. :laugh: We walked through the flooded front yards to find some grass and then she was a happy girl. :bigsmile: